BARBACINA - Final-Midterm-Exam-Earth Science PDF

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Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Earth Science 101 Midterm Exam

April 27, 2024

Name: BARBACINA, Mikee Andrea D. Score:

I. History, Importance and Disciplines

A. Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The study of the Earths structure, properties and processes as well as its neighbors in
space. to protect and sustain life is ____________________.
a) Biosphere
b) Hydrosphere
c) Atmosphere
d) Earth Science

2. The ________ is the region where life exists along with the air and the
land. a) Atmosphere
b) Hydrosphere
c) Biosphere
d) Lithosphere

3. ______ are distinct ecological regions defined by factors such as vegetation,

climate, and wildlife.
a) Habitats
b) Territories
c) Biomes
d) Ecosystems

4. What are the factors affecting the Biosphere?

a) Earth tilting
b) Distance between the Earth and the Sun
c) Natural Disasters
d) All of the above

5. Give one strategy to sustain life on Earth.

a) Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
b) Increase deforestation
c) Encourage overfishing
d) Promote urban sprawl

6. Which of the following is a major factor contributing to sea level rise?

a) Melting glaciers
b) Increased ocean salinity
c) Decreased evaporation
d) Rising landmasses
7. What is the process by which water vapor turns back into liquid water

a) Condensation
b) Evaporation
c) Sublimation
d) Precipitation

8. What percentage of the Earth's surface is covered by water?

a) 50%
b) 70%
c) 90%
d) 30%

9. Which of the following is a major impact of water pollution on aquatic

ecosystems? a) Increased biodiversity
b) Improved water quality
c) Harm to fish and other aquatic life
d) Enhanced coral reef growth

10. Which layer of the atmosphere is known for containing the ozone

a) Troposphere
b) Stratosphere
c) Mesosphere
d) Thermosphere

11. What role do greenhouse gases play in the atmosphere?

a) Cooling the Earth
b) Absorbing harmful UV radiation
c) Trapping heat and warming the planet
d) Creating ozone layer

12. What is the primary function of the ozone layer in the


a) Absorbing carbon dioxide

b) Shielding from UV radiation
c) Regulating air pressure
d) Generating oxygen
13. What is the main source of oxygen in the Earth's

a) Photosynthesis by plants
b) Volcanic eruptions
c) Human activities
d) Ocean currents

14. Which gas is considered a greenhouse gas and contributes to climate


a) Nitrogen
b) Oxygen
c) Carbon dioxide
d) Argon

15. It is the densest part of the world and it includes the rocks, minerals, and soil of
the crust, the mantle formed mostly of magma, and a very hot mettalic core.

a) Geosphere
b) Biosphere
c) Atmosphere
d) Hydrosphere

16. He is a Scottish geologist, naturalist, chemist, experimental farmer and the

Father of Modern Geology.
a) James Hurton
b) James Hutton
c) Charles Darwin
d) Charles Lyell

17. It is a catastrophic event caused by natural geological processes that impact

human activities, resulting in loss of life, injury, or economic loss.
a) Geological Natural Catastrophe
b) Geological Hazards
c) Geological Natural Disasters
d) Geological Natural Tragedy

18. It is a crack in the Earth's lithosphere that occurs between two pieces of
rock. a) Fold
b) Fault
c) Tectonic Plate
d) Coal

19. It is formed by the decomposition of organic (vegetable) matter under high

pressure and heat.
a) Rock
b) Minerals
c) Coal
d) Crystals

20. Meteorology is the study of?

a) Winter
b) Summer
c) Meteor
d) Weather

B. Identification

Direction: Choose from the box the correct answer. (15 points)

El Niño 1. It is an adverse effect of climate change that describes the unusual

warming of surface waters in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean.

Oceanography 2. It is an interdisciplinary practice of studying the ocean’s properties

and processes.

Star 3. It is a celestial object, a giant ball of hot gasses that uses

hydrogen as its fuel.

Anemometer 4. A device detects wind speed by utilizing a spinning wheel


Tides 5. The regular rise and fall of sea level that is caused primarily by
the Gravitational pull of the moon, and to a lesser extent, the sun.

19th century 6. Modern oceanography began as a field of science only a little

less than 130 years ago, in the late_____ .

Depth 7. An abiotic factor which refers to the height of the water column
found in Aquatic ecosystems.

Isaac Newton 8. The astronomer responsible for publishing his theory for law of
motion and law of the gravitation.

Meteor 9. A space object that enters the Earth’s atmosphere or on another

planet at high speed and burns up the fireballs or “shooting stars.

Climatology 10. A scientific discipline dedicated to studying the atmosphere and

long-term weather phenomena.

Earth’s 11. A lunar eclipse occurs when the ______ shadow falls
on the Moon.

Oceanographers 12. Marine biologist.

RA no. 9729 13. An act that aims to integrate disaster risk reduction measures
into climate change adaptation plans, development and poverty reduction programs.

Gyres 14. A type of current that is characterized by circular motion of

surface currents.

Deforestation 15. Refers to the purposeful clearing or thinning of trees and

forests insinuating climate change.

Oceanography Tides Meteor Climatology

Depth 19th century Star Anemometer

Isaac Newton RA no. 9729 Gyres Deforestation

Oceanographers El Niño Earth’s

II. Offices and Agencies Protecting the Environment

Identify the letter of the agency/office that performs the function/s in relation to
land use and protecting the environment and. (20 Points)
Column A Column B

It is responsible for assessing a. Environmental

i 1. and forecasting weather, Management
Bureau (EMB)
flood, and other conditions
essential to the safety and
welfare of the people

Undertakes activities that promote b. Department of

h 2. scientific and technological Environment and
Natural Resources
advancement, facilitate
development and application of
science and technology for socio
economic growth, ensure
application of science and
technology to national
development efforts and
international cooperation in this

It is the national authority c. Water Supply

a 3. responsible for pollution Sanitation Master
prevention and control, and Plan (MWSSMP)
environmental impact

Responsible for the design, d Department of

d 4. construction, and maintenance of Public Works and
Highways (DPWH)
national roads and bridges, major
flood control systems, and other
infrastructure, in accordance with
national objectives.

Responsible for the e. Land Management

b 5. conservation, management, Bureau (LMB);.
development, and proper use
of the country’s
environment and natural resources

l 6. Responsible for the f. Mines and

development, improvement, Geosciences Bureau
management, and
conservation of the country’s
fisheries and aquatic resources.

m 7. Responsible for protecting the g National Mapping

rights of the indigenous peoples and Resource
of the Philippines.
Authority (NAMRIA)

n 8. Tasks with coordinating, h. Department of

monitoring and evaluating Science and
government initiatives to ensure Technology (DOST)
that climate change is taken into
account in all national, local, and
sectoral development plans in
order to create a climate-smart
and resilient nation.
f 9. Responsible for the administration i Philippine
and disposition of mineral lands Atmospheric,
Geophysical and
and mineral resources and the
conduct of geological, mining,
metallurgical, chemical and other Administration
researches, as well as geological (PAGASA)
and mineral exploration surveys.

r 10. Responsible for the redistribution j Philippine Institute

of agrarian land in the of Volcanology and
Philippines. Seismology

s 11. Responsible for the management k. Department of

of housing and related Agriculture (DA)
development in the Philippines.

t 12. Formulate policies for the l. Bureau of Fisheries

development of culture and arts. and Aquatic

e 13. An agency under the DENR m National Commission

responsible for administering, on Indigenous
Peoples (NCIP)
surveying, managing, and
disposing Alienable and
Disposable (A&D) lands and
other government lands not
placed under the jurisdiction of
other government agencies.

k 14. Responsible for promoting agricul n Climate Change

tural development and ensuring Commission (CCC)
food security. It is also tasked with
providing economic opportunities
for farmers and fisherfolk by

developing their lands and

improving their productivity.

c 15. An action plan in addressing the o. National Disaster

needs of locality in water Risk Reduction and
supply, sanitation and Hygiene. Management

q 16. Ventilating, articulating and p. Department of the

crystallizing issues affecting city Interior and Local
government administration, and Government (DILG)
securing, through proper and legal
means, solutions thereto.

g 17. Provide the public with q League of Cities of

mapmaking services and to act as the Philippines
the central mapping agency,
depository, and distribution
facility for natural resources data
in the form of maps, charts, texts,
and statistics.

p 18. Responsible for overseeing the r Department of

country’s local government units Agrarian Reform
(LGUs) to ensure that they are
efficient and effective in carrying
out their mandates, and that they
are accountable to the people
they serve.

o 19. Serves as the President’s adviser s Department of

on disaster preparedness Human Settlement
and Urban
programs, disaster operations and
rehabilitation efforts undertaken (DHSUD)
by the government and the
private sector.

j 20 It is mandated to mitigate t National Commission

disasters that may arise from on Culture and the
Arts (NCCA)
such volcanic eruptions,
earthquakes, tsunamis, and other
related geotectonic phenomena1.

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