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Expensive Teacher [Noor Ul Qamar],

I trust you're doing well. I'm composing to conversation almost the English linguistic use
and word botches I made in my paper. I need to say too bad for these blunders, as I
know they make my work harder to get it. I truly needed to hand in a great paper, but I
see that I didn't meet the scholarly benchmarks in a few parts of my composing.

When I looked at my paper once more, I taken note that I made a part of linguistic use
botches. In some cases, the words I utilized didn't coordinate up legitimately, and this
made the sentences sound interesting. I too blended up the past and show tenses in a
number of places, which might have made it confounding to know when things
happened. I indeed had a few funny sentences since I put portraying words within the
off-base put, making the meaning not clear.

I moreover saw that I didn't select the proper words in a few places. A few of my
sentences were as well long and complicated, so it was difficult to get it what I implied.
On the other hand, I utilized dialect that was as well casual for an scholarly paper, which
isn't great. I moreover didn't interface my thoughts exceptionally well, so it was difficult
to take after the arrange of what I was saying.

To settle these things, I'm progressing to attempt a couple of things. To begin with, I'll
spend more time checking and settling my work some time recently I hand it in. I'll
utilize devices to assist me find basic botches and perused my paper out loud to form
beyond any doubt it sounds right. I'll too inquire my companions to assist me and
possibly go to a commentary center for counsel. I know it's imperative to get it language
structure way better, so I'll utilize additional assets to hone and get superior.

I'm truly too bad for the botches in my paper and how they might have affected my
review. I guarantee to do way better another time and make beyond any doubt my
future work meets the tall benchmarks. Thank you for your understanding and offer
assistance as I work on this.


Zain Sajjad

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