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Aldi Firmansyah 2130104002

Caca Monika Afrila 2130104014

“Challenges Faced by Junior High School English Teachers in Online Learning During

SITASI Mujahidah, M., Nurhamdah, N., Nanning, N., Amzah,
A., Sunubi, A. H., Magdahalena, M. Humairah, H.
(2020). Find Yourself on Vocabulary Size: A Guide for
SUMMARY The research paper explores the challenges faced by
junior high school EFL teachers in engaging students in
virtual learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. It
highlights the shortage of resources, such as learning
materials and facilities, which hinder effective teaching.
The study emphasizes the importance of improving
student engagement through strategies like group work
EVALUASI The paper effectively addresses the research question
by delving into the specific challenges encountered by
EFL teachers and proposing suggestions for
improvement. It provides insights into the impact of
resource shortages on teaching quality and student
engagement, contributing to the existing literature on
virtual learning during the pandemic.
REFLEKSI Reflecting on the study, it is evident that the dedication
and support of individuals and institutions played a
crucial role in its completion. The findings underscore
the need for better resource allocation in virtual
learning environments to enhance the teaching and
learning experience for both teachers and students. This
research opens up avenues for further exploration into
effective strategies for engaging students in online

SITASI Ermawati discusses the challenges faced by junior high
school students, teachers, and parents during the
COVID-19 pandemic in transitioning to online
SUMMARY The article explores hardware and internet connectivity
issues, perspectives of stakeholders, and the impact on
the school system.
EVALUASI The author provides a comprehensive overview of the
challenges and implications of online learning during
the pandemic, shedding light on the various aspects that
need to be addressed.
REFLEKSI This source is valuable for understanding the
multifaceted challenges of online education and the
need for effective solutions to support students,
teachers, and parents.

SITASI Ahmad, S. Z. (2016). The Flipped Classroom Model to
Develop Egyptian EFL Students'
Listening Comprehension. English Language Teaching,
9(9), 166-178.

SUMMARY This study explores the effectiveness of the flipped

classroom model in improving listening comprehension
among Egyptian EFL students. The authors found that
the flipped classroom approach significantly enhanced
students' listening skills compared to
traditional methods.
EVALUASI The book is well-organized and provides a
comprehensive overview of different learning models.
However, the content may be too general for advanced
REFLEKSI The book is a valuable resource for educators and
researchers looking to expand their knowledge
of various learning models. It highlights the
importance of considering different approaches to
instruction and the need for ongoing
professional development.

SITASI Ahmad, M. (2022). The Challenges of State Junior
High School Teachers in Distance Learning During The
Covid-19 Pandemic.
SUMMARY Jurnal Pendidikan sheds light on the obstacles faced by
state junior high school teachers during the Covid-19
pandemic, particularly in transitioning to distance
learning. The research explores the challenges teachers
encountered and how they navigated the complexities
of virtual education to ensure effective learning
outcomes for their students.
EVALUASI Research provides valuable insights into the real-world
struggles of educators during the unprecedented shift to
online teaching brought about by the pandemic. By
highlighting the specific challenges faced by state
junior high school teachers, the study offers a nuanced
understanding of the difficulties and successes
experienced in the realm of distance learning.
REFLEKSI This study prompts reflection on the resilience and
adaptability of teachers in the face of adversity. It
underscores the importance of ongoing support and
professional development for educators to effectively
navigate the evolving landscape of education,
especially in times of crisis. Ahmad's work serves as a
reminder of the dedication and innovation displayed by
teachers in ensuring continued learning opportunities
for students, even in the most challenging

SITASI Nopilda, L., & Kristiawan, M. (2018). Gerakan Literasi
Sekolah Berbasis Pembelajaran Multiliterasi Sebuah
Paradigma Pendidikan Abad Ke-21 [The
implementation of school literacy based on
multiliteracy teaching: A teaching paradigm of 21st
century]. JMKSP (Jurnal Manajemen, Kepemimpinan,
dan Supervisi Pendidikan), 3(2)

SUMMARY This article discusses the implementation of

multiliteracy-based school literacy in the 21st century.
The authors highlight the importance of multiliteracy in
education and its potential to enhance students' learning
EVALUASI This article provides valuable insights into the concept
of multiliteracy and its relevance in modern education.
The authors' emphasis on the need for schools to adopt
multiliteracy-based literacy programs is well-supported
by the current educational landscape.
REFLEKSI The article's focus on multiliteracy as a key component
of 21st-century education underscores the importance
of adapting teaching methods to meet the evolving
needs of students. This adaptation is crucial in ensuring
that students are equipped with the skills necessary to
succeed in a rapidly changing world.

SITASI Abdul Halim Abdullah (2020) discusses the
challenges faced by educators in adapting to online
teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. The author
highlights the difficulties in maintaining student
engagement and motivation in virtual classrooms.
6SUMMARY The article emphasizes the need for educators to
develop new skills to effectively teach online. It also
notes that many educators lack the necessary training
and resources to adapt to online teaching.
EVALUASI The article provides valuable insights into the
challenges faced by educators during the pandemic.
However, it could benefit from more detailed
analysis of the specific strategies educators can use to
overcome these challenges.
REFLEKSI The article underscores the importance of
providing educators with adequate training and
resources to ensure successful online teaching. It
also highlights the need for educators to be flexible and
adaptable in the face of sudden changes in the
education system.

SITASI Bhuana, G. P., & Apriliyanti, D. L. (2021). Teachers’
encounter of online learning: Challenges and support
system. Journal of English Education and Teaching,
5(1), 110–122.

6SUMMARY This study explores the challenges faced by teachers in

implementing online learning and the support systems
they use to overcome these challenges.
EVALUASI The study highlights the need for teachers to develop
strategies to cope with the challenges of online learning
and for educational institutions to provide adequate
REFLEKSI The findings suggest that teachers must be proactive in
addressing the challenges of online learning and that
institutions should prioritize teacher support and

SITASI Gay, L., R., Mills, G., E., & Airasian, P. (2012).
Educational research: Competencies for analysis and
applications (10th ed.). Pearson Education.
6SUMMARY This book discusses the principles and methods of
educational research, including the use of narrative
accounts in qualitative studies
EVALUASI The book provides a comprehensive overview of
educational research methods, which is relevant to the
methodology used in this study
REFLEKSI The study's use of narrative accounts, as described in
Gay et al. (2012), allowed for a deeper understanding of
the challenges faced by EFL teachers in engaging
students in virtual learning.
SITASI Wanasatya, B. J. O., Amin, M., & Thohir, L. (2022). A
closer look at challenges in the EFL online teaching
during the Covid-19 pandemic. JEEF (Journal of
English Education Forum), 2(2), 6-15.
6SUMMARY This qualitative descriptive study aimed to investigate
how English teachers applied online teaching during the
COVID-19 pandemic, what challenges they faced, and
what strategies they used to overcome those challenges.
The study involved four English teachers at a state
junior high school in Mataram, Indonesia. The data
were collected through an open-ended questionnaire
and semi-structured interviews. The findings showed
that the teachers conducted online teaching via
platforms like Zoom, Google Classroom, WhatsApp,
and Google Form. The major challenges they faced
included lack of digital devices, unstable internet
connection, limited internet data plan, teachers' and
students' inability to use technology, and lack of student
motivation. The teachers employed various strategies to
overcome these challenges, such as utilizing alternative
technologies, providing technical support, and engaging
students through interactive activities.
EVALUASI This study provides valuable insights into the practical
challenges faced by English teachers in implementing
online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic in an
Indonesian context. The qualitative approach allowed
the researchers to gain a deeper understanding of the
teachers' experiences and the strategies they employed
to address the challenges. The study's findings are
relevant and can inform the development of effective
teacher training and support programs to enhance
online teaching competencies.
REFLEKSI The study highlights the importance of addressing the
technological, pedagogical, and social challenges that
teachers and students encountered during the sudden
shift to online learning due to the pandemic. The
findings suggest the need for comprehensive support
systems, including infrastructure development, teacher
professional development, and student engagement
strategies, to ensure the effective implementation of
online teaching in the future. The study's insights can
also be valuable for other educational contexts facing
similar challenges in transitioning to online learning.
SITASI Wanasatya, B. J. O., Amin, M., & Thohir, L. (2022). A
closer look at challenges in the EFL online teaching
during the Covid-19 pandemic. JEEF (Journal of
English Education Forum), 2(2), 6-15.
6SUMMARY This qualitative descriptive study aimed to explore how
English teachers applied online teaching during the
COVID-19 pandemic, the challenges they faced, and
the strategies they used to overcome those challenges.
The study involved four English teachers at a state
junior high school in Mataram, Indonesia. Data was
collected through an open-ended questionnaire and
semi-structured interviews. The findings showed that
the teachers conducted online teaching via Zoom,
Google Classroom, WhatsApp, and Google Form, and
faced challenges such as lack of digital devices,
unstable internet connection, limited internet data,
teachers' and students' inability to use technology, and
lack of student motivation. The teachers applied various
strategies to overcome these challenges.
EVALUASI The study provides valuable insights into the realities of
EFL online teaching during the pandemic, including the
specific challenges teachers encountered and the
strategies they employed. The use of both
questionnaires and interviews strengthens the data
collection and allows for a more comprehensive
understanding of the issues. The sample size, though
small, is appropriate for the qualitative nature of the
study. The findings are well-organized and discussed in
depth, offering a clear picture of the online teaching
experiences of the participating teachers.
REFLEKSI This study is highly relevant and timely, as the COVID-
19 pandemic has dramatically accelerated the adoption
of online and remote learning globally. The challenges
faced by the teachers in this study are likely shared by
many educators, and the strategies they used to
overcome these challenges can provide useful guidance
for other teachers navigating the transition to online
teaching. The study highlights the importance of
technological competence, student engagement, and
institutional support in ensuring the success of online
learning during crisis situations.

SITASI Ahmad, M. (2022). The Challenges of State Junior
High School Teachers in Distance Learning During The
Covid-19 Pandemic. Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan,
14(1), 619–630
SUMMARY This study aims to identify the challenges faced by state
junior high school teachers in Indonesia during the
implementation of distance learning during the COVID-
19 pandemic. The study uses a qualitative approach
with a descriptive method, and the participants are four
teachers from a state junior high school in Cilacap. The
findings reveal five main challenges for teachers:
planning lessons, preparing students, motivating
students, instilling character in students, and dealing
with unstable internet networks. The teachers sought
solutions by discussing with students using various
learning technologies or applications, collaborating
with parents, and participating in training to improve
their competencies.
EVALUASI The study provides valuable insights into the practical
challenges experienced by teachers during the abrupt
transition to distance learning due to the pandemic. The
qualitative approach allows for an in-depth exploration
of the issues, and the focus on state junior high school
teachers offers a context-specific understanding of the
challenges. The findings are relevant and can inform
the development of support systems and training
programs to help teachers overcome the difficulties
they face in distance learning environments.
REFLEKSI This study highlights the importance of understanding
and addressing the challenges faced by teachers, as they
play a crucial role in ensuring the continuity and
effectiveness of education during the pandemic. The
findings suggest that a multifaceted approach, including
technological support, teacher training, and
collaboration with parents, may be necessary to help
teachers adapt to the demands of distance learning. The
study's insights can be valuable for policymakers,
school administrators, and teacher education programs
in developing strategies to support teachers during such
unprecedented times

SITASI Amalia, N. H., Atmowardoyo, H., & Abduh, A.
of Technology in Language Pedagogy
6SUMMARY This qualitative study explores the challenges faced by
English teachers and students in teaching and learning
English during the COVID-19 pandemic at a junior
high school in Indonesia. The researchers found that the
teachers faced challenges such as: students' lack of
interest and enthusiasm in online English learning,
difficulty using ICT, providing and explaining learning
materials, measuring student progress, and assessing
student work. The students faced challenges such as:
lack of enthusiasm and motivation, difficulty in the
learning process, and lack of internet access and
EVALUASI The study provides valuable insights into the specific
challenges experienced by both teachers and students in
the context of remote English language instruction
during the pandemic. The researchers utilized both
questionnaires and interviews to collect comprehensive
data. The findings contribute to the growing body of
research on the impacts of the pandemic on education,
particularly in the area of English language teaching
and learning.
REFLEKSI This study highlights the need for targeted professional
development and support for teachers to effectively
navigate the challenges of online instruction. It also
underscores the importance of ensuring equitable access
to technology and internet connectivity for students to
fully engage in remote learning. The findings can
inform the development of strategies and policies to
enhance the quality of English language education
during crisis situations like the COVID-19 pandemic.

SITASI Anugrah, P. M. (2022). Teachers' Challenges in
Teaching Speaking Through Online Learning During
Covid-19 Pandemic. The Art of Teaching English as a
Foreign Language, 3(1), 25-40.
6SUMMARY This research aims to investigate the challenges faced
by English teachers in teaching speaking skills through
online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, the
strategies they used to address these challenges, and the
strengths and weaknesses of those strategies. The study
was conducted with three English teachers at SMAN 2
Abiansemal in Indonesia. Data was collected through
observations and interviews and analyzed using an
interactive data analysis model. The study found 9 key
challenges teachers faced, including technological
issues, students' lack of motivation and participation,
and difficulties in providing feedback and error
correction. Teachers implemented various strategies
such as utilizing online platforms, designing interactive
activities, and fostering student engagement. The
strengths of the strategies included increased student
interaction and flexibility, while weaknesses included
technical problems and the inability to provide detailed
EVALUASI This is a well-designed qualitative case study that
provides valuable insights into the challenges and
strategies involved in teaching speaking skills online
during the pandemic. The study is grounded in relevant
literature and uses appropriate data collection and
analysis methods. The findings are clearly presented
and discussed in relation to existing research. The study
contributes to the understanding of the unique
challenges faced by teachers in EFL contexts during the
transition to online learning.
REFLEKSI This study is highly relevant and timely, as the COVID-
19 pandemic has significantly impacted education
systems around the world, forcing a rapid transition to
remote and online learning. The challenges identified in
this study, such as technological issues, student
engagement, and providing effective feedback, are
likely experienced by many teachers globally. The
strategies discussed provide a useful starting point for
teachers and administrators to consider how to best
support effective online language instruction,
particularly in developing speaking skills. The study
could be further strengthened by including a larger
sample size or comparing experiences across different

SITASI Nakhriyah, M., & Muzakky, M. (2021). Online
Teaching Learning during Covid-19 Outbreak:
Teacher's Perception at Junior High School of
Fathimatul Amin Jakarta. Faktor : Jurnal Ilmiah
Kependidikan, 8(1), 39–49.
6SUMMARY This study aimed to explore teachers' perspectives on
the implementation of online teaching and learning
during the COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers used
a descriptive qualitative design and involved 33
teachers as participants. The findings showed that
teachers found online teaching platforms such as Zoom,
Google Meet, Google Classroom, and WhatsApp to be
more interactive teaching media. Teaching via
teleconference also helped improve teachers' skills and
confidence in creatively presenting teaching materials
and classroom activities. However, teachers faced
several challenges, including difficulties in interacting
with passive students during video conferences, poor
internet connections for some students, and a lack of
student learning motivation, such as frequent absences
and late assignment submissions.
EVALUASI The study provides valuable insights into teachers'
perceptions of online teaching during the COVID-19
pandemic, which is a timely and relevant topic. The
researchers used an appropriate qualitative approach to
gather in-depth perspectives from a reasonable number
of teachers. The findings offer a balanced perspective,
highlighting both the benefits and challenges
experienced by teachers in the transition to online
teaching. The study's limitations, such as the specific
context of the Fathimatul Amin Junior High School in
Jakarta, are acknowledged, and the authors suggest the
need for further research in this area.
REFLEKSI This study contributes to the growing body of research
on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on
education, particularly the experiences and perspectives
of teachers who had to quickly adapt to online teaching.
The findings can inform the development of effective
strategies and support systems to help teachers navigate
the challenges of online teaching, such as improving
student engagement and addressing technical barriers.
Additionally, the study emphasizes the importance of
ongoing professional development and training for
teachers to enhance their skills and confidence in
utilizing various online teaching platforms and

SITASI Irianto, D. P., Putra, A. S., Aisyah, N., Valentino, V.
H., & Siahaan, M. (2021). The Effect of the COVID 19
Virus and Online Learning on English Subjects in
Junior High School. Journal of Innovation and
Knowledge, 1(2), 131-137.
6SUMMARY This study aims to investigate the impact of the
COVID-19 virus and online learning on English
subjects in junior high schools in Indonesia. The
researchers used a quantitative survey method,
collecting data from 100 randomly selected
respondents. The findings indicate that the COVID-19
virus and the implementation of online learning have
significantly affected the teaching and learning of
English in junior high schools. The study provides
insights into the challenges faced by schools and
students during the pandemic and suggests the need for
improving the online learning system to enhance the
quality of English education
EVALUASI The study presents a timely and relevant investigation
of the educational challenges posed by the COVID-19
pandemic. The researchers have employed an
appropriate quantitative approach to gather empirical
data and analyze the impact on English education in
junior high schools. The findings contribute to the
understanding of the pandemic's effects on the
Indonesian education system and offer potential
avenues for future research and policy considerations.
REFLEKSI This study provides valuable insights into the
adaptations and challenges faced by the education
sector during the COVID-19 crisis. The researchers'
focus on the specific impact on English subject
instruction in junior high schools offers a nuanced
perspective on the broader issues of online learning and
educational disruptions. The findings can inform
policymakers and educators in developing strategies to
enhance the effectiveness of remote/online teaching and
learning, particularly for language subjects, in similar
crisis situations.

SITASI Rahayu, R. P., & Wirza, Y. (2020). Teachers'
Perception of Online Learning during Pandemic Covid-
19. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan, 20(3), 392–406.
6SUMMARY This study investigated the perceptions of EFL (English
as a Foreign Language) teachers towards online
learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The
researchers used a descriptive qualitative approach,
collecting data through a survey questionnaire and
interviews with 102 junior high school English teachers
in Bandung, Indonesia. The findings revealed that the
teachers had a positive perception of the usefulness and
ease of use of online learning systems, but more than
half did not agree on the effectiveness of online
learning. Although teachers faced various problems in
the online teaching process, they showed a positive
attitude towards using technology for online teaching.
EVALUASI The study provides valuable insights into teachers'
perspectives on the challenges and benefits of online
learning during the pandemic. The mixed-methods
approach, combining surveys and interviews, helps to
give a comprehensive understanding of the teachers'
perceptions. The study is well-designed and the
findings are clear and relevant for educators and
policymakers who are navigating the shift to online
REFLEKSI This study is particularly relevant in the context of the
COVID-19 pandemic, as it highlights the importance of
understanding teachers' perceptions and experiences in
order to support them and improve the quality of online
learning. The findings suggest that while teachers
recognize the potential benefits of online learning, they
still face significant challenges that need to be
addressed. This study serves as a useful reference for
educators and researchers interested in exploring the
adoption and implementation of online learning in
educational settings, especially during times of crisis or

SITASI Appana, S. (2008). A review of benefits and limitations
of online learning in the context of the student, the
instructor, and the tenured faculty. International Journal
on E-Learning, 7(1), 5-22.
6SUMMARY This article reviews the benefits and limitations of
online learning from the perspectives of students,
instructors, and tenured faculty, highlighting aspects
such as flexibility, interaction, and institutional support.
EVALUASI The article provides a well-rounded analysis of the
various stakeholder perspectives, which is valuable for
understanding the broader context of online learning.

SITASI Nursalina & Fitrawati. (2021). EFL Teachers'
Perception on English Online Learning Activities
during the Pandemic at High Schools in Padang.
Journal of English Language Teaching, 10(2), 204-223.
SUMMARY This study aims to explore the EFL teachers'
perceptions on English online learning activities during
the COVID-19 pandemic at high schools in Padang,
Indonesia. The researchers used a quantitative approach
with a questionnaire to collect data from 42 teachers.
The results showed that the majority of teachers
(54.76%) had quite positive perceptions towards online
learning activities, while some teachers had less
positive (21.43%) or even negative (2.38%)
perceptions. The authors conclude that the teachers'
overall perception on English online learning activities
during the pandemic was quite positive.
EVALUASI The study provides valuable insights into how EFL
teachers in Padang, Indonesia perceived the shift to
online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. The
researchers used a well-designed quantitative approach
to gather data and analyze the teachers' perceptions.
The findings are relevant and can contribute to the
understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced
by teachers in adapting to online teaching. However,
the study could have been strengthened by including
qualitative data, such as interviews, to gain a deeper
understanding of the reasons behind the teachers'
REFLEKSI This study highlights the importance of understanding
teachers' perspectives on the use of technology in
education, especially during times of crisis and sudden
changes in the learning environment. The findings can
inform policymakers and education stakeholders on the
need to provide adequate support and training to
teachers to ensure a smooth transition to online
learning. Additionally, the study underscores the
importance of considering teachers' perceptions and
experiences when designing and implementing online
learning programs to better meet their needs and the
needs of their students.

SITASI Lie, A., Tamah, S. M., Gozali, I., Triwidayati, K. R.,
Utami, T. S. D., & Jemadi, F. (2020). Secondary school
language teachers' online learning engagement during
the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Journal of
Information Technology Education: Research, 19, 803-
SUMMARY This case study explores secondary school language
teachers' online learning engagement during the
COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. The study aimed to
investigate 1) the extent of teachers' online learning
engagement, 2) the challenges they faced, 3) how the
shift to remote learning changed their practices, and 4)
their hopes for the future of education. The study
involved 18 teachers from four regions in Indonesia and
collected data through surveys, reflections, and
interviews. The findings reveal an interplay of factors
such as learners, teachers' prior exposure to online
learning, technological knowledge, pedagogical
knowledge, and the support system that influenced the
teachers' online learning engagement. While the
teachers struggled to enhance the quality of online
instruction, they expressed a renewed commitment to
improving their competence and professional practices.
EVALUASI This study provides valuable insights into the realities
of online learning implementation in Indonesian
secondary schools during the pandemic. The
researchers used a multi-pronged data collection
approach to gain a comprehensive understanding of the
teachers' experiences, challenges, and perspectives. The
findings highlight the disparities in access and readiness
between urban and remote regions, underscoring the
need for targeted interventions to address the widening
digital divide. The study's recommendations for
practitioners and researchers offer guidance for
supporting teachers in developing their technological,
pedagogical, and content knowledge to deliver effective
online instruction.
REFLEKSI This study is relevant and timely, as it sheds light on the
significant disruption caused by the COVID-19
pandemic on education systems worldwide, particularly
in developing countries like Indonesia. The researchers'
focus on language teachers' experiences provides a
nuanced understanding of the specific challenges and
adaptations required in transitioning to remote learning
for a subject area that relies heavily on interactive,
communicative approaches. The study's findings can
inform the development of targeted professional
development programs and policy interventions to build
the capacity of teachers and address the digital divide,
ultimately ensuring more equitable access to quality
education during and beyond the pandemic.

SITASI Nakhriyah, M., & Muzakky, M. (2021). Online
Teaching Learning during Covid-19 Outbreak:
Teacher's Perception at Junior High School of
Fathimatul Amin Jakarta. Faktor: Jurnal Ilmiah
Kependidikan, 8(1), 39-49.
SUMMARY This study aimed to explore teachers' perspectives on
the implementation of online teaching and learning
during the COVID-19 pandemic. The researchers used
a descriptive qualitative design and involved 33
teachers as participants. Data was collected through a
questionnaire to investigate the teachers' perceptions.
The findings showed that while teachers found online
teaching platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, Google
Classroom, and WhatsApp to make the teaching media
more interactive, they also faced several challenges.
These included difficulty in interacting with passive
students during video conferences, poor internet
connections for some students, and lack of student
learning motivation leading to absenteeism and late
submission of assignments. Overall, the study provides
insights into teachers' experiences and perspectives on
the shift to online teaching during the COVID-19
EVALUASI The study provides valuable insights into the
perceptions and experiences of teachers implementing
online teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic. The
use of a qualitative approach allowed for an in-depth
exploration of the teachers' perspectives, which is
important given the sudden and unprecedented nature
of the shift to remote learning. The findings highlight
both the benefits and challenges faced by teachers,
which can inform future efforts to support teachers in
adapting to online teaching. However, the study is
limited to a single school context, and broader research
is needed to understand the experiences of teachers in
different educational settings.
REFLEKSI This study is relevant and timely, as the COVID-19
pandemic has forced educational systems worldwide to
rapidly transition to online teaching and learning. The
findings shed light on the various factors that shape
teachers' perceptions and experiences, which can
inform the development of effective support and
training programs to help teachers navigate the
challenges of online instruction. The study also
highlights the importance of addressing issues such as
technological access and student engagement, which
can hinder the effectiveness of online teaching. Overall,
this article provides a valuable contribution to the
understanding of the impact of the pandemic on
education and the experiences of frontline educators.

SITASI Hermanto, Y. B., & Srimulyani, V. A. (2021). The
Challenges of Online Learning During the Covid-19
Pandemic. Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pengajaran, 54(1),
SUMMARY This study aims to investigate the challenges of online
learning during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia,
focusing on the mastery of learning technology among
students and educators at the junior, senior, vocational,
and university levels. The researchers used a
questionnaire distributed via Google Forms to collect
data from 108 educators and 386 students. The findings
indicate that students' mastery of MS Office software
and online learning technology was higher than that of
educators. However, there was no significant difference
between teachers' and lecturers' perceptions regarding
the role of learning technology in the classroom and the
educational process. The researchers also identified
several disadvantages of online learning, such as
student discipline issues, lack of internet access, and a
lack of social interaction, which pose challenges for
educational organizations and stakeholders.
EVALUASI This study provides valuable insights into the
challenges of online learning during the COVID-19
pandemic in the Indonesian context. The researchers
used a well-designed questionnaire to gather data from
both educators and students, which allows for a more
comprehensive understanding of the issue. The findings
highlight the importance of addressing the
technological gaps between students and educators to
ensure the effectiveness of online learning. The study
also identifies critical challenges that need to be
addressed by educational institutions and policymakers.
REFLEKSI The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted
the education sector, forcing a rapid shift to online
learning. This study's findings are particularly relevant
and timely, as they shed light on the specific challenges
faced by the Indonesian education system during this
transition. The results can inform the development of
strategies and policies to support educators and students
in adapting to online learning, addressing issues such as
digital literacy, internet access, and social interaction.
The study's focus on the differences in technological
mastery between students and educators is especially
important, as it suggests the need for targeted
professional development and support to ensure that
educators are equipped to effectively deliver online

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