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Diploma – Introduction to Event Management

CW3 – Event Evaluation and Reflection

Name: Sofia Nagy

Word count:

Question 1. :

“Event evaluation is the process of critically observing, measuring and monitoring the
planning and implementation of an event, in order to assess its outcomes accurately”
(Bowdin et al., 2011 p, 630).
In the wedding my department was Entertainment with my Head Of Department , Alex.
“Reflection is part of learning and thinking. We reflect in order to learn something, or we
learn as a result of reflecting, and the term ‘reflective learning’ emphasizes the intention
to learn from current or prior experience” (Moon 2004).
Our objectives were to satisfy the guests with good music and entertaining games
trough out the wedding. There are two regularly affirmed definitions of evaluation for
researchers and administrators: the methodical evaluation of the relevance or quality of
any object, and the systematically compilation and analysis of knowledge to contribute
precious access on different target. (Trochim, 2006).
We started with the Lobby area while the ceremony was going on and then later on
when the guests came to the Alpine Restaurant we started to play music. During the
courses we played music related to the theme of the wedding which was an Airplane
theme. Between the courses we planned some games for the guests and specifically for
the bride and the groom. As we felt they enjoyed it very much and they were happy to
take part in the games whether they were teachers or students. During the preparation
period we as a class knew that we were lacking man-power, which meant we had to
help each other in the various departments and also participate in the other
departments on the wedding day. I was also a part of the Food & Beverage department
Team as a Table Maintenance with my colleagues Lana and Ethan. Every time when
the service team served one of the courses/dishes in the meanwhile I had to serve
Diploma – Introduction to Event Management
bread , butter, water , white wine and red wine as well. We had an opportunity to serve
special Airplane theme cocktails consequently we had to take orders and serve them in
the same way. We had to refill the empty glasses and refill the white wine , the red wine,
and the water , bread and butter in every table. It was quiet challenging but we made it.
We had some little issues when we ran out of bread and butter especially with the wines
and cocktails. After the first round of cocktails was ordered there was a small mistake
that cost us the cocktails, this caused a bit of a mess on the ground in front of the
service door. Fortunately we could manage the problem quickly and clean it as fast as
we can. I can say we solved the problem in a really professional way and after that we
could continue the wedding as it did not happened. Everything went as fast and
smoothly as we had planned. As a recommendation I would say the music could have
been a little bit more louder and the next time I would put more games in between the
dishes. My personal growth was to figure it out how to solve a problem as fast as I can
and not to be shocked and blocked.

Question 2.:

It was quiet challenging but we made it. We had some little issues when we ran out of
bread and butter especially with the wines and cocktails. Also after making the first
cocktails my colleague Lana tried to serve them to the table but due to a balancing
problem she dropped and rolled the cocktails to the ground. Fortunately we could
manage the problem quickly and clean it as fast as we can. I can say we solved the
problem in a really professional way and after that we could continue the wedding as if it
did not happen. Everything went as fast and as smoothly as we had planned. As a
recommendation I would say the music could have been a little bit more louder and the
next time I would put more games in between the dishes. My personal growth was to
figure out how to solve a problem as fast as I can and not to be shocked and blocked.
“There is no success, without failure and losses.”

(John C. Maxwell, n. d.)

Diploma – Introduction to Event Management

Question 3.:
I learned a lot of things. First of all I learned we need to schedule our time very well and
we have to help to the other departments as if it were ours. We have to be extremely
punctual and to always think a step ahead about what we have to do for what and what
is possible and what can we do for the next time. We have to have a plan that we need
to follow and do on time. It takes a lot of time, especially the preparations we need a lot
of volunteers that we did not have but either way we managed and worked everything
out. According to Goldblatt (2011), a small association of the organisation is also
impended during an event to prepare and managing teams of casual volunteers or
We likewise have to prepare ourself that not everything will go as we plan because it is
a real life and we have to get ready for little problems and troubles. The only thing we
have to do is being creative and try to solve the problem(s).

Question 4.:
I would do the preparation section differently and I would do a lot more practice
meetings. I would start to plan the wedding a bit earlier and be more strict with the
punctuality and overall with the certificates. I would also start decorating the alpine
restaurant the fine dining and the lobby two days before the wedding just to make sure
everything is in the right place if it is not we could have time to figure out something and
we don’t have to hurry, at least not as much as we did. I would also try to motivate them
in the beginning with a speech about how amazing it is that we have an opportunity to
organize an event and make them interested in to have a wedding. They can also come
up with their own ideas for the decorations and the cocktail names and with the music
etc. just to make them feel they are also a part of our team not just pleased them to help
us because it is the protocol.
Diploma – Introduction to Event Management

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