Barbacina - PurComMid-Term Exam

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Mid-Term Examination

I. Identification

1. Communication transmission of information from one person to another

2. Systematic Communication occurs within interrelated and interacting parts
3. Process series of actions that lead to a particular result
4. Psychological Barrier perceive things and actions differently
5. Linguistic Barrier ambiguous words and inappropriate vocabulary that can
create barrier

II. Write True if the statement is True and write the Correct Answer if the
statement is False

1. Stereotype/s discrimination is generalizing certain group of people

2. Intercultural Communication orientation refers to communication among
individuals from different nationalities
3. Culture wisdom is the total inherited ideas, values, beliefs and knowledge that
offer to the
shared bases of interaction
4. Pluralistic Language language is using plural nouns to address the group of
5. Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar migration is a seminar not only for
OFWs but for those individuals who
want to settle permanently abroad

III. Enumeration

1-2 Levels of Communication

1. Intrapersonal Communication
2. Interpersonal Communication

3-6 Purposes of Communication

3. To Inform
4. To Educate
5. To Entertain
6. To Persuade

7-10 Sub-levels of Interpersonal Communication

7. Dyadic Communication
8. Small Group Communication
9. Public Address
10. Mass Communication

IV. Essay

1. How does food speak, explain

When we eat, we engage all of our senses, allowing us to fully comprehend the essence

of food. Sight, smell, touch, hearing, and taste collectively convey messages about the food's

quality, symbolism, and more.

To me, food is akin to a language. It serves as a vehicle for expressing love, care, and

cultural heritage. Sharing food can evoke memories of one's hometown or upbringing, offering

insights into an individual's background and values. Food communicates a wealth of cultural,

social, and personal information, enabling individuals and communities to express and share

their identities, values, and relationships. While some may view food simply as sustenance, for

many, it holds profound meaning and memories.

2. Explain the SMCR process

The SMCR model, composed of Sender, Message, Channel, and Receiver, outlines the

basic process of communication. It commences with the sender, who creates and sends a

message. This message then travels through a chosen channel to reach the receiver, who

subsequently decodes it and may provide feedback. This feedback loop underscores the

interactive nature of communication, as the receiver's response can influence future messages.

Effective encoding, channel selection, decoding, and feedback are all crucial elements for
successful communication between the sender and the receiver. This model emphasizes the

importance of conveying clear messages, selecting appropriate channels, and being responsible

as a receiver in understanding the message to compose proper feedback. All of these factors are

essential for ensuring successful and interactive communication.

3. Why do the Source and Receiver have the same characteristics, explain

Communication is not a one-person endeavor; it is a collaborative process requiring both

a sender and a receiver. For communication to occur, these two parties must be mutually relevant

and share understanding and interest. Although the source and receiver have distinct roles, their

similarities highlight the interactive and collaborative nature of effective communication.

Without them, communication would be impossible.

One key similarity between the source and receiver is their involvement in encoding and

decoding messages. The sender encodes the message into a form that can be transmitted, while

the receiver decodes it to understand its meaning. This reciprocal process creates a feedback loop

where the roles of sender and receiver can interchange as the communication cycle progresses.

Moreover, the source and receiver share similar communication skills, attitudes,

knowledge, and social-cultural systems. These shared attributes facilitate effective encoding,

transmission, decoding, and reception of messages. They provide a common ground for

communication and enhance mutual understanding between the parties involved. The similarities

between the source and receiver emphasize the collaborative nature of communication. Their
mutual involvement and shared characteristics contribute to the success of the communication

process, enabling meaningful exchanges of information, ideas, and emotions.

4. How does Intercultural Communication improve the one’s communication


Interacting with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds demands essential skills

such as sensitivity in communication, understanding, adaptability, and empathy. These abilities

aren't fixed; they require continuous refinement through practice, enabling us to navigate

conflicts and innovate in expressing ideas.

While effective intercultural communication poses challenges, its benefits are impactful

to us as individuals. Engaging in it enhances communication skills by promoting cultural

awareness, adaptability, active listening, and proficiency in nonverbal communication. It also

cultivates stronger relationships, deepens appreciation for cultural diversity, fosters collaboration,

and enhances problem-solving and conflict resolution abilities.

These skills extend beyond personal interactions, enriching connections with family,

friends, and colleagues. Mastering intercultural communication facilitates effortless harmony and

effective communication with others.

5. Explain the importance of the Flows of Communication

Effective communication can be determined by its flow, characterized by the smooth

transmission of information. A good flow of communication ensures clear message delivery and

uninterrupted channels, preventing misunderstandings from the receiver and enabling them to

provide feedback. This mode of communication flow is vital for people's collaboration and

efficient functioning as a group. It also enables informed decision-making, coordination,

engagement with others, and problem-solving.

The flow of communication is always utilized in our everyday life, in various settings

such as schools and even in our own homes. A good flow of communication fosters a positive

environment, promoting clarity and openness for everyone involved. Achieving a clear flow of

communication ensures more accurate information sharing, ensuring alignment with common

objectives. Communication is used every day; we cannot function as a community without it.

Hence, having a good flow of communication is important; it not only influences us as

individuals but also the people around us, our everyday life, work, and our environment.

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