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Task 2 Working plan and setting.

Natalia Lucía Jiménez Zabala

Angelica María Piedrahita

Aura Ibeth Colon

Maria José Vega

Code: 518004 Group: 03

Tutor: Johnatan Galindo

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

School of Educacion ECEDU

Licenciatura en Lengua Extranjera con Énfasis en Inglés LILEI

Teaching English to Children, Adolescents and Adults

March 20th, 2022


Responses to Questions about Effective Teachers. ................................................................... 3

Natalia Lucía Jiménez Zabala ................................................................................................ 3

Angelica María Piedrahita....................................................................................................... 6

Aura Ibeth Colon .................................................................................................................... 8

Maria José Vega ...................................................................................................................10

Links to drive folders per student ..............................................................................................12

Natalia Lucía Jiménez Zabala ...............................................................................................12

Angelica María Piedrahita......................................................................................................12

Aura Ibeth Colon ...................................................................................................................12

Maria José Vega ...................................................................................................................12

References ...............................................................................................................................12

Responses to Questions about Effective Teachers.
Natalia Lucía Jiménez Zabala

a) What are the major characteristics of Effective teachers?

Arends ( 2014) specifies that effective teachers comply with the following objectives:

Effective teachers assist students to become independent and self-regulated

learners. This is an important objective, since students need to become subjects rather

than objects of their learning process. Apart from this, learning is a process that is

innate in humans. Teachers nowadays serve as facilitators of that process, and

students should be empowered to learn how to learn and not depend on others' help.

b) What specific personal qualities are typically exhibited by effective teachers?

• They have personal qualities: they are naturally caring about their students well-

being and good relationship and communication skills with students, parents and


• They are inclined to exercise social justice in the classroom. That is, they respect

students’ interests, personalities and needs and create democratic classroom


• They are knowledgeable about the contents they teach, human development and

learning, and pedagogy. With this knowledge, they make wise decisions in their

teaching practice.

• They have a repertoire of effective teaching techniques that they use to achieve

their ultimate goals in class: enhance sts’ motivation, develop high-level thinking,

enhance students’ skills, and help learning regulate themselves.

• They reflect on their practice and always look for ways to solve problems that

arise in class. The adapt to new situations and try to use their broad knowledge

to improve students’ performance and school in general.

c) Why should a teacher’s repertoire of strategies be as diverse and flexible as


Because there are so many different approaches that cater to different students and

group’s needs. Considering the diversity of students and groups interests and

characteristics, teachers need to know as many different strategies as possible to offer

solutions for different types of problems or situations according to students' learning

styles, ages, interests among other things. The teacher should not adapt to a particular

approach. Instead, approaches are there to serve teachers and learners' needs.

d) What are the three major aspects of a teacher’s job?

Arends (2014) mentions the following three aspects:

Leadership: There are many similarities in the role a teacher plays in class if compared

to the role of leaders in a company. Teachers need to plan, inspire students to be

better, coordinate activities to be done individually and collaborative, and achieve

learning goals. Teachers still have the advantage that they work in a more interpersonal

way, and they get to be creative, spontaneous and thoughtful in the process, unlike

leaders in big companies.

Instruction: It refers to the teacher’s competence of delivering the class according to

specific models of teaching. There are traditional models of teaching, that are teacher

centered, like direct instruction or lecture or presentation, and there are more student-

center models of teaching where students work collaboratively, they are task-based,

and include discussions. A teacher needs to acknowledge the different teaching models

that are there, and choose the one that seems to be the most effective for his/her group,

considering their needs, interests, and learning styles.

Organization: As members of an institute, teachers play an important role not only to

students, but to coworkers, coordinators, principals, and parents of their community. As

such, teachers need to perform different tasks aside from giving instruction to students.

For instance, they need to share information with coworkers about students'

performance, needs and strategies. They also need to comply with certain standards

imposed by the academic office, like wearing (or not) a uniform, do certain routines in

class, or get certain academic results from students. In addition, they need to keep good

communication with parents, clarify their questions or make requests. All these different

aspects evidence that teachers have other roles to play beyond the classroom, and they

are necessary for the success of the school as an organization as well.

Angelica María Piedrahita

a)What are the major characteristics of Effective teachers?

According to Arends (2014), several characteristics of effective teachers can be

identified, among which the following stand out:

1. They are trained in their area of teaching, in addition to that they must have a

vocation and qualities that help them to relate to their students and parents, i.e., they

must have an excellent attitude to relate to their students, where they must be flexible

and patient in the face of the different difficulties that will arise in the teaching and

learning process.

2. Effective teachers have a repertoire of pedagogical practices, i.e., they must be

relevant to the educational process, and must also enhance the human development of

students, allowing socialization and the promulgation of respect and equality.

3. Effective teachers are personally willing to reflect and solve problems. It is very

important that teachers propose solutions to students' problems, and that their topics

have content related to a problem in the daily context of their students' lives.

b)What specific personal qualities are typically exhibited by effective teachers?

The best qualities a teacher should have are:

1. Always excel both academically and personally.

2. Always have a positive attitude towards all the problems that may arise as a


3. Be flexible and patient, since there will always be obstacles in the way.

4. Have good communication with students and parents.

c)Why should a teacher’s repertoire of strategies be as diverse and flexible as


Didactic strategies should be student-centered and this requires appropriate methods,

where learning is carried out with different strategies and where a link is achieved in the

affective and cognitive, therefore the interactions between teacher and students should

be established according to the needs of students and the teacher must be patient and

flexible. on the other hand these strategies should provide a lot of information and

motivation to students, where the main function is to guide them in learning and develop

skills, spaces for expression and creation of knowledge.

d)What are the three major aspects of a teacher’s job?

According to Arends (2014), to the teacher, he/she must:

1.To improve themselves and update themselves in their professional area: It is

important to always perfect your skills as a teacher and explore new tools in your


2. They have a positive attitude and love their work.

It is important to have a vocation and love for your career because if you maintain this

attitude you will always have a positive energy in your classes and this will motivate

your students to learn,

3. They know how to listen to their students and adapt to their needs: The best teachers

know how to listen to their students and know how to provide emotional support and

most importantly know how to be balanced in the face of the different problems that


Aura Ibeth Colon

a) What are the major characteristics of Effective teachers?

Effective teachers undoubtedly have the ability to adapt to situations and solve

problems that may arise, in the same way they care about their teaching work and think

about their work in a self-critical way, teaching through reflection of their own practice,

effective teachers are creative and innovative, they know how to teach, and their

capacity for analysis allows them to present clear objectives of their work.

They care about their students as the people they are and as the person they will

become, promote learning and their knowledge, and also their questioning, to develop

constructive skills, the effective teacher possesses some attributes such as: the ability

to create meaningful relationships within the educational community, and help students

to be fair and empathic, broad knowledge and mastery of their work and how to transmit

learning, to improve the skills of their students.

b) What specific personal qualities are typically exhibited by effective teachers?

Among the qualities that effective teachers exhibit, their empathy is first taken into

account, it is not that the teacher is affectionate, but that they can understand and

recognize the marked differences between their students since not all have the same

abilities, nor the same style and level of learning, it must also be authentic and

motivating in seeking to arouse in students the interest of wanting to learn and for this

they not only need to acquire knowledge but also must have the appropriate tools to be

able to transmit it in the best way possible. , recognizing the student as an actor in the

teaching-learning process, achieving interaction with them.

They are also respectful of their work and promote this to their students, worrying

about their training as human beings, and generating confidence to create safe spaces

in the classroom.

c) Why should a teacher’s repertoire of strategies be as diverse and flexible as


A teacher needs to conceive his repertoire as part of his professional project, where it is

necessary to be flexible, giving the teacher the possibility of putting into practice in the

classroom his ability to know how to teach, observe his efficiency and modify what has

not worked for him, in addition to attending To previously planned goals, the teacher

must individualize the activities and pedagogical strategies since all students have

different learning styles, and this responds to a particular environment, for this reason

their repertoire must be diverse, made by the teacher and applied for a specific group of

students, since the abilities of the students must be taken into account, in this way the

internalization and production of knowledge and values for the comprehensive

development of students is made possible.

d) What are the three major aspects of a teacher’s job?

Leadership: one of the main aspects of the work of a teacher corresponds, since the

teacher in his role will be in charge of directing, organizing and motivating his students

not only in the pedagogical process and project, but will also focus on actions that

improve the coexistence of the students, and will motivate them to develop their

potential and manage to change or modify their living conditions in the future.

Instruction: for its part, through proper instruction, the teaching-learning process is

conducted, taking into account that it is hand in hand with assertive communication,

directed towards the objectives that are desired to be obtained within the teaching

process, it is related to a method and approach.

Organizational: Where teachers serve as organizational members and leaders in a

complex work environment. Schools are like organizations that need strategies to


Maria José Vega

a) What are the main characteristics of effective teachers?

According to Ken Bain (2017), teachers must be updated in the knowledge and mastery

of their discipline. Capable of creating learning environments, generating spaces

who confront their students with pending problems to solve, trusting them, in their desire

to learn and betting that they will succeed.

b) What specific personal qualities do effective teachers often exhibit?

A good teacher should have the following qualities:

The best qualities a teacher should have are:


. Creative

. Empathic

. Dedicated

. nice

. curious

. Prudent

c) Why should a teacher's repertoire of strategies be as diverse and flexible as


As we all know, the strategies are those that will allow us to reach all our students, since

not all of them assimilate the information or internalize the knowledge in the same way.

therefore, being the aforementioned, I can affirm that the teacher must have a variety of

strategies and thus be able to implement the one that he considers necessary at the


d) What are the three main aspects of a teacher's job?

Teaching work in its daily life is a set of personalized interactions with students to get

their participation in their own training process and attend to their different needs.

(Tardif, 2004).

Therefore the work of a teacher:

. His work must start from the vocation.

. Updating, understood as the ability to continuously train.

. The ability to understand their students.

Links to drive folders per student

Natalia Lucía Jiménez Zabala

Angelica María Piedrahita


Aura Ibeth Colon

Maria José Vega



Arends, R. (2014). Learning to Teach. (9th ed., pp. 25-29). McGraw-Hill.

Boon, B. (2015). Active Online Teaching Strategies-Sharing Best Practices. Research Gate.


Davis, L. (2016). What Are We Observing and How? NAMTA Journal, 41(3), 173–182.

Hinchliffe, G. (2011). What is a Significant Educational Experience?. Research Gate.

McVeigh, J. (2011). Lesson planning [Blog].

VIMEP. (2020). Instructivo para la usabilidad de Normas internacionales de citación APA 7a Edición
[PDF]. Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia.


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