Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan

NAME OF THE STORY: The Umbrella Man AGE GROUP, LEVEL: Young adults, teenagers, and intermediate+ AIMS: - to stimulate students interest in the text by making predictions,comments and by relating incidents in the short story to personal experience. - to encourage students to make interpretations of the overall meaning of the text. - students will be able to discuss features of style, characters, point of view, and cultural background. SKILL FOCUS: intensive reading, creative writing TIME: 45 min+ 45 min/2 CLASS SIZE: 20-30 CLASS INTERACTION:self study, group work,pair work.

Pre-reading Activities Goal : to provide students with prior knowledge of the text for a better reading comprehension. Activity 1: Making Predictions Goals: to stimulate students interest in the text by making predictions based on the title. Instructions: What do you think the story is about ? What can you infer from the title The Umbrella Man ?
Try to make guesses.

Activity 2: Learning Key Vocabulary Goals : to make students familiarize with the vocabulary used in the story. Instructions : Below you will see some vocabulary items used in the story.Write a brief paragraph using
each word. bushy to ask a favour suspicious to get into a scrape to bat an eyelid to fish into trickster to sum somebody up snug and dry crook

While-reading Activities Goals : to help students understands the deeper layers of a text.
to check students understanding of the text by making them paraphrase the author's words,thus by making them monitoring their own comprehension.

Activity 1 : Underlining Goals : to improve students intensive reading skills.

to make them understand the main idea and how the author supports it.

Instructions : While you are reading use a pencil and lightly underline important information.Only underline
two points in each paragrah.Dont underline the whole sentence.You can note down new vocabulary items,If you think they are important for your comprehension of the key points in the story.

Activity 2 : Monitoring comprehension Goals : to check students comprehensions of each section of the story.
to make students be aware of what they do understand and what they do not understand throughout the reading process. Instructions :As you finish reading each section, answer the questions carefully.

Section 1: What happened after the girl and her mother had left the caf ? Section 2: What kind of favour did the old man ask of the mother ? Section 3: Why the old man wanted the woman to have his umbrella ? Section 4: Why the woman and her daughter followed the old man ? Section 5: What did they find out about the old man ?

After-reading Activities Goal : to encourage students reflect upon what they have read.
to make them gain the skill of not only reading but also using the information they have learned from the text. to bring students to a sense of closure. to contribute to long-term retention of information

Activity 1 : Drawing a Picture Goal : to improve reading comprehension by getting students to reread the text and determine which
words and phrases are important. to make the learning permanent through visualisation by making students imagine a character/a scene related to the text and draw it. to make a connection between the image and the statements they are going to find. Instructions : After youve finished reading , skim the story again.Then, try to visualize something related to the text (one of the characters,a dialogue etc.) and draw it.Next, choose ten important words/phrases/full sentences from the text and place them around the image you are supposed to draw.Discuss what youve drawn with your friends.

Activity 2 : Character Analysis Goal : to make students practise identifying character traits and drawing conclusions about the character/s. Instructions : As you read the text, you can flag important points related to traits of the characters in the story
with sticky notes.Once you have finished reading, by referring to your notes, complete the Character Report Card.Compare your card with others.

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