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Cypher Saviors Escape Room 2024

Module: HTM - Event Management

Zsófia Nagy

Spring - 2024

Word Count: 3321 words

(excluding cover page, table of contents, figures,
appendices, and reference list)

Executive Summary

This report highlights the exceptional event, Escape

Room 2024, that took place at Sörenberg HTMi, Mariental, and was
planned and overseen by the BSc, MSc, and Culinary - 2024 Spring
Class. The event allowed students to compete against each other in
multiple rooms. Notwithstanding the constraints imposed by the limited
number of organisers, the planning and organising phases were
finished smoothly and with fewer problems. To guarantee the event's
success, the BSc, MSc, and Culinary schools established a number of
departments. The event is identified in this report, along with its exact
priority on the Marketing Management Team. It looks at the team's
recruiting strategy, training methods, and Cypher Saviors Team

evaluation. The evaluation of the Cypher Saviors Team, which

represented the class of BSc, MSc, and Culinary students, was very
positive overall in terms of time management, teamwork, leadership
development, communication skills, and building team spirit, even
though regrettably our team was unable to reach all of the students
taking part in our event. Overall, the Spring 2024 BSc, MSc, and
Culinary class effectively organised and ran the Escape Room,
demonstrating their dedication, professionalism, and understanding of
every detail. Even though there were some issues, a few hiccups in
communication, and some areas that needed work, the event was
shockingly a flawless result of the class's constancy and effort.

Table of contents:
Executive Summary 2

Chapter 1 - Introduction
1.1 Background Information 4

1.2 Aim and Objectives 6

Chapter 2 - Event Evaluation


2.1 Introduction 7

2.2 Marketing Management Team

2.3 Event Preparations
2.4 Evaluation of the Overall Team 14

2.5 Evaluation of the pinned Objectives 16

2.6 Overall Evaluation of the Cypher Saviors Team 17

Chapter 3 - Future Recommendations for Other Departments

3.1 Recommendations for the Marketing Department 18
3.2 Recommendations for the Finance/Sponsorship Department 20
3.3 Recommendations for the Food & Beverage Department 21

Chapter 4 - Conclusion
4.1 Conclusion 23

Chapter 5 - References 25

Chapter 6 - Reflective Essay and Appendices

6.1 Reflective Essay 27
6.2 Appendices 29

Chapter 1
- Introduction
1.1 Background information

The incredible BSc, MSc, and Culinary - 2024 Spring class had the opportunity to
plan an unprecedented event, the likes of which HTMi has never seen with this
specific theme. Escape Room 2024 was the name and theme of the activity- and
mental-task-related event that the students attended. Various themed rooms
were set up, and competing student groups could participate.

(The official logo of Escape Room 2024, Sörenberg)

The setting was the lovely Sörenberg, where about fifteen students from four groups
were able to come and spend an afternoon or day with us inside the walls of
Mariental, whether or not they finished the chores in our apartments.

(The location of the Escape Room Games, 2024)

All of the procedures required to make the event happen were completed
without incident during the planning and preparation stages; nonetheless, the
organisers' small number of members occasionally led to some challenges
and arguments. Two things are necessary to achieve remarkable things: a
well-thought-out strategy and insufficient time (Leonard Bernstein, 1987). For
the student applications, the BSc, MSc, and Culinary students formed
groups, and they competed against one another for a set period of time—
fifteen minutes. Our name, Cyper Saviors, which was mentioned before, was
perfectly matched with our Event because it is a combination of Cypher
(referring to a secret or coded message; a Cypher represents puzzles,
riddles, or codes that need to be decoded or solved) and Saviors (signifying
those who rescue or save others from peril or difficulty). In this context, it
represents the role of the team as problem solvers or heroes who navigate
through challenges and obstacles.

There were opening and closing events both before and after the main event,
which took place on April 19th. It took the perseverance and hard work of all
nine students to not only make it happen but also to make it successful. The
success of the activities is a fantastic representation of the class's
professionalism, attention to detail, and goal-oriented effort. The class was
motivated to work harder and surpass their best efforts by the prospect of
competing with other students in groups at the Escape Room 2024
Sörenberg. As a result, the departments of Marketing, Food & Beverage,
Sponsorship/Finance, Entertainment/Music, Game Management, and Project
Management Team were established from the BSc, MSc, and Culinary
classes. Every team and department held great significance, and the event
would not have gone as smoothly and superbly without the precise
collaboration between them. Raffle ticket sales were booming in the
beginning, especially at the launch event among the students and even the
Manager in Training (MIT) and teacher members, because all of the events
(the opening launch event, game night, main event, and closing ceremony)
were supported by various premium sponsors. Our students' participation
and level of competition with each other were effectively increased by the 13
different brands that supported us, and one of them provided supplements.
These included vouchers from brands like Volg, Hotel Schweizerhof
(breakfast for two), Rischli Hotel, Victoria Jungfrau Grand Hotel & Spa
(Sunday brunch for two), and hats and headbands from Denner, Peter's,
Backerstube, Alpenrosli, Truly Asia, and TschudiHui.

1.2 Aims and Objectives

The marketing team wanted to make sure that people were curious and
informed, that they were satisfied and engaged, that people knew about
our escape room event, that they could help followers of all stripes grow
and develop, and that they could share information via posters and stories
on social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and email.

Chapter 2: Event Evaluation

2.1 Introduction

In the world of events, event evaluation is important. It assists the

management team in assessing the entire process and making necessary
adjustments for subsequent events (Bowdin et al., 2011). It is undoubtedly
carried out with meticulous attention to detail, measurement, and
observation to evaluate the process and outcomes. As a result, Goldblatt
(2011) suggested that there are three stages to the review process: prior
to, during, and following the event. Before-event evaluation, as noted by
Hall (1997) and Getz (1997), is a powerful tool to help a particular project
throughout the planning stage and reinforce the event more precisely as
well. Additionally, as the belief is formed through the eyes of the
stakeholders, appropriate attention is vital throughout an event (Getz,

(BSc, MSc and Culinary

Spring Class 2024, during and
after the launch event, 2024)

Additionally, the
organisers of the event
strongly advise the after-event review
because of its many advantages, including how it might improve future
events. However, some of the organisers do not think this activity is

necessary. But it has the same impact as other aspects of the event
(Masterman and Wood, 2006).
As a result, the organiser will be able to create an event highlight following
the event that contains the essential components and data to provide the
stakeholders with a comprehensive overview (Bowdin et al., 2011).

2.2 Marketing Management Department

Two students represent the Department of Marketing Management.

Nguyen Khoa Evelynn and Zsófia Nagy. Both students possessed the
expertise necessary to provide top-notch material before, during, and after
the event. As a result, the winning mentality and abilities were imparted.

Before, during, and after the launch event, the Cypher Saviors Marketing
Management Department began to grow its social media following,
increase the number of raffle and event tickets that students purchased,
and gradually develop the competing teams. After that, our ticket sales
proceeded without a hitch, thanks to surveys and a personal touch.

(Pre-event survey from Cypher Saviors, 2024)


Fifteen players in total took part in four groups. The coffee shop, MCR,
basement, and dorm room were the rooms that the Cypher Savior team
selected for the participants. Every student was chosen to participate in the
event in groups so that they could compete against other students. The
participants/students will move through the three rooms.
In order to perform better in the games, grouping the students can also
promote motivation, boost communication, and sharpen their attention to

2.3 Event Preparations

Snyder (2023) states that the objective is to give your audience an

experience they will never forget, not just the event itself. As it’s obvious, it
can be challenging to figure out what to focus on, how to organise things
efficiently, and how to work around everyone's schedules in order to
maximise your expectations, ideas, and knowledge without feeling that
you're missing anything. Weekly, two meetings were scheduled, thus
immediately following each class until the major event. All of us signed a
written agreement, promising to work hard and give the event our best
effort in order for it to succeed. Unfortunately, due to different
circumstances like classes, additional meetings, tutorials, and submissions,
it was not strictly followed. To move forward with more planning and ideas,
the team needed to complete the tasks and preparations from all of the
sessions in which they took part. With the exception of the missed
meetings, the team's previous meetings were all successful, and we all
performed well. The marketing team also designed the menus, posters,
raffle tickets, and game tickets in addition to the meetings.

2.4 Evaluation of the Overall Team

The group was effective overall, even if its size and talent were not always
constantly driven or productive. Furthermore, our team set out to engage
every student in the school, or at least fifty percent of them, in our event.
The objective was not effectively accomplished. Our team was able to sell
a good number of raffle tickets following our first event, which was our
launch event, but there weren't enough tickets sold for the main event for
potential reasons such as cost, uncertainty about the attendees' identities
in a group, and lack of information.

Even with the prior variables, the Main Event and the outcome were still
successful, but the students would have purchased a few more tickets. The
marketing staff was present to promote the tickets, sell them, and assist
the students in providing information. Through regular posts and stories on
social media, the marketing team used direct and indirect advertising to
ensure that every student was aware of any updates regarding the major
event. It is clear from the survey that the participants were happy with the
launch event, game Night, and Main Event in addition to it.

(Post-event satisfaction survey, 2024)

Despite the fact that not every member of the team had the same idea
about the event, from the perspective and opinion of the team, we worked
well together. In the rooms, the Event participants had to cooperate. In
addition to playing the provided room games, Tony, Minh, and Sofi
generously offered their time to help with the setup and decor the evening
before the main event, doing their utmost to ensure the success of the
event. Everything proceeded according to the team members' plans, and
everything was completed on schedule. It gave the team a strong head
start for the Main event the following day. Finally, on the day of the Main
Event, a few last-minute adjustments were made to the student groups and
the games. Even with the aforementioned adjustments, we managed to
maintain order despite the occasional chaos. Everyone helped one another
out, took responsibility for their own tasks, and completed them flawlessly.

2.5 Evaluation of the pinned Objectives


It is necessary to analyse the circumstances in order to assess the stated

objectives. If everything was done to help the members of the Cypher
Saviors Team reach their Main Event goals, Let's now examine the areas
where the achieved goals were successful or unsuccessful:
- To organise an effective BSc event
Each member of the event planning team puts in a great effort to ensure
that the Launch Event, Game Night, and Main events succeed.
- The team as a whole underestimated the participants' time
management abilities in relation to the rooms' tasks.
to have at least three groups for the main event.
- Raise enough money for our selected charity, Save the
- Given their time constraints, the game management should
have given the students a little easier challenge.
- To manage a minimum of 25–30 people to participate in the
Although the goal was not fulfilled, time management allowed us to have
only 4 groups at the end, with 15 students taking part in the Escape Room.
- 13 sponsorships were reached
- Organise a fair and competitive student game
- Encourage teamwork and collaboration among event coordinators
- Develop leadership abilities and cultivate a welcoming school

The aforementioned objectives were met in terms of leadership

development, school spirit, collaboration, competitive student games, and
sponsorship. The Event class organised the event, and everything went
above and beyond in terms of advantages and skill improvements.

2.6 Overall Evaluation of the Cypher Saviors Team


The overall assessment of the BSc class generated different experiences.

Every student, as previously noted, was assigned a task or tasks to help
with the launch event, game night, main event, and closing event. In an
attempt to raise awareness of the event, boost student enthusiasm, and
hone their competitive edge in order to win our escape room game, the
Cypher Saviors Team was extremely ambitious.
But it is important to recognise a few circumstances that existed prior to,
during, and following the event:
- Misunderstandings and a lack of communication among the planners
- A lack of straightforward, sincere viewpoints
- Talking and paying attention to details were recurring problems.
- Because of the previously mentioned issues, the Cypher Savior Team
divided into various groups both during and after the competition.

Chapter 3 - Future Recommendations and suggestions for my Own

and Other Departments
Chapter 3.1 Recommendations for the Marketing Department

Marketers employ event marketing as a strategy to generate awareness of

their company, goods, or services through a variety of interactions. A great
tactic that can assist is event marketing:

- Acknowledgement of brands
- Growing a customer-focused mindset
- Generating Opportunities
- Learn about possible customers.
- Upselling to customers

If handled correctly, events could be one of your most useful marketing

resources and platforms (Wanderoy et al., 2018). If it is not done correctly,
though, the claimed benefits will not match the actual outcome. Therefore,

having the ideal marketing team is one of the most crucial elements of a
successful event.
A few essential elements were possibly absent, and it is advised that those
will be added in addition to the enjoyment that we have shared during the
weeks and how well we complemented one another:

- Promptly post on social media

- More recognition in school
- Attention-grabbing content that is more engaging
- More innovative design of the posters
- Had the potential to create more imaginative content for social
media marketing
- Better images taken prior to, during, and following the event;
possibly more creative content for social media marketing

The marketing department's honest assessment, considering each of these

elements from the viewpoint of other departments, is as follows:
- Well accomplished on the smooth interaction with other
- May have provided more original and engaging social media
- might have attracted more viewers and followers from the
student by utilising modern social media strategies and concepts.

We can sum up our marketing staff's effort and effectiveness during the
event's preparation and implementation phases as positive. Even though
the event's explanation was straightforward and uncomplicated, we could
have included a little bit more.

Chapter 3.2: Recommendations for the Finance/Sponsorship


According to Papadimitriou et al. (2008), sponsorship must be beneficial to

both parties. Any organisation can use it as a useful strategy to boost event
revenue and provide guests with extra services, entertainment, or learning
opportunities. Sponsoring events is the strategy of a company providing
cash or cash equivalents to an event in order to benefit from it. The goal of
event sponsorship is to obtain the funding required to provide your guests
with experiences they won't soon forget (Salvatori, 2023).

Since the event could not occur without sponsors, having a strong
sponsorship team is essential. Zoe was the sole student on the sponsoring
team, which emphasizes the outstanding outcome. We raised 758.32 CHF
in total from the students, and that money went toward supporting Save the
Children. In addition, 86 raffle tickets were sold, bringing in an additional 86
CHF. We all performed a fantastic job with the food and beverage offerings
since we were able to meet our financial target prior to the commencement
of the main event.

- Improved communication across departments, particularly the

marketing team, regarding sponsor visibility

- Reach more sponsors in general and have bigger prizes than

discounts and brunch/breakfast vouchers to acquire better quality
prizes for the students

The Sponsorship/Finance department has generally left the Cypher

Saviors Team extremely happy. Students may not have attended our event
with such excitement in the hopes of winning the prize and the Escape
Room event if Zoe hadn't put in so much effort and interacted tactfully with
companies and organisations.

Chapter 3.3 Recommendations for the Food & Beverage Department

Food and beverages will probably have the biggest impact on your budget
because this is the part of the event that most guests will remember. Food
brings people together, encourages conversation, and makes decision-
making easier (Uhlmann et al., 2018). Fortunately, the F&B Department
was able to enjoy the event even more during the BSc Launch and Closing
ceremony. During the Main Event, Lily and a handful of us who assisted
her were still able to enjoy it. It was essential to have this mentality, which
Lily embodied, to persevere through the demanding and draining weeks.
Every single student from the BSc, MSc, and Culinary classes respected
each and every one of us who worked in the F&B Department. The
commitment and the amount of funding and assistance provided by the
aforementioned agency are just astounding. In addition to all of the
innovative work and partnerships, the department needs to be thoroughly
To make the department more dependable and effective going forward, the
following suggestions should also be made:

- Handle the orders more respectfully

- Social Media contact should be more obvious
- Implement easier-to-understand deals and packages
- Language respect towards each other to use only English
- A wider menu using the same ingredients, therefore the cost of food
could have been lower

(The F&B Department’s Menu, 2024)

We should all be proud of the team, as the BSc, MSc, and Culinary classes
spent four to six hours a week standing in the kitchen.

Chapter 4 - Conclusion
4.1 Conclusion

Every student gave their all, giving the greatest possible representation of
the BSc, MSc, and Culinary class as well as the school. In the hopes of
achieving even greater success in the future, the recommendations will
hopefully be implemented in the events to follow. The aforementioned
issues were unrelated to how the event turned out. It had a greater effect
on the relationships amongst the students, which is crucial for bringing out
the best in each individual kid. We are confident that the knowledge we
have acquired, both academically and practically, will help us in our future
endeavours. Not to mention the enjoyment experienced each time.
Without a doubt, the class learned a great deal before, during, and after the
events. Throughout the process, students showed devotion, teamwork,
discipline, and a consistent attitude.

(The Cypher Saviors Team, 2024)

Chapter 5 - References

Bowdin, G., Allen, J., O’Toole, W., Harris, R. and McDonnell, I. (2011).
Events Management. 3rd ed. London: Routledge. [Accessed 21 May

Chen, J. (2022) The Power of the Organisational Chart. Investopedia.

Available at:
chart.asp. [Accessed 24 May 2023].

Friday, C.V. on, July 28th and 2023 (n.d.). 20 Event Planning Quotes to Inspire Event
Planners | Event Espresso. [online] Available at:

Getz, D. (1997) Event Management and Event Tourism. New York:

Cognizant Communication Corporation. [Accessed 26 May 2023].

Getz, D. (2012) Event Studies: Theory, Research and Policy for Planned
Events. 2nd ed. London: Routledge [Accessed 27 May 2023].

Gordon, J. (2021) Flat Organisation - Explained. The Business Professor,

LLC. Available at:
leadership-organizational-behaviour/flat-organization-definition. [Accessed
27 May 2023].

Gray, C. F. and Larson, E. W. (2000) Project management: the managerial

process. Boston: Mass. [Accessed 27 May 2023].

Salvatori, H. (2023). The Ultimate Guide to Event Sponsorship | Cvent

Blog. [online] Available at:

Papadimitriou, D., Apostolopoulou, A., & Dounis, T. (2008). Event sponsorship as a

value-creating strategy for brands. the Journal of Product & Brand

Management/Journal of Product & Brand Management, 17(4), 212–222.

Uhlmann, K., Lin, B.B. and Ross, H., 2018. Who cares? The importance of emotional

connections with nature to ensure food security and well-being in cities.

Sustainability, 10(6), p.1844.

Wanderoy Göransson, N. and E Kibtia, M., 2018. We Would Love to Meet You!: A study

about the impact of event marketing on customer-brand relationships.


Chapter 6 - Appendices and Reflective Essay

6.1 Reflective Essay

A reflective essay, according to Nunez (2022), is a written work in which

the writer talks about their experiences and adventures following a
particular event. Afterwards, the writer composes an essay detailing their
experiences and evaluating how they have changed, developed, or
matured as a result of them.
I can honestly state that these past several weeks of organising,
developing, and preparing every Cypher Saviors Escape Room event have
taught me a great deal. Since I knew which department would best further
my academic goals, I was honestly rather confident during the class'
department selection process. I was certain that the Marketing
Management Department would be the best fit for my personality when I
made my decision. Furthermore, I am proficient in understanding the
obligations and duties of my department.
Since the students were doing something we had never done before, the
lead-up to the activities was thrilling and joyful. All of my classmates were
really helpful in offering guidance. Evelynn and I were able to figure out
insights into how an actual event's planning process should operate.

It was only during the activities that I realised the class’s hard work was
finally paying off—all of their effort to make the event possible. It dawned
on me that my dream has always been to work with a creative team and
manage events virtually. The players and my classmates also had an
impact on my character and personality. Putting together the team and
deciding on the ideal lineup to promote our event effectively was a novel
experience for me. The official evaluation process began following the
occurrences. I now know how to deal with challenging circumstances and
not become stressed out. In addition to this, Evelynn taught me how to
oversee and run an entire department. We all experienced incredibly hectic
and trying times leading up to, during, and following the event. I took away
from this experience this knowledge. Maintain discipline and consistency
while acting appropriately.
All in all, organising the Cypher Saviors Escape Room 2024 Mariental
Building, Sörenberg, was a worthwhile experience that taught me a lot
about life and provided me with a lot of knowledge. By means of precise
planning, flexibility, stability, inquiry into feedback, and enough
collaboration, I have refined my capacity to plan, be on time, and create, as
well as expanded my understanding of event coordination in relation to
social media and marketing. This realisation has given me the motivation to
tackle future challenges and stoked my desire to create a memorable and
prosperous event.
I am appreciative of everyone for all that has happened to me and for
teaching me all the important lessons that will help me in the future.



Hotel Schweizerhof 1 Breakfast for 2
Victoria-jungfrau 1 Sunday Brunch for 2 until April 2025
Alpenrosli 2 voucher 20 CHF
Backerstube 2 voucher 20 CHF
Peter 3 voucher 10 CHF
Volg 1 voucher 10 CHF
Stockli 6 Beanie, lanyard
Rischli 1 voucher 20 CHF
Truly Asia 5 voucher 20 CHF
Denner 1 voucher 20 CHF
Coop 1 voucher 10%
Alcatraz voucher for winning team

Staff Roles





Risk Assessment
Who might be What further action do Who needs to
What are the What are you already doing to Likelihoo When is the action needed
harmed and you need to take to carry out the
hazards? control the risks? d by?
how? control the risks? action?

Falling Players, Staffs Make space. Prepare first aid supplies Game manager.
Hit, bump into (when attend the First aid. and train staff on Possible Host. When the problem occurs
something (table, wall, game) Contact game manager or host. emergency skills Event team.

Talk and cheer for players to have

better morale.
Game manager,
Players (when If it doesn't work, take the player Train employees on
Psychological risk Possible Host. When the problem occurs
attend the game) out of the room and hand it over to problem-solving skills
Event team.
the Event team.
Contact game manager

Customers could
Intensify monitoring of
suffer from food
Adherence to food safety food safety practices,
Food Safety / Food guidelines, regular staff training, implement more rigorous Continuous, with periodic
resulting in Possible F&B
Poisoning and temperature controls for food food handling audits, and reviews
storage and preparation enhance staff training
or worse

1st Check if there are enough

Game manager.
Players, Staffs 2nd Instruct players to evacuate the Check and evaluate all
Fire Hazards (when attend the area. flammable items before Rare When the problem occurs
Event team.
game) Contact game manager, MIT. the event date
If you can not control it, call the
emergency number: 118.

Make space.
Game manager.
Players, Staffs Don’t touch people who have been
Check electronic devices Host.
Shockwave (when attend the electrocuted. Rare When the problem occurs
before the event day Event team.
game) Contact game manager or host.
Call emergency number: 144

Host outside: Sharark
Those who joined the Before the event Send a email before the
Call or contact the player. Possible Game manager When the problem occurs
game arrived late is about to take event date
Let the next team play first.

Employees and
Implement more frequent
customers could
hand washing reminders,
suffer from
Regular cleaning schedules, increase cleaning Ongoing, with immediate
Hygiene employee hygiene training, and frequency of high-touch Possible F&B implementation of
use of appropriate cleaning agents surfaces, and conduct improvements
infections, or
regular audits of hygiene

operations could Develop relationships
suffer, potentially Diversification of suppliers, with additional suppliers,
Supply Chain leading to maintaining inventory buffers, and explore local sourcing Review quarterly and adjust
Possible F&B
Disruptions financial losses regular communication with options, and create a as necessary
and reduced suppliers contingency plan for
customer critical supplies

Customers with Improve customer

allergies could Clear labeling of allergens, communication on
experience employee training on allergen allergen information,
Allergen Management severe allergic management, and designated conduct regular staff Rare F&B Immediate and ongoing
reactions, preparation areas to prevent cross- retraining, and review and
potentially life- contamination update allergen
threatening. management procedures.

Customers could
Intensify monitoring of
suffer from food
Adherence to food safety food safety practices,
Food Safety / Food guidelines, regular staff training, implement more rigorous Continuous, with periodic
resulting in Possible F&B
Poisoning and temperature controls for food food handling audits, and reviews
storage and preparation enhance staff training
or worse

Employees and Conduct more frequent

customers could fire drills, ensure all staff
Installation of fire suppression
face injury or are trained on emergency Immediate for training;
systems, regular equipment
Fire fatality; procedures, and review Rare All ongoing for equipment
maintenance, and fire safety
significant and upgrade fire detection checks and updates
training for employees
property damage and suppression
could also occur equipment as necessary

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