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COEN 212 - Digital Systems Design I - WINTER 2024

Assignment 1 – Number systems, radix complements, and computer codes

Deadline: Wednesday January 31st, 2024 at 11:59 pm

Submission instructions:
- Please show all solution steps for each question. Note that only stating the final answers would not
result in any mark.
- Please convert your assignment to pdf format and submit it through Moodle.
- It is recommended that you state each question followed by its solution, so that you can ensure that
the marker won’t skip any of your solutions.
- Please anticipate any technical difficulties and submit your assignment way before the deadline.
- Don’t forget to write your name, student ID, course name, and course code on your submitted file.
- Don’t forget to name your submitted file as follows: yourLastName_studentID_assignment#
- Please append your signed “Expectations of Originality” form with your submission.

1- Convert the following numbers with the indicated bases to decimal: (8 points)
a) (1675)8
b) (1ED.48)16
c) (111001.01101)2
d) (CEAB.84)16
2- Convert the following binary numbers to hexadecimal, octal, and decimal. (8 points)
a) 11101.10110
b) 11001.01001
c) 1.100110
d) 110.0101

3- Perform the following arithmetic operations in the given radix (8 points)

a) (5760.7)8 + (4072.6)8
b) (B025.A)16 + (49CF.9)16
c) (5760.2)8 - (4072.5)8
d) (B025.4)16 - (49CF.E)16

4- What is the maximum value that can be expressed with 16 bits. What are the equivalent decimal,
octal, and hexadecimal numbers? (4 points)

5- Do the following conversion problems: (9 point)

(a) Convert decimal 117.125 to binary. (3 points)
(b) Convert the octal number 36.72 to decimal, then convert the decimal result to
hexadecimal? (3 points)
(c) Convert the octal number 36.72 to binary, then convert the binary result to hexadecimal.
Is the answer the same as in b)? (3 points)

6- What is the decimal number equivalent to the following signed binary numbers? (8 points)
a) 10100101 b) 10100010 c) 11111111 d) 10000011
e) 01110111 f) 00000001 g) 01000000 h) 01001000

7- Find 1’s and 2’s complement of the signed binary numbers in question 6 above. Then, find the
decimal number equivalent to these complemented signed binary numbers. (12 points)
COEN 212 - Digital Systems Design I - WINTER 2024
8- Find 9’s complement and 10’s complement of the following numbers? (4 points)
a) 25478036 b) 63325600 c) 72813640 d) 34567890

9- Perform subtraction on the given unsigned numbers using 2’s complement of the subtrahend.
Where the result is negative, find its 2’s complement and affix a minus sign. (6 points)
a) 10011 – 10010 b) 101000 – 10101

10- Convert the decimal 6598 to BCD code and excess-3 code. (4 points)

11- Perform the following operations in 2’s complement using the minimum possible number of
bits. Show your solution steps in detail. (24 points)
a) -12 – 8 b) +102 – 113 c) +5 + -7 d) -11 – 3
e) -5 – 15 f) -1 – 21 g) -128 – 256 h) +126 – 127

12- Evaluate the following 8-bit signed binary number 10101101 in its equivalent decimal, if it is
written in: (6 points)
a) Signed-magnitude b) 1’s complement c) 2’s complement

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