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DepEd Caraga Region Gears Up for 5S Program Implementation Rationale DepEd Caraga has been serving the public

since its establishment in July 1995 and as per record its achievement is gratifying in terms of student academic performance. However, due to its lean manpower compared to a full-blown regional office, there are instances when public service could not be attained to its maximum. One basic approach for Quality and Productivity improvement in the workplace is the implementation of 5S 5 Steps to Good Housekeeping. DepEd Caraga realizes that one avenue to attain its mission of providing every child quality and relevant basic education is to further systematize and standardize its procedures of operation. The management decided to implement the 5S Program with the objective to make every employee more responsive and sensitive to clients concerns. Moreover, this approach, would be the beginning of a more comfortable and productive workplace. To ensure its successful implementation the Office stresses that every employee take his significant role in this undertaking. As with the adoption of kaizen (continuous improvement) the management has to press the right buttons to stimulate its people. Five S is a set of techniques providing a standard approach to housekeeping within the office. The Five S program focuses on having visual order, organization, cleanliness and standardization. The results you can expect from a Five S program are: improved profitability, efficiency, service and safety. A cornerstone of 5S is that untidy, cluttered work areas are not productive. There are the physical implications of junk getting in everybodys way and dirt compromising quality, we are happier in a clean and tidy environment and hence more inclined to work hard and with due care and attention. Overview/Goals & Objectives DepEd Caraga Region in its commitment to improve its performance through total quality management for maximum customer satisfaction needs to spend some extra money to get the 5S program going. There will be training time; man-hours spent to get the office cleaned up and organized; furniture and equipment purchases; and time spent on sustaining the 5S Program. It need to educate employees is to develop solid easy-to-understand documentation. For example, in seiketsu, or standardize, employees are introduced to a schematic drawing showing visual controls and are invited to discuss areas of concern. For shitsuke, or sustain, employee training consists of frequent updates on the success of the system through the office newsletter. In terms if valuing the 5S program everyone is unanimous in saying that it is very beneficial to ensure productivity in the workplace and to attain ultimate customer satisfaction. But on the ground, several kinks had to be worked out leveling off on definition of parameters, putting in the needed logistical support supplies, facilities and creating a culture of

shared responsibility and the collective quest for continuous improvement. There are manifested in many ways and it had to take sufficient time before a sustained implementation is reached. The components of an effective 5-S program 5S is a systematic process of workplace organization. Implementation of %-S has many benefits: higher quality, lower costs, reliable deliveries and improved safety. The intent of 5-S is to have only what you need available in the workplace, a designated place for everything, a standard way of doing things and the discipline to maintain it. Created in Japan, the components f 5S are: seriri, seiton, seiso, seiketsu and shitsuke. Translated to English, we have: Sort: The first S (Sort) requires you to distinguish between what is needed and what is not needed. Remove all items from the workplace that are not needed for current production. Then, it requires you to discard what is not needed. This is known as redtagging. A team goes through all items (tools, equipment, material, etc.) and asks the question: Do I need this to do my job on a regular basis? Items that used very infrequently or not used should be red-tagged. After determining what is actually needed, update all documentation to reflect the needed parts. Follow ergonomic guidelines in work/tool design. Systematize/Set in order: Arrange needed items so that they are easy to find and put away unnecessary things. Items used often are placed closer to the employee. The sorting out process is essentially a continuation of that described in the Seiri phrase. Removing items to be discarded or held in an alternative location will create space. This space will be visible and facilitate the alternative layout of the area. Sweep/Shine: Make sure everything is clean, functioning and ready to go. The third S (Shine) involves bringing the workspace back to proper order by the end of each day. It requires periodic (at least once daily) cleanup, responsible person(s) identified for cleanup, establishment of cleanup/restocking methods (tools, checklists, etc.), and periodic supervisor inspection. Standardize: This is the method you use to maintain the first three Ss. The fourth S (Standardize) is the method by which you maintain the first three Ss. Organization, orderliness and cleanliness are maintained and made habitual by instituting 3-S duties into regular work routines. The methods need to be standardized and required companywide. Self-Discipline: Make a habit of properly maintaining correct procedures. The fifth S allows the organization to sustain its 5-S program. For DepEd Caraga this includes: o An executive 5-S champion, the Agency Head with the other officials, to ensure that 5-S becomes part of the culture; o Periodic walk-through inspection/audits (at least every two months) with posted results; and o 5S performance measurement of workgroups.

Below is a table showing the sample rules and standards. Seiketsu: Example Rules and STandards WORK AREA S E I R I S E I T O N Tables Except for personal Orderly arrange and label items in one drawer, all items or documents only needed items are accordingly present Chairs No clothes, umbrellas or Always return under the other items and table after using documents Cabinets Discard outdated or Arrange and label contents useless documents in order. Machines

S E I S O Wipe five minutes before and after working

Wipe five minutes before and after working Wipe five minutes before and after working No unnecessary things Place in safe areas for easy Wipe every morning on or around machines use. and inspect 10 minutes every last working day of the month.

Implementation of this final S is where most companies fall back into their old ways of Doing things because 5S is thought of as an activity rather that an element of company culture. Companies implement 5S for several months only to find themselves back to their previous state. To make 5S work, DepEd Caraga ensures that performance is always measured and the top management is steadfast in its commitment. For the employees, the components of 5-S create a superior working environment. These give the worker an opportunity to provide creative input regarding how the workplace should be organized and laid out and how standard work should be done. They will be able to find things easily, every time. The workplace will be cleaner and safer. Jobs will be simpler and more satisfying with many obstacles and frustrations removed. For the organization, this creates fewer defects, less waste, fewer delays, fewer injuries and fewer breakdowns. These advantages translate to lower cost and higher quality. Strategic Directions DepEd Caraga, in its effort to implement good housekeeping, has done the 5S scan, some basic cause and effect analysis of losses in the areas safety, quality and space cost for example, and link any 5S-related root causes to future savings. Thorough documentation of the before condition and then struggling to justify the daily cleaning efforts that are required to sustain the little gains is done. The Total Quality & Standards Program this Office is currently pursuing right now is mainly on good housekeeping. It basically covers the so0called 5S sorting, systematizing, sweeping, standardizing and self-discipline.

The employees strive to throw out what they didnt need, put back everything needed in its proper place, and shine the floors and machines for the first few months of its implementation. As a result, they gradually have developed discipline, good work habits and quality awareness. As soon as the employees get to a level where good housekeeping and the other basic standards are fully internalized, they hope to move on to adding more parameters to cover areas that would allow them to be more efficient and uphold excellence in all aspects in agency work and functions.

DepED Caraga Regional Office 5S Committee

GLORIA D. BENIGNO, Ph. D., CESO IV OIC-Office of the Regional Director

5S Chairman
PONCIANO Q. JOVEN Assistant Regional Director

5S Assistant Chairman

Record-Keeping Coordinating - Meeting - Reporting - Supplies


EDUCATION & PROMOTION COMMITTEE A. B. C. D. E. F. Training Publicity Boards/Newsletter Staff Meetings Plant Visits Rewards & Incentives


A. Rules B. Standards - Office Physical

Planning Documentation - Written Reports - Photos

Structure - Functions of Divisions/Units

C. Inspection & Audits

The Monitoring System A weekly monitoring team is assigned to conduct monitoring and inspection for the whole week Each monitoring team is composed of two regular committee members and an employee who is assigned as guest monitor for the week. All employees other than the regular committee member shall take turns as guest monitors. Monitoring shall be done daily, covering all parameters except for the following: o Attendance - once a month o Daily Time Records - once a month o Flag Ceremonies - every Monday o Office-Sanctioned Activities - per activity o Leave Applications - per absence o Filing System - once a week o Conference room - per usage/activity Employees will be given feedbacks of their violations/non-compliance at the end of the day. Starting October 2010, a Merit System shall be implemented wherein points shall be awarded to an employee for his/her compliance of every standard/parameter. Individual scores shall be tallied daily using the 5S Score Sheet. The division/s with the highest average of compliance per week shall be awarded with a banner acknowledging then as the best 5S practitioners. As part of the integration of the 5S Program in the individual IPAS, each employee shall target to earn at least 80% of the total possible points for the semester. Project Activities Below is the table indicating the activities undertaken: Activity A. Pre-Planning for Implementation 1. 5S Orientation of the R.O. personnel 2. Creation of 5S Committee 3. Formulation of 5S Standards 4. Situational Appraisal/Initial Evaluation of the Workplace 5. 5S Launching B. Implementation Plan 1. Basic Orientation Session for Committee Members (Committee Functions) 2. Actual Implementation Establish 5S Evaluation and Incentive Plan Conduct monthly evaluation inspection/audit Organize 5S Inter-division competition Annual Assessment/Evaluation Time Frame April 19 20, 2010 April 28, 2010 May 17 21, 2010 May 24 28, 2010 June 16, 2010 May 31, 2010 June 2010 to

Award/Recognition (groups/individual) Benchmarking/Plant Visit to other offices/organization 5S Orientation of the Regional Office personnel


The 5S Orientation for the regional office staff was conducted by Ms. Gay Tidalgo, the Officer-in-Charge for the Office of the Provincial DTI Director, who is the only licensed ISO assessor in the region. The activity allowed the employees to understand the benefits of 5S and how will they start the implementation. They realized how significant and beneficial is the program and everyone showed enthusiasm for its immediate implementation. Creation of the 5S Committee The Regional 5S Committee was organized, namely: Planning and Documentation Committee who plans and documents all the 5S activities; Education and Promotion Committee who conducts training and promotes the program; and the Monitoring and Promotion Committee who formulates the standards and conducts the evaluation. Formulation of the 5S Standards The 5S standards on the structure of the office were formulated based on the model presented by DTI which is already ISO accredited. Meetings of the different committees to review and polish the standards were until the final copy was done. The regional director conducted a staff meeting to orient all the employees on the set standards. Situational Appraisal/Initial Evaluation of the Workplace Using the standards as parameters, all the employees had their initial evaluation of their respective offices. After the situational appraisal, they came up with the list of supplies and equipment they need to implement the 5S in their own divisions/units. Each one started thinking new ideas on how to enhance the structure and arrangement of the office. 5S Launching Desirous to fully implement the 5S Program, the Office had its Big 5S Launching last June 16 2010 which was actually a joint launching with the Wellness Program. The regional director stressed that the undertaking should be a collaborative effort of all the employees. Further she cited her wholehearted support to the program. Pictures before the initial sorting were taken and set as part of the documentation. Implementation Plan The actual implementation started with the basic orientation session of the committee members on their respective functions and duties. There was clarification on the coverage of functions of each committee and the schedules of the forthcoming activities. The committees are now establishing the Evaluation and Incentive Plan which will be the basis for the rewards of the

best implementers after the conduct of the evaluation. The first evaluation will be conducted this month of September as agreed by the division/unit chiefs. Other plans for future activities are still ongoing. In the not so distant future, they envision to get ISO aligned and then eventually certified for our Total Quality Management System as a government agency and be given the opportunity to be a model and mentor for other agencies, private sector partner institutions.

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