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Natural Selection

Natural Selection
Natural Selection

Natural Selection
Natural Selection is the process by which certain traits become more or less common in a population over
time, depending on their ability to help individuals survive and reproduce. It is driven by the interaction
between an organism's genetic makeup and the competition for limited resources.
Role of Mutation in Natural Selection
Mutation introduces new alleles which can be beneficial into the gene pool, then natural selection acts on
the genetic variation by favouring individual with advantageous traits that increase their chance of
survival and reproduction, while reducing the fitness of those with less favourable traits.

Positive and Negative Influence of Mutation on Natural Selection

Positive mutations can increase an organism's chances of survival and reproduction, which then improves
the chances of passing on the beneficial mutation to offspring. Negative mutations can decrease an
organism's fitness and survival, reducing its chances of reproducing and passing on the mutation.

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