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Bioplastic from Tapioca Strach Waste and Rice Waste

Widyastuti, Firdayanti, Utomo, Ratnawati

p-ISSN 2579-9150; e-ISSN 2579-9207, Volume 7, Number 1, page 89-105, April 2024
Accredited SINTA 2 byMinistry of Research, Technology, and
Higher Education of The Republic of Indonesia No. 230/E/KPT/2022 on December 30th, 2022
from October 1st, 2022 to September 30th, 2027


Sri Widyastuti1, Yitno Utomo2, Annisa Firdayanti1, Rhenny Ratnawati1*, Umi Sholikah3
Department of Environmental Engineering, Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya, Dukuh Menanggal XII
Surabaya, 60234, West Java, Indonesia
Department of Industrial Engineering, Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya, Dukuh Menanggal XII Surabaya
60234, West Java, Indonesia
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan

*Corresponding author:


Bioplastic is a plastic that is easily decomposed naturally by the activity of  Received

microorganisms without leaving toxic residues because of its that can return September 2023
to nature. Aim: This study aim to examine the quality of bioplastics from  Revised
variations of tapioca starch and rice waste raw materials for optimal March 2024
composition. Methodology and Results: The method used is by mixing the  Accepted
raw material of tapioca starch waste and rice waste with variations in the March 2024
composition of the material; 100% rice waste, 100% tapioca starch waste,  Available online
30% tapioca starch waste: 70% rice waste, 50% tapioca starch waste: 50% rice April 2024
waste, 70% tapioca starch waste: 30% rice waste. Add 10 mL of glycerol, 30
mL of distilled water, 40 mL of acetate solvent, and 40 ml of 96% ethanol. The
product will be tested on a laboratory scale for tensile strength, elongation at KEYWORDS
break, FTIR tests, and biodegradation according to SNI 7188.7:2016 for the
bioplastic category that is easily biodegradable. The result shows that the
 Bioplastic
optimal composition was found in the composition of 100% rice waste raw
 Biodegradable
material with the quality of the tensile strength test results of 3,45 MPa, the
 Glycerol
value of elongation at break 3,8%, and the value of biodegradation 100%. The
 Rice waste
resulting bioplastics contain functional groups O-H (hydroxyl) bonded to
hydrogen, C-H (alkanes), C≡C (alkynes), esters, simple aromatic compounds,  Tapioca starch waste
C-O (carboxyl), C=C (alkenes), and hydrocarbons -(CH2)n. Conclusion,
significance, and impact of study: The use of starch to produce
biodegradable materials is because it is environmentally friendly, easily
degraded, available in large quantities, and affordable, moreover, the
bioplastics derived from these waste sources are typically biodegradable,
meaning they can break down into natural compounds under certain
conditions, reducing environmental pollution.

Doi: 89
Bioplastic from Tapioca Strach Waste and Rice Waste
Widyastuti, Firdayanti, Utomo, Ratnawati
p-ISSN 2579-9150; e-ISSN 2579-9207, Volume 7, Number 1, page 89-105, April 2024
Accredited SINTA 2 byMinistry of Research, Technology, and
Higher Education of The Republic of Indonesia No. 230/E/KPT/2022 on December 30th, 2022
from October 1st, 2022 to September 30th, 2027


Currently, people have used plastic for all types of packaging. The advantages of plastic are
waterproof, strong enough, transparent, lightweight, and relatively cheap. However, plastic has
the disadvantage that it is difficult to decompose. When plastic is dumped into the environment,
it becomes inorganic waste that is dangerous and causes environmental pollution (Nuriyah et al.,
2018; Fachrul et al., 2021; Sugito et al., 2021). Data from Jambeck et al., (2015) states that
Indonesia is the second largest producer of plastic waste after China with 187.2 million tons.
Meanwhile, Rahadi et al., (2020) concluded that of the 6.3 billion tons of plastic waste in the
world so far only 9% can be processed through the recycling process, the rest is still accumulated
in the environment.
Plastic waste that is scattered, burned, or thrown away takes a long time to decompose and
can turn into toxic chemicals (Purwanegara et al., 2023). These chemicals will be dissolved in the
environment and then absorbed by plants and cause disease in humans (Thahir et al., 2021;
Kuntaryo et al., 2023). One of the efforts to overcome this problem is to develop bioplastics.
Bioplastics are plastics that are easily degraded naturally by microbial activity and naturally do
not leave toxic residues that can return to nature. It happens because the raw material for
bioplastics is starch which contains carbohydrates, the main components of which are amylose
and amylopectin (Nuriyah et al., 2018).
Starch is a natural polymer. The use of starch to produce biodegradable materials is because
it is environmentally friendly, easily degraded, available in large quantities, and affordable (Melani
et al., 2017). The use of starch in the production of bioplastics can improve biodegradable
properties. Starch as the main ingredient of bioplastics still has shortcomings, so it is necessary
to add additives to improve its properties (Widyastuti et al., 2021). There are weaknesses in the
manufacture of starch-based bioplastics such as low mechanical properties (tensile strength,
strain, and young's modulus) and hydrophilicity.
The disadvantages of production bioplastics can be overcome by mixing starch and other
biofilm-forming materials such as glycerol and sorbitol (Maneking et al., 2020). The addition of
glycerol plays a role as a contributor to the elastic properties of the plastic film, the addition of
higher glycerol will increase the elongation value when the plastic breaks (Nurrahmi et al., 2020).
Research conducted by Suryanto et al., (2016) explains that glycerol plays an important role in
the manufacture of bioplastics because glycerol can reduce the hardness of bioplastics caused by

Doi: 90
Bioplastic from Tapioca Strach Waste and Rice Waste
Widyastuti, Firdayanti, Utomo, Ratnawati
p-ISSN 2579-9150; e-ISSN 2579-9207, Volume 7, Number 1, page 89-105, April 2024
Accredited SINTA 2 byMinistry of Research, Technology, and
Higher Education of The Republic of Indonesia No. 230/E/KPT/2022 on December 30th, 2022
from October 1st, 2022 to September 30th, 2027

too much tapioca flour content.

The source of starch comes from the cassava plant, one of the raw materials used in various
industries. Tapioca flour is a pure starch extracted from ground cassava. The abundant production
of cassava in Indonesia shows the potential to process cassava into raw material for bioplastic
production Cassava was chosen because it contains 34 grams of carbohydrates per 100 grams of
cassava (Nafilah & Sedyadi, 2019).
Rice waste also has a fairly high starch content. Previous research concluded that rice waste
can be an alternative material for bioplastics manufacture. Research conducted by Bahari dan
Cahyonugroho, (2018) states that the raw material for production of bioplastics from rice waste
can make bioplastics more easily decomposed with higher tensile strength and elongation test
results and more optimal biodegradation time. Moreover, research by Aini et al., (2018) produces
bioplastics that meet SNI (Indonesian National Standard) standards and are derived from the use
of various raw materials for rice waste, chitosan, and glycerol.
There have been many studies on the manufacture of bioplastics as an effort to reduce plastic
waste (Fachrul et al., 2023; Agustria et al., 2024). Raw materials for production of bioplastics from
plants and animals can be degraded 10 to 20 times faster than conventional plastics and there
are no harmful compounds from burning bioplastics (Bahari dan Cahyonugroho, 2018). However,
research on bioplastics using alternative raw materials for bioplastic products continues. This
study aims to examine the quality of bioplastics based on SNI 7188.7:2016 regarding Product
Categories of Plastic Bags and Easily Degradable Bioplastics from variations of tapioca starch and
rice waste raw materials for optimal composition.


2.1 Materials

Tapioca starch waste produced from tapioca flour factory UD. HH in Kediri, East Java, Indonesia.
Rice waste came from a village in the Balongbendo area. Other materials needed include distilled
water, glycerol, 96% ethanol, and acetate solvent pH 7. The tools used in this study were a baking
sheet, blender, digital scale, 250 mL beaker glass, water bath, stirrer, 100 mL measuring cup,
container, 200 mesh size filter, and oven.

Doi: 91
Bioplastic from Tapioca Strach Waste and Rice Waste
Widyastuti, Firdayanti, Utomo, Ratnawati
p-ISSN 2579-9150; e-ISSN 2579-9207, Volume 7, Number 1, page 89-105, April 2024
Accredited SINTA 2 byMinistry of Research, Technology, and
Higher Education of The Republic of Indonesia No. 230/E/KPT/2022 on December 30th, 2022
from October 1st, 2022 to September 30th, 2027

2.2 Production of Bioplastics

At the beginning of the manufacture was drying rice waste under the hot sun to a moisture
content of 70%. Next, the dried rice waste was mashed with a blender and sieved through a 200
mesh sieve. Then, the researchers put materials such as tapioca starch waste and rice waste into
a 250 mL glass beaker according to variations as presented in Table 1.

Table 1 Tapioca starch waste mass and rice waste

Raw Materials Sample Code

N100 P100 P30N70 P50N50 P70N30
Tapioca Starch Waste 0% 100% 30% 50% 70%
Rice Waste 100% 0% 70% 50% 30%

After that, the researchers added 30 mL of distilled water, 40 mL of acetate solvent, 40 mL of

96% ethanol, and 10 mL of glycerol.Then, everything was put in a water bath and stirred at 70 oC
for 10 minutes until a gel was formed. The resulting gel is poured into a baking sheet that has
been previously lined with a base to make it easier to take. Then, the researchers baked the
bioplastic at a temperature of 100oC for 1 hour.After the bioplastic was formed, the mold that
still contained bioplastic was removed from the oven and cooled to room temperature.Then, the
researchers took the bioplastic from the baking sheet and separated it from the base.The
researcher analyzed the quality of this sample at the Environmental Engineering Laboratory,
Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya, and the Testing Service Unit of the Faculty of Pharmacy,
Universitas Airlangga Surabaya.

2.3 Data Analysis

a. Tensile Strength Test

This test was conducted by clamping both ends of the sample. Then, the researchers
recorded the initial length before breaking, the width, and the thickness. After the sample
broke up, the researcher recorded again the final length of the sample. The calculation is
conducted by the formula:

Load of break
Tensile strength (MPa) = (Original width)(Original thickness) (1)

Doi: 92
Bioplastic from Tapioca Strach Waste and Rice Waste
Widyastuti, Firdayanti, Utomo, Ratnawati
p-ISSN 2579-9150; e-ISSN 2579-9207, Volume 7, Number 1, page 89-105, April 2024
Accredited SINTA 2 byMinistry of Research, Technology, and
Higher Education of The Republic of Indonesia No. 230/E/KPT/2022 on December 30th, 2022
from October 1st, 2022 to September 30th, 2027

b. Elongation at Break Test

This test method was the same as the tensile strength test. The calculation is expressed in
percent by the formula:

The final length of the test object − the initial length of the test object
Elongation (%) = The initial length of the test object
× 100% (2)

c. Biodegradation Test
This test method was to prepare a 2×6 cm sample and then weighed it. Then, the researchers
buried the sample for 1 week. After that, the researchers dried the sample and weighed the
constant weight. Calculations are conducted using the formula:

Weight residual (%) =

The initial weight before biodegradation test − the final weight after biodegradation test
The initial weight before biodegradation test
× 100% (3)

d. Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectrophotometry (FTIR) Test

This test uses infrared wavelengths to determine the content of functional groups present in
bioplastics. Sample test at the Testing Service Unit of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga
University, Surabaya.

e. Bioplastics Standard
Indonesia national standards for bioplastics are presented in Table 2.

Table 2 Bioplastics standard

No. Parameter Quality Standard

1. Tensile Strength Minimum of 13.7 Mpa (139.74 N/mm²)
2. Elongation at Break Maximum of 5%
3. Biodegradation Minimum 30%
Source : SNI 7188.7:2016, 2016


This research produces bioplastics in the form of sheets with a smooth surface, chewy and sticky
texture, easy to fold, and easy to tear. The results of bioplastics from variations in tapioca starch
waste and rice waste can be seen in Figure 1.

Doi: 93
Bioplastic from Tapioca Strach Waste and Rice Waste
Widyastuti, Firdayanti, Utomo, Ratnawati
p-ISSN 2579-9150; e-ISSN 2579-9207, Volume 7, Number 1, page 89-105, April 2024
Accredited SINTA 2 byMinistry of Research, Technology, and
Higher Education of The Republic of Indonesia No. 230/E/KPT/2022 on December 30th, 2022
from October 1st, 2022 to September 30th, 2027

Figure 1 Variations in tapioca starch waste and rice waste, A) 100% rice waste bioplastic;
B) 100% tapioca starch waste bioplastic; C) Bioplastic tapioca starch and rice waste (30% :
70%); D) Bioplastic tapioca starch and rice waste (50% : 50%); E) Bioplastic tapioca starch
and rice waste (70% : 30%)

3.1 Tensile Strength Test Results

The results of the tensile strength test on bioplastics can be seen in Figure 2. The results of
the analysis of the tensile strength test data show that the addition of glycerol and the use of
organic waste raw materials such as rice waste affects the tensile strength test results . The results
of the analysis of the five bioplastic samples when compared with SNI 7188.7:2016 for the easily
biodegradable bioplastic category, still do not meet the quality standard, which is at least
13.7 MPa. Changes in tensile strength that occur in bioplastics are related to the interaction
between rice waste, tapioca starch waste, and glycerol, that the higher the glycerol
concentration, the lower the tensile strength value (Kurniawati et al., 2022). This study used 10
mL of glycerol for the manufacture of bioplastics.
The tensile strength of bioplastic which is only made from rice waste raw material has the
highest yield when compared to other compositions. It is due to the addition of amylose from
rice waste which makes the bioplastic polymer network denser (Haryanto dan Saputri, 2017). The
diagram shows that as the composition of rice waste decreases, the tensile strength produced
decreases. Arini et al., (2017) stated that the more starch used, the smaller the tensile strength
value and it is following the results of research that has been conducted.

Doi: 94
Bioplastic from Tapioca Strach Waste and Rice Waste
Widyastuti, Firdayanti, Utomo, Ratnawati
p-ISSN 2579-9150; e-ISSN 2579-9207, Volume 7, Number 1, page 89-105, April 2024
Accredited SINTA 2 byMinistry of Research, Technology, and
Higher Education of The Republic of Indonesia No. 230/E/KPT/2022 on December 30th, 2022
from October 1st, 2022 to September 30th, 2027

Tensile Strength Value (MPa) 3,45
2,5 2,11 2 2
2 1,6
N 100 P 100 P30N70 P50N50 P70N30

Figure 2 Bioplastic tensile strength test results diagram

Research by Saputra et al., (2015) using a starch concentration of 90% resulted in a tensile
strength value of 5.43 MPa. While this study used a starch concentration of 100%. The
concentration used for starch in this study was higher than that of Saputra et al., (2015) resulting
in a low plastic tensile strength value. Moreover, research by Aini et al., (2018) which uses rice
waste raw materials and varied additions of chitosan produces the best tensile strength value of
58.1 MPa with 50% chitosan concentration. While this study did not use chitosan as additional
material in the manufacture of bioplastics. The increase in the value of the tensile strength of
bioplastics because the number of hydrogen bonds in the plastic increases with the increase in
the percentage of chitosan. The more hydrogen bonds that occur, the stronger the plastic film
and the less likely it is to break.

3.2 Results of Elongation at Break Test

The results of the elongation at break test on bioplastics can be seen in Figure 3. The results
of the data analysis of the elongation test at the break when compared with SNI 7188.7:2016 for
the bioplastic category that is easily decomposed, the first sample, 100% rice waste, has met the
quality standard, which is a maximum of 5%. Starch is one of the polysaccharides as the main
ingredient in the manufacture of bioplastics and also plays a role in binding polymer
bonds.Research by Arini et al., (2017) explains that the more starch added, the lower the
elongation. It is following the results of existing research, it can be seen in the diagram that the
higher the amount of starch, the lower the elongation value. Rahim dan Musta (2019) explained

Doi: 95
Bioplastic from Tapioca Strach Waste and Rice Waste
Widyastuti, Firdayanti, Utomo, Ratnawati
p-ISSN 2579-9150; e-ISSN 2579-9207, Volume 7, Number 1, page 89-105, April 2024
Accredited SINTA 2 byMinistry of Research, Technology, and
Higher Education of The Republic of Indonesia No. 230/E/KPT/2022 on December 30th, 2022
from October 1st, 2022 to September 30th, 2027

that a decrease in the mechanical properties of bioplastics such as elongation at break occurs
because the more starch added, the lower the surface interaction between the two polymers.

14 13
Elongation at Break Value (%)

6 5,2
N100 P100 P30N70 P50N50 P70N30


Figure 3 Bioplastic elongation at break test result diagram

Moreover, research by Herawati dan Yustinah (2021) stated that the more amount of rice
waste used, the higher the elongation value or plastic flexibility. It is not following the results of
this research which can be seen in the diagram that the use of 100% rice waste mass gets the
lowest elongation at break. The research by Selpiana et al., (2015) who made bioplastics from
aking rice (dry wasted rice) flour and the use of varied chitosan states that the more chitosan
added, the elongation will decrease. The decrease in elongation is the result of the presence of
additives added to chitosan. Furthermore, chitosan will shorten the distance between the
stretched biopolymers and reduce the intermolecular forces between the chains.

3.3 Biodegradation Test Results

The results of the biodegradation test on bioplastics can be seen in Figure 3. The results of the
analysis of the biodegradation test data when compared with SNI 7188.7:2016 for the easily
biodegradable bioplastic category, the five samples have met the specified quality standard,
which is at least 30%. Research by Dai et al., (2010) states that the type of plasticizer such as
glycerol added to the starch solution can affect the characteristics of the bioplastic produced.
Research by Haryanto dan Saputri (2017) states that the most important property of bioplastics
is decomposition.

Doi: 96
Bioplastic from Tapioca Strach Waste and Rice Waste
Widyastuti, Firdayanti, Utomo, Ratnawati
p-ISSN 2579-9150; e-ISSN 2579-9207, Volume 7, Number 1, page 89-105, April 2024
Accredited SINTA 2 byMinistry of Research, Technology, and
Higher Education of The Republic of Indonesia No. 230/E/KPT/2022 on December 30th, 2022
from October 1st, 2022 to September 30th, 2027

Biodegradation Value (%)
100 87 84
80 70
60 47
N100 P100 P30N70 P50N50 P70N30

Figure 3 Bioplastic biodegradation test results diagram

The research of Nafilah dan Sedyadi (2019) explained that the humidity of the test media will
affect the degradation process because it can facilitate the consumption of bioplastics by
microorganisms. According to Situmorang et al., (2019), the functional groups O-H (hydroxyl
ester), C=O (carbonyl), and C-O (carboxyl) contained in bioplastics will facilitate the degradation
process. The group above has water-loving (hydrophilic) properties that allow water molecules
to attract microbes from the environment to penetrate the plastic matrix. This study proves it in
the N100 sample which is a 100% composition rice waste that has a high water absorption ability
because in only 7 (seven) days it can get 100% results.
Moreover, a study by Martina et al., (2016) which uses aking rice as the basic ingredient in
the manufacture of bioplastics states that bioplastics with higher mass compositions produce
high biodegradability as well. It is following the results of this study, which is the biodegradation
test of 100% composition of rice waste sample with the use of 30 grams of the mass showed the
highest biodegradation results. The use mass of one of the materials must be higher to optimally
degrade bioplastics. According to Nur et al., (2020), the factors that affect the biodegradability of
plastics are hydrophobicity, manufacturing process, morphology, additives, polymer structure,
and molecular weight of the materials used.

3.4 Bioplastic FTIR Test Results

The FTIR (Fourier Transform Infra Red Spectrophotometry) test at the Testing Service Unit of the
Faculty of Pharmacy, Airlangga University, Surabaya, obtained the results of bioplastic testing that
referred to the quality standard value of SNI 7188.7:2016 for the bioplastic category.According

Doi: 97
Bioplastic from Tapioca Strach Waste and Rice Waste
Widyastuti, Firdayanti, Utomo, Ratnawati
p-ISSN 2579-9150; e-ISSN 2579-9207, Volume 7, Number 1, page 89-105, April 2024
Accredited SINTA 2 byMinistry of Research, Technology, and
Higher Education of The Republic of Indonesia No. 230/E/KPT/2022 on December 30th, 2022
from October 1st, 2022 to September 30th, 2027

to Harsojuwono et al., (2016), the absorption peak at a wave number of 3200-3500 cm-1 indicates
an O-H (hydroxyl) group bonded to hydrogen. Meanwhile, wave numbers 2850-2970 indicate
alkanes (C-H), wave numbers 2750-2850 indicate aldehydes (C-H), spectrum 2500-2700 indicate
hydrogen bonds of carboxylic acids, and 2100-2260 indicate the presence of alkynes (C≡C). Wave
numbers 2000-2300 cm-1 indicate the ester functional group and 1650-2000 cm-1 indicate the
presence of simple aromatic compounds. Wave numbers 1000-1300 cm-1 indicate the presence
of carboxyl (C-O). Wave numbers 675-995 cm-1 indicate the presence of an alkene functional
group (C=C). Moreover, below 700 cm-1 indicates other hydrocarbon compounds such as -(CH2)n.

a. N100 Sample
The results of the N100 sample bioplastic FTIR test are presented in Figure 4.

Figure 4 FTIR in sample N100

Samples with a 100% composition of rice waste raw materials having the O-H (hydroxyl)
functional group will bind to hydrogen at a wave number of 3278.21 cm-1. The C-H functional
group of the alkane compound was indicated at 2933.32 cm-1 as an antimicrobial agent. C≡C
triple bonds (alkynes) and ester compounds were identified at 2136.79 cm-1. Simple aromatic
compounds exist in the wave number of 1642.10 cm-1. The C-O (carboxyl) functional group
was indicated at the numbers of 1239.64 cm-1, 1210.93 cm-1, 1150.05 cm-1, 1105.87 cm-1,
1078.97 cm-1, and 1018.90 cm-1. C=C double bonds (alkenes) were identified at 850.41 cm -1
and 924,88 cm-1. Wave number 643.84 cm-1 is a hydrocarbon compound-(CH2)n.

Doi: 98
Bioplastic from Tapioca Strach Waste and Rice Waste
Widyastuti, Firdayanti, Utomo, Ratnawati
p-ISSN 2579-9150; e-ISSN 2579-9207, Volume 7, Number 1, page 89-105, April 2024
Accredited SINTA 2 byMinistry of Research, Technology, and
Higher Education of The Republic of Indonesia No. 230/E/KPT/2022 on December 30th, 2022
from October 1st, 2022 to September 30th, 2027

b. P100 Sample
The results of the P100 sample bioplastic FTIR test are presented in Figure 5.

Figure 5 FTIR in sample P100

Samples with 100% tapioca starch waste as raw material have O-H (hydroxyl)
functional groups bonded to hydrogen at wave numbers 3480.88 cm-1, 3449.44 cm-1, and
3358.17 cm-1. The C-H functional groups of alkane compounds were indicated at 2952.68 cm-
, 2916.17 cm-1, and 2873.26 cm-1 as antimicrobial agents. The C-H functional group
(aldehyde) was found at numbers 2772.12 cm-1 and 2838.45 cm-1. C≡C triple bonds (alkynes)
and ester compounds were identified at numbers 2073.38 cm -1, 2163.85 cm-1, and 2257.09
cm-1. The C-O (carboxyl) functional groups were identified at 1300.20 cm-1, 1255.00 cm-1,
1217.17 cm-1, 1163.31 cm-1, 1103.67 cm-1, and 1044.71 cm-1. C=C double bonds (alkenes)
were identified at the numbers 972.66 cm-1, 940.38 cm-1, 898.71 cm-1, 841.11 cm-1, 808.17
cm-1, and 698.14 cm-1. Wave numbers 626.62 cm-1 and 648.23 cm-1are included in the
hydrocarbon compound -(CH2)n.

c. P30N70 Sample
The results of the P30N70 bioplastic sample FTIR test are presented in Figure 6. The raw
material sample of tapioca starch waste with rice waste in a ratio of 30%:70% had an O-H
(hydroxyl) functional group that will bind to hydrogen at a wave number of 3288.06 cm-1. The
C-H functional group of alkane compounds was indicated at 2929.18 cm-1 as an antimicrobial

Doi: 99
Bioplastic from Tapioca Strach Waste and Rice Waste
Widyastuti, Firdayanti, Utomo, Ratnawati
p-ISSN 2579-9150; e-ISSN 2579-9207, Volume 7, Number 1, page 89-105, April 2024
Accredited SINTA 2 byMinistry of Research, Technology, and
Higher Education of The Republic of Indonesia No. 230/E/KPT/2022 on December 30th, 2022
from October 1st, 2022 to September 30th, 2027

agent. C≡C triple bonds (alkynes) and ester compounds were identified at numbers 2138.22
cm-1 and 2367.71cm-1. The C-O (carboxyl) functional group was identified at the numbers
1243.86 cm-1, 1211.09 cm-1, 1149.33 cm-1, 1105.34 cm-1, 1078.59 cm-1 and 1016.45 cm-1. C=C
double bonds (alkenes) were indicated at the numbers 926.99 cm-1, 851.61 cm-1, and 755.54
cm-1. Wave number 647.78 cm-1 is a hydrocarbon compound -(CH2)n.

Figure 6 FTIR in sample P30N70

d. P50N50 Sample.
The results of the P50N50 bioplastic sample FTIR test are presented in Figure 7.

Figure 7 FTIR in sample P50N50

Doi: 100

Bioplastic from Tapioca Strach Waste and Rice Waste
Widyastuti, Firdayanti, Utomo, Ratnawati
p-ISSN 2579-9150; e-ISSN 2579-9207, Volume 7, Number 1, page 89-105, April 2024
Accredited SINTA 2 byMinistry of Research, Technology, and
Higher Education of The Republic of Indonesia No. 230/E/KPT/2022 on December 30th, 2022
from October 1st, 2022 to September 30th, 2027

The raw material sample of tapioca starch waste with rice waste in a ratio of 50%:50% has an
O-H (hydroxyl) functional group that will bind to hydrogen at a wave number of 3289.93 cm -1.
The C-H functional group of the alkane compound was indicated at 2934.44 cm-1 as an
antimicrobial agent. C≡C triple bonds (alkynes) and ester compounds were identified at
numbers 2103.94 cm-1 and 2140.99 cm-1. Simple aromatic compounds were identified at
1888.92 cm-1 and 1974.64 cm-1. The C-O (carboxyl) functional group was identified at the
numbers 1242.14 cm-1, 1211.05 cm-1, 1150.34 cm-1, 1106.02 cm-1, 1078.61 cm-1, and 1015.29
cm-1. C=C double bonds (alkenes) were identified at 852.54 cm-1 and 924.75 cm-1.

e. P70N30 Sample
The results of the FTIR test for bioplastic sample P70N30 are presented in Figure 8. The raw
material sample of tapioca starch waste with rice waste in a ratio of 70%:30% has an O-H
(hydroxyl) functional group that will bind to hydrogen at a wave number of 3287.63 cm-1. The
C-H functional groups of alkane compounds were indicated at numbers 2889.80 cm -1 and
2931.35 cm-1 as antimicrobial agents. C≡C triple bonds (alkynes) and ester compounds were
identified at 2141.31 cm-1. Simple aromatic compounds were identified at 1899.50 cm-1 and
1952.78 cm-1. The C-O (carboxyl) functional group was identified at the numbers 1242.82
cm1, 1209.40 cm-1, 1149.73 cm-1, 1105.57 cm-1, 1078.95 cm-1, and 1016.56 cm-1. The C=C
double bond (alkene) is found at the numbers 755.02 cm-1, 925.96 cm-1, and 850.10 cm-1.

Figure 8 FTIR in sample P70N30

Doi: 101

Bioplastic from Tapioca Strach Waste and Rice Waste
Widyastuti, Firdayanti, Utomo, Ratnawati
p-ISSN 2579-9150; e-ISSN 2579-9207, Volume 7, Number 1, page 89-105, April 2024
Accredited SINTA 2 byMinistry of Research, Technology, and
Higher Education of The Republic of Indonesia No. 230/E/KPT/2022 on December 30th, 2022
from October 1st, 2022 to September 30th, 2027

The results above explain that the functional groups in bioplastics can combine with other
compounds to form branch bonds and cross-links, therefore, enabling the creation of strong
polymers. The strength of a chemical bond depends on the number of molecular bonds and
the type of bond. The more molecular bonds that occur, the stronger the resulting material
(Situmorang et al., 2019). Because the functional groups contained in the bioplastic film are
bound to the functional groups of their constituent components, the resulting bioplastic still
has the properties of its constituent components such as ease to decompose, plastic, and the
presence of antibacterial properties (Kurniawati et al., 2022). The FTIR results show that there
are no new functional groups, which means that there is no chemical change so the process
of bioplastics productionis physical mixing. This result makes bioplastics still have hydrophilic
properties like their constituent properties (Zaroh dan Widyastuti, 2019).


The quality of bioplastics produced from the composition of 100% rice waste raw materials has
the highest tensile strength test results of 3.45 MPa. The elongation test value at break is 3.8%
which has met the SNI for bioplastics and the biodegradation test of 100% has also met the SNI
for bioplastics. The resulting bioplastics contain functional groups O-H (hydroxyl) bonded to
hydrogen, C-H (alkanes), C≡C (alkynes), esters, simple aromatic compounds, C-O (carboxyl), C=C
(alkenes), and hydrocarbons -(CH2)n.


The authors gratefully acknowledge the Research and Public Service of the Universitas PGRI Adi
Buana for the Adi Buana Research Grant, contract No. 104.1/LPPM/VII/2021. We also thank Ms.
Nurmasyta Sylviana Priyonofor her scientific contribution.


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