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Intelligence in Public Literature

The Triple Agent: The Al-Qaeda Mole Who

Infiltrated the CIA
Joby Warrick, New York: Doubleday, 2011. 244 pp., incl. illustrations and maps.

Reviewed by Stephen J. Garber

On 30 December 2009, a Jordanian physi- edge of the events and without access to the
cian named Humam Khalil al-Balawi arrived classified internal examinations of the tragedy.
to much anticipation, at a CIA base near The latter have not been made public, although
Khost, Afghanistan. The CIA officers there had Panetta's public summary of their findings,
been instructed by higher officials to greet posted on CIA’s website in October 2010, pro-
Balawi as a welcomed guest, so he breezed vides something of a guidepost for reading this
through the initial security cordons. Although book. 2
little was actually known about Balawi and no
CIA personnel had met him, his impending
The Triple Agent begins its story in January
arrival had been briefed all the way to Presi-
2009, when Ali bin Zeid, a Jordanian
dent Barack Obama. Balawi promised great
Mukhabarat intelligence officer, brought
intelligence windfalls about al-Qaeda. Instead,
a tragedy occurred: Balawi detonated his heavy Balawi in for interrogation. A seemingly mild-
explosives vest, killing seven CIA officers, two mannered doctor who treated the indigent in
other personnel, and himself. This was the Palestinian refugee camps, Balawi had adopted
most deadly strike against the CIA in 25 years. several on-line personas in his highly inflam-
matory, anti-Western blogs. Balawi seemed to
Shortly after the attack, Leon Panetta, the “crack” after three days of relatively mild inter-
CIA director at the time, wrote an op-ed article rogation so bin Zeid calculated that he could
published in the Washington Post. 1 He under- use Balawi for his own aims. In retrospect, this
standably couldn't make public very many was a grave miscalculation, and one glaring
details. Without access to pertinent classified omission in this book is discussion of what led
information, students of intelligence history bin Zeid to think this was even worth trying.
such as this reviewer, were left with many The closest Warrick comes to addressing this
questions. Answers to many of them are key question is when he writes that bin Zeid
attempted in this work by Washington Post knew that sending Balawi to Pakistan was a
staff reporter Joby Warrick, who said he inter- “gamble,” and that the joint approach of the
viewed more than 200 unnamed, presumably Mukhabarat and CIA was to try “dozens of long
knowledgeable sources in its preparation. The shots” to penetrate al-Qaeda’s inner circle in
result is an absorbing book, although a diffi- the hopes that at least “one of them was sure to
cult one to evaluate without personal knowl- stick.” (77–78)



All statements of fact, opinion, or analysis expressed in this book review are those of the reviewer.
Nothing in the review should be construed as asserting or implying US government endorsement of
the reviewer’s or book author’s factual statements or interpretations.

Studies in Intelligence Vol. 55, No. 3 (Extracts, September 2011) 75

Triple Agent

While Warrick, who shared a Pulitzer Prize some questionable assertions such as that bin
for reporting on domestic US matters in 1996, Laden was essentially a figurehead and was
tends to write more about the CIA personnel actually less important than Zawahiri. (128) In
killed at Khost than about Balawi, he does December 2009, Balawi met Sheikh Saeed al-
point out what might have been red flags in Masri, al-Qaeda’s number three, in North
Balawi’s background. Although Balawi claimed Waziristan. Al-Masri plotted to use a staged
to oppose violence and disavowed his inflam- video of Balawi and Zawahiri to lure bin Zeid.
matory online rhetoric as “just a hobby,” he had (154–56) The trap worked.
sought to join the Abu Musab al-Zarqawi insur-
gency in Iraq. While living in Turkey, Balawi While the CIA had no first-hand experience
and his future wife, Defne, had attended meet- with Balawi, he apparently held tantalizing
ings of an Islamist radical group with ties to al- information about al-Qaeda. The timing of
Qaeda. Ominously, Defne had translated lau- Balawi “turn[ing] up on the Mukhabarat’s
datory books about Saddam Hussein and doorstep” was fortuitous, given the new Obama
Osama bin Laden. Not only had the couple administration’s search for fresh ways to tar-
named their first daughter after an infamous get al-Qaeda. (83)
female Palestinian hijacker, they named their
second daughter after a woman who had made
a film about the hijacker. (51–53) Yet Darren LaBonte, bin Zeid’s CIA counter-
part and friend in Amman, harbored serious
doubts about Balawi, noting “This guy is too
After being released by the Mukhabarat, bin
good to be true.” (125) LaBonte, a seasoned
Zeid tried to sway the young doctor by telling
operative, had three concerns about the Balawi
him of the Mukhabarat’s exploits and offered
case: there were too many people involved, it
large amounts of money in exchange for tips
was moving too quickly, and Balawi was dictat-
about al-Qaeda’s leadership. Balawi proposed
that he travel to the notorious tribal areas ing the terms. (145—47)
along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, where
al-Qaeda operatives were known to be har- Warrick is largely reluctant to find fault
bored. with either high-level policymakers or with
overseas CIA personnel such as LaBonte or
Although Balawi did not speak Pashto and Jennifer Matthews, the CIA base chief at
was from pro-Western Jordan, he lived in Khost, who had more of an analytical back-
South Waziristan for several months and met ground than an operational one. Panetta
Baitullah Mehsud, a Taliban commander. By launched two separate investigations, which
fall 2009, Balawi sent bin Zeid a video of him- blamed no single American or single organiza-
self with Atiyah Adb al-Rahman, a close aide to tion. Warrick blandly notes, “Warnings that
bin Laden. (115–16) Then in November, Balawi might have alerted the CIA to Balawi’s decep-
e-mailed bin Zeid a highly enticing tidbit of tion were never passed along.” (197-199)
information: he was now treating Ayman al-
Zawahiri, al-Qaeda’s second in command. (126) Almost in passing, Warrick mentions a key
point, substantiated in DCIA Panetta’s public
This seemed to be pay dirt for the CIA, report on internal examinations of the case:
which worked very closely with bin Zeid and there was never a formal counterintelligence
the Mukhabarat on this case. Balawi’s medical vetting of Belawi. Warrick offers at least three
description of Zawahiri matched what the CIA reasons for this: CIA was too busy with the
knew. No Westerner had seen Zawahiri since wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Balawi had been
2002. Panetta briefed other top national secu- recruited by an allied intelligence service, and
rity officials, including President Obama. top policymakers were eager to deal a serious
While Warrick’s description and analysis of blow to al-Qaeda eight years after the 9/11
events is generally credible, it does include attacks. (144)

76 Studies in Intelligence Vol. 55, No. 3 (Extracts, September 2011)

Triple Agent

One other criticism of this worthwhile book what grating. There likely are other errors of
is that it essentially reads like a dramatic fact or interpretation that cleared readers will
screenplay rather than an analysis of histori- recognize. Despite these flaws, I would recom-
cal events. Warrick’s many interviews in a mend this book, as Triple Agent raises impor-
short time are a credit to him, but he does not tant questions for students of intelligence and
provide a list of his interviewees. Thus, his intelligence history to consider.
claims to know what specific individuals were
feeling or thinking at given times are some- ❖ ❖ ❖

Studies in Intelligence Vol. 55, No. 3 (Extracts, September 2011) 77

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