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W01 Gospel Research and Insight

Name: Dicmary Zambrano

Follow the steps below to complete this activity. Save this document with your name in the file
name. When you have completed this activity and answered all the questions, follow the
instructions in your course to submit the document for grading and feedback.

Step 01
Carefully read and review the Explanatory Introduction and Section 1 of Doctrine and
Covenants and consider the insights you gained from the scripture sections studied.

Note: An “Insight” is a statement of truth that you found enlightening in your personal study

Step 02
Use 200-300 words to provide three insights from the Explanatory Introduction to answer
“What do the Lord’s Prophets want me to know about the Doctrine and Covenants?”.

For each insight found, including the following:

 Name of the insight statement

 Scripture Reference (Reference that inspired the insight)
 Personal Explanation (Why is this significant to this question?)

Increased Understanding of the Gospel: The Doctrine and Covenants contain important
teachings that were promised long ago. Growing up, I always heard that our church receives
ongoing revelations, but I didn't fully understand this until the pandemic showed me how
crucial these messages are. The words of the prophets, backed by scriptures like D&C 1:34-36,
tell us that God wants to share His knowledge with everyone. This helped my family face the
pandemic with hope and careful action based on prophetic advice.

Guidance from the Lord: Reading the scriptures often feels like the Lord is talking directly to
me. This matches the idea that the Doctrine and Covenants are meant to guide us, especially as
we prepare for Jesus' return. Verses like D&C 1:25-28 explain that those who seek wisdom from
these teachings will learn and grow stronger. Before, I thought some scriptures didn’t apply to
me, but now I see they offer personal guidance if I study them with the help of the Holy Ghost.

Universal Revelations: I used to think not all revelations were meant for me, similar to how my
brother thought advice from the prophes on saving money and being prepared wasn’t for him.
He ended up struggling with debt, which showed me how wrong we were to think that way.
Scriptures like D&C 1:14-16 warn that ignoring the prophets can lead to trouble. This taught me
that every message from the prophets is important for everyone, and we should listen to them
with an open heart.

Use 200-300 words to provide three insights from Section 1 of the Doctrine and Covenants to
answer “What does the Lord want you to know about the Doctrine and Covenants?”.

For each insight found, including the following:

 Name of the insight statement

 Scripture Reference (Reference that inspired the insight)
 Personal Explanation (Why is this significant to this question?)

1. The Voice of Warning

 Scripture Reference: Doctrine and Covenants 1:4

 Personal Explanation: This verse emphasizes that the Doctrine and Covenants serves as
a "voice of warning" to all people. The significance of this statement is profound as it
illustrates the purpose of the Doctrine and Covenants—not just as a collection of
revelations, but as a divine guide meant to warn, prepare, and protect us in the face of
global moral challenges and personal trials. It shows that the Lord is actively
communicating through these scriptures to ensure our spiritual safety and readiness.

2. The Foundation of the Church

 Scripture Reference: Doctrine and Covenants 1:30

 Personal Explanation: This insight highlights that the Doctrine and Covenants is crucial
for establishing and sustaining the foundation of the Church. The reference to the
Church being "the only true and living church upon the face of the whole earth"
underlines the exclusive divine endorsement and the role of the Doctrine and Covenants
in maintaining the integrity and truthfulness of the Church's teachings. This is significant
because it reaffirms the unique position of the Church and its doctrines in the midst of
myriad religious perspectives.

3. The Fulfillment of Prophecy

 Scripture Reference: Doctrine and Covenants 1:17-18

 Personal Explanation: These verses speak about God’s promise to "give unto [the
prophet] commandments" and the coming forth of "those who have been ordained
unto the lesser priesthood," indicating that the Doctrine and Covenants is a living
fulfillment of biblical prophecies. This is particularly significant as it connects the
modern revelations contained in the Doctrine and Covenants with ancient prophecies,
demonstrating the ongoing nature of God’s work and His continuous guidance through
prophets. It reinforces the concept that God’s word is ever-relevant and dynamic,
adapting to the needs of His people across all generations.

Step 03
Use 150-200 words to answer “How do you feel your study of the Lord’s Preface (Section 1) and
the Explanatory Introduction (prepared by His prophets) of the Doctrine and Covenants
prepared you for a study of this sacred work?”.

I felt a lot of inspiration. The historical background gave so much weight to the section instruction and reading D

Step 04
Reflect on the insights you gained this week. Write a 150-250 word paragraph; describe what
the single most powerful insight was that came to you as you studies this week’s revelations
and what you hope to do with it.

 Your paragraph should contain:

o A description of what stood out to you.
o What you hope to do better as a result of this new or deeper understanding you
have been given.
 Here are some questions to consider in writing this paragraph:
o Was there a particular “one=liner” in these revelations that captures your
greatest insight?
o What was your biggest “aha” moment in studying these revelations?
o What do you hope to do better as a result of what you have studied?
This week, the part about the testimony at the end of the introduction in Doctrine and
Covenants really stood out to me. It made everything else make more sense and showed how
important these teachings are. The stories from leaders like President Henry B. Eyring and Elder
M. Russell Ballard helped me see why it’s so crucial to listen to what the prophets tell us.

One big thing that hit me was when I read Doctrine and Covenants 1:38, where it says that
when prophets speak, it’s like the Lord is speaking. This made me realize that following what
the prophets say is really following what God wants us to do. It made me want to pay more
attention and follow their advice more closely.

From now on, I plan to spend more time reading the scriptures and really listening when the
prophets speak, like during general conference. I want to get better at following what I feel the
Spirit is telling me when I hear these messages. By doing this, I hope to grow stronger in my
faith and be a better example to those around me, like my family and friends.

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