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Uttam Institute of Technology

and Management, Runkata,


Customer Satisfaction

Date: 10th July 2024

Bachelor of Business
Submitted To: Submitted By:
Mr.Jitendra Kushwaha Miss. Ritika
Asst. Professor BBA VI Sem
Research project Guide Roll- 2103925071137

This is to declare that the research project titled “A STUDY ON

SUSTAINABLE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION” is an academic work done by
Miss. Ritika submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the award of degree of Bachelor of Business Administration at Uttam
Institute of Technology and Management under my guidance and

Miss. Ritika has given an undertaking that the information presented in

the project has not been submitted earlier.

Mr. Jitendra Kushwaha

Asst. professor
BBA 3rd year

I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to
my guide DR. Jitendra Kushwaha sir for his exemplary guidance, monitoring
and constant encouragement throughout the course of this project. The
blessing. Help and guidance given by him time to time shall carry me a long way
in the journey of life on which I am about to embark.

I also take this opportunity to express a deep sense of gratitude to my friends

for his cordial support, valuable information and guidance, which helped me in
completing this task through various stages.

I am also obliged to staff members of Indian Organization and my colleagues,

for the valuable information provided by them in their respective fields. I am
grateful for their cooperation during the period of my research report.

Finally, my sincere thanks to my parents and friends for their wholehearted

support and encouragement.

I also hereby declare that the research project work entitled under the
guidance of My Professors my original work and it has not been submitted
earlier in any

Miss. Ritika

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