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Compiled by Ogbodo Anthony Ezenwa


Compiled by Ogbodo Anthony Ezenwa


- Do not be afraid of the viva questions. You cannot be asked anything beyond your scope.
- This viva means a lot. It is like a saving grace to some persons. Do not joke with it.
- Your confidence matters a lot in this exam. If you are asked any question you know; use it to
shine. Try to be as confident as you can. This will give them the impression that you know what
you are talking about but don’t form I too know for them.
- Ensure you go through osteology of bones very well. Many persons will be asked questions
from bones.
- If you are asked to pick a bone; pick a bone you know you can describe very well. In describing
a bone, ensure you use anatomical terms. (head, shaft, proximal end, distal end, etc)
- For Dentistry students, try to know everything about the gross anatomy, histology and
embryology of the oral cavity, most of you will be asked questions from that area.
- Try to go through your MAIN essay questions and look up those ones you couldn’t answer well
in the exam hall. They might ask you questions from it.
- If you can, meet those that you have the same VIVA examiner with who has already done
their own VIVA and ask them the questions they were asked to know the area of focus of the
VIVA examiner.
- If you are taken to the area you don’t know anything about instead of keeping quiet, you can
politely plead the viva examiner to ask you from an area you know you can answer.
- Try to dress smartly that day to avoid attracting unnecessary attentions.

I took out time to compile these questions and experiences from my classmates to help you get an
inkling on what the exam is like. I feel it will go a long way in getting you prepared for this exam. You
may not be asked exactly this but just use it as a guide as you prepare for your viva exam.

Wish you all the best.

It will definitely end in praise!!!!!!!!!!


(Distinction Physiology)
Compiled by Ogbodo Anthony Ezenwa

Talk about the conjoint tendon. Describe the inguinal canal. Differentiate direct inguinal hernia
from indirect inguinal hernia. (Ogbodo Anthony)

Describe the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. What do you know about the lesser sac?
How is it related to the greater sac? What is the function of the brainstem? Describe the
connections of the brainstem to other parts of the brain. Talk about the embryology of the
calvaria. Talk about the embryology of the base of the skull. (Ugwu Joshua, DISTINCTION

What did you eat this morning? Tell me how it got to its destination. Talk about perforations of
the diaphragm. What is another name for scapula? Talk about it. Talk about the supports of the
uterus. Draw the tooth, label it, talk about it. Talk about Tredelenburg test. Talk about
congenital defects in the anus and colon. Talk about erection. Talk about thyroglossal duct.

Talk about the gross anatomy, histology and embryology of the duodenum. What is greater
sac? What are the boundaries of the foramen of Winslow? I was asked to stand on one leg.
Then, he asked me what is responsible for my standing in this position. (Jenkins, DISTINCTION

What is rye neck? Damage to which nerve causes it? Talk about the embryology, histology and
gross anatomy of the spleen. He gave me the skull and asked me to point the hypoglossal
foramen on the skull and what passes through it. (Ugo Dan, DISTINCTION ANAT)

What are the attachments of falx cerebri? Give the exit points of the cranial nerves from the
brainstem. What are the functions of superior colliculi? What are the functions of inferior
colliculi? (Viva, DISTINCTION ANAT)

Talk about the lymphatic drainage of the breast. Funny enough that was the only question I was
asked. (Iferika Jr.)

From many bones placed on the table, I was asked to pick the bones that make up the elbow
joint and arrange them. Why is the elbow joint a compound joint? He took me to cadaver and
picked up the heart and asked me to show him the pectinate muscle and mitral valve and their
functions. (Ukoha Alpha)

What drains the tip of the tongue? Divide the breast into four quadrants and talk on the
lymphatic drainage of each quadrant. (Kelechi)

Talk on the five sites of porto-caval anastomosis. Have you heard of splanchnic nerve? Talk
about it. Can you talk about the internal capsule? (Collins)
Compiled by Ogbodo Anthony Ezenwa

The man picked the sternum and asked me to discuss it. What do you know about the sternal
angle of Louis and what are the structures that passes through it? Talk about the azygous vein.
What do you know about the internal capsule? Which limb of the internal capsule does motor
fibres of the corticospinal tract pass through? Lesion at the left internal capsule causes what?
(Igwe SURG)

I was asked to pick the bones that make up the TMJ and arrange them. He asked me to list all
the muscles of mastication with their origin and insertion. Talk about the histology of the
oesaphagus. (Marv)

What can you say about the venous sinuses in the brain? He took me to cadaver and asked me:
what are the surfaces of the lung? What do you understand by the root of the lung? I was also
asked to pick any bone and discuss. (Sergius)

I was asked to pick a bone of my choice of which I picked the mandible. He asked me about the
muscles that attach to the mandible and their innervations. Discuss the embryology of the
spleen. (Aneta)

What are the muscles involved in the flexion and extension of the shoulder? Talk about the hip
bone. Discuss the embryology of the hindbrain. (Sunny)

Talk about internal capsule. Discuss the blood supply to the internal capsule. Describe the
patella. (Staniel)

Discuss the development of the tongue. Pick a bone and discuss. (Albertino)

Discuss the knee joint. Talk about the spinothalamic tract. Talk about the production and
drainage of CSF. (Favour)

I was given the skull and pelvic bones to discuss. (Pedro)

Discuss the course of the aorta. Talk about the embryology of the spinal cord. From bones on
the table, I was asked to identify the lumbar vertebrae. (Snil)

Which bone lies by the medial side of the calcaneus? Talk on the ovarian cycle. Talk on the
embryology of the liver. Picked up the calvarium and asked me what it was. Where does it
develop from? (Popsy)

I was asked to pick a bone. I picked the scapula and I was asked to talk about the parts of the
bone. What is another name for the bone? Describe the anatomy and embryology of the
tongue. In children which part of the tongue do you give injection? (Lizzy)
Compiled by Ogbodo Anthony Ezenwa

What passes through the optic canal and orbital fissures? Talk on the muscles of the eyes and
their functions and nerve supply. What is the danger triangle of the face and how is it
connected to the cavernous sinus? (Mandy)

Discuss the rib. Talk about the blood supply to the femur. Talk on development of the urinary
bladder (Starneiz)

Which blood vessels run round the humerus? Which vessels pass through the optic canal. (Riri)

Pick a bone and discuss it. I picked up humerus and discussed it. Tell me about the boundaries
and contents of anatomical snuffbox. Tell me what you know about the ankle joint. Show me
the movements possible at the ankle joint. (Embassy)

Took me to the model of the human skeleton and asked me to point at the lumbar vertebrae.
Pick a bone, place it on anatomical position and discuss it. What is futuristic about the histology
of a bone. What is this(heart)? Discuss it. (Sochi)

Discuss the anastomosis around the knee. What are the structures of the midbrain and what do
they do? (Omachi)

Talk about the internal capsule. Picked the skull and pointed at the optic canal and asked me
what it was. When does the anterior frontanelle fuse? (Ifeoma)

He picked up the rib and asked me how it was placed, was it left or right? What are the parts of
the rib? He then picked the liver and asked me; ligament of teres is the obliterated form of
which vessel? Pointed at some grooves of the liver and asked for the structures that made the
groove. (Success)

What is CSF? What are the contents of CSF? I asked him to let me pick a bone and he agreed. I
picked humerus and described it. He asked me what grooves the shaft of the bone. (Favour)

What do you know about spinothalamic tract? What are the characteristics of tract? He picked
calcaneus and radius and asked me to talk about them. (Sadio Mane)

Describe the embryology of the tongue. Have you heard of pouch of Douglas? Discuss it. He
gave me the hip bone and said I should discuss it pointing the arcuate line and its significance.

Discuss the arches of the foot. Talk about the blood supply of the stomach. Talk about the
epithelial lining of GIT. Discuss the internal capsule. (Major)

Talk on mechanism of penile erection. Talk about the histology of the rectum. When does the
anterior frontanelle close? (Kester)
Compiled by Ogbodo Anthony Ezenwa

What are the muscles used in marching, their blood supply, nerve supply and actions?

What are the functions of the hip bone? What are the foraminas in the skull? Talk about the
embryology of the palate and some questions on the maxilla. (Ebube)

Talk on anastomosis around the femur bone. What are the branches of internal carotid artery?
What are the attachments of tentorium cerebelli? (Sandra)

Discuss the embryology of the external ear. How is cleft palate formed? Discuss the embryology
of the lip. What is carrying angle? Muscles of pronation and supination with their innervations.
Pick any bone of your choice and discuss. (Nuel)

Talk about the Hunters canal. What are the boundaries? Where does the serratus anterior
insert on the scapula? (Joy)

He showed me the stomach and asked me what it was. He pointed at the rugae and asked me
what it was and the function. Discuss the embryology of the spinal cord. (Ebube)

Discuss the anatomy and histology of the lip. Talk about the muscles of facial expression. Talk
about the 7th cranial nerve and its pathway. Show its orifices in the skull. (Jude)

Discuss the anatomy of the urinary bladder. Gave me calcaneus and asked me the name of the
structure pointing medially which he pointed (sustentaculum tali) and structure that attaches
on the posterior part (Achille’s tendon). Describe the pelvic diaphragm and the openings of the
pelvic diaphragm. (Onwuakapa)

Skull and openings. Differentiate between first and second ribs. Talk about the embryology of
the diaphragm. Talk about the foot bones arrangement. Talk about talipes foot and other foot
deformities. What are the layers of the scalp and their functions? Which muscle locks the knee
and which one unlocks it? (Putin)
Compiled by Ogbodo Anthony Ezenwa


1. What are the openings on the diaphragm and structures that pass through them and clinical
2. Complete and incomplete hernia?
(b) Branches of Lumbar plexus
(c) Picked a bone“radius”–what is wrist drop?
3. Was given the skull, where does middle meningeal artery lie on. Describe scapular.

What passes through foramen lacerum (pointed at the foraminas)

Identify the pterion and list its parts. Rib venopuncture, above or below the rib?
4. Contents of spermatic cord posterior relations of kidney. Describe the scapular.
5. What is placenta brevi? What is sinusitis?
6. Nerve supply of tongue (motor and sensory). Describe borders and surfaces of spleen.
7. Unhappy triad, clergy man’s knee and house maid’s knee.

Formation of superior vena cava?

Formation of inferior vena cava?
Muscles responsible for opposition and its nerve supply
Distinction Viva
Horner’s syndrome, anterior spinal syndrome, torticoliosis, clinical presentations of damage to
radial nerve at various points from axillae downwards. 2
Compiled by Ogbodo Anthony Ezenwa

8. Retroperitoneal organs (list). Describe the arches of the foot. Identify skull foramens (ovale
and rotundum).
9. Identify the gall bladder. Nerve supply to muscles of mastication.
10. Describe the sacrum. At what level does dural sac lie? Various vertebral levels?
11. What is tennis elbow, benediction sign, boundaries of the axilla, what is subluxation?
12. Describe the thyroid gland. He used a brown to point at some openings in the skull, asked me
what vessels passed through them.

Muscles of various thigh compartments and supply. Muscles of anterior compartment and nerve
13. Development of spleen.
14. Development of tooth. Nerve explored in dental anesthesia.
15. Dental formula of man. Microglia cells (how are they formed)? Route and supply of spinal
accessory nerve emerge of CNS.
16. Muscles of anal sphincter and canal. Modiolus
17. What is a sinus (Define sinnusitis). Vessels that form cavernous sinus. Types of capillaries.
18. Barett’s oesophagus. Mechanisms that protect duodenum from acidic injury. (How does
brunner’s gland help). Parts of duodenum, dimension and peritoneal covering.
19. How does duodenum appear in a radiograph and what is responsible.
20. Olfactory pathway. Circle of willis
21. Outflow tracts of spinal cord, urogenital triangle, blood supply of liver.
22. Blood supply of stomach attachments on calcaneus (Achilles).
23. Describe mandible and structures that pass through foramens in it. Embryology origin of
sphenomandibular ligament constrictions of ureter. Supports of uterus and blood supply. Never
supply and root of biceps. Insertion of biceps and action.
Compiled by Ogbodo Anthony Ezenwa

24. Identify jugular foremen and structures that pass through it. Innervation of extra ocular
muscles of eye. Nerve supply to P. major. Muscles of anterior compartment of arm and
innervations blood supply to appendis.
25. Atypical ribs
26. Pterion and its parts. What is plicacircularis? Foramen of winslow.
27. Identify lungs (left and right) segments of lungs. Embryology of spleen. Impressions on liver.
Cardiac notch, lingular. List Muscles of adductor compartment and nerve supply.
28. Erb’s paralysis. Contents of jugular fossa. Glossopharyngeal nerve is a derivative of?
29. Describe branches of mandibular nerve. Route of inferior alveolar nerve and significance in
dentistry, Boundaries of quadrangular space and contents. Describe hipbone.
30. Describe mandible, foramens in mandible, uterine supports.
31. Development of stomach. Identify stylomastoid foramen and what passes via it. Discuss
facial nerve - branches and Muscles. Nerve supply to platysma, nucleus in anterior and posterior
hem of spinal cord.
32. Tributaries of external jugular vein. Histology of mesonephric duct.
33. Describe humerus, injury to ulnar nerve at elbow joint presents as?
34. Branches of external carotid artery. What is the mediastinum? Three congenital defects of
kidney. At what level does kidney lie in horse shoe shape kidney and what is responsible?
35. Trendelenburg test. Damage to hypoglossal nerve. Distinction viva. Muscles of writing,
developmental changes in mandible.
36. Structures passing through jugular foramen. Anatomy of intercostal space. Describe radius.
Origin of intercostal arteries.
37. Structures that passes through inguinal canal in male and female. Course of glossopharyngeal
38. Describe the femur (contents of the adductor hiatus and canal).
39. Describe the effect of upper motor lesion of the facial nerve.
40. What is unhappy triad and the component.

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