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Jana Malak Remas Rokaya Ritaj

The power of words

Remas: Gd morning.
Malak: where are you going?
Remas: going to my training.
Jana: Didn’t I say you wouldn’t go back there?!
Remas: but why mom?! I enjoy what I do.
Ritaj: actually, you suck at it. Your mom wastes her money on trash.
Remas: it’s a talent! And I love it.
Jana: twisting your bones in front of a crowd is a talent.
Malak: come on! You’re delusional, Look in the mirror.
Remas: it’s gymnastics for god’s sake not trash. Just try to support me once.
It’s my dream to be like Simone Biles, the best gymnast in the world.
Rokaya: The best gymnast in the world?! You?!
Remas: yes, she is so special. She’s my idol and I dream of being like her.
Rokaya: since you mentioned special, what makes you special?!
Remas: at least I’m trying to do something right. Something I love.
Jana: Yeah Yeah Yeah! I’ve seen this movie before.
You’re just like your father, he wasted his time and money trying to be a tennis
player and said he had a goal, but all was in vain, he never made it, and left us
alone to the world to devour us.
Remas: At least he followed his dream and was trying.
Malak: and what’s your dream?! You couldn’t even get the 3rd place in your las
Jana: your father left us nothing to depend on. I work day and night to just be able to
afford our house supplies, and you wobble around wasting money on your stupid
thing. I’m not gonna waste any more money.
Ritaj: Can you even read?! Maybe, you should stick to coloring books.
Jana: Go to your Room and study. Don’t make us feel that we’re wasting money on
Education, too.
Remas: Mom, I forgot to tell you, I got B- in my math test.
Rokaya: that’s not enough, Remas.
Jana: you need more to join college.
Jana Malak Remas Rokaya Ritaj

Key Scene
Remas: Not enough! Not good! You’re not special! You’re useless! You can’t do it!
Maybe I can get an A or A+ or get the 1st place in the last competition if you all
tried to support me.
Your words always break me down. Try telling me just one pure and motivating term.
Please, stop saying that I’m useless or I’m not good enough.
I know it doesn’t matter for any of you, I’m just tired of you all picking on me.
It’s not the words that you spell, it’s my heart that you suppress, that your break and
shatter into millions of pieces….!!

Remas: I wish my dad was here, he was the only person believing in me, believing that I
could make a difference, that I matter to him and my feelings matter.
I’m Going to my training, even if I had to work for it.

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