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Food-Collecting, Hunting, Fishing, Farming and Early Developmental Stages

1. Which of the following best describes the relationship with nature during the food-collecting

A. Manipulative

B. Symbiotic

C. Competitive

D. None of the above

2. The primary method of obtaining food during the hunting and gathering stage was:

A. Agriculture

B. Domestication of animals

C. Fishing and foraging

D. Industrial farming

3. Which of the following civilizations is known for early agricultural practices?

A. Mesopotamian

B. Roman

C. Aztec

D. Australian Aboriginal

4. Which of these tools was crucial for early fishing practices?

A. Plough

B. Fishing net

C. Bow and arrow

D. Spade

5. Which of the following was a key impact of the transition from hunting and gathering to

A. Increase in nomadic lifestyle 1/12
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B. Decrease in population density

C. Establishment of permanent settlements

D. Increase in biodiversity

6. The domestication of animals primarily began in which period?

A. Neolithic

B. Paleolithic

C. Bronze Age

D. Iron Age

7. What is one significant environmental impact of early farming practices?

A. Urbanization

B. Soil depletion

C. Deforestation

D. Overfishing

8. In ancient civilizations, what was a common method to increase agricultural yield?

A. Irrigation

B. Genetic modification

C. Fertilizer use

D. Crop rotation

9. Which ancient civilization is credited with developing complex irrigation systems?

A. Egyptian

B. Roman

C. Chinese

D. Incan

10. The 'Three Sisters' agricultural technique, involving corn, beans, and squash, was primarily
used by:

A. Europeans

B. Native Americans 2/12
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C. Africans

D. Asians

Man's Relationship with Nature in the Present: Industrial Activities,

Urbanization, Deforestation, Mining

11. Which of the following is a primary driver of deforestation today?

A. Urbanization

B. Industrial fishing

C. Tourism

D. Solar farming

12. Industrial activities often lead to the release of which type of pollutants into the atmosphere?

A. Oxygen

B. Greenhouse gases

C. Sulfates

D. Chlorine

13. Urbanization generally results in which of the following environmental changes?

A. Increased biodiversity

B. Reduced pollution

C. Loss of green spaces

D. Lower carbon footprint

14. Which region has experienced significant environmental degradation due to mining

A. Amazon Basin

B. Sahara Desert

C. Great Plains

D. Arctic Circle

15. A major consequence of extensive deforestation is: 3/12
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A. Improved air quality

B. Soil erosion

C. Decreased urban heat

D. Increased wildlife population

16. The term 'urban sprawl' refers to:

A. Concentration of urban population in city centers

B. Expansion of urban areas into rural lands

C. Vertical growth of cities

D. Revitalization of old urban areas

17. Which industry is most associated with contributing to acid rain?

A. Textile

B. Automobile

C. Fossil fuel power generation

D. Agriculture

18. A significant environmental impact of mining is:

A. Increase in arable land

B. Water pollution

C. Urban beautification

D. Reforestation

19. Which of the following best describes the impact of industrialization on water bodies?

A. Reduced pollution

B. Improved biodiversity

C. Increased contamination

D. Increased water levels

20. A primary reason for the decline of coral reefs globally is:

A. Overfishing 4/12
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B. Mining

C. Climate change

D. Urban development

Environmental Impacts and Ecological Crisis

21. The term 'ecological footprint' refers to:

A. The total area of forest land in a country

B. The measure of human demand on Earth's ecosystems

C. The size of protected wildlife reserves

D. The amount of green space in urban areas

22. One of the major causes of global warming is:

A. Solar radiation

B. Greenhouse gas emissions

C. Natural gas usage

D. Wind energy

23. Which country is the largest emitter of CO2 as of recent reports?

A. India

B. China

C. Russia

D. Brazil

24. Deforestation significantly contributes to:

A. Reduced CO2 levels

B. Climate stabilization

C. Loss of biodiversity

D. Soil fertility

25. A significant ecological crisis resulting from industrial agriculture is:

A. Increased biodiversity 5/12
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B. Genetic diversity

C. Soil degradation

D. Water scarcity

26. Which sector is the largest user of freshwater worldwide?

A. Domestic households

B. Industry

C. Agriculture

D. Energy production

27. The phenomenon of 'dead zones' in oceans is primarily caused by:

A. Overfishing

B. Nutrient pollution

C. Plastic waste

D. Coral bleaching

28. Which of the following is a direct consequence of glacier melting?

A. Decreased sea levels

B. Increased terrestrial temperatures

C. Rise in sea levels

D. More land for agriculture

29. The concept of 'sustainable development' aims to:

A. Maximize economic growth regardless of environmental cost

B. Ensure development meets present needs without compromising future generations

C. Halt all development activities

D. Focus solely on technological progress

30. A critical factor in biodiversity loss is:

A. Renewable energy use

B. Habitat destruction 6/12
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C. Eco-friendly policies

D. Urban greening initiatives

Relevant Case Studies from Abroad and India

31. Which country is known for its success in reforestation and sustainable forestry practices?

A. Brazil

B. Norway

C. China

D. Canada

32. The Bhopal Gas Tragedy in India is an example of:

A. Air pollution

B. Industrial disaster

C. Water contamination

D. Soil degradation

33. Which city is famous for its severe air pollution, often attributed to industrial activities?

A. Tokyo

B. New Delhi

C. Sydney

D. London

34. An effective approach adopted by Costa Rica to address environmental concerns is:

A. Banning all tourism

B. Encouraging deforestation

C. Investing in renewable energy

D. Promoting fossil fuel use

35. The Chipko Movement in India is primarily associated with:

A. Wildlife conservation

B. Forest conservation 7/12
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C. Water conservation

D. Soil conservation

36. Which country is noted for its significant reductions in carbon emissions through the use of
geothermal energy?

A. Iceland

B. India

C. Australia

D. Russia

37. The Aral Sea crisis is an example of:

A. Climate change

B. Unsustainable water management

C. Ocean acidification

D. Urban sprawl

38. Which initiative is a global effort to combat climate change?

A. Kyoto Protocol



D. G20 Summit

39. In India, which river has been a focal point for pollution control efforts?

A. Yamuna

B. Ganges

C. Narmada

D. Krishna

40. The term 'Green Revolution' in India primarily refers to:

A. Urban renewal projects

B. Industrial growth

C. Agricultural modernization 8/12
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D. Renewable energy adoption

41. Which country leads the world in solar energy capacity?

A. Germany

B. India


D. China

42. The 'Great Pacific Garbage Patch' is an example of:

A. Air pollution

B. Oceanic plastic pollution

C. Deforestation

D. Industrial waste dumping

43. A major consequence of overfishing is:

A. Increased fish population

B. Balanced marine ecosystems

C. Decline in fish stocks

D. Growth in coral reefs

44. Which Indian state is known for its successful implementation of wind energy?

A. Maharashtra

B. Tamil Nadu

C. Gujarat

D. Rajasthan

45. The Chernobyl disaster is primarily associated with:

A. Chemical spill

B. Nuclear meltdown

C. Oil spill

D. Deforestation 9/12
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46. Which environmental movement in India focused on protecting the Narmada River?

A. Chipko Movement

B. Narmada Bachao Andolan

C. Silent Valley Movement

D. Save Western Ghats March

47. A notable case of air quality improvement due to policy change is seen in:

A. Beijing, China

B. New York, USA

C. Sydney, Australia

D. Moscow, Russia

48. Which practice is most likely to lead to desertification?

A. Sustainable farming

B. Overgrazing

C. Reforestation

D. Controlled urban expansion

49. What is a significant outcome of the Paris Agreement?

A. Binding targets for all nations to reduce carbon emissions

B. Reduction in global population growth

C. Immediate ban on fossil fuels

D. Specific guidelines for plastic waste management

50. The term 'carbon footprint' refers to:

A. The amount of carbon dioxide emissions produced by an individual or organization

B. The size of protected forest areas

C. The number of trees planted by an individual

D. The level of air pollution in a city

These questions are designed to test knowledge on historical and current relationships with nature,
the impacts of human activities, and relevant case studies that highlight both environmental 10/12
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challenges and successful interventions.


Here's the answer key for the 50 multiple-choice questions:

1. B. Symbiotic

2. C. Fishing and foraging

3. A. Mesopotamian

4. B. Fishing net

5. C. Establishment of permanent settlements

6. A. Neolithic

7. B. Soil depletion

8. A. Irrigation

9. A. Egyptian

10. B. Native Americans

11. A. Urbanization

12. B. Greenhouse gases

13. C. Loss of green spaces

14. A. Amazon Basin

15. B. Soil erosion

16. B. Expansion of urban areas into rural lands

17. C. Fossil fuel power generation

18. B. Water pollution

19. C. Increased contamination

20. C. Climate change

21. B. The measure of human demand on Earth's ecosystems

22. B. Greenhouse gas emissions

23. B. China

24. C. Loss of biodiversity 11/12
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25. C. Soil degradation

26. C. Agriculture

27. B. Nutrient pollution

28. C. Rise in sea levels

29. B. Ensure development meets present needs without compromising future generations

30. B. Habitat destruction

31. B. Norway

32. B. Industrial disaster

33. B. New Delhi

34. C. Investing in renewable energy

35. B. Forest conservation

36. A. Iceland

37. B. Unsustainable water management

38. A. Kyoto Protocol

39. B. Ganges

40. C. Agricultural modernization

41. D. China

42. B. Oceanic plastic pollution

43. C. Decline in fish stocks

44. B. Tamil Nadu

45. B. Nuclear meltdown

46. B. Narmada Bachao Andolan

47. A. Beijing, China

48. B. Overgrazing

49. A. Binding targets for all nations to reduce carbon emissions

50. A. The amount of carbon dioxide emissions produced by an individual or organization 12/12

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