مجموعة من القطع الخارجية للصف السادس الاعدادي

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‫جمموعة من القطع اخلارجية للصف السادس االعدادي‬

Q1) A- Read this text carefully.
When he got married, Alf was too embarrassed to say anything to his wife about his job. He simply told
her that he worked for the Corporation. Every morning he left home dressed in a fine black suit. He then
changed into overalls and spent the next eight hours as a dustman. Before returning home at night, he took
a shower and changed back into his suit. Alf had done this over two years and his fellow-dustmen kept his
secret. Alf’s wife never discovered that she had married a dustman and she never will, for Alf has just
found another job. He will soon work in an office as a junior clerk. He will earn only half as much as he
used to, but he feels that his rise in status is well worth the loss of money. From now on, he will wear a suit
all day and others will call him “Mr. Bloggs”, not “Alf.
‫ في كل صباح‬.‫ فهو ببساطة اخبرها انه يعمل لدى شركة‬.‫ كان الف محرج جدا ان يقول اي شيء لزوجته عن وظيفته‬, ‫عندما تزوج‬
‫كان يغادر مرتديا بدلة سوداء جميلة ثم يغيرها الى بدلة عمل يقضي الثمان ساعات التالية كعامل نظافة وقبل الرجوع للبيت في‬
‫ ولم تكتشف زوجة‬.‫ وقد امضى الف ما يزيد عن السنتين وزمالءه الكناسين يحافظون على سره‬.‫المساء كان يستحم ويغير الى بدلته‬
‫ سوف يحصل على نصف ما كان‬.‫ فهو سيعمل ككاتب ثانوي‬. ‫الف انها كانت متزوجة بكناس ولن تعرف الن الف وجد توا وظيفة جديدة‬
‫ ومن االن فصاعدا سوف يرتدي بدلة طول اليوم وسوف‬.‫يحصل عليه سابقا ولكنه يشعر ان ارتقاء وضعه يستحق خسارة المال‬
.‫يدعوه االخرين بالسيد بلوجز وليس الف‬

Now answer (five) of the following questions.

1. What did Alf tell his wife when they got married?
2.How did he dress each morning before he left home?
3.What did he do before going home at night?
4. What was his real career?.
5. Will his wife ever learn the truth ?Why?
6. Give a suitable title to the passage.
1. He simply told her that he worked for the Corporation.
2. Each morning he left home dressed in a fine black suit.
3. He took a shower and changed back into his suit before going home at night.
4. His real career was a dustman.
5 No, she won't because he has just found another job.
6. '' A dustman''

Q1) A- Read this text carefully.
Helen lived with her sister Mary. Both of them were about seventy five years old, and neither of them had
ever married. They had a small, old car, and when they wanted to go somewhere, which they did very
rarely, Mary always drove, because her eyes were better. One weekend they drove to a large town to look
at some things which they had read about in the newspaper. Neither of-them had been to that town before.
They were driving along in a lot of traffic when they turned right into a street which cars were not allowed
to go into. There was a policeman there, and he blew his whistle, but Mary did not stop, so he got on to his
motor-cycle and followed them. After he had ordered them to stop, he said, 'Didn't you hear me blow my
whistle?' 'Yes, we did', admitted Mary politely, 'but Mummy told us never to stop when men whistle at us.'
‫ وكان لديها سيارة صغيرة وقديمة‬.‫ عاما وهما غير متزوجتان من قبل‬75 ‫عاشت هيلين مع شقيقتها ماري وكالهما يبلغ من العمر‬
‫ وفي احد‬.‫وعندما يريدان ان يذهبا الى مكان ما والذي كان نادرا ما يحصل كانت ماري هي التي تسوق دائما الن عيناها كانت افضل‬
‫ ولم يكن أيا منها قد جاء الى هذه‬.‫عطل نهاية االسبوع قادوا سيارتهم الى بلدة كبيرة لمشاهدة بعض االشياء التي قرأوا عنها في الجريدة‬

‫اعداد االستاذ محمد ياسين الجبوري‬.....‫نماذج قطع خارجية للصف السادس االعدادي مع الترجمة والحلول‬
‫ وكان هناك شرطي‬.‫ وكانتا تفودان في كثير من الزحام عندما استدارا الى يمين شارع لم يكن مسموح بدخول السيارات اليه‬.‫البلدة من قبل‬
‫ وبعد ان امرهما بالتوقف قال " الم تسمعاني انفخ بصفارتي؟" فقالت‬.‫وقد نفخ بصفارته ولكن ماري لم تتوقف لذلك صعد دراجته وتبعهما‬
".‫ماري بتأدب " نعم سمعنا ولكن امي اخبرتنا ان ال نتوقف مطلقا عندما يصفر لنا الرجال‬
Now answer (five) of the following questions.
1.Where did Mary and Helen drive one day? Why?
2.Why did Mary drive?
3.What did the policeman do when Mary didn't stop?
4. She did not stop, because she did not hear him blow his whistle.(True / False)
5.Had her mother really meant that she should not stop when a policeman blew his whistle?
6. Give a suitable title to the passage.
1. They drove to a large town to look at some things which they had read about in the newspaper.
2. because her eyes were better.
3. he got on to his motor-cycle and followed them.
4. False
5. No, she hadn't.
6. ''The whistle''
Q1) A- Read this text carefully.
There is a prison in Iceland which allows its prisoners to go out without any guards to work every day.
'They work on the farms near the prison during the day, and come back to have their evening meal and to
sleep every evening. Before they are allowed to go out like this, they have to promise to come back every
evening. If they do not promise this, they are not let out. One night one of the prisoners was invited to have
a meal and a drink with the family of the farmer he was working for, so he came back to the prison very
late. He had to knock at the gate several times before the guard came to let him in. The guard did not like
being disturbed at this time, so he said to the prisoner angrily, 'If you come back so late again, I won't let
you in.'
‫ هم يعملون في المزارع التي قرب السجن خالل النهار‬.‫هنالك سجن في ايسلندا يسمح للسجناء بالخروج بدون اي حراس للعمل كل يوم‬
‫ وقبل ان يتم السماح لهم بالخروج على هذا النحو يتوجب عليهم ان يتعهدوا‬.‫ويعودون لتناول وجبات طعامهم المسائية وللنوم كل مساء‬
‫ وفي احد الليالي احد السجناء كان مدعوا لتناول الطعام والشراب مع عائلة‬.‫ان يعودوا كل مساء واذا لم يتعهدوا بهذا فلم يدعوهم يخرجون‬
.‫ كان يتوجب عليه طرق البوابة عدة مرات قبل ان يأتي الحارس ليدعه يدخل‬.‫المزارع الذي يعمل عنده لذلك رجع الى السجن متأخر جدا‬
.‫ولم يحب الحارس ان يتم ازعاجه في هذا الوقت لذلك قال للسجين بغضب اذا رجعت متأخر مرة ثانية فسوف لن ادعك تدخل‬
Now answer (five) of the following questions.
l. In what way is the prisoner in this story different from most others?
2.What work do the prisoners do?
3. What do they have to do in order to be allowed to work outside?
4. Why was one prisoner very late one night?
5.What did he have to do to get into the prison again?
6. Give a suitable title to the passage.
1. He came back to the prison very late.
2. They work on the farms near the prison during the day.
3. They have to promise to come back every evening in order to be allowed to work outside.
4. Because he was invited to have a meal and a drink with the family of the farmer he was working
5. He had to knock at the gate several times to get into the prison again.
6.'' A prison in Iceland''


‫اعداد االستاذ محمد ياسين الجبوري‬.....‫نماذج قطع خارجية للصف السادس االعدادي مع الترجمة والحلول‬
Q1) A- Read this text carefully.
Henry was from the United States and he had come to London for a holiday. One day he was not feeling
well, so he went to the clerk at the desk of his hotel and said, 'I want to see a doctor. Can you give me the
name of a good one?' 'The clerk looked in a book and then said, 'Dr Kenneth Grey, 610 10.' Henry said,
'Thank you very much. Is he expensive?' 'Well,' the clerk answered, 'he always charges his patients two
pounds for their first visit to him, and €1.50 for later visits.' Henry decided to save 50p, so when he went to
see the doctor, he said, 'I've come again, doctor.' For a few seconds the doctor looked at his face carefully
without saying anything. Then he nodded and said, 'Oh, yes. 'He examined him and then said, 'Everything
is going as it should do. Just continue with the medicine I gave you last time.'
‫ في احد االيام لم يكن يشعر بصحة جيدة لذللك ذهب الى كاتب الفندق الذي هو فيه‬.‫هنري من الواليات المتحدة وقد جاء الى لندن في عطلة‬
‫في مكتبه وقال له " اريد ان ارى طبيبا هل تستطيع ان تعطيني اسم طبيب جيد؟" نظر الكاتب في كتاب ثم قال "دكتور كينيث كراي‬
‫ باوند عند الزيارة االولى‬2 ‫ هل هو غالي؟" فقال الكاتب "حسنا انه يفرض على مراجعيه‬.‫ " فقال هنري " اشكرك كثيرا‬61010
"‫ بنس لذلك عندما ذهب لمراجعة الطبيب قال "جئت مرة ثانية د كتور‬50 ‫وباوند ونصف عند الزيارة الثانية" فقرر هنري ان يوفر‬
‫ ثم هز راسه وقال "نعم" وفحصه ومن ثم قال "كل شيء يسير‬.‫ولمدة بضع ثواني نظر الطبيب الى وجهه بعناية دون ان يقول اي شيء‬
."‫كما يجب فقط استمر على العالج الذي اعطيتك المرة الماضية‬
Now answer (five) of the following questions.
l. Why did Henry have to ask someone else for the name of a doctor?
2. What did Henry ask the clerk at the desk of his hotel?
3. What did Henry decide?
4. Did the doctor believe him?
5.The doctor didn't examined him. (True/ False)
6. Give a suitable title to the passage.
1. Because he was from the United States and he had come to London for a holiday.
2. He asked him if the doctor was expensive.
3. He decided to save 50p.
4. No, he didn't.
5. False
6. 'I've come again, doctor.'
Q1) A- Read this text carefully.
Matthew Hobbs was sixteen years old. He had been at the same school for five years, and he had always
been a very bad pupil. He was lazy, he fought with other pupils, he was rude to the teachers, and he did not
obey the rules of the school. His headmaster tried to make him work and behave better, but he was never
successful-and the worst thing was that, as Matthew grew older, he was a bad influence on the younger
boys. Then at last Matthew left school. He tried to get a job with a big company, and the manager wrote to
the headmaster to find out what he could say about Matthew. The headmaster wanted to be honest, but he
also did not want to be too hard, so he wrote, 'If you can get Matthew Hobbs to work for you, you will be
very lucky.'
‫ سنوات وقد كان طالب سيء وكان كسول ويتشاجر دائما مع الطالب‬5 ‫ سنه وقد كان في نفس المدرسة لمدة‬16 ‫ماثيو هوبس عمره‬
‫االخرين وكان فض مع مدرسيه ولم يكن يطيع قوانين المدرسة وقد حاول مديره ان يجعله يعمل ويتصرف بشكل افضل ولكنه مطلقا لم‬
‫ينجح والشيء األسوأ ان ماثيو كبر وكان له تأثير سيء على االوالد الصغار واخيرا بعد ذلك ترك المدرسة وحاول ان يحصل على وظيفة‬
‫ اراد المدير ان يكون صادقا ولكن لم يريد ان‬. ‫في شركة كبيرة وقد كتب مدير الشركة الى مدير المدرسة ليعرف ماذا سيقول عن ماثيوا‬
"‫يكون قاسي جدا لذلك كتب " اذا استطعت الحصول على ماثيوا للعمل معك فستكون محظوظ جدا‬
Now answer (five) of the following questions.
l. How did Matthew behave at school?
2. What did his headmaster try to do about Matthew?
3. What did Matthew do when he left school?

‫اعداد االستاذ محمد ياسين الجبوري‬.....‫نماذج قطع خارجية للصف السادس االعدادي مع الترجمة والحلول‬
4. What did the manager of the company do?
5.The headmaster told the manager that Matthew was lazy and behaved badly.(True/ False)
6. Give a suitable title to the passage.
1. He was lazy, he fought with other pupils, he was rude to the teachers, and he did not obey the rules
of the school.
2. His headmaster tried to make him work and behave better.
3. He tried to get a job with a big company.
4. The manager wrote to the headmaster to find out what he could say about Matthew.
5. False
6. "Matthew Hobbs''
Q1) A- Read this text carefully.
When Dave Perkins was young, he played a lot of games, and he was thin and strong, but when he was
forty-five, he began to get fat and slow. He was not able to breathe as well as before, and when he walked
rather fast, his heart beat painfully. He did not do anything about this for a long time, but finally he
became anxious and went to see a doctor, and the doctor sent him to hospital. Another young doctor
examined him there and said, 'I don't want to mislead you, Mr. Perkins. You're very ill, and I believe that
you are unlucky to live much longer. Would you like me to arrange for anybody to come and see you
before you die?' Dave thought for a few seconds and then he answered, 'I'd like another doctor to come and
see me.'
‫عندما كان ديف بركنز شابا لعب العديد من االلعاب وكان نحيف وقوي ولكن عندما اصبح في الخامسة واالربعون بداء يصبح سمين‬
‫ وعندما كان يمشي نوعا ما بسرعة كان قلبه يدق بألم ولم يكن يفعل اي شيء حول‬.‫وبطيء ولم يكن يستطيع التنفس مثل ما كان من قبل‬
‫هذا لفترة طويلة ولكن اخيرا اصبح منزعج وذهب ليرى الطبيب والطبيب ارسله الى المستشفى وهناك فحصه دكتور اخر شاب وقال له ال‬
‫اريد ان اخدعك يا سيد بركنز انت مريض جدا اعتقد انك لست محظوظ لتعيش فترة اطول هل ترغب ان ارتب ألي شخص ان يراك قبل ان‬
.‫تموت؟ ففكر ديف لبضع ثواني واجابه ارغب ان يأتي طبيب اخر ليراني‬
Now answer (five) of the following questions.
l. How was Dave when he was young?
2.What happened to him when he was forty-five?
3.What did his doctor do?
4.Who examined him in the hospital?
5.The young doctor told him that he was well. (True \ False)
6. Give a suitable title to the passage..
1. He was thin and strong when he was young.
2. When he was forty-five, he began to get fat and slow.
3. His doctor sent him to hospital.
4. Another young doctor examined him in the hospital.
5. False.
6.'' Mr. Perkins and the young doctor''
Q1) A- Read this text carefully.
Mr. Richards worked in a small seaside town, and he and his wife had a comfortable house near the sea.
During the winter they were quite happy there, but every summer a lot of their relatives used to want to
come and stay with them, because it was a nice place for a holiday, and it was much cheaper than staying
in a hotel. Finally one. June Mr. Richards complained to an intelligent friend of his who lived in the same
place. 'One of' my wife's cousins intends to bring her husband and children and spend ten days with us next
month again. How do you prevent all your relatives coming to live with you in the summer?' 'Oh,' the
‫اعداد االستاذ محمد ياسين الجبوري‬.....‫نماذج قطع خارجية للصف السادس االعدادي مع الترجمة والحلول‬
friend answered, 'that isn't difficult. I just borrow money from all the rich ones, and lend it to all the poor
ones. After that ,none of' them come again.'
‫ خالل الشتاء كانوا نوعا ما سعداء ولكن كل‬.‫عمل السيد رتشارد في مدينه ساحلية صغيرة وكان لديه هو وزوجته بيت مريح قرب البحر‬
‫ وكان اكثر رخصا من االقامة في فندق‬.‫صيف الكثير من اقاربهم كانوا معتادين على ان يأتوا ويقيموا معهم ألنه كان مكان لطيف للعطلة‬
‫واخيرا في احد ايام حزيران اشتكى السيد رتشارد الى احد اصدقائه االذكياء والذي يعيش في نفس المكان قائال "احد بنات عم زوجتي‬
‫ كيف تمنع اقاربك من المجيء والعيش معك في الصيف؟‬.‫ ايام معنا الشهر القادم مرة اخرى‬10 ‫تنوي ان تجلب زوجها واالطفال ويقضوا‬
‫فقال الصديق حسنا ان ذلك ليس بالشيء الصعب فانا فقط استعير النقود من أغنياهم واقرضها الى جميع الفقراء وبعد ذلك ال احد منهم‬
."‫يأتي مرة ثانية‬
Now answer (five) of the following questions.
l. Where did Mr. and Mrs. Richards live?
2. Why were they happier in winter than in summer?
3. Why did their relatives want to visit them?
4. Who did Mr. Richards ask for advice then?
5. Why didn't the friend's relatives want to visit him again?
6. Give a suitable title to the passage.
1. in a small seaside town.
2. Because every summer a lot of their relatives used to want to come and stay with them.
3. Because it was a nice place for a holiday, and it was much cheaper than staying in a hotel.
4. Mr. Richards asked an intelligent friend for advice.
5. Because he borrows money from all the rich ones, and lends it to all the poor ones.
6. ''Winter is better than summer''

Q1) A- Read this text carefully.
Nasreddin was cutting a branch off a tree in his garden. While he was sawing, another man passed in the
street. He stopped and said, 'Excuse me, but if you continue to saw that branch like that, you will fall
down with it.' He said this because Nasreddin was sitting on the branch and cutting it at a place between
himself and the trunk of the tree. Nasreddin said nothing. He thought, 'This is some foolish person who
has no work to do and goes about telling other people what to do and what not to do.' The man
continued on his way. Of course, after a few minutes, the branch fell and Nasreddin fell with it. 'My
God!' he cried. 'That man knows the future!' and he ran after him to ask how long he was going to live.
But the man had gone.

‫ ولكن اذا‬،‫ "عفوا‬:‫ وقال‬،‫ فتوقف‬.‫ مر رجل آخر في الشارع‬،‫ وبينما كان ينشر‬.‫كان نصر الدين يقطع فرعا من شجرة في حديقته‬
‫ وقال هذا ألن نصر الدين كان جالسا على الفرع وكان يقطعه من مكان‬."‫ سوف تسقط معها‬،‫استمريت بنشر هذا الفرع بتلك الطريقة‬
‫ ويذهب إلى إخبار‬،‫ "هذا شخص أحمق ليس لديه عمل للقيام به‬:‫ كان يقول لنفسه‬.‫ ولم يقل نصر الدين شيئا‬.‫بينه وبين جذع الشجرة‬
‫ سقط الفرع وسقط نصر الدين‬،‫ وبعد بضع دقائق‬،‫ وبطبيعة الحال‬.‫ استمر الرجل في طريقه‬."‫اآلخرين ما يجب القيام به وما ال يجب‬
"‫ لكن الرجل ذهب‬.‫ "هذا الرجل يعرف المستقبل!" وركض بعده ليتساءل كم سيعيش‬. ‫ فصرخ يا الهي‬.‫معه‬

Now answer (five) of the following questions.

1.What was Nasreddin doing at the beginning of this story?
2.According to the man, what will happen if Nasreddin continues to saw that branch?
3.What happened after a few minutes?
4.What did Nasreddin say then?
5.What did he want to ask the man?
6.Did he find the man? Why ?

‫اعداد االستاذ محمد ياسين الجبوري‬.....‫نماذج قطع خارجية للصف السادس االعدادي مع الترجمة والحلول‬
1. Nasreddin was cutting a branch off a tree in his garden.
2. If he continues to saw that branch like that, he will fall down with it.
3. After a few minutes, the branch fell and Nasreddin fell with it.
4. He said that man knows the future.
5. He wanted to ask him how long he was going to live.
6. No, he didn't because the man had gone.

Q1) A- Read this text carefully.
A young lion came to a small zoo in Europe. In the next cage was a tired , old lion, which did nothing
except lie about and sleep. 'Lions ought not to behave like that!' the young lion said to himself, so he
roared at all the visitors and tried to break the bars of the cage. At three o'clock a man brought a big
piece of meat and put it in the old lion's cage. Then he put a bag of nuts and two bananas in the young
lion's cage. The young lion was very surprised. 'I don't understand this,' he said to the old lion. 'I behave
like a real lion, while you lie there and do nothing, and look what happens!' 'Well, you see,' said the old
lion kindly, 'this is a small zoo. They haven't got enough money for two lions, so in their books you are
here as a monkey.'

‫ في القفص التالي كان هناك اسد عجوز ومتعب وال يفعل شيء غير االستلقاء في‬.‫جاء أسد شاب إلى حديقة حيوان صغيرة في أوروبا‬
‫ لذلك زأر على جميع الزوار وحاول كسر‬،‫ "األسود يجب أن ال تتصرف على هذا النحو!" قال األسد الشاب لنفسه‬.. ‫القفص والنوم‬
‫ ثم وضع كيس من المكسرات واثنين‬.‫ في الثالثة صباحا جلب رجل قطعة كبيرة من اللحم ووضعها في قفص األسد القديم‬.‫قضبان القفص‬
،‫ "أتصرف وكأني أسد حقيقي‬.‫ قال لألسد العجوز‬،‫ "أنا ال أفهم هذا‬.‫ كان األسد الشاب مندهش جدا‬.‫من الموز في قفص األسد الشاب‬
‫ لم‬.‫ "هذا حديقة حيوان صغيرة‬،‫" قال األسد العجوز بلطف‬،‫ كما ترى‬،‫ وتنظر ما يحدث!" "حسنا‬،‫بينما انت ممدد هناك وال تفعل شيئا‬
‫ لذلك في كتبهم أنت هنا قرد‬، ‫يحصلوا على ما يكفي من المال ألسدين‬
. "Now answer (five) of the following questions.
1.Where did the young lion come?
2.What was in the next cage?
3.What happened at three o'clock?
4.What did the man put in the young lion's cage?
5.Did the young lion was treated as a real lion?
6.What was the young lion in the books of the small zoo?
1. The young lion came to a small zoo in Europe.
2. In the next cage was a tired , old lion, which did nothing except lie about and sleep.
3. At three o'clock a man brought a big piece of meat and put it in the old lion's cage.
4. He put a bag of nuts and two bananas in the young lion's cage.
5. No, he didn't.
6. The young lion was as a monkey in the books of the small zoo.

‫وهللا الموفق‬.... ‫تمنياتي لجميع الطلبة االعزاء بالنجاح‬

‫محمد ياسين الجبوري‬: ‫االستاذ‬

‫اعداد االستاذ محمد ياسين الجبوري‬.....‫نماذج قطع خارجية للصف السادس االعدادي مع الترجمة والحلول‬

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