BARBACINA - PurCom Quiz 1

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Barbacina, Mikee Andrea D.

BSEP 1-1
Purposive Communication
Quiz 1

I. Identification

1. Intrapersonal Communication occurs the moment we communicate with ourselves.

2. Interpersonal Communication communication that occurs when we communicate with


3. Upward Flow bottom to top communication.

4. Dyadic Communication communication between two individuals.

5. Mass Communication occurs when communicating to the largest number of people

with the use of modern technology.

6. Horizontal Communication also known as peer communication.

7 Receiver recipient of communication in the SMCR process.

8 Reinforcement of Ideas elements of redundancy needs to be introduced for clarity of


9. Motivation remove some of the barriers especially psychological and socio-cultural


10. Proper Environment visibility of the source and relatively comfortable location
facilitates Understanding.

II. Enumeration

1-5 Characteristics of the Source the Berlo’s SMCR process

1. Communication Skills

2. Attitude

3. Knowledge

4. Social System

5. Culture
III. Essay

1. How does communication climate affect people

Understanding how the communication climate affects people is really important for
understanding relationships. Just like how weather can change how we feel, communication climate can
also affect our emotions, thoughts, and how we understand messages.

Comparing communication climate to weather makes sense because both can really change how
we feel. Just like how we pick our clothes and activities based on the weather, our interactions are
influenced by the communication climate. Imagine walking into a room where everyone is friendly and
supportive compared to one where everyone seems distant and cold. In the first room, people are more
likely to talk and work together, while in the second one, it's harder to connect with others.

Think about school as an example. In a positive school environment, teachers and classmates care
about each student's progress and help them succeed. This makes students want to do well and be
involved. But in a negative environment where people don't seem interested, students might feel left out
and not want to participate. In these situations, good communication is missing, and it stops students from
doing their best and building relationships.

These examples show how the communication climate affects how people behave and interact.
Whether it's at school or work, how we communicate sets the tone for relationships and how organizations
work. If we create an environment where people are open, caring, and respectful, we can make
communication better and help everyone grow and understand each other.

2. In what ways does adaptability play a vital role in intercultural communication

Adaptability is a fundamental skill necessary for navigating the complexities of intercultural

communication. In a world where diversity is the norm, mastering adaptability is essential for survival
and harmony. Rooted in the ability to change and adjust to unfamiliar situations, adaptability empowers
individuals to thrive in diverse environments.

In intercultural communication, adaptability serves as a key tool for overcoming language barriers
and fostering deeper connections across cultures. By flexibly adapting communication strategies,
individuals can enhance their intercultural communication skills, thereby building stronger relationships
and effectively navigating global interactions.

One of the primary benefits of adaptability in intercultural communication is its ability to foster
cultural awareness. By embracing adaptability, individuals develop a deeper understanding and
appreciation of cultural differences, recognizing the profound impact these differences have on
communication dynamics. Moving beyond stereotypes, adaptable communicators can connect with
diverse cultures in a respectful manner, promoting meaningful interactions and mutual understanding.

Living in a diverse place like Manila has shown me how important it is to be adaptable in my
daily life. Whether I'm at school or at home, being able to adjust to new situations and connect with
people from different backgrounds means using flexible communication. Remembering how I've adapted
before in different situations, I've realized how crucial adaptability is for handling intercultural
communication well. By being adaptable, I aim to create harmony and respect in my interactions with
In conclusion, adaptability is really important in intercultural communication. It helps people connect
across language and cultural differences, understand different cultures better, and form strong
relationships in our diverse world. By getting good at being adaptable, people can confidently and
empathetically handle all kinds of interactions around the globe, making the world a more harmonious
and understanding place for everyone.

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