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In a company meeting, 1500 people voted on a resolution, 20% of the votes were invalid, but
after some discussion, the vote was taken again. This time 6.67% votes were invalid. Due to
re-voting, the number of opponents increased by 100% and the proposal was rejected by a
majority which was 200% more than what was passed earlier. How many persons voted
against the motion before the discussion?

एक कंपनी क' बैठक म, -कसी /0ाव को ले कर 1500 789य; ने वोट डाला 20% वोट अवैध थे, ले -कन कुछ चचाD
के बाद दोबारा मतदान करवाया गया। इस बार 6.67% वोट अवैध थे। दोबारा वोट डलवाने के कारण -वरोKधय; क'
संLा 100% बढ़ गई व /0ाव को बOमत से खाQरज कर Sदया गया जो -क पूवD म, पाQरत होने क' तुलना म, 200%
अKधक था। चचाD से पहले -कतने 789य; ने /0ाव के Vखलाफ मतदान -कया था?

A. 600
B. 500
C. 400
D. 700
E. None of these
In a company meeting, 1500 people
voted on a resolution, 20% of the votes
were invalid, but after some discussion,
the vote was taken again. This time
6.67% votes were invalid. Due to re-
voting, the number of opponents
increased by 100% and the proposal was
rejected by a majority which was 200%
more than what was passed earlier. How
many persons voted against the motion
before the discussion?

A. 600
B. 500
C. 400
D. 700
E. None of these
A person went to a shop. he started buying items costing Rs 1, 2, 3_ _ _ _ 45
terms. Also he spend 50% of total amount he had on buying groceries. Now
he is left with Rs 845. Calculate original Amount he had?
एक #$% एक दक ु ान पर गया। उसने 1, 2, 3_ _ _ 45 2पये क3 लागत वाली व8ुओ ं को
खरीदता है। इसके अलावा वह Aकराने का सामान खरीदने पर कुल राCश का 50% खचF करता है |
अब उसके पास 845 2पये बचे हH। उसके पास मूल राCश क3 गणना करK?

A. 3760
B. 4420
C. 3840
D. 3290
E. None of these

A person went to a shop.

he started buying items
costing Rs 1, 2, 3_ _ _ _
45 terms. Also he spend
50% of total amount he
had on buying groceries.
Now he is left with Rs 845.
Calculate original
Amount he had?

A. 3760
B. 4420
C. 3840
D. 3290
E. None of these
A carpenter sold 30% of his total total chairs along with 4 extra chairs to Sumit. He then sold
75% of the remaining chairs along with 2 extra chairs to varun. Then again he sold 75% of the
remaining chairs to Kartik and left with only 8 chairs. Find the initial number of chairs that
carpenter had?

एक बढ़ई ने अपनी कुल कुXसYय; का 30% और 4 अKतQर9 कुXसYयां सुXमत को बेच द[. इसके बाद उ];ने शेष
कुXसYय; का 75% और 2 अKतQर9 कुXसYयां व`ण को बेच द[। -फर उसने शेष कुXसYय; का 75% काKतYक को बेच Sदया
और केवल 8 कुXसYय; के साथ छोड़ Sदया। बढ़ई के पास मौजूद कुXसYय; क' /ारंXभक संLा dात क'Xजये?

A. 240
B. 200
C. 160
D. 128
E. None of these

A carpenter sold 30% of his

total total chairs along with
4 extra chairs to Sumit. He
then sold 75% of the
remaining chairs along with
2 extra chairs to varun. Then
again he sold 75% of the
remaining chairs to Kartik
and left with only 8 chairs.
Find the initial number of
chairs that carpenter had?

A. 240
B. 200
C. 160
D. 128
E. None of these
A dishonest dealer marks up the price of his goods by 15% and gives a
discount of x% to the customer. He also uses a weight which is x% less than
ideal weight of 1 kg. Find his percentage profit?

एक बेईमान डीलर अपने माल क3 क3मत 15% तक बढ़ा देता है और Pाहक को x% क3 छूट देता
है। वह एक वजन का भी उपयोग करता है जो 1 Aकलो के आदशF वजन से x% कम है । उसका
VWतशत लाभ Xात क3Cजये?

A. 15%
B. 30%
C. 7.5%
D. 22.5%
E. None of these

A dishonest dealer
marks up the price of
his goods by 15% and
gives a discount of x% to
the customer. He also
uses a weight which is
x% less than ideal
weight of 1 kg. Find his
percentage profit?

A. 15%
B. 30%
C. 7.5%
D. 22.5%
E. None of these
Karan increased the price of his laptop by 16.67% and then 25%, then he gave
two successive discounts of 12.5% and 16%. If he had reversed the markup
and discounts percentages then he would have received Rs 410 less. Find the
new selling price of the laptop?

करण ने अपने लै पटॉप क3 क3मत मK 16.67% और Aफर 25% क3 वृ\] क3, Aफर उसने 12.5%
और 16% क3 दो ^मागत छूट दी। अगर उ_`ने माकFअप और छूट VWतशत को उलट aदया होता तो
उ_K 410 2पये कम Cमलते। लै पटॉप का नया Aव^य मूb Xात क3Cजये?

A. 1145 Rs
B. 1265 Rs
C. 1305 Rs
D. 1425 Rs
E. None of these

Karan increased the price

of his laptop by 16.67% and
then 25%, then he gave two
successive discounts of
12.5% and 16%. If he had
reversed the markup and
discounts percentages then
he would have received Rs
410 less. Find the new
selling price of the laptop?

A. 1145 Rs
B. 1265 Rs
C. 1305 Rs
D. 1425 Rs
E. None of these
Two items A and B are sold at the same price. The profit earned on A is 2x%
and the loss occurred on B is x% respectively. The ratio of cost price of items
A and B is 4:7. Find the ratio of marked price of A and B if the discount given
on items A and B are ‘x/4’% and ‘x/5’% respectively?

दो व8ुओ ं A और B को एक ही मूb पर बेचा जाता है। A पर अCजcत लाभ 2x% है और B पर dई

हाCन ^मशः x% है। व8ु A और B के ^य मूb का अनुपात 4:7 है । यaद व8ु A और B पर दी गई
छूट ^मशः 'x/4'% और 'x/5'% है , तो A और B के अंAकत मूb का अनुपात Xात क3Cजये?

A. 22:21
B. 49:48
C. 64:63
D. 96:95
E. None of these

Two items A and B are sold at

the same price. The profit
earned on A is 2x% and the
loss occurred on B is x%
respectively. The ratio of cost
price of items A and B is 4:7.
Find the ratio of marked price
of A and B if the discount
given on items A and B are
‘x/4’% and ‘x/5’%
A. 22:21
B. 49:48
C. 64:63
D. 96:95
E. None of these
X, Y and Z started a business with initial investments of Rs ‘a’, Rs 45000 and
Rs ‘b’ respectively. The ratio of time for which they invested is 40:36:45 and
their profits are equal. Find the value of ‘a-b’?

X, Y और Z ने ^मशः 'a', 45000 2पये और 'b' के VारंCभक Cनवेश के साथ एक #वसाय शुg
Aकया। उनके hारा Cनवेश Aकए गए समय का अनुपात 40:36:45 है और उनका लाभ बराबर है.
'a-b' का मान Xात क3Cजये?

A. 3000 Rs
B. 4500 Rs
C. 6000 Rs
D. 7500 Rs
E. None of these

X, Y and Z started a
business with initial
investments of Rs ‘a’, Rs
45000 and Rs ‘b’
respectively. The ratio of
time for which they
invested is 40:36:45 and
their profits are equal.
Find the value of ‘a-b’?

A. 3000 Rs
B. 4500 Rs
C. 6000 Rs
D. 7500 Rs
E. None of these
X, Y and Z started a company with investments of Rs 6000, Rs 5000 and Rs
4000 respectively for 5 months, 6 months and 7.5 months respectively. If P
gets Rs 500 from profit for being CEO of company each month and rest is
distributed among their ratio of investments. If total profit of Z is Rs 1500,
then find the total profit of the company?

X, Y और Z ने ^मशः 5 महीने, 6 महीने और 7.5 महीने के Cलए ^मशः 6000 2पये, 5000
2पये और 4000 2पये के Cनवेश के साथ एक कंपनी शुg क3। यaद P को Viेक माह कंपनी का
CEO होने के Cलए लाभ से 500 2पये Cमलते हH और शेष को उनके Cनवेश के अनुपात मK Aवतkरत
Aकया जाता है। यaद Z का कुल लाभ 1500 2पये है , तो कंपनी का कुल लाभ Xात क3Cजये।

A. 10000 Rs
B. 12000 Rs
C. 15000 Rs
D. 16000 Rs
E. None of these

X, Y and Z started a company

with investments of Rs 6000,
Rs 5000 and Rs 4000
respectively for 5 months, 6
months and 7.5 months
respectively. If P gets Rs 500
from profit for being CEO of
company each month and
rest is distributed among their
ratio of investments. If total
profit of Z is Rs 1500, then find
A. 10000 Rs the total profit of the
B. 12000 Rs company?
C. 15000 Rs
D. 16000 Rs
E. None of these
Father’s present age is ‘y’ years more than present age of mother and
present age of son is ‘y’ years more than present age of daughter. If average
age of father and daughter after 6 years is 37 years, then find the average of
ages of mother and son 5 years ago?

Aपता क3 वतFमान आयु, माता क3 वतFमान आयु से 'y' वषF अWधक है और पुm क3 वतFमान आयु
पुmी क3 वतFमान आयु से 'y' वषF अWधक है। यaद 6 वषF के बाद Aपता और पुmी क3 औसत आयु 37
वषF है, तो 5 वषF पहले माता और पुm क3 आयु का औसत Xात क3Cजये।

A. 22 years
B. 24 years
C. 26 years
D. 28 years
E. None of these

Father’s present age is

‘y’ years more than
present age of mother
and present age of son is
‘y’ years more than
present age of daughter.
If average age of father
and daughter after 6
years is 37 years, then
find the average of ages
of mother and son 5
A. 22 years years ago?
B. 24 years
C. 26 years
D. 28 years
E. None of these
The present ages of A, B and C are in geometric progression and average age
of A and C is two year more than present age of B. If the sum of present ages
of A and B is equal to 20, then find the age of B after 3 years?

A, B और C क3 वतFमान आयु nाCमतीय VगWत मK है और A और C क3 औसत आयु B क3

वतFमान आयु से दो वषF अWधक है । यaद A और B क3 वतFमान आयु का योग 20 के बराबर है , तो 3
वषo के बाद B क3 आयु Xात क3Cजए।

A. 15 years
B. 21 years
C. 18 years
D. 24 years
E. None of these

The present ages of A, B

and C are in geometric
progression and average
age of A and C is two year
more than present age of
B. If the sum of present
ages of A and B is equal to
20, then find the age of B
after 3 years?

A. 15 years
B. 21 years
C. 18 years
D. 24 years
E. None of these

If N is divided by 23, the quotient is equal to 12. The difference between the
quotient and the remainder is 16. What is the value of N.

यaद N को 13 से AवभाCजत Aकया जाता है, तो भागफल 12 के बराबर होता है । भागफल और

शेषफल के बीच का अंतर 16 है। N का मान pा है ?

A. 209
B. 245
C. 267
D. 283
E. None of these

If N is divided by 23, the

quotient is equal to 12.
The difference between
the quotient and the
remainder is 16. What is
the value of N.

A. 209
B. 245
C. 267
D. 283
E. None of these

Let N be the least number divisible by 12, 16, 18, 24 and 25. The number N is
also a perfect square. Find the value of N?

मान लीCजए N वह छोटी से छोटी संqा है जो 12, 16, 18, 24 and 25 से Aवभाn है । संqा N भी
एक पूणF वगF है। N का मान Xात क3Cजए।

A. 1600
B. 3600
C. 4900
D. 5650
E. None of these

Let N be the least number

divisible by 12, 16, 18, 24
and 25. The number N is
also a perfect square.
Find the value of N?

A. 1600
B. 3600
C. 4900
D. 5650
E. None of these
Starting from P, P and Q work on alternate days and the work gets completed
in 27(1/2) days. If P alone can finish the work in 32 days, then find the time
taken by Q alone to finish the work?

P से शुg कर, P और Q वैकrsक aदन` मK काम करते है और कायF 27(1/2) aदन` मK पूरा हो जाता
है । यaद P अकेले काम को 32 aदन` मK पूरा कर सकता है, तो Q hारा अकेले काम को पूरा करने मK
Cलया गया समय Xात क3Cजये।

A. 18 days
B. 24 days
C. 27 days
D. 32 days
E. None of these

Starting from P, P and Q

work on alternate days
and the work gets
completed in 27(1/2)
days. If P alone can
finish the work in 32
days, then find the time
taken by Q alone to
finish the work?

A. 18 days
B. 24 days
C. 27 days
D. 32 days
E. None of these
P alone can work 6/7 as fast as Q and R together. P and Q together can work
10/3 as fast as R. If all three of them work together can complete a work in
9(3/13), then in how many days P will be complete the same work ?

P अकेले Q और R के 6/7 तेजी से काम कर सकता है। P और Q एक साथ R क3 तुलना मK 10/3

तेजी से काम कर सकते हH। यaद वे तीन` Cमलकर एक कायF को 9(3/13) मK पूरा कर सकते हH , तो
P उसी कायF को Aकतने aदन` मK पूरा करेगा?

A. 15 days
B. 18 days
C. 20 days
D. 24 days
E. None of these

P alone can work 6/7 as

fast as Q and R together.
P and Q together can
work 10/3 as fast as R. If
all three of them work
together can complete a
work in 9(3/13), then in
how many days P will be
complete the same work

A. 15 days
B. 18 days
C. 20 days
D. 24 days
E. None of these
There is sufficient grains for 120 people for 75 days and each one takes 900
gm grains everyday. But after 55 days 40 people leave the place and now
each person takes 1 kg grain every day. For how many days will the rest of
the food last for remaining people?

75 aदन` के Cलए 120 लोग` के Cलए पयाFt अनाज है और Viेक #$% VWतaदन 900 Pाम
अनाज ले ता है । ले Aकन 55 aदन` के बाद 40 लोग वहां से चले जाते हH और अब Viेक #$% हर
aदन 1 Aकलो अनाज ले ता है । शेष लोग` के Cलए शेष भोजन Aकतने aदन` तक चले गा?

A. 18 days
B. 24 days
C. 27 days
D. 30 days
E. None of these

There is sufficient grains for

120 people for 75 days and
each one takes 900 gm
grains everyday. But after
55 days 40 people leave the
place and now each person
takes 1 kg grain every day.
For how many days will the
rest of the food last for
remaining people?

A. 18 days
B. 24 days
C. 27 days
D. 30 days
E. None of these
What is the compound interest on a sum of Rs 500 at 15% for 2 years, when
the interest is compounded 8 monthly?

500 2पये क3 राCश पर 2 वषo के Cलए 15% क3 दर से च^वृ\] uाज pा है , जब uाज को 8

माह gप से संयोCजत Aकया जाता है ?

A. 133.5 Rs
B. 144.5 Rs
C. 154.5 Rs
D. 165.5 Rs
E. None of these

What is the compound

interest on a sum of Rs
500 at 15% for 2 years,
when the interest is
compounded 8

A. 133.5 Rs
B. 144.5 Rs
C. 154.5 Rs
D. 165.5 Rs
E. None of these
A sum of Rs 18000 is invested in three scheme of simple interest. The rates of
interest are 5%, 7.5% and 10% p.a. respectively. Rs 4000 were invested in the
first scheme. If the total interest earned after 4 years is Rs 5600, then how
much money was invested in the third scheme?

18000 2पये क3 राCश साधारण uाज क3 तीन योजनाओ ं मK Cनवेश क3 जाती है । uाज क3 दरK
^मशः 5%, 7.5% और 10% VWत वषF हH। पहली v3म मK 4000 2पये का Cनवेश Aकया गया था।
यaद 4 वषo के बाद अCजcत कुल uाज 5600 2पये है , तो तीसरी योजना मK Aकतना पैसा Cनवेश
Aकया गया था?

A. 6000 Rs
B. 6400 Rs
C. 7200 Rs
D. 8000 Rs
E. None of these

A sum of Rs 18000 is invested

in three scheme of simple
interest. The rates of interest
are 5%, 7.5% and 10% p.a.
respectively. Rs 4000 were
invested in the first scheme.
If the total interest earned
after 4 years is Rs 5600, then
how much money was
invested in the third scheme?
A. 6000 Rs
B. 6400 Rs
C. 7200 Rs
D. 8000 Rs
E. None of these
P and Q starts from X and Y at the same time towards each other , after
meeting on the way they cover the remaining journey in 24 minutes and 6.4
hours respectively . If the speeds of P and Q are ‘S-18’ km/hr and ‘S+12’ km/hr
respectively, then find the value of ‘S’?

P और Q एक ही समय मK X और Y से एक दस ू रे क3 ओर Vwान करते हH, रा8े मK Cमलने के बाद

वे शेष याmा को ^मशः 24 Cमनट और 6.4 घंटे मK तय करते हH। यaद P और Q क3 गWत ^मशः 'S-
18' Aकमी/घंटा और 'S+12' Aकमी/घंटा है, तो 'S' का मान Xात क3Cजये?

A. 20 km/hr
B. 28 km/hr
C. 32 km/hr
D. 36 km/hr
E. None of these

P and Q starts from X and Y at

the same time towards each
other , after meeting on the
way they cover the remaining
journey in 24 minutes and 6.4
hours respectively . If the
speeds of P and Q are ‘S-18’
km/hr and ‘S+12’ km/hr
respectively, then find the
value of ‘S’?

A. 20 km/hr
B. 28 km/hr
C. 32 km/hr
D. 36 km/hr
E. None of these
Rashmi starts her journey at a certain time. At 6:00 pm she covers 5/12th of
her journey and at 8:40 pm she covers 31/36th of her journey. If total distance
of journey is 270 km, then at what time she started her journey ?

रyz एक CनC{त समय पर अपनी याmा शुg करती है । शाम 6:00 बजे वह अपनी याmा का 5/12
वां kह|ा कवर करती है और 8:40 बजे वह अपनी याmा का 31/36 वां kह|ा कवर करती है । यaद
याmा क3 कुल दर
ू ी 270 Aकमी है, तो उसने अपनी याmा Aकतने बजे शुg क3?

A. 2:30 pm
B. 2:45 pm
C. 3:15 pm
D. 3:30 pm
E. None of these

Rashmi starts her journey

at a certain time. At 6:00
pm she covers 5/12th of
her journey and at 8:40
pm she covers 31/36th of
her journey. If total
distance of journey is 270
km, then at what time she
started her journey ?

A. 2:30 pm
B. 2:45 pm
C. 3:15 pm
D. 3:30 pm
E. None of these
How many 4-digit even numbers can be formed by using 1, 3, 4, 6 and 9,
when repetition is allowed?

जब पुनरावृ$} क3 अनुमWत है, तो 1, 3, 4, 6 और 9 का उपयोग करके Aकतनी 4-अंक3य सम

संqाएं बनाई जा सकती हH?

A. 120
B. 180
C. 250
D. 300
E. None of these

How many 4-digit even

numbers can be formed by
using 1, 3, 4, 6 and 9, when
repetition is allowed?

A. 120
B. 180
C. 250
D. 300
E. None of these

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