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Course: Tenth grade

English teacher: Lic. David Ganazhapa

Good afternoon teacher and classmates, I am going to talk about my daily routine as student.

At 8 am, my day kicks off with the blaring of my alarm. After a sluggish start, I pull myself
out of bed and begin my morning routine. Breakfast is a quick affair, usually cereal or toast,
gulped down with a glass of orange juice. By 9 am, I'm planted at my desk, textbooks open
and pens ready. The morning flies by as I tackle assignments, review yesterday's lessons, and
jot down important notes. At 11:30 am, hunger pangs signal it's time for lunch, a welcome
break to refuel and recharge. Then, from 12:30 to 5:30 pm, it's study marathon time. I delve
into my subjects, dissecting concepts, practicing problems, and cementing my understanding.
By evening, I'm mentally exhausted but satisfied. Dinner provides a much-needed reprieve
before I wind down with a book or catch up on my favorite show.

To sum up, this is my daily routine, thanks so much.

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