Week 2 Listening Activity V1 - Inglés V - I Pao 2024

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Fecha de entrega 2 de jun en 23:59 Puntos 10 Preguntas 5

Disponible 26 de mayo en 19:00 - 2 de jun en 23:59 7 días
Límite de tiempo 15 minutos

You will hear five short extracts in which people from different parts of the world talk about climate change is
affecting their villages. For questions 1-5 choose from the list (A-H) what each speaker feels is currently their
biggest problem. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.

Historial de intentos
Intento Hora Puntaje
MÁS RECIENTE Intento 1 15 minutos 8 de 10

 Las respuestas correctas estarán disponibles del 3 de jun en 0:00 al 4 de jun en 0:00.

Puntaje para este examen: 8 de 10

Entregado el 2 de jun en 21:01
Este intento tuvo una duración de 15 minutos.


Pregunta 1 2 / 2 pts

https://aulavirtual.espol.edu.ec/courses/25213/quizzes/245616 2/6/24, 10 56 PM
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A. Floods have damaged buildings in the village.

B. Farmers have had to start growing different crops.

C. People have been left without electricity.

D. Houses have been burnt down by forest fires.

E. Some people have had to leave their homes.

F. Air pollution has increased to dangerous levels.

G. Some houses have been covered in sand.

H. There has recently been too much rain.

Pregunta 2 2 / 2 pts


A. Floods have damaged buildings in the village.

B. Farmers have had to start growing different crops.

C. People have been left without electricity.

D. Houses have been burnt down by forest fires.

E. Some people have had to leave their homes.

F. Air pollution has increased to dangerous levels.

G. Some houses have been covered in sand.

H. There has recently been too much rain.

https://aulavirtual.espol.edu.ec/courses/25213/quizzes/245616 2/6/24, 10 56 PM
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Pregunta 3 2 / 2 pts


A. Floods have damaged buildings in the village.

B. Farmers have had to start growing different crops.

C. People have been left without electricity.

D. Houses have been burnt down by forest fires.

E. Some people have had to leave their homes.

F. Air pollution has increased to dangerous levels.

G. Some houses have been covered in sand.

H. There has recently been too much rain.

Incorrecto Pregunta 4 0 / 2 pts


A. Floods have damaged buildings in the village.

B. Farmers have had to start growing different crops.

C. People have been left without electricity.

D. Houses have been burnt down by forest fires.

E. Some people have had to leave their homes.

F. Air pollution has increased to dangerous levels.

https://aulavirtual.espol.edu.ec/courses/25213/quizzes/245616 2/6/24, 10 56 PM
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G. Some houses have been covered in sand.

H. There has recently been too much rain.

Pregunta 5 2 / 2 pts


A. Floods have damaged buildings in the village.

B. Farmers have had to start growing different crops.

C. People have been left without electricity.

D. Houses have been burnt down by forest fires.

E. Some people have had to leave their homes.

F. Air pollution has increased to dangerous levels.

G. Some houses have been covered in sand.

H. There has recently been too much rain.

Puntaje del examen: 8 de 10

https://aulavirtual.espol.edu.ec/courses/25213/quizzes/245616 2/6/24, 10 56 PM
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