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‘Internet-related crime affects only particular groups and should not lead to a change of focus

away from traditional crime fighting’

The rapid development of the internet has led to internet-related problems in modern society.
However, it should be noted that internet related crimes affect specific groups, and they should
not distract us from traditional crime fighting. By devoting appropriate resources to fighting
traditional crimes, we can provide a safer environment for all citizens. This essay discusses that
traditional crime fighting should be the primary focus because internet-related crimes affect
only a limited group of people and can be reduced by means of targeted measures.

Important aspect is the demographics of internet-related crimes. Although cybercrime has

increased in current years, most of the victims are likely to be either individuals or organizations
that are active on online platforms. Ordinary citizens who never use the internet for any
purpose are less likely to be the target audience. however, traditional crime fighting is important
for public safety because it encompasses a wide range of crimes.

Another point is the success of traditional crime-fighting. Security force agencies come up with
effective strategies to fight crimes like theft, assault, or drug-related crimes, and they have
proven effective in the prevention of crime. Traditional crime-fighting allowed us to ensure the
well-being of the general community.

Furthermore, allocating resources from traditional crime-fighting to internet-related crimes can

help to reduce disparities in law enforcement. Violence and robbery have instant consequences
that personally affect victims. After prioritizing those crimes, it will be easier to allocate
adequate resources and have quick responses. To neglect traditional crime-fighting all for
cybercrime can harm public safety.

To conclude, traditional crime-fighting methods proved its effectiveness and allocating our
resources to cybercrime might weaken public safety. while internet-related crimes must be
addressed, the focus should be on traditional crime-fighting to ensure public safety and the well-
being of a wide range of individuals.

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