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Project risks

1-Risk: Lack of Experience in Phone Production:

• Collaborate with experienced phone manufacturers or consultants.
• Conduct thorough research on phone production processes.
• Hire experts in mobile phone design, engineering, and manufacturing.
• If delays occur due to lack of experience, allocate additional time for learning and training.
• Consider outsourcing specific tasks to experts if needed.

2-Risk: Learning Curve Delays:

• Allocate extra time for the learning curve associated with new processes (e.g., prototyping, software
• Regularly assess progress and adjust timelines as needed.
• If delays impact the overall schedule, consider parallelizing tasks or adjusting dependencies.
• Prioritize critical path activities to minimize overall project delays.
3-Risk: Intellectual Property (IP) Challenges:
• Consult legal experts to navigate IP risks.
• Ensure compliance with intellectual property laws.
• Avoid direct copying of patented iPhone features.
• If legal challenges arise, have a legal response team ready to address them promptly.
• Consider alternative design approaches to avoid infringement.

4-Risk: Supply Chain Disruptions:

• Diversify suppliers for critical components.
• Maintain strong relationships with multiple suppliers.
• Regularly assess supplier performance and have backup plans.
• If a supplier faces disruptions (e.g., bankruptcy, production delays), activate backup suppliers.
• Expedite procurement processes to minimize production delays.
5-Risk: Changing Consumer Trends:
• Continuously monitor market trends and user preferences.
• Gather feedback from potential users during prototyping.
• Be agile in adjusting features based on evolving demands.
• If consumer preferences shift unexpectedly, have a flexible product roadmap.
• Consider feature updates or adaptations post-launch.

6-Risk: Cost Overruns:

• Regularly monitor project costs against the budget.
• Implement cost control measures during manufacturing.
• Consider alternative suppliers or negotiate better deals to stay within budget.
7-Risk: Lack of Experience in Phone Production:
• Collaborate with experienced phone manufacturers or consultants.
• Conduct thorough research on phone production processes.
• Hire experts in mobile phone design, engineering, and manufacturing.
• If delays occur due to lack of experience, allocate additional time for learning and training.
• Consider outsourcing specific tasks to experts if needed.

8-Risk: Quality Assurance Failure:

• Robust Quality Control Processes: Implement rigorous quality control processes during manufacturing.
Regularly inspect and test knockoff units to ensure functionality, durability, and reliability.
• Training and Skill Development: Invest in training for quality assurance (QA) team members. Ensure they
understand the project’s quality standards and testing procedures.
• Emergency Response Plan: Develop an emergency response plan for critical quality failures. Define roles and
responsibilities for addressing severe defects.
• Backup Testing Resources: Maintain a pool of backup QA resources (internal or external) who can step in if
the primary QA team faces challenges.
Impact and Possibility of Risks:
• Risk (1): high impact, low possibility of occurring.

• Risk (2): low impact, low possibility of occurring.

• Risk (3): high impact, high possibility of occurring.

• Risk (4): medium impact, medium possibility of occurring.

• Risk (5): medium impact, high possibility of occurring.

• Risk (6): low impact, low possibility of occurring.

• Risk (7): high impact, medium possibility of occurring.

• Risk (8): medium impact, low possibility of occurring.

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