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Sunday, August 20, 2023 11


Are turmeric Why is BRICS summit important for India?

supplements Will India and China have the opportunity to have bilateral talks on the Line of Actual Control Asia, South America and small Island States who

advisable? dispute? How will fruitful discussions have a bearing on the G20 summit in Delhi next month?
Will Russian President Vladimir Putin attend the meeting?
represent the Global South for sessions on the
sidelines of the summit. The message from the
invitations is a clear pitch for the developing
world to come together on economic issues. In
Is there a risk of liver injury? What do addition, many of the countries that are seeking
Suhasini Haidar On the importance. This is the first in­person summit to join the increasingly important grouping will
studies on curcumin show? Does it have
agenda is since the military standoff with China at the Line be represented at leadership levels.
anti­oxidant properties? The story so far: BRICS’ of Actual Control began in 2020, and Prime
ll eyes this week are on Johannesburg, Minister Narendra Modi will come face to face What’s the big item on the agenda?

as leaders of the Brazil, Russia, India, with President Xi Jinping at the BRICS meet. During the summit, the leaders of BRICS will
Jacob Koshy China, South Africa (BRICS) grouping
with While they have attended the Shanghai confer among themselves, and also take part in
are hosted by South African President consensus Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in the BRICS­Africa Outreach and BRICS Plus
The story so far: Cyril Ramaphosa. BRICS is essentially a growing Samarkand, and had a brief meeting at the G20 Dialogue. A major item on the agenda is on the
ustralia’s Therapeutic Goods movement of “emerging economies”, and thus about the in Bali last year; at the BRICS summit they will expansion of BRICS. Conceived of in the early

A Administration (TGA), the country’s

regulator of medicines, medical devices
and biologicals, issued a medical advisory last
gives a salience to economic issues, but given
the geopolitical flux especially after the war in
Ukraine, this BRICS summit takes on a new
inclusion of
be in a very small group of four (with President
Putin attending virtually), and will have many
opportunities to hold bilateral talks. Ahead of
2000s in a Goldman Sachs paper as a grouping
of the fastest growing developing economies not
in the G­7, BRIC nations held their first summit
week warning Australians of the risk of liver importance. It is, therefore, no surprise that the summit, the 19th round of India­China Corps in 2009 — and inducted South Africa in 2010.
injury from using medicines and herbal many Western capitals are watching the summit
the UAE Commander Level Meeting resulted in a joint While their economies haven’t lived up to their
supplements containing turmeric or its active closely. and Saudi statement last weekend, seen as a positive sign promise, BRICS has produced some significant
ingredient, curcumin. Arabia ahead of a possible Modi­Xi engagement. This outcomes, like the New Development Bank,
Why is the 15th BRICS summit important? meeting would be significant in terms of Contingency Reserve Arrangement for currency,
Why was this advisory issued? This BRICS meet comes at an important resolving the LAC situation, where an estimated an R&D centre for vaccines and others. More
The TGA said that until June 29, 2023, it had geopolitical and geoeconomic moment — this is 1,00,000 soldiers stand at the boundary on broadly, it is seen as an attractive alternative to
received 18 reports of liver problems the first in­person summit since 2019 and the either side. But there are other reasons too why the G­7 developed countries “club”. More than
experienced by consumers taking products COVID­19 pandemic. Even in 2022, when COVID this meeting is necessary. Just over two weeks 40 countries have shown an interest in joining
containing curcuma longa (turmeric) and/or had receded, the remnants of the pandemic after the BRICS summit, India will host the G20 BRICS, and at least 19 countries have applied
curcumin. These followed an investigation the remained in China, and the summit was hosted summit, and Prime Minister Modi will want to formally for membership. Of these, consensus
agency undertook to review the safety of the via videoconference. This is also the first ensure full attendance by the leaders, which appears to be developing around four countries:
products, after instances of their consumption in­person meeting since the Russian invasion of include all BRICS members. Argentina, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Iran. Mr.
and liver injury were reported in Australia and Ukraine in 2022, an event that has cast a long In addition, India wants more cooperation Modi’s telephone conversation with Iranian
internationally. The evidence from nine of these shadow not only over global stability, but food, from China and Russia that are blocking President Ebrahim Raisi on Friday discussed
reports had enough information to suggest that fertilizer and fuel (energy) security. Given its discussions on a common language for the cooperating over “BRICS expansion”, the MEA
a liver injury may have been caused by curcuma composition, BRICS deliberations are perceived Leader’s declaration to be released at the noted, indicating that some sort of decision on
longa or a curcumin product. Two of these cases to carry a “counter­western” slant, and will be of summit on September 9­10. Mr. Modi might use inducting new members is expected.
were severe, including one that resulted in importance as the U.S. and EU still hope to try the forum for talks on the issues over the
death. In four of the nine cases, there were no and “isolate” Russia over the conflict. This is paragraphs on Ukraine, climate change, debt What else is expected to be discussed?
other ingredients likely to have contributed to also the first summit since Luiz Inácio Lula da financing and others that are being held up by BRICS leaders are also expected to take forward
the liver injury. The other five cases involved Silva Lula returned to power in Brazil, who their objections. earlier talks on intra­BRICS trading in national
products that contained other ingredients that represents a more socialist, anti­western politics currencies, although a much­touted plan
may have contributed to the liver injury, the than his predecessor President Bolsonaro. Who will be there? pushing for a “BRICS currency” to challenge the
advisory noted. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Chinese dollar does not appear to be on the agenda. The
The TGA’s What is in it for India? President Xi Jinping and Brazilian President Lula Johannesburg Declaration will include language
Whether increasing the verdict, following For India, this BRICS summit carries special will join President Ramaphosa for meetings on acceptable to all the countries on a number of
bioavailability of the investigation, is August 22­24, and will deliberate on the global developments. In addition, South Africa
curcumin and that there is a “rare “Johannesburg Declaration” to be released at the which has chosen the theme “BRICS and Africa:
packaging them in risk” of liver injury end of the summit. President Xi is also in South Partnership for Mutually Accelerated Growth,
from taking Africa for a separate bilateral state visit, while Sustainable Development, and Inclusive
supplements makes
curcuma longa Mr. Modi will club the BRICS travel with a visit to Multilateralism” for the year, seeks to introduce
them effective and safe and/or curcumin in Greece on his way back to Delhi. Russian initiatives in its priority areas, including an
for use in medicines is medicinal dosage President Vladimir Putin is not attending “by equitable and just transition on climate change
still being debated forms. People with mutual agreement”, said Mr. Ramaphosa’s issues; unlocking opportunities through the
existing or office, indicating the issue over Mr. Putin’s African Continental Free Trade Area; and
previous liver problems were more likely to appearance at the BRICS, given that there is a strengthening the meaningful participation of
develop this rare adverse event. There are over warrant issued by the International Criminal women in peace processes. Indian officials will
600 listed medicines, legally available in Court (ICC) against him, which would have also look out for language proposed by China, by
Australia, that contain these curcuma species made it difficult for South Africa, an ICC far the biggest economy in the grouping, to
and/or curcumin, according to the advisory. signatory, to ignore. Mr. Putin will attend the promote Beijing’s key initiatives like the Belt and
summit via video and Russian Foreign Minister Road Initiative, and the new Global
Does turmeric have health benefits? Sergey Lavrov will officiate at the event in Development Initiative (GDI) as part of an
The TGA warning says that the risk of liver injury Johannesburg. economy roadmap for BRICS.
did not appear to relate to curcuma longa Apart from BRICS leaders, South Africa has India had refused to sign onto an Economy
consumed in “typical” dietary amounts as a High stakes: Vladimir Putin shakes hands with South African President Cyril invited all 55 members of the African Union (AU) Roadmap at the SCO meeting chaired by India in
food. As a staple ingredient in South and South Ramaphosa after the Russia­Africa summit in Russia on July 29. REUTERS to the event and about 20 other leaders from July 2023 for the same reasons.
East Asian cuisine, turmeric is also used in
Ayurvedic and Chinese­medicine concoctions.
Several studies, over the last five decades, have
investigated the properties of curcumin and
report it to have anti­oxidant properties that can
help with inflammation. These include arthritis
and infections. Research teams at the Indian
How is the SC tackling gender stereotyping?
Institute of Science, Bengaluru have reported
that curcumin used along with the drug What are the new guidelines on the use of words and phrases to describe women and their issues other minority groups dropped out of central
Artemisinin was effective in treating malaria universities and the Indian Institutes of
when tested on mice. There have also been for both lawyers and judges? How do harmful stereotypes perpetuate inequalities? What are Technology (IITs) over the last five years. “The
studies investigating the drug as an adjuvant in some of the judgments which do away with gender norms? dropout in undergraduate programmes is
chemotherapy based on results in mice and attributed to withdrawal due to wrong choices
animal studies. However, their effect in human filled, poor performances and personal and
trials have been inconclusive. Sudipta Datta ‘Stereotypes plain “woman” and “wife” will do. medical reasons,” he said.
lead to As for women, the OHCHR (Office of the High
Why is curcumin being used in supplements? The story so far: exclusion How should sexual violence be looked at? Commissioner for Human Rights) points out that
One of the challenges of turmeric and by iscarding “archaic ideas with The handbook says an individual who has been labels whether overtly hostile (such as “women

extension curcumin is that very little of it is patriarchal overtones”, particularly affected by sexual violence may identify as are irrational”) or seemingly benign (“women
absorbed, or made ‘bioavailable’, by the body. while describing women and their
discrimi­ either a “survivor” or “victim”. are nurturing”), perpetuate inequalities. For
Much scientific effort has been expended over issues, the Supreme Court of India nation at Stressing on consent, the guidelines point out example, it says, the traditional view of women
the decades to improve its bioavailability. A has released a set of new words and phrases to the that the clothing or attire of a woman must be as care givers means that child care
popular approach is to use piperine, the major be used by both lawyers and judges in court. In workplace, independent of questions of sexual relations. “A responsibilities often fall exclusively on women.
active component of black pepper, which his foreword, Chief Justice of India D.Y. educational man who touches a woman without her consent The Supreme Court has taken care of it with
improves bioavailability by 2000%, says a 2017 Chandrachud writes that ‘The Handbook on institutions must not be permitted to take the defence that these directives: “A person’s gender does not
review in the peer­reviewed journal Foods. Combating Gender Stereotypes’ aims to assist and in the woman invited his touch by dressing in a determine or influence their capacity for
However, whether increasing the bioavailability the legal community in “identifying, particular way.” There are a host of dos and rational thought,” and “People of all genders are
of curcumin and packaging them in understanding and combating stereotypes about
public don’ts on how to handle issues of rape and equally suited to the task of caring for others.”
supplements makes them effective and safe for women. It contains a glossary of gender­unjust places’ assault. The Court shatters the stereotype that
use in medicines is still being debated with no terms and suggests alternative words or phrases women who are sexually assaulted or raped file Has the Supreme Court taken up stereotypes
conclusive evidence emerging from trials. which may be used while drafting pleadings as a complaint about the injustice immediately and in its verdicts?
well as orders and judgments.” if they complain after a time, they are lying. “It The Supreme Court has highlighted verdicts that
Is Australia the only country to warn about takes courage and strength to report a sexual have rejected stereotypes and which can be
turmeric supplements? What are some of the changes? offence because of the stigma attached to it,” the utilised by judges to shun gender stereotypes.
The Australian TGA cites reports of 20 hepatitis To avoid the use of harmful gender stereotypes handbook says, adding, “women may therefore For instance, in Joseph Shine versus Union of
cases in France and an investigation by ANSES, in judicial decision­making and writing, the register a complaint after a lapse of some time, India, a Constitution Bench struck down the
the French Agency for Food, Environmental and handbook identifies language that promotes when she thinks she is able to.” offence of “adultery” under Section 497 of the
Occupational Health & Safety, into 100 reports of such stereotypes, and offers new words. For Indian Penal Code. Observing that the law on
adverse effects, including 15 reports of hepatitis, example, under the guidelines, it will be Why are stereotypes harmful? adultery was but a codified rule of patriarchy, it
potentially related to the consumption of food incorrect to say “adulteress”; instead, the On a micro­level, the handbook states that said, “Society ascribes impossible virtues to a
supplements containing turmeric or curcumin. following words have to be used: “Woman who stereotypes lead to exclusion and discrimination woman and confines her to a narrow sphere of
The ANSES report underlines that turmeric has has engaged in sexual relations outside of at the workplace, educational institutions and in behaviour by an expectation of conformity.” In
“choleretic” properties, which means it marriage.” It is no longer proper to prefix public places. It cites the example of a State of Jharkhand versus Shailendra Kumar Rai,
stimulates the secretion of bile to improve “chaste” or “obedient” before woman and wife; stereotype that individuals from oppressed the Court reiterated its categorical ban on the
digestion, and therefore, it is advisable that castes are not as accomplished in school or “two finger test” and said it was irrelevant to
those with bile duct disease should avoid university in comparison to individuals from determination of rape and that it violated the
turmeric. Curcumin could also interact with oppressor castes. This, it says, may cause dignity of rape survivors or victims. In State of
medications such as anticoagulants, cancer members of oppressed castes to face additional Punjab versus Gurmit Singh, it held that a
drugs and immunosuppressants, reducing their mental pressure when writing an examination. testimony of a rape survivor or victim is
safety and effectiveness, they note. “A student from an oppressed caste who is “inherently credible.” The delay in lodging an
aware of the stereotype about their community FIR can be due to a variety of reasons, it said.
Is there a ‘safe limit’ on the amount of will not only have to worry about doing well in
turmeric that can be consumed? the examination, but also be burdened with the Will it have an impact on the ground?
The European Food Safety Authority has set an additional worry that if they perform badly in For Uma Mahadevan­Dasgupta, who is in the
acceptable daily intake of 180 mg of curcumin the examination, it will reinforce the stereotype IAS, it’s a great first step. The table in the
per day for a 60 kg adult as the safe level of concerning their community. This added handbook, which lays down the stereotype and
consumption. A World Health pressure may have an adverse impact on their the reality in two columns side by side, is an
Organization/Food and Agricultural performance in the examination.” Compare this important takeaway for her, because it removes
Organisation advisory recommends 3 mg/kg of to what the Minister of State for Education so many qualifiers that judge women. “The
body weight. India’s Food Safety and Standards Subhas Sarkar informed Parliament recently. He handbook, by the highest court of the land, is
Authority of India has standards that packaged provided data that over 25,000 reserved going to have an impact. However slow, it will
turmeric must comply with but nothing on the category students from Scheduled Castes, lead to a mindset change, because language is a
recommended dietary allowance. GETTY IMAGES Scheduled Tribes, Other Backward Classes and powerful tool.”
12 Sunday, August 20, 2023


Myanmar’s ‘killing machine’

The military, which has ruled the Southeast Asian country for most of its existence since independence, has started showing signs of weakness after the 2021 coup amid
reports of low morale, defections and desertions
Saumya Kalia the Buddhist faith. THE GIST
A former military official told The 쑽

irca 1941, seven years before New York Times that in his first year of The Burma Independence
Myanmar (then Burma) was training, he was shown a film that Army (BIA) collaborated with
liberated from the British portrayed the 1988 democracy activists Japan against the British and
colonial rule, a ceremony as “frenzied animals slicing off was joined by other
was afoot in Bangkok. It featured the soldiers’ heads”. anti­colonial militia that
Thirty Comrades, a revolutionary Since its formation, the Tatmadaw shaped the contours of
group that spearheaded Burma’s are fighting on multiple fronts, modern­day Tatmadaw
Independence movement. The men including roughly 250 local defence
drew each other’s blood with a single groups and ethnic armed 쑽
syringe, mixed it in a silver bowl with organisations. Gwen Robinson, a Myanmar got freedom in 1948,
alcohol and quaffed the potion. Myanmar expert, told the BBC that this but descended soon into
A drop of blood to seal a vow of degree of resistance has accustomed ethnic factions due to internal
loyalty to the nation, and the them to using lethal force and violence conflict. In 1962, the military
Tatmadaw — Burmese for “army” — within their own borders. “It’s shaped staged the first of its four
was born. the Tatmadaw into this ruthless coups to take control from an
The protagonists have ruled fighting machine that will just follow elected government
Myanmar for most of its existence, orders robotically.”
courting the label of a ‘killing 쑽
machine’, designed to eliminate any Moment of crisis They rewrote the citizenship
threat — internal or global, real or The Tatmadaw’s mythmaking is law in 1982 to automatically
contrived. They claim to have a showing signs of leakage post the 2021 grant citizenship to different
standing force of 5,00,000 men, a military coup, observers say. There are ethnic groups, excluding
rank of fighters who have unleashed reports of low morale, defections and minorities such as the
some of the most terrible horrors, desertions; some estimates put the size Rohingya Muslims
including mass rape, torture and of Myanmar’s military as low as
genocidal crimes against ethnic 95,000. Recruitment levels have
minorities. In 2021, they ruthlessly dropped, combat units are poorly
consolidated power by ousting the trained amid rumours about a
democratically elected leader, Daw widening gulf between the privileged
Aung San Suu Kyi, jailing her on elected government. They rewrote the of a ‘liberalisation’ policy. They were in ethnic minorities, with Buddhist elite and the ranks. A report found the
corruption charges and declaring a citizenship law in 1982 to automatically a power­sharing agreement with Ms. Bamars forming the majority. Many Tatmadaw exerts real control in only
state of emergency. grant citizenship to different ethnic Suu Kyi’s government for five years, Bamars serve in the upper echelons of 30%­40% of the territory. The
Bloodshed soaks their history, and groups, excluding minorities such as before the 2021 coup. the military. army­backed Union Solidarity and
that of Myanmar, which is the site of the Rohingya Muslims. The 8888 The Tatmadaw owns banks, Development party plans to replace
the longest­running armed conflict in uprising (on August 8, 1988) marked Political institution hospitals, schools, farms; they run the current head with a loyalist to
the world. . The Tatmadaw has built a the first pro­democracy revolt led by Understanding the Tatmadaw raises publishing houses, stations, a film Tatmadaw’s chief Senior Gen. Min
‘state within the state’, insulated from student activists, but it was brutally three challenges, scholar Andrew Selth industry which produces tales Aung Hlaing, a reshuffle “aimed at
‘enemies’ beyond, observers note. put down in which about 5,000 people argued. How do you measure a valorising the army. The Tatmadaw, adding more military hard­liners”,
were killed. The Tatmadaw set out to country’s military capability? What is the 15th largest military in the world, Chetan Rana wrote in The Hindu.
A violent history ‘reconsolidate’ Myanmar “to create the context of modern Myanmar? Is it accounts for 44% of the government’s There’s a crisis of belief too among
“The modern state of Burma was born conditions for passing authority to a possible to objectively articulate expenditure. majoritarian groups who have
as a military occupation,” historian constitutional government”, analyst Tatmadaw’s role? Unlike other military juntas, the witnessed the military killing its own
Thant Myint­U writes. The Burma Robert Taylor observed. Researchers note the military came Tatmadaw are less politicians in people in the aftermath of the 2021
Independence Army (BIA) Ms. Suu Kyi’s National League for to be a desirable career and a site of uniforms than ‘war fighters’, adhering coup. Some have ceased calling
collaborated with Japan against the Democracy (NLD) fizzed into social mobility, in the context of to a script of ultranationalism, as Mary General Aung Hlaing’s army (charged
British and was joined by other existence, but she was placed on a corruption, a flailing economy and Callahan wrote in her book Making with perpetrating the Rohingya
anti­colonial militias that shaped the 15­year­long house arrest. The ethnic factions. “The killers in Enemies. genocide and leading the coup) the
contours of modern­day Tatmadaw. Tatmadaw’s political foothold uniforms [learn] that they are virtuous The military tells many stories ‘Tatmadaw’, a reverential term coined
Among the ranks of the BIA was Aung simultaneously strengthened, curbing defenders of the country, of the race about itself, to itself: In the constricted for Burma’s ‘Royal’ Army. They prefer
San, the architect of Myanmar’s resistance such as the 2007 Saffron and of Buddhism,” human rights world of the Tatmadaw, an enemy is ‘Sit-tat’ instead, avoiding any reference
independence and Ms. Suu Kyi’s revolution. The regime in 2008 activist Dr. Maung Zarni told The always lurking about. Ms. Suu Kyi’s to glory. Some also use the cruder
father. adopted a Constitution which ensured Diplomat. “Never hesitating, always November 2020 victory was portrayed ‘Sit-kew’. Dog soldiers. Scholar Tun
Myanmar limped to freedom in the military never falls prey to civilian ready to sacrifice blood and sweat is as electoral fraud; American Myint argued that the military was
1948, but descended soon into ethnic control. In 2011, the Tatmadaw the Tatmadaw,” display lofty banners philanthropist George Soros is accused once seen as a feared entity (kjau zaja),
factions due to internal conflict. In uncharacteristically agreed to hold on the streets. In 1989, they changed of funding pro­democracy activists and but their image today is closer to jun
1962, the military staged the first of its parliamentary elections and the country’s official name to politicians; a ‘rapacious’ Muslim zaja, Burmese for a feeling that goes
four coups to take control from an implement democratic reforms as part Myanmar. Myanmar is made up of 130 organisation is attempting to destroy beyond hate.

Faith and violence Pragmatic progressive

Blasphemy laws Ro Khanna
Violent attacks on churches and Christians in Pakistan’s Jaranwala have turned the spotlight once The U.S. Congressman, a member of the progressive wing of the Democratic Party, seems to be
again on the country’s controversial blasphemy laws settling into a Clinton­like pragmatist mode
Kallol Bhattacherjee of pre­Partition Punjab, G. Sampath someone who is not only
when the publication of a an effective interlocutor

ast Wednesday, a controversial book on the

ndian­American Con­ between the messianic fan­
mob attacked a Prophet led to the assassi­ gressman Ro Khanna, tasies of tech billionaires
Christian colony in nation of publisher Rajpal 46, led a bipartisan and federal regulators, but
Pakistan’s Jaranwala and Malhotra or Mahashey Raj­ congressional delegation also between the libertar­
burned 22 churches and pal in Lahore 1929. It is said to India last week. During ian impulses of IT em­
looted a large number of that the publication was a the visit, he attended the ployers and the social
houses forcing hundreds of tit­for­tat act against the Independence Day cele­ needs of their employees.
citizens of the minority publication of a book tar­ brations at the Red Fort His branding as a pro­
community to flee to geting a Hindu figure. and met Prime Minister gressive Democrat con­
neighbouring areas. The Current political links Narendra Modi and Exter­ cerned with human rights
mob demanded that the between the extremist foot nal Affairs Minister S. Jaish­ issues, though a bit frayed,
police hand over two men soldiers of Pakistan and ankar, among others. Me­ stands for now. But civil
who they claimed had political parties are there­ dia reports suggested that rights groups in the U.S.
committed blasphemy. him from the mob. But the and executed later, but his fore not new and from human rights and the gress party. lion, are the second largest have been vocal in their
Like previous incidents, case against the attackers grave became a place of time to time, such groups treatment of minorities In 2019, in the days fol­ immigrant group in the criticism of his proactive
the police and other law hasn’t reached anywhere. worship for those who sup­ have emerged to stoke ten­ were the major agenda of lowing India’s dilution of U.S, after Mexicans. The lobbying — which involved
enforcement forces stood In Pakistan, blasphemy port the law. sions over blasphemy. Fo­ his visit. While he did meet Article 370, Mr. Khanna constituency Mr. Khanna orchestrating a bipartisan
as mute witnesses for days is punishable by death. remost among such con­ with victims of the recent had tweeted, “It’s the duty represents, California’s letter to Speaker Kevin
before swinging into These incidents showed Political links temporary forces is the communal violence in Ha­ of every American politi­ 17th congressional district, McCarthy — for Prime Mi­
action. how the blasphemy laws Pakistan’s Supreme Court Tehreek­e­Labbaik Pakis­ ryana, as well as represen­ cian of Hindu faith to stand is remarkable for two rea­ nister Narendra Modi to
This was not an isolated have become an excuse for overturned the death sen­ tan, which had supported tatives from the Kuki com­ for pluralism, reject Hin­ sons. It roughly overlaps address a joint session of
incident. In December vigilantism in the era of so­ tence for Asiya Bibi who death for Asiya Bibi. munity from Manipur, the dutva, and speak for equal with what the world likes the U.S. Congress.
2021, in the industrial town cial media. was given asylum in Cana­ Latest reports on the Ja­ delegation’s agenda also in­ rights for Hindus, Muslims, to call ‘Silicon Valley’, and Mr. Khanna has res­
of Sialkot, nearly 50 km In 2011, Governor of da in 2019. The case that ranwala violence have cluded trade ties, technol­ Sikhs, Buddhists and it is a district where Asian ponded to this criticism in
from Jaranwala, a Sri Lan­ Punjab Salman Taseer was shook Pakistan showed shown that a few locals ogy transfer, and defence Christians. That is the vi­ Americans are in the ma­ two ways: first, by pointing
kan Buddhist, Priyantha gunned down outside a that the legal system could who were displaced on cooperation. sion of India my grandfath­ jority. Mr. Khanna has to India’s strategic impor­
Diyanwada, was lynched pizza outlet in Islamabad’s be moved to defend the life Wednesday have returned Mr. Khanna is a member er Amarnath Vidyalankar been effective in leveraging tance, both as a geopoliti­
by hundreds at a factory picturesque Kohsar mar­ of a person falsely accused to the neighbourhood and of the progressive wing of fought for.” both these constituencies cal ally, and for the U.S.’s
where he worked as a man­ ket, which is known for its of blasphemy, but it is far authorities are trying to the Democratic Party, His statement sparked for his political advances. economic ‘decoupling’
ager for nearly seven years. cuisine and book stores. more difficult to deal with restore normalcy. The lo­ alongside the likes of Alex­ an immediate and vicious from China; second, by ar­
Diyanwada was accused of Taseer had boldly taken elements that have made cals have said the rioters andria Ocasio­Cortez, Pra­ backlash from the Hindut­ The interlocutor guing that it is better to en­
removing a poster with re­ on the supporters of the blasphemy a case for gen­ did not belong to Jaranwala mila Jayapal, Ilhan Omar va ecosystem. In the four Mr. Khanna is a second gage with regimes accused
ligious remarks. blasphemy laws and de­ erating political fortune. and appeared to have and Rashida Tlaib. He is years since, political obser­ generation immigrant. of human rights violations
Pakistan brought terro­ fended Christian farm This difficulty is rooted come from outside. The re­ the co­chair of the U.S. vers have noted a distinct Born in Philadelphia, Mr. rather than lecture them
rism charges against 900 worker Asiya Bibi, who in the history of Pakistan, ports prompted Karamat Congressional Caucus on softening of his stance to­ Khanna studied economics from a moralistic pulpit.
individuals and arrested was convicted of blasphe­ stretching back to the Zia­ Ali, executive director of India and Indian­Ameri­ ward Hindutva, and his from the University of Chi­ Having started out as a
several persons who were my by a court in 2010 and ul­haq years when the Hu­ the Pakistan Institute of La­ cans. progressive credentials cago before graduating progressive idealist in the
part of the mob. Diyanwa­ sentenced to death. The dood ordinances were bour Education and Re­ He likes to highlight his have begun to attract grea­ from Yale Law School. He Bernie Sanders mould, Mr.
da’s remains were sent to sentencing triggered an brought in 1979 as Gen. Zia search in Karachi, to argue connection with India, es­ ter scrutiny. Many attribute subsequently worked as an Khanna’s progressivism
his family in Sri Lanka. outcry among liberal Pakis­ wanted to make Pakistani that the incident shows pecially the fact that his this subtle shift to the in­ intellectual property la­ seems to be settling — some
Prime Minister Imran tanis which drew Taseer laws in sync with Sharia. that elements within the grandfather Amarnath Vi­ creasing clout of Hindu na­ wyer, with clients from the might say ‘maturing’ — into
Khan bestowed Tamgha­e­ into the issue. Mumtaz Qa­ The region also has a histo­ Pakistani state might be in­ dyalankar was a freedom tionalists, both among the tech industry. As a Con­ a Clinton­like pragmatist
Shujaat, a bravery award, dri, who fired the shots at ry of religious polarisation volved in creating it as a di­ fighter who went to jail Indian disapora in the U.S., gressman elected from Sili­ mode as he masters the dif­
on Malik Adnan, a col­ him, was Taseer’s body­ going back to the days of versionary event to steer with Mahatma Gandhi and and in American politics. con Valley, he has fash­ ficult art of juggling the
league of Diyanwada who guard. He was given death the Khilafat movement and people’s attention from later became a Member of Indian­Americans, who ioned himself as a contradictory expectations
tried initially to protect sentence by a court in 2016 the Hindu­Muslim politics other issues. Parliament from the Con­ number around four mil­ ‘progressive capitalist’ — of political constituencies.
AUGUST 20, 2023

John Zubrzycki

A little-known facet of
India’s independence
on whether to support the democratic aspi- view that the princely states were “portals to
The integration of the princely rations of the states’ peoples and how to deal a pure, ancient past”, and even “the founda-
states remains a pivotal but with recalcitrants such as Travancore, tion on which the future nation” could be
Hyderabad, Bhopal and, later on, Junagadh launched. Typically for Mahatma Gandhi,
insufficiently understood and Kashmir. his opinions changed to suit the times. “My
aspect of India’s birth. But the Gandhi blasted Travancore’s bid as “tanta- ideal of Indian states is Ram Rajya,” he
mount to a declaration of war on the free declared in 1925 — a condition he believed
tapestry of perspectives and millions of India”. Jawaharlal Nehru warned the princes could achieve and should make
conflicts, in the kingdoms and that the state “would be starved out”. Their their goal. He was an admirer of Mysore’s
threats were based on the fear that if more ruler Krishnaraja Wadiyar, a pious and pro-
among the country’s leaders, states exercised their right to independence, gressive Hindu whom he referred to as a Founded in 1921, the Chamber of Princes brought the rulers of the leading states together for the first time JUGGERNAUT BOOKS
India would be balkanised, undermining the rajarshi, or saintly king.
holds crucial lessons unity of the new Union and decades of Patel took a middle road. Although he ple of the states should get full backing in the between Nehru and Patel as they clashed ticularly after Indira Gandhi derecognised
nationalist struggle. Closely watching the once described the rulers as “worthless … freedom struggle, he was opposed by Patel. over how to respond to threats to India’s ter- the princes in 1971.

hen CP Ramaswami developments was Muhammad Ali Jinnah sycophants”, who their slave-like subjects For there to be constitutional progress, the ritorial integrity thrown up by Junagadh’s To get the princes to accede they were
Aiyar, the dewan of Trav- who wired Aiyar on June 20, promising that had “a right to dethrone”, he was careful to cooperation of the people of the states would accession to Pakistan, the tribal invasion of promised complete autonomy aside from
ancore, stunned the Con- a future Pakistan would be “ready to estab- cultivate close links with the rulers of influ- be required, Patel argued. Alienating them Kashmir and Hyderabad’s declaration of surrendering their rights over defence, for-
gress by declaring on lish a relationship with Travancore which ential states such as Patiala and Gwalior would, therefore, run counter to Congress independence. Nehru’s reluctance to use eign affairs and communications. This
June 11, 1947, that it would will be of mutual advantage”. while appealing to the princes’ proud, glori- interests. force would infuriate Patel, who in turn, promise was broken in the months after
become an independent Aiyar would eventually back down, but ous past, when their ancestors “had played The involvement of Hindu nationalist would be branded communalist for his Independence when their control over their
state, he received backing from an unex- not before VP Menon, the secretary of the highly patriotic roles in the defence of their organisations in the states drew rulers such insistence on sending in the Army to internal affairs was taken away from them
pected quarter. The father of Hindutva, states department, reminded him that Trav- family honour and the freedom of their as Bhopal’s Hamidullah Khan closer to the dethrone Hyderabad’s nizam. and even so-called viable states were merged
Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, praised Aiyar ancore was the main breeding ground for land.” Muslim League. For him, it was a matter of Despite his antipathy towards the princes, into new units or neighbouring provinces.
for his “courageous and far-sighted determi- communism in India and if there was a com- The official policy of the Indian National survival. A Muslim ruling over a Hindu-ma- Patel was determined to honour his prom- Those that resisted were sometimes threat-
nation” to seek independence. “The Nizam, munist uprising after August 15, there would Congress towards the states, adopted at Nag- jority state, he had grown increasingly aware ises to them by enshrining their privy purses, ened with armed intervention — the most
Muslim ruler of Hyderabad, has already pro- be no aid from Delhi. Vallabhbhai Patel, the pur in 1920, was one of non-intervention. It of the communal orientation of the other privileges and dignities in the Constitution, extreme example being Hyderabad where at
claimed his independence and other Muslim powerful states minister, reminded him that said the Congress could form committees in princes who were receiving funds from declaring that this was a small price to pay least 25,000 lives were lost.
states are likely to do so. Hindu states are wealthy industrialist Seth Dalmia had given the states but not indulge in political activi- groups such as the Hindu Mahasabha for for the sacrifices they had made. A socialist For decades, the last word on the princes
bold enough to assert they have the same the local Congress party Rs 5 lakh to stir up ties. This stand was a rational one. The running schools and for office space and to the core, Nehru baulked at the expendi- was Menon’s The Story of the Integration of
rights,” he wrote. trouble. If Aiyar did not give up his idea of princely states enjoyed considerable auton- propaganda work. In 1946, Hamidullah ture of public money on privy purses in per- the Indian States and its contentions, as sum-
That Savarkar’s views were not shared independence, his “life could be in danger”. omy. Involving itself in the affairs of the became the chancellor of the Chamber of petuity while millions of Indians were starv- marised by Patel’s claim that he had engi-
among other freedom fighters highlights the While there was unanimity among India’s states would leave the Congress fighting bat- Princes and used his influence to try and ing. Patel eventually got his way. neered a bloodless revolution. The time for
contestations that characterised the very real nationalists that there was no place in a free tles on two fronts — with the British and with draw the rulers of states such as Jodhpur and The outline of today’s map of India owes reappraisal is long overdue.
problem of what to do about the 562 princely India for islands of autocracy, there were dif- the princes — for which it was ill prepared. Indore into Pakistan’s orbit. In June 1947, he much to Patel and Menon’s success at arm
states in the lead-up to Independence. As my ferences in how this could be avoided. The When the prominent Left-wing Congress- joined Travancore and Hyderabad in declar- twisting the states into acceding and then John Zubrzycki’s latest book Dethroned: Patel,
book Dethroned: Patel, Nehru and the Integra- views ranged from Nehru’s utter contempt man NV Gadgil used the Jabalpur session of ing his state would become independent on integrating them into viable units. But the Menon and the Integration of Princely India is
tion of Princely India shows, there were acute for the princes who he derided as “sinks of the All India Congress Committee in 1935 to the transfer of power. cries of betrayal would echo through the published by Juggernaut.
divisions within the nationalist movement reaction and incompetence”, to Savarkar’s move a resolution demanding that the peo- The end of the Raj would widen the rift empty darbar halls for decades to come, par- The views expressed are personal

Legal code overhaul

{ SUNDAY SENTIMENTS } ter chance of becoming PM again only if NEERJA CHOWDHURY’S
the Congress was in a minority.” She’s
Karan Thapar right, but this hadn’t occurred to me ear-

A delightful chronicle
It’s Rao’s relationship with Atal Bihari
Vajpayee that transfixed my attention.
“They went back a long way — and had
come to each other’s rescue at critical
needs more debate
moments in their careers.” never thought I would question the ally been abolished. Take the HM’s claim of

of our prime ministers In October 1995, at the United Nations

General Assembly, Vajpayee was seated
between Rao and Bhuvnesh Chaturvedi, a
Members of Parliament to defeat a
no-confidence motion. “Rao sought Vaj- I need to do away with legislation passed having repealed sedition. He is correct in
during the British Raj, which drafted saying that the word sedition does not
laws to help maintain the hold of for- appear in any of the three new bills. Many,
find biographies particularly fasci- o’clock on 6 December,’ Nikhil Chakrav- junior minister. Chowdhury quotes Chat- payee’s help to close the case,” Chow- eigners over India. For far too long, Indians however, will question whether he has

I nating. Not only because you get

involved in the life of the central char-
acter, but they’re also full of anec-
dotes that are fun to read. This is where
serious books of history differ. They’re
artty, a Left-leaning journalist said to
former Prime Minister (PM) PV Naras-
imha Rao.” With that sort of start it’s
impossible not to read on.
Now, Chowdhury’s book doesn’t
urvedi: “Vajpayee leaned across and said
to Rao, ‘Kalyan Singh humare bahut
virodh maen hai, unko nahi banna chahiye
(Kalyan Singh has been opposing me, he
should not take over as CM of UP)’.”
dhury writes. “Chaturvedi told me that he
was the go between. ‘I went to see Atal ji’,
Chaturvedi recalled. ‘He called Brajesh
into the room’. He told him, ‘Isko khatam
keejiyee’ (close this matter).”
have been complaining that they live in a really abolished sedition or rather changed
democracy whose government should be it into different forms in the new act. Sedi-
aimed at protecting their liberties rather tion has been misused by governments in
than enforcing what they saw as servitude. the past and might now be prone to even
Now, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) worse misuse. The HM has said that the
more analytical and, therefore, more present great revelations that will make That evening, Chaturvedi asked Rao In March 2002, the Delhi high court government claims that it has provided that Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita contains penalties
demanding. Often, when they re-evaluate you rethink your view of any of the six whether they should help Vajpayee. acquitted Rao. “It was significant that the release from the colonial past. On the last for “encouraging feelings of separatist activ-
something, they can be formidable. PMs. This is not a reappraisal. But it has “Haan keh do Voraji ko (Yes, tell Voraji to Vajpayee government decided not to day of the monsoon session of Parliament, ities” as well as “endangering the sover-
Neerja Chowdhury’s book on six prime stories, quotations and a vast quantity of do what’s necessary),” was the reply. Vora appeal the high court verdict,” Chow- the Union home minister (HM) introduced eignty, unity and integrity of India”. These
ministers is a delightful and welcome research that fleshes out and adds detail was the governor of Uttar Pradesh (UP). dhury adds. “Instead, CBI decided to drop three bills to replace the Indian Penal Code, provisions are no longer called sedition but
combination of the two styles. Called How to what you already know. Her book helps The message was delivered and Kalyan the case.” the Indian Evidence Act and the Code of it is difficult to see how they differ from the
Prime Ministers Decide, it combines his- you understand things better. Singh did not become chief minister (CM). In all my years, I haven’t come across a Criminal Procedure. They are being original act. In fact, this act appears to be
tory and biography and is filled with anec- Her comments on Rao are particularly Chowdhury’s explanation couldn’t be story like this. They were opponents. They replaced by legislation with delib- expanded by including phrases
dotes and chatty quotations. She’s also engrossing. First, there’s her understand- more telling. “The installation of Kalyan fought for the same job. Yet, they helped erate Hindi names: the Bharatiya such as “encouraging feelings of
adopted a winning style. ing of the man. “Rao … was given to hav- Singh as the CM in Lucknow would mean each other get out of scrapes or nip chal- Nyaya Sanhita, the Bharatiya Sak- separatist activities”.
For instance, this is how her chapter on ing arguments with himself. He would power moving into the hands of Advani. lenges in the bud. This is a classic case of shya, and the Bharatiya Nagarik A major potential improvement
Rajiv Gandhi begins: “ ‘Rajiv, if you can’t internally debate an issue and see both This could create problems for Vajpayee you-scratch-my-back-and-I’ll-scratch- Suraksha Sanhita. They are in the new bills is adding commu-
convince me about this Muslim women’s points of view to such an extent that no ... Rao understood the importance of UP yours. Neither emerges smelling of ittar. national bills with names in Hindi. nity service as a possible punish-
bill, how are you going to convince the clear picture emerged,” she writes. for Vajpayee — and decided to help his I wonder how their parties will respond? Already, some prominent politi- ment for petty offences. If sensi-
country?’ Sonia said to her husband.” Chowdhury says Rao didn’t want a friend.” cians and political parties have Mark tively used and effectively adminis-
Even more inviting is the opening sen- majority in 1996 — and he didn’t get one Five years later, Vajpayee apparently Karan Thapar is the author of Devil’s Advo- questioned the naming of the bills Tully tered, this could mean fewer
tence of the chapter on Narasimha Rao. either — because then he would have to returned the favour. In September 2000, cate: The Untold Story. in Hindi, arguing that it is uncon- people going to prisons, which are
“ ‘I heard you were doing Puja after 12 give way to Sonia Gandhi. “Rao had a bet- a trial court held Rao guilty of bribing The views expressed are personal stitutional. They could well be already severely overcrowded.
highly divisive bills in states where Hindi is Amnesty International noted that India’s
not the dominant language. number of undertrials is “far higher than in
Language is only one of the problems other democracies around the world.”

Lessons from the legacy with the bills. As they cover wide criminal Unfortunately, these figures may not reduce
activities and carry serious penalties, it much by introducing community service as
seems peculiar that the HM should intro- a possible punishment. If the government is
duce them in Parliament right at the end of seriously concerned about India’s prison

of a scientific stalwart the session. Though he said the bills would population, the HM should persuade his col-
be sent to a parliamentary committee, it league, the Union law minister, to introduce
would surely have been more appropriate to radical reforms to the antiquated legal sys-
introduce them when there was some time tem. An obvious required reform is acceler-
his week, India lost one of its great- or unimportant. He treated everyone with for discussion. The bills represent a com- ating the hearing of cases.

T est technologists, with the passing not just formal respect but genuine inter-
of VS Arunachalam. His scientific est and supportiveness. He empowered his
accomplishments and institution- juniors to think big, take risks, but, like
building efforts are well known — Defence Robert Oppenheimer, he also was there,
Research and Development Organisation hands on, in all the work. A skilful man-
plete overhaul of criminal laws. However, The proposed pieces of legislation have
the old laws were not set in stone and were been sent to a parliamentary committee for
amended from time to time. An obvious discussion. In theory, the bills may still not
example is the decriminalisation of homo- be in their final form. But with the BJP’s
sexuality and the recent demands for mar- clear majority in Parliament, and this gov-
(DRDO), Carnegie Mellon University’s ager, he was always accessible for helping riage equality. Might it not have been wiser ernment’s record of passing bills with little
India programmes, and the think tank with everything — from the big picture to to discuss amending the existing laws in a or no discussion, it would seem unlikely that
Centre for Study of Science, Technology, minute details. Even when I was in my progressive manner, rather than abolishing there will be major changes to the commit-
and Policy (CSTEP) — but his range, tem- early twenties, as a fresh PhD student, he them in their entirety? tee’s discussions.
perament, and focus on human develop- would take me along to the highest-level VS Arunachalam was a lifelong scholar, including in the social sciences HT ARCHIVE The contents of the bills also raise ques-
ment and betterment are also meetings and have me present on tions about how far the old acts have actu- The views expressed are personal
part of his legacy. our joint work. asked “What is that flower?”, Arun ing about getting credit. There are a wide
I was his first PhD student at
Carnegie Mellon University in
1995, and saw, first-hand, over
There are myriad stories of his
simplicity and humility, such as
how he tried for long to decline
promptly replied “Red”.
For the last few decades, Arun worked
on big problems with no known solutions
range of topics he was instrumental in that
aren’t as recognised as his DRDO achieve-
ments or efforts towards an Atmanirbhar
decades of collaboration, how he Z-level security or special facilities or easy direction, such as sustainable Bharat (self-reliant India) such as opening { SUNDAY LETTERS }
was a Renaissance man. Modern Rahul (cycling around Delhi in the 80s energy and the climate crisis. This up India’s nuclear power sector to global
skilling talks of the need for peo- when he was a Union secretary). required an openness and curiosity that I collaboration.
ple to become T-people — to Tongia He embodied a warmth and open- don’t often find in people, even those start- What I take away most from his skills Focus on India- Promote gender sensitivity at young ages
have depth and breadth such as ness towards new ideas and new ing their education or careers. We need to and vision is the need to blend a scientific Norway ties This is with reference to Lalita Panicker’s ‘Educate men
the shape of the letter T — but people that is still spoken of fondly encourage that in our students and the temperament (which even non-scientists This is with reference to and boys on gender sensitivity’ (Aug 13). For achieving
Arun, as he was called, had more of a by people decades later. He would always next generation. Arun did that by example. should have) with a deep focus that never Hans Jacob Frydenlund’s gender sensitivity in society, sex education must be
π-shaped or even multi-pronged personal- have visitors (often luminaries) from After a distinguished career in govern- loses sight of the end objective, especially ‘India-Norway ties are imparted from a tender age and must be reinforced with
ity. He had breadth for sure, but many around the country and around the world, ment service and research – he served five sustainable human development. India looking at the future’ (Aug positive practices, where social media can be useful.
areas of depth. He wrote some of the earli- and his wife, Meena’s, hospitality and cui- prime ministers — Arun spent over a dec- and the whole world needs sustainable 13). Thanks to Mr
est computer code for Fourier Transforms sine are still legendary. There is a philoso- ade at Carnegie Mellon University before development. Done right, technology Frydenlund for shedding Ritvik Sharma
used in India (and even exported). Early phy of keeping one’s work and personal returning to India to then set up a leading remains one of the most powerful tools for light on an international
on, he recognised policy as important, and life separate. In contrast, Arun blended the technology and policy think tank, CSTEP. achieving it. Arun believed in it, and relationship of such
was instrumental in many areas outside two artfully, and made us remember we How did he achieve this? Other than his worked tirelessly towards it. consequence for India. Youngsters are the future of Indian chess
strategic studies, including telecom — aren’t two or more separate people — we brilliance and focus, he also embodied a Rest in power, Arun. Om Shanti. The government must This is with reference to Viswanathan Anand’s ‘India
from getting optical fibres laid throughout are the same person even when we are in useful philosophy that we should spread continue to bolster these stands on the cusp of a revolution in chess’ (Aug 13). It is
India to opening up the telecom sector. different environments. our retirement out throughout our lives. Rahul Tongia was a student of Dr VS Arunacha- ties going ahead. heartening that young prodigies like Gukesh and Pragg
Arun was a lifelong scholar, including in He was also unafraid to try something Have hobbies, other passions, and time for lam at Carnegie Mellon University and long- are making the country proud on the global stage.
the social sciences. Domains or labels again, or state what he didn’t know. And family. This way, work remains fun and time collaborator on a range of projects. He is
Swati Gupta Rohan Mahajan
didn’t matter — as he would observe, we he would keep his sense of humour at all you don’t have to stop working to have fun. presently a Senior Fellow at the Centre for Social
need it all. He also embodied a deep times. When his PhD adviser, Prof. Robert Arun worked extensively behind the and Economic Progress (CSEP).
respect for all work; no task was too small Cahn, was out walking with him, and he scenes, not seeking the limelight or bother- The views expressed are personal Write to us at:

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A wise man
proportions his belief David
to the evidence Hume

08 CHENNAI SUNDAY 20 08 2023



GEOGRAPHY OF Marxist CM, checked the wordfinder on nal Code (IPC), Shah bestowed Sankri- Pradesh became Jabalpur. From mak-

behalf of all Keralites from the shelves tised Hindi names to reflect the BJP’s ing changes to official English spellings
of the Dravidian library and found a enthusiasm for Bharatiyata. This pre- of local names, proposals to realigning
new label. The resolution moved by Vi- election re-naming is being justifiably the official name with alternate local

jayan and supported by all parties, in- seen as a politically polarising ploy to names are in vogue. According to offi-
NDIA, a flurry of global and Indian studies informs us, is in cluding the Congress, has proposed that grab votes along linguistic, cultural and cial documents, the names of over 500
the Goldilocks moment. In 2023 India is the fastest-growing the state, founded in 1956, be called Ker- religious lines. Tamil Nadu Chief Min- cities and a dozen states have been re-
large economy ranked fifth globally. As this column has ob- alam. Its official language will be ‘Ker- ister M K Stalin excoriated the Centre placed with new handles since 1947,
served, India is also driving the domino effect of cost com- POWER & POLITICS alam’ instead of ‘Malayalam’, including for linguistic imperialism, which he with South India in the lead. Every new
petitiveness. Demography and demand are expected to propel PRABHU CHAWLA in all other languages and central gov- vowed to oppose inside and outside the regional leader or party which comes to
growth, and its middle class is estimated to touch 61 per cent ernment records. ‘Keralam’ comprises state. Coincidentally, it was his eminent power in any state follows the re-nam-
of the population with an average income of Rs 20 lakh. By 2031 Follow him on Twitter @PrabhuChawla two words – “Kera” (coconut) and father, K Karunanidhi, who changed the ing policy to earn name and fame. Eth-
India is forecast to be the third largest economy, its GDP rising “Alam” (land), which becomes the name of Madras city to Chennai. The nically and political sensitivities were
from $3.5 trillion to cross the $10 trillion mark. “Land of Coconut Trees”; the state ac- Madras state was also changed to Tamil behind redesignating Baroda to Vado-
The path to prosperity rests on the efficacy of the sum of counts for 45 per cent of India’s coconut Nadu by the government led by his own dara, Bombay to Mumbai, Calcutta to

pieces thesis. Momentum, the laws of physics stipulate, is mass HAT’S in a re-name? If you production. This isn’t the first time the party’s Chief Minister, C N Annadurai. Kolkata, Bangalore to Bengaluru, Mys-
into velocity. Effectively India’s GDP is the sum total of the can’t find a better adjective, state has gone nuts over sobriquets. In Other TN cities have been rebranded ore to Mysuru, Gurgaon to Gurugram,
growth of all the states. Growth is and has been uneven, tem- then change the noun. If you a bout of decolonisation fever, its capi- during the five-decade rule of the Dra- Allahabad to Prayagraj, Mughalsarai to
porally and spatially. Ergo, it will be instructive to assess the can’t change the verb, re- tal’s name was changed from Trivan- vidian parties; the former French colo- Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Nagar,
potential upside for improvement and which states are drag- place it with another noun to drum to Thiru- ny Pondicherry Gauhati to Guwahati, Poona to Pune
ging the national average lower. give the old identity a fresh vananthapuram. got a new Tamil and Banaras to Varanasi.
One measure of improved economic condition is per capita take. India is in the grip of a The LDF and the name, Puduch- Sadly, a vibrant India on its way to
income. In rupee terms, India’s per capita income as of April re-naming frenzy. Cities, airports, uni- U D F h av e r e - erry. Name change becoming a $5 trillion economy before
2023 is Rs 196,983 – up from Rs 90,688 in 2013. Averages are just versities, sarkari bhawans, railway sta- named over a doz- is generally a by- the decade ends has taken a poisonous
as close to the bottom as to the top. tions, roads, hospitals et al. have been en towns and cities product of the path to manipulate multiple identity
And as Nobel laureate Angus Dea- bestowed with novel monikers. More by leveraging local death of old em- conflicts that affect regional, linguistic,
ton observed in his seminal work time is spent poring over the Thesaurus history and cultur- pires and the communal, caste and community vec-
The Great Escape, “Averages are no of Historical Handles in the chambers al connotations. promise of a na- tors. Everything from a government job
consolation to those who have been of power than on cleaning the monsoon However, each ac- tion’s rebirth: an to the name of a residential or commer-
left behind.” History, geography and waters which inundate the roads, sew- tion was politically allegorical renew- cial complex is chosen by analysing its
politics influence outcomes. So how ers and drains in every big city. In some motivated to cap- al of bygone old social impact on the relevant state or
are states across India’s political ge- states, the number of files proposing ture targeted vote empires. Soon af- region. Innovative branding based on
THE THIRD EYE ography doing?
There are two ways to illuminate
new names exceeds that of better gov-
ernance. Hardly a month passes with-
banks in specific
areas. The deci-
ter Independence,
all the states
history or communal lineage enjoys a
premium in the marketplace of mala-
SHANKKAR AIYAR the picture. One is the distance be- out a state or Central government con- sion to re-name the changed their propisms. The British left India in 1947.
Author of The Gated Republic, Aadhaar: tween the national average and the juring up new epithets to rechristen state and its offi- SOUMYADIP SINHA
names and cities But they left behind their well-tested
A Biometric History of India’s 12 Digit state average, and another is the gap existing institutions and legislations. cial language has come just a few from English to local languages. Old policy of divide and rule for its future
Revolution, and Accidental India
between states. In July 2023, of the The only guiding principle behind cos- months before the 2024 Lok Sabha elec- states got new aliases: Orissa became seneschals irrespective of ideology,
33 states and UTs, only 16 shared metic or phonetic alterations is to tions. There was no provocation or pub- Odisha, Mysore state became Karnata- creed, or community. Appeasement has
data for 2022-23; data for the others project change in the name of cultural lic pressure other than the 2024 elec- ka. Recently, urged by West Bengal been the rule than the exception. In its
might trickle in! Telangana at Rs 308,732, Karnataka at Rs and regional pride. So far, the saffron tions to give a new textual identity to Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, the 77th year of Independence, India doesn’t
301,673 and Haryana at Rs 296,685 top the rankings. establishment has led from the front in God’s Own Country. state assembly passed a resolution to need new nameplates on a railway sta-
Consider the wide chasm between the toppers and the lag- the new nomenclature segment. Even India’s only red state alone can’t be call West Bengal just Bengal. Her re- tion or a new entry in official records to
gards. The per capita GSDP of Bihar is Rs 54,383; that of Uttar as their detractors savage them for re- blamed for the appellative appetite for quest is pending with the Centre since become a New India. It needs new cities
Pradesh is Rs 79,396 and that of Jharkhand is Rs 86,060. The per writing history and erasing the past Indianised names to replace ones given it involves the sensitivities of sovereign instead of new names, while its old cit-
capita income of Bihar is less than roughly a sixth of Telan- with stilted historical present tense, by the British or the Mughals. The BJP Bangladesh next door. In South India, ies must become cleaner and livable. It
gana and one-fourth of the national average. Per capita in- changing names and calling names is is the best wordsmith in coining new English names were replaced with local needs rising numbers of healthier and
comes in Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand hover at 26 per cent of the New Mantra chosen by all the politi- names, most of which are ideologically labels drawn from history. In the north more prosperous Indians to rise from
Telangana and 40 per cent of the national average. Within Bi- cal parties to expand political markets aligned. During the last Parliament ses- and the west, English and Mughal the bottom to the top of the develop-
har the picture worsens – per capita income is Rs 18,682 in She- with high yields at public cost. sion, Home Minister Amit Shah intro- names were junked to honour local cul- ment pyramid. In the language of iden-
har, Rs 19,527 in Araria and Rs 20,631 in Sitamarhi. Don’t blame the BJP alone for the duced a series of Bills to reform the In- tural, historical, and political icons. For tity politics, heedless and needless
What about the pace of transition, and is there a correlation current excessive rebranding zeal. dian criminal justice system. Dropping example, Cawnpore in Uttar Pradesh be- change is causing Amrit Kaal an unin-
between the nature of politics and outcomes? Bihar has had a Comrade Pinarayi Vijayan, Kerala’s original British names like Indian Pe- came Kanpur and Jubbulpore in Madya tended collateral damage.
flip-flop series of regimes. As per the RBI and the state eco-
nomic survey, between 2013 and 2023, Bihar’s per capita income
rose from Rs 26,948 to Rs 54,383. Uttar Pradesh, with a double
engine sarkar since 2017, rose from Rs 40,124 to Rs 79,396 and
Jharkhand, which has had BJP and JMM-led regimes, from Rs
50,006 to Rs 80,060.
How would these states with large populations rank globally
in dollar terms? For reference, India’s per capita income at $
2,600 in 2023, as per the IMF, places it at 141st out of 191 coun- these systems hinders g enuine health, education, and sanitation issues, ates harmful gender norms that rein-
tries. Arguably the size of the population drags down the aver- progress. which are crucial for community devel- force male dominance and control over
age. Equally, the scale of the population – even with a low me- The concept of sarpanch patism en- opment. Most importantly, this produc- women. This has a trickle-down effect
dian age as is the case with the northern states -- has the tails a scenario in which men, predomi- es the role model effect. When women on the larger society, normalising such
potential to deliver a demographic dividend. nantly husbands, exercise control over occupy leadership positions in panchay- behaviour and making it difficult
Bihar’s population of 126 million is roughly that of Mexico, the panchayats by using their elected ats, they serve as role models for other to challenge and change prevailing so-
which has a per capita income of $ 12,673. Bihar’s per capita wives as figureheads. This dynamic re- women and girls. Increased representa- cial conditions.
income is roughly $680 (at USD @INR 80), ranking it 180 next sults in women possessing nominal tion can encourage women to take lead- Patriarchal practices restricting
to the Democratic Republic of Congo. Uttar Pradesh’s popula- OPINION power on paper, while the true authority ership roles in various spheres. women’s agency and participation in
tion of 220 million is comparable to Brazil, with a per capita AASHISH GUPTA & ANSHULA SINHA and capacity to make decisions lie with Though extremely beneficial, the im- panchayats impede social progress and
income of $9,673. UP’s per capita income is under $1000, rank- National Law University, Jodhpur their husbands. These unelected men plementation of the law is facing prob- reinforce gender inequality. The UN
ing it 170 next to Uganda. wielding decision-making power on be- lems as, in numerous places, the actual General Assembly resolution on wom-
The comparisons illuminate the gap between possibilities half of their elected wives are a pro- beneficiary is not the women but their en’s political participation stated that

and reality, even if only partially. Performance rests on policy. found setback for Indian democracy and “women in every part of the world con-
India must shift a major chunk of its population from low-pro- N a recent and intriguing oc- the governance structure. Such a cir- tinue to be largely marginalised from
ductivity segments such as agriculture to high-income do- currence, the Supreme Court cumstance directly undermines the es- the political sphere, often as a result of
mains. On August 1, the government informed Parliament that directed a petitioner NGO to sence of the 73rd and 74th constitutional discriminatory laws, practices, attitudes
the average monthly household income of agricultural house- refer the issue of sarpanch amendments of 1992 and makes a fla- and gender stereotypes, low levels of
holds across India is Rs 10,218 – it is Rs 4,895 in Jharkhand, Rs patism in India’s lowest level grant mockery of the principles and ob- When husbands dictate decisions on education, lack of access to health
7,542 in Bihar and Rs 8,061 in UP. The deficit in per capita in- of governance, namely the jectives they set forth. behalf of their wives in panchayats, it care, and the disproportionate effect of
come is located in the nature of economic engagement – nearly Panchayati system, to the Min- The law mandates reserving a third poverty on women.”
half of India’s workforce is dependent on agriculture which istry of Panchayati Raj. The court em- of all seats for women in the panchay-
reinforces the existing gender inequality There can be two approaches to tack-
accounts for about a sixth of the national income. phasised that no judicial institution can ats, to be allotted by rotation to different ling the menace. One is to enforce strict
India also has the lowest percentage of women employed in resolve this problem definitively. constituencies in a Panchayat. In 2006, penalties for men involved in such prac-
the workforce. In contrast, as per World Bank, the participation The instances of sarpanch patis are Bihar became the first state to reserve tices. However, that would be a less pre-
rate of women is 56 per cent in the United States, 61 per cent in not few and spread across the country. 50% of the total seats for women, fol- husbands. The law was implemented in ferred way as it is difficult to prove their
China, 54 per cent in Japan and 56 per cent in Germany. India, There is this Madhya Pradesh man with lowed by 20 more states, including Ra- states where women’s participation was complicity and may cause further hard-
in contrast, has barely 24 per cent of women in the workforce. ‘power of attorney’ from his elected sar- jasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana and abysmally low, but the problem of sar- ships for the women. The other way, the
The exact figure may be disputed, but no economy has achieved panch wife in lieu of him paying her Chhatisgarh. panch patis has turned women’s repre- preferred one, involves empowering
developed status, with less than half the women participating election expenses. Or the Odisha wom- The primary advantage of reserving sentation into a namesake phenomenon. women through education. Educated
in the workforce. an authorising her husband to carry out seats for women is that it promotes gen- When husbands dictate decisions on be- and aware women can enhance their
The list of necessary interventions is long. India needs to Panchayat duties because of her alleged der equality in decision-making proc- half of their wives in panchayats, it re- role in local governance and stand up to
substantially ramp up investment in human infrastructure, domestic responsibilities. There is am- esses. Ensuring that women have repre- inforces the existing gender inequality. societal pressures. Additionally, initiat-
enable agriculture with AI for forward and backward linkages, ple evidence of campaign posters quali- sentation at the grassroots level helps It reinforces the notion of women being ing training and capacity-building pro-
induct climate resilience in energy management, liberate land fying women candidates solely regard- address the historical marginalisation the property of men and working ac- grammes for women and making them
and labour which are the principal factors of productivity, in- ing their marital relationship---as the and their exclusion from political par- cording to their whims and fancies. By aware of their rights is necessary. By
troduce planned urbanisation which is a force multiplier and wife of ‘so and so’. ticipation. Research by the India policy silencing women’s voices, this practice adopting these measures and challeng-
more. To paraphrase Keynes the pace at which we can reach Panchayats, the local self-governing forum suggests that women’s participa- marginalises their perspectives and ing the prevalent norm, we can trans-
our destination of economic bliss will be determined by the bodies in rural India, are crucial demo- tion as decision-makers increases re- experiences. for m panchayats into inclusive
ability to manage the economic consequences of short-term cratic institutions. However, the pres- sponsiveness to female policy concerns. Allowing husbands to rule on behalf s p a c e s t h at va l u e a n d re s p e c t
politics on long-term prosperity. ence of patriarchal influences within Women often prioritise social welfare, of their wives in panchayats perpetu- women’s contributions.

is a blow to the judiciary. Remember, people in In- Water Bell solution to the spate of suicides taking place in
dia still trust judiciary. With the deluge of information bombarding us Kota by ordering the hostels to install a spring de-
If old performances mattered, even Simon Biles P Victor Selvaraj, Palayamkottai from every side, children as well as adults forget to vice on ceiling fans. We feel this is not the right
Gender equality drink enough water to keep them hydrated. Schools solution to arrest suicides by students. It is the
wouldn’t have had to prove herself in trials. Current Moody’s rating
With reference to the editorial Stereotypes That in Kerala have found an innovative idea of ringing responsibility of college authorities, especially
performance is what matters… I am still hopeful Define Glass Ceiling Or Gloss Over Them Again’ Ref: Dissent risk to rating: Moody’s (Aug 19). periodic water bells to remind students to drink professors, to counsel weak students and give spe-
that the government will be on my side. What if (Aug 19). Charity begins at home. So does gender Moody’s Investors Service flagging the shrinking sufficient water. Elders too can keep water alarm cial coaching. Similar is the case with regard to
juniors, who have never played a competition, want to equality. The way women are treated at home lays space for civil society and political dissent, and ris- bells in offices/mobiles to remind them water is competitive exams. We feel all state governments
participate in the Commonwealth Games or Asian Games? the foundation for learning the virtues of gender ing sectarian tensions in India, is unlikely to make the best medicine. should provide better coaching for all students ap-
Would the country not send them if they perform in trials? equality and respect for women by the younger much impression as they doggedly believe what T S Karthik, Chennai pearing in competitive examinations in order to
generation. they do and say is always ‘more right and more pa- avert tragedies that take a huge toll on hapless
Dipa Karmakar, Indian gymnast No bias
N Rama Rao, Chennai triotic’. The maxim goes “The greater the ignorance, families.
the greater the dogmatism”. Apropos ‘Treat hate speech from this side or that Capt N Viswanathan, Coimbatore
Good verdict C G Kuriakose, Chengamanadan alike: SC’, the SC directive to state governments to
“The defendant’s (Trump) desire to conduct a campaign, to respond to Rapists’ remission
With reference to the news “ SC reverses acquittal shun bias when it comes to dealing with hate
political opponents, has to yield …. The need for this criminal case to proceed of former RJD MP in double murder case” (Aug 19). Power purchase speech and treat all cases alike irrespective of the The SC has rightly pulled up selective remission
in the normal order and protect witnesses and the integrity of the process The timely order of Supreme Court to produce for- By keeping faith in weather god, our KSEB has can- community to which the hate mongers belong. Op- of sentences of eleven accused concerned in the
means that there are going to be limits on the defendant’s speech mer RJD MP before the top court for pronouncing celled the existing power purchase agreements vio- position parties often accuse BJP-ruled states of Bilkis Bano case of 2002 .While the inhuman and
quantum of sentence after being acquitted by both lating the guidelines of Union power ministry. Now, adopting double standards not just in hate speech- gruesome crime shocked the conscience of the en-
Judge Tanya Chutkan, overseeing Trump’s prosecution in a federal trial
the trial court and Patna High Court in a double due to the shortage of rain, the state reservoirs are es but also participation in rioting and arson. The tire nation, remission of sentences of the accused
murder case is a welcome step especially to the starving for want of water and consumption shoots law of the land should apply equally to all. raised nationwide protests .The incorrect and un-
It’s already become clear that we will not be able to defend Ukraine with families of Rajendra Rai and Daroga Rai who were up day by day. The remedy is power cut or purchas- C V Aravind, Bengaluru just order of the Gujarat government based on
murdered in 1995.The criticism of the Supreme ing the power for higher rates or both. Whatever it political and communal considerations, needs to
F-16s this fall and winter Court about the trial court, Bihar High Court and is, the common person is likely to be hit hard. Student suicides be set right by the Supreme Court.
Yurii Ihnat, Ukranian Air Force spokesperson the public prosecutor for not conducting a fair trial P P Sahadevan, Nileshwar This refers to the Rajasthan government’s quick-fix S V Venkatakrishnan, Bengaluru


Chairman of the Board: Manoj Kumar Sonthalia Editor: Santwana Bhattacharya
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CHANDIGARH | 20 AUGUST 2023 Reflections 5

The spirit of service Brecht and breaking

fourth wall in theatre
OFTEN feel that the last cruel joke Elizabeth had two birthday celebra- Wajahat Habibullah and the author. It
the departing British played on us tions: a private one at home and anoth- was delightful to run into several old
was granting us our independence er one later when the weather was right friends and remember the days we ductions in Hindi, Urdu, Marathi, Bengali
in August, surely one of the cru- for a parade and garden party. spent together in Punjab and Chandi- and Kannada which helped in developing a
ellest months in this part of the Despite one’s unwillingness to step garh. I have yet to read the book but it pedagogy that impacted actors, designers,
world. And this year, thanks to the out in this weather, some notable is an addition to the many memoirs by directors and translators. Bennewitz stimu-
phenomenon called adhikmas (extra exceptions have to be made. Memori- Punjab-cadre friends and refreshes lated and stirred the imagination of theatre
month) by our astrologers, the sultry, als, book events, landmark birthdays one’s memories of those decades artistes, changing their understanding of
TOUCHSTONES humid weather seems unending. Add and anniversaries. This fortnight has when Punjab was at the height of its structure, editing, montage, translation and
IRA PANDE to it this year’s monsoon that has dev- had them all. Two of these book events glory, and then the later decades that grammar of performances.
astated large parts of north India, were unmissable: one was my sister were to see the worst days of terrorism NEELAM MANSINGH CHOWDHRY Brecht’s ideas resonated with the folk nar-
It is when you hear bringing floods and landslides every Mrinal’s delightful book ‘Sahela Re’, and separatism. I am no longer in rative tradition, which involved presenta-

other day. The latest I see are parts of written in Hindi and now translated touch with the state and its present cir- tional acting, choric intervention, third-per-
dedicated civil Punjab taking a hit, after Himachal into English. The discussion was one of cumstances apart from what I gather HE fourth wall is a term that son narratives, choreographed movement,
servants who entered and Uttarakhand have been battered
relentlessly. Since I’ve already written
the best I’ve heard in a long time but
the highlight of the evening was an ani-
from articles and books, so I cannot
speak of what it is like now. What I
refers to an imaginary wall sepa-
rating the audience from the per-
and the use of music, songs and percussion.
Despite not being aware of Brecht’s formu-
the service not to about the human errors that have com- mated reading by the famed dastangoi hear and learn is disturbing, to say the former. This invisible wall makes lations, Indian performers unknowingly
pounded the fury of nature and several artistes, Mahmood Farooqui and least, and the kind of politicians that the actors alert to the presence of articulated similar concepts and ideas dur-
wield power but to do experts have pointed this out already, Darain Shahidi. Mahmood and Darain are now in charge speak a language the audience. In this, the audience ing their performances as part of their col-
good and serve the there is little point in repeating those
lessons that we never learn. However,
have revived this medieval genre to
bring the magic of Urdu storytelling to
that I can no longer decipher. How
much is truth and how much hype to
becomes a voyeur, a sort of Peeping Tom
watching life unfold on the stage but invis-
lective inherited legacy. Brecht was also
deeply influenced by the values contained
people that you realise these natural disasters can no longer modern audiences. They play to build an individual leader is difficult to iblising himself/herself in the process. This
be ignored. Wildfires raging across oth- packed houses whenever they present discern. This is as true of my own notion was flipped around by playwright
how far away we have er parts of the developed world have a new dastan and have now inspired home state and the government in Del- Bertolt Brecht, who used it to challenge
drifted from the not spared even those countries where
the monsoon is not responsible for
others, such as Sunil Mehra, to do their
magic. If you ever get a chance to
hi, so I cannot say that Punjab is worse
than the others. However, when I look
western theatre conventions by appealing
to the audiences’ reasoning power rather
idealism of that time. human and economic loss. attend a performance, don’t let it slip back at the deep attachment that we than their emotions. He dismantled the
Independence Day celebrations are away. Persian literature is full of tales still have for the state and its people, illusion created in theatre by revealing the
The earlier generation regarded as official torture by those that were narrated by accomplished the earlier generation of civil servants technical and dramaturgical mechanisms
of civil servants and who are compelled to attend them, sit-
ting in the heat in front of the Red Fort
professional storytellers to those who
could not read the classics. It is said
and politicians must have done some-
thing good.
behind the scenes, such as the source of
light that was previously hidden by black
politicians must have ramparts and later, attending the Pres- that ‘Arabian Nights’, that fascinating This was brought out by all the pan- curtains. The actors spoke in the third per-
ident’s At Home, in formal dress. The cycle of stories and adventures, is a elists, each of whom rose to the highest son, sometimes directly to the audience,
done something good military top brass is the most pitiable compilation of such stories. Akbar, a echelons of power. From the aftermath emphasising the constructed nature of the
lot in their starched uniforms and dyslexic who could not read, was lulled of Partition, to the division of Punjab performance. Brecht sought to always be
headgear. The others, in their formal to sleep by a dastango each night, I into three states and the creation of a alert to the presence of an audience. He
bandgalas or suits with a mandatory gather. The art of animated narration new city, to the dark days of separatism would show the multiple ways of revealing
necktie, are no better. Someone will has never lost its magic and whether a and its handling — all these were vivid- reality, challenging established facts and
have to think about this yearly punish- fractious, cranky child or an insomniac ly remembered and analysed. It is questioning constantly.
A plaque and flowers on the wall of the house
ment and perhaps have just flag-hoist- adult, a bedtime story soothes all rest- when you hear dedicated civil servants I first heard of Bertolt Brecht when I saw
where Bertolt Brecht was born in Germany. ISTOCK
ing in the morning and the celebration less people who find it difficult to relax. who entered the service not to wield his famous play, ‘The Threepenny Opera’.
at another time. I know this will never The other book event was a panel dis- power but to do good and serve the peo- The main character was called Mac the
be acceptable but it’s my concern for cussion on Rajan Kashyap’s memoir ple that you realise how far away we Knife, who fancied himself as the king of the Brecht’s ideas resonated
the audience who cannot sit at home to
watch it on their TVs that makes me
‘Beyond the Trappings of Power’,
which had an impressive panel of
have drifted from the idealism of that
time. It is my fervent prayer that that
underworld. All the petty thieves and
whores of London were under his control.
with the Indian folk narrative
suggest this. After all, the late Queen speakers: NN Vohra, Tejendra Khanna, spirit of service remains inviolate. The plot revolves around Mac’s wedding, tradition, which involved
which takes place in a warehouse with no
celebratory trappings. The ceremony is presentational acting, choric
interrupted by the police, but Mac remains
intervention, third-person
Bindeshwar Pathak, ‘Toilet Man’
confident that his connections will save him
from arrest. While the plot may seem thin, narratives, choreographed
the play is actually a scathing critique of mid-
movement, the use of music,

dle-class values and the unjust social system
HAD heard of Sulabh Shauchalayas country clean is remarkable. that benefits the wealthy and keeps others in
before I got to know of Bindeshwar His work was very humanistic. By fear. Brecht presents this amoral world of
song and percussion. Though
Pathak. These toilets were already meeting manual scavengers and talking Mac and his gang in contrast to the bour- not aware of Brecht, Indian
very popular in India in the 1970s to them, he started bridging the gap. geois society, allowing the audience to assess
and ’80s. It was much later that I got These things mattered. He also began and decide for themselves. He doesn’t force performers unknowingly
to know about the man from Bihar carrying human waste on his head. He any viewpoint, but gives them space to think
who was behind the novel concept. I once showed me a photo of his carrying and engage with the characters.
articulated these ideas as part
BEZWADA WILSON have ever since been an admirer of
Bindeshwarji and his mission.
a load. I told him that he didn’t have to
do that, but ensure that nobody did that.
His plays aimed to stimulate critical think-
ing and observation in the audience. In
of their collective legacy
In the early 1990s, an article chroni- He said he wanted to feel the pain of many of his works, he included an invited
Sulabh Shauchalaya cling our work had appeared in a news- those doing manual scavenging. That jury on stage that provided suggestions on in traditional Asian performing systems, a
paper in Karnataka. It was titled was his way of trying to understand. politics and history, creating a parallel text fact that becomes integral to our under-
is now synonymous ‘India’s shame: Manual scavenging We did have some ideological differ- and adding complexity to the viewing expe- standing of Brecht. Who borrowed from
with community still continues in Independent India’. I
went to the market to get a copy for
ences but despite those, he was always
very friendly. There was a certain mag-
rience. He believed that observation, contra-
dictions and comparison were essential
which source is not the point. Similarity of
vision can exist despite distance, differences
toilets in India. And myself but found that there was none. nanimity in his personality, this large- qualities and embraced the idea that one in sensibility and motivational reasons
All 200 to 300 copies with the vendor heartedness. question leads to another, fostering an ongo- behind the performance.
Bindeshwar Pathak, had been bought by the Sulabh His work brought him many honours ing dialogue with the audience. He entered Directors and actors in India found his
who passed away staffers. I wondered why they would be
interested in our news. It is then that I
like the Padma Bhushan, but that nev-
er affected him. He remained down to
the German theatre world as a writer but
eventually became a practitioner, actively
ideas accessible, especially those familiar
with folk performances, where narratives
recently, took one to came to know that the organisation was earth. He was not at all aggressive and involved in the production of his own plays. were transformed by breaking the rules of
also working on sanitation. BINDESHWAR PATHAK (1943-2023) worked with governments and mis- In the 1920s, while Germany was going realism. For example, in the love legend of
every nook and I was keen on meeting Bindeshwarji sions silently. He was an able strategis- through terrible political upheavals and Sohni-Mahiwal, the earthen pot that Sohni
corner of the country and once when I happened to be in Pat-
na, I went to the Sulabh office. Howev-
made the facility of toilets available to the
people in India and so rapidly at that —
er. And whether you agree upon certain
things or not, what mattered at the end
economic decline, he recognised the need
for a new kind of dramatic writing that chal-
uses to cross the Chenab river suddenly ani-
mates itself and continues the narrative.
er, I was told that he lived in Delhi. I something where the governments have of the day is that he touched lives. lenged the bourgeois theatre’s emphasis This unconventional theatrical device may
could only meet him several years lat- completely failed. The need to answer He had been in an advisory role at on rhetorical and declamatory acting, with not fit any known grammar of performance
er at a UNICEF programme. There, nature’s call and to bathe is a necessity Sulabh for many years now and had heavy doses of realism. Theatre should be but is completely acceptable to the audience.
everybody was speaking very highly of and he extended dignity to those who developed a second line of leadership. a tool for social change, instructing and Breaking the fourth wall in theatre, a
Bindeshwarji and he was meeting couldn’t afford constructing toilets. With him gone, his work will continue entertaining the audience simultaneously. Brechtian intervention has had a significant
everybody with a smile, exuding gen- Sulabh is now synonymous with com- and his legacy will live on. If Brecht didn’t find joy in his creations, he impact on the way stories are told and per-
uine warmth. I introduced myself and munity toilets. We don’t ask around What needs to be celebrated at this would immediately change the text to ceived. How tradition and modernity dove-
spoke about my work in the field of where is a public toilet, we ask for a Sula- moment is his lifelong dedication and ensure it was engaging and entertaining. tailed, claiming conventions from a differ-
manual scavenging and sanitation. He bh Shauchalaya. And he took it to every determination towards his mission and Indian theatre was significantly impacted ent world, a different context and varied
told me that we must sit and talk. And nook and corner of the country. Whether the way he focused on it. This is some- by Brecht’s style and methods. In 1970, references, making them segue seamlessly.
talk we did, so many times over the a small town of Punjab, Haryana or thing that one has to learn from him. I Ebrahim Alkazi invited Fritz Bennewitz to When modern creative material is made to
years. We also invited him to our Bihar, wherever there is a bus stand, am happy that he fulfilled his life mis- direct Brecht’s ‘The Threepenny Opera’ at resonate with the traditional by reshuffling
‘Action 2010’ meeting which was there is a Sulabh Shauchalaya. That sion. We must recognise his contribu- the National School of Drama. Bennewitz’s and reorganising it, creative ways emerge to
attended by our founder SR Sankaran. kind of branding of an organisation is tion to the country. experience of working with Indian actors dissolve differences and celebrate similari-
He contributed a lot towards sanitisa- unheard of. He took the issue of sanita- — The writer is national convenor had a profound impact on him, changing ties, enriching us in the process.
tion in the country and for the welfare of tion to many national and international of Safai Karamchari Andolan both him and the Indian theatre practition- — The writer is an acclaimed
the marginalised. Most importantly, he forums. His contribution to making the (As told to Sarika Sharma) ers. From 1970s until 1994, he directed 30 pro- theatre director

Online grocery stores should mention price in standard weights

LL those purchasing goods the reference price, based on which the In the absence of such clarity, the gen- that the online stores were claiming? getting a discount.
online would be familiar with this seller claims a discount. When a retailer eral impression is that the strikethrough A mobile app went even further to con- It’s time online sellers stopped fooling
marketing strategy, wherein offers vegetables at ~50 per kg and shows price is the local retail price, and the fuse and manipulate the consumers — the consumers and started being a little more
alongside the declared price, a redline running through ~100, one needs online merchant is giving a big discount seller was not only using an exaggerated honest. Several countries have imposed
there will be a much higher reference to know the source of that base price in on it. To check the veracity of claims, I reference price, but was quoting his sale steep penalties on online sellers for giv-
price that would be struck off in red ink. order to know whether the discount claim compared some prices. On August 15, for price in non-standard weights. He quoted ing fictitious reference prices, and we, in
Called ‘Strikethrough Pricing’ or ‘Ref- is genuine or not. example, ladies finger was priced at ~35 ~12 for 225 gm of okra, with a India, too need to do that. We are well
erence Pricing’, this is used extensively With non-perishables, the reference per kg at an online store. The reference strikethrough price of ~24. After consider- equipped under the Consumer Protection
CONSUMER RIGHTS by online retailers to claim huge dis- price could be the price at which the seller price that had been struck down was ~65. able difficulty, I calculated that his sale Act to deal with such unfair trade prac-
PUSHPA GIRIMAJI counts on their sale price. sold the commodity in the recent past, but On another site, the price was ~34 per kg price for a kg of ‘bhindi’ was steep at ~53.30 tices. It would be good to prohibit
There is nothing wrong with with perishables like vegetables, the prices and the reference price that had been while the reference price was ~106.60. strikethrough pricing for vegetables.
Often there is no strikethrough pricing if the discount is of which vary daily, even that does not hold struck off was ~70. Similarly, the selling price of potato It is also important to make it mandato-
genuine and there is transparency in the good. In respect of pre-packed goods, the To know the local market price that day, was ~28 per kg at an online seller, with a ry for all online stores selling groceries to
transparency in the reference price or the strikethrough base price could be the maximum retail I checked the price of a kg of okra in an strikethrough price of ~41. At another mention the price in specified standard
reference price or the price on the basis of which the retailer price (MRP) declared by the manufactur- offline store that sells good quality vegeta- online seller, it was ~26.52 per kg, with a weights such as a kg, 500 gm, 250 gm and
claims a price cut. Or else, it becomes an er as required under the Legal Metrology bles in Gurugram and the price was ~30 strikethrough price of ~39. So, if you 100 gm, so as to facilitate price comparison.
strikethrough price unfair trade practice adversely affecting (Packaged Commodities) Rules. But per kg. And he was not claiming it to be a thought they were giving big discounts, Declaring the price for 98 gm, 182 gm or
on the basis of consumer choice.
Take vegetables, for example. Almost
these are not pre-packed goods. Some of
them refer to the strikethrough price as
discounted price! At another store, it was
~35 per kg. So where was this reference
the price for a kg of potato at the brick
and mortar store was ~25. At another
225 gm is very obviously meant to mislead
consumers and prevent price comparison.
which the retailer every online retailer, including those sell- ‘MRP’. So what does the MRP connote? price of ~65 and ~70 per kg of okra coming store, it was ~30. So, obviously, the refer- It is an anti-competitive, unethical prac-
claims a price cut ing through mobile apps, uses
strikethrough pricing to sell them. But
Is it the market recommended price? Or
market retail price? Which market? How
from? A pricing algorithm? If the retail
price of okra on that day was around ~35,
ence price is a highly embellished price
concocted by online retailers to give
tice. It is also important to introduce, like
pre-packed goods, unit pricing for all gro-
there is complete opaqueness regarding was this price arrived at? where was the discount of 46-51 per cent consumers an impression that they are ceries sold loose at online stores.
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The buzz that former Asaduddin Owaisi, who split the a decline, dropping from 22.2% successfully disrupt the phase of Rahul Gandhi-led political hierarchy.

T party chief Rahul

Gandhi would once
again be stepping into
the electoral arena
from the family bastion of
Amethi in Uttar Pradesh could
add a new dimension to the
Muslim votes on several seats in
the last assembly polls in 2022.
Although not winning any
seats, the AIMIM's presence
succeeded in disrupting
Samajwadi Party-led alliance
candidates' prospects in at least
to 12.7%, and the Congress saw
its vote share plummet from
6.3% to a meager 2.4%, falling
even below the Rashtriya Lok
Dal's (RLD) 3% share.
It's crucial to recognize that
Lok Sabha elections and
prevailing order and establish a
new equilibrium that resonates
with the people of Uttar Pradesh.
The story is in motion, the stakes
are high, and the climax of this
political epic remains yet to be
'Bharat Jodo Yatra' to invigorate
its cadres and infuse new energy
into the INDIA alliance in Uttar
Pradesh. There's a likelihood that
Rahul will dedicate nearly two
weeks to the state during the
upcoming phase of his yatra,
Several factors contributed to
the Congress's decline and the
rise of new powerhouses in Uttar
Pradesh. One significant aspect
was the emergence of caste-
based politics. The SP, under
Mulayam Singh Yadav, and the
politics of the politically most several seats. assembly polls have their Within the Congress circles, commencing from Gujarat. BSP, under Mayawati's
vital state of India. While such a While the INDIA alliance dynamics. In comparison to the there's a buzz surrounding the During the first phase of this leadership, capitalized on caste
scenario would undoubtedly relies on Congress to solidify the 2017 assembly polls, the BJP's possibility of Priyanka Gandhi yatra, Rahul covered just four affiliations, resonating with
enthuse the Congress cadres, his minority vote base, leaders such vote share experienced an eight contesting from the Rae Bareli districts in UP, walking over specific voter segments. The
presence in Amethi might not as Kharge and Nitish Kumar are percent surge in the 2019 Lok Lok Sabha constituency, which is 130km from Ghaziabad, and Congress's inability to effectively
single-handedly reverse aiming to make a dent in the Sabha elections. In contrast, the presently represented by her encompassing parts of Shamli address these caste dynamics
Congress's fortunes in the state, Dalit and extremely backward combined vote share of the 0BC742>=6A4BB mother, the former Congress and Baghpat before entering cost it crucial support.
where its standing has been caste votes. This dynamic aims to Samajwadi Party (SP), BSP, and 4=340E>ABC>A4FA8C4 president Sonia Gandhi. This Haryana. The leadership vacuum
waning for decades. create a more challenging RLD, who had formed a pre-poll 8CB=0AA0C8E48=DCC0A speculation arises from the It is anticipated that this within Congress also played a
However, the added scenario for the BJP. With alliance, witnessed a significant ?A034B78C<DBC potential retirement of Sonia time, Rahul's presence in UP pivotal role in its decline.
possibility of Priyanka Gandhi's Akhilesh Yadav-led Samajwadi decline. Even the Congress faced 2>=5A>=C=>C>=;HC74 Gandhi due to health concerns. during the second phase of the Infighting, factionalism, and a
potential electoral venture from Party's core Yadav votes, EBC a noticeable drop in its vote 19?1DC0;B>C74 Amethi, traditionally a Bharat Jodo yatra would span lack of a cohesive strategy led to
the state underscores the votes, and the Rashtriya Lok share compared to 2017. Riding 8=CA820284B>520BC4 stronghold of the Gandhi family, over two weeks and cover weakened unity and credibility.
Congress party's resolve to Dal's (RLD) Jat votes in Western high on the popularity of the 3H=0<82BA468>=0; experienced a seismic shift in the around two dozen parliamentary As a result, charismatic leaders
embark on the journey of Uttar Pradesh, the alliance hopes Prime Minister, the BJP 0558;80C8>=B0=3C74 2019 general election when constituencies. from regional parties, like
reclaiming its diminishing clout to counterbalance the BJP's witnessed its vote share rising 0B?8A0C8>=B>50 Smriti Irani of the BJP defeated However, the Congress faces Mayawati and Mulayam Singh
in this politically pivotal Hindi influence. from 41.57% in the 2017 38E4AB4?>?D;024C74 Rahul Gandhi, who had held the a substantial challenge in Uttar Yadav, filled the leadership void,
heartland state. But, beyond the The INDIA alliance might elections to an impressive 49.6%. D=5>;38=6270?C4AB8= seat since 2004. Currently, Rahul Pradesh. Beyond aiding the further overshadowing the
confines of the Congress party, also witness the inclusion of The political landscape in Gandhi represents Wayanad in INDIA alliance, the party cannot Congress' influence.
the decision to field both Rahul Chandrashekhar Azad in the Uttar Pradesh is complex and
C78B?>;8C820;B060 Kerala as an MP. Meanwhile, aspire to emerge as a significant Shifts in voter aspirations
and Priyanka from Uttar Pradesh coming weeks to further chip dynamic, where electoral F8;;A4E40;F74C74A Sonia Gandhi remains the sole contender solely by fielding also contributed to the
carries broader implications. It away at Mayawati's Dalit vote narratives are multifaceted. The 2>=6A4BB0=38CB Congress parliamentarian from Rahul, Priyanka, or Kharge from transformation. The electorate
signifies a strategic move by the stronghold. This multi-pronged return of Rahul Gandhi and the 0;;84B20= Uttar Pradesh, representing Rae the state. sought leaders who could
INDIA alliance, aimed at putting approach underscores the potential entry of Priyanka BD224BB5D;;H38BAD?C Bareli. Following the state polls Uttar Pradesh has undergone address immediate concerns,
forth a formidable challenge to significance of Rahul Gandhi's Gandhi are undoubtedly pivotal C74?A4E08;8=6>A34A last year, the party's presence in a profound political provide effective governance,
the well-entrenched Bhartiya return and Priyanka Gandhi's elements of the INDIA alliance's 0=34BC01;8B70=4F the state legislature dwindled to a transformation over the last and align with their identity. The
Janata Party (BJP), which has potential entry. It forms a pivotal strategy. However, the road to 4@D8;81A8D<C70C mere two seats out of the 403- three decades. The Congress has Congress's failure to meet these
been riding the wave of part of the big-bang strategy of challenging the BJP's dominance A4B>=0C4BF8C7C74 member UP House. witnessed a gradual decline evolving expectations pushed
successive Lok Sabha and the INDIA alliance, designed to is far from straightforward. The ?4>?;4>5DCC0A The newly-appointed UP during this period, while the BJP voters toward parties that
assembly victories since 2014. disrupt the prevailing political upcoming months will be ?A034B7C74BC>AH8B congress president Ajay Rai, and regional forces have resonated more effectively with
The widespread speculation equilibrium in Uttar Pradesh. marked by relentless political 8=<>C8>=C74BC0:4B belonging to the upper-caste ascended. This transformation is their needs, like the BJP's
that Bihar's Chief Minister However, challenging the maneuvering, calculated moves, 0A478670=3C74 Bhumihar community, had evident in the shifting vote development-oriented agenda.
Kumar and Congress President BJP's hegemony in the state is no and strategic decisions that will 2;8<0G>5C78B previously contested against shares of these parties in both As the BJP continues to
Mallikarjun Kharge might also straightforward task. Recent shape the destiny of millions. ?>;8C820;4?82A4<08=B Prime Minister Narendra Modi Lok Sabha and Assembly consolidate its stronghold over
throw their hats into the electoral municipal polls have As the Congress endeavors H4CC>14D=E48;43 from Varanasi in both the 2014 elections. Uttar Pradesh's politics, the
ring in Uttar Pradesh in 2024 demonstrated the BJP's sturdy to rewrite its narrative in Uttar and 2019 Lok Sabha elections. The Congress secured 54 Congress is faced with the
showcases a determined effort by position, seemingly unshaken. Pradesh, it must confront not His appointment as the UP Lok Sabha seats in the 1991 Lok daunting task of reshaping its
both the Congress and its INDIA Adding to its advantage is the only the BJP but also the Congress chief signals the Sabha polls, but by 1996, the SP narrative, rejuvenating its
alliance partners to disrupt the forthcoming inauguration of the intricacies of caste dynamics, Congress strategy to also and BSP had solidified their leadership, and reestablishing a
BJP's stronghold over the state's grand Ram Temple in Ayodhya regional affiliations, and the aggressively woo the upper caste positions, heralding the rise of connection with the electorate.
political landscape. Their in January 2024, right before the aspirations of a diverse populace. votes. regional powerhouses. The SP Its resurgence hinges on its
strategy revolves around making elections. The opposition The unfolding chapters in this Apart from these secured 32 seats, while the ability to learn from past
inroads into the Dalit and OBC alliance, while facing a daunting political saga will reveal whether developments, the Congress also Congress grappled with experiences, navigate the
(Other Backward Classes) task, can take solace in the fact Congress and its allies can hopes to leverage the second maintaining its influence amidst intricate web of the state's socio-
communities while consolidating that the Samajwadi Party made this evolving scenario. political dynamics, and position
the Muslim vote bank.
Recent trends, particularly
gains in the last year's assembly
polls, recouping some lost ;>:B0170?>;;B The 2000s brought further
fragmentation, with the BSP
itself as a pertinent and
appealing choice for the state's
post the first phase of the Bharat ground. gaining prominence, particularly diverse population.
Jodo Yatra, point towards a In the last year’s assembly !# !( ! # ! ( in the 2002 Assembly elections. The return of Rahul Gandhi
decisive shift in minority voters' elections, the BJP secured an The BJP, too, continued to make may inject vitality into the
preferences towards the
Congress. An assertive Congress
increase of nearly two percentage
points compared to its 2017 tally,
1WPaPcXhP9P]PcP?Pach19? #! ''$ #!%" $$! inroads, culminating in its
historic performance in the 2014
Congress, yet it may take
considerable time to rebuild the
presence in Uttar Pradesh could elevating its vote share from Lok Sabha elections, where it party and reclaim its support
play a role in avoiding 39.7% in 2017 to 41.6% this time. BP\PYfPSX?PachB? !%#! !!!" !!" !!!' secured a remarkable 71 seats. base. However, the Congress's
fragmentation within the While the Samajwadi Party's vote This ascent stood in stark proactive stance in Uttar Pradesh
minority votes, especially in the share witnessed an upward jump 1PWdYP]BP\PY?Pach1B? (&$ !!!" !'# (%# contrast to the Congress, which could enhance the prospects of
context of parties like the All from 21.8% to 32%, the disparity witnessed a consistent decline the INDIA alliance.
India Majlis-e-Ittehadul remained substantial. The 8]SXP]=PcX^]P[2^]VaTbb8=2 #$' '!# &$! %!% during this period, struggling to (Navin Upadhyay is the
Muslimeen (AIMIM), led by Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) faced sustain its position in the state's Executive Editor of the Pioneer)
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ublished in the jour-

nal BMC Public
Health, the study, led
by Alexander Obeng,
a doctoral student in
Occupational Health at the
and H
ydrotherapy, a thera-
peutic approach that
involves water
immersion, is given to babies
Texas A&M University School in a special tub with neck
of Public Health, analyzed data tubes that support the baby
on blood lead levels and and help them stay afloat. It
second-hand smoke exposure is gaining popularity in India
in children and adolescents as in the western countries.
aged 6 to 19. The study was The gentle nature of water
supervised by faculty members creates an ideal environment
Dr Genny Carrillo and Dr for babies to enhance their
Taehyun Roh. motor skills, muscle strength,
The researchers used data and overall physical well- 3A??A0B70=C76
from two cycles of the National being, says
Health and Nutrition Dr. Prashanth Gowda, Reduction of Colic
Examination Sur vey Paediatrician and Director Hydrotherapy has been
(NHANES), one for 2015-2016 of DYU Healthcare. found to be an effective
and one for 2017-2018. method for reducing colic in
NHANES is a large-scale, According to him major infants. The warm water and
nationally representative and benefits are: gentle movements create a
well-regarded health survey. Enhances Motor Skills soothing environment that
The researchers analyzed data Water provides a sup- can alleviate discomfort and
on 2,815 children and adoles- portive medium for babies to promote relaxation in babies
cents, looking at levels of lead explore and develop their with colic. The buoyancy of
and a metabolite of nicotine motor skills. The buoyancy of water also helps to relieve
known as cotinine. water reduces the effects of pressure on the digestive sys-
Levels of cotinine act as an gravity on their bodies, allow- tem, easing symptoms asso-
indicator of exposure to tobac- ing them to move more freely ciated with colic. By incorpo-
co smoke. The researchers cat- and with less resistance. This rating hydrotherapy into the
egorized participants by blood freedom of movement care routine of infants with
cotinine levels and age, with encourages babies to practice colic, parents and caregivers
groups for ages 6 to 10, 11 to adults absorb only about 1% of various motor skills, such as can offer a natural and calm-
15 and 16 to 19, and low, inter-
mediate and heavy cotinine
WHAT'S IN BTR^]SWP]Sb\^ZTRP]RPdbTPaP]VT^UWTP[cW the lead in food or water. But
for babies and children, the
kicking, reaching, and grasp-
ing. Through regular
ing solution to alleviate colic-
related discomfort and pro-
level categories. They also col- SECOND- _a^Q[T\bX]RWX[SaT] absorption rate is about 50% of hydrotherapy sessions, babies mote overall well-being.
lected data on age, gender,
race and ethnicity, household
HAND ● Children who are exposed to second-hand
the lead in water and food
can improve their coordina-
tion, balance, and spatial Better Sleep
education level and obesity. SMOKE? smoke are at an increased risk for acute res- Breastfeeding decreases the awareness. Hydrotherapy plays a
The analysis found that piratory infections such as pneumonia and exposure of toxic metals to a significant role in promoting
blood lead levels correlated ● According to the Centers bronchitis, middle ear disease, more fre- baby, including lead. Strengthens Muscles better sleep for infants. The
with cotinine levels. Lead lev- for Disease Control and quent and severe asthma, respiratory Complementary foods usually The resistance provided warm water during
els were 18 percent higher in Prevention (CDC), symptoms, and slowed lung growth. are introduced at six months in by water during hydrothera- hydrotherapy mimics the
participants in the intermedi- smoke emitted from ● Wheezing, coughing, and shortness of an exclusively breastfed baby. py sessions helps in strength- sensations experienced in
ate cotinine group and 29 per- tobacco contains about breath are more common in children For other babies, foods typical- ening the muscles of babies the womb. This calming
cent higher in the heavy group 7,000 toxic chemicals. exposed to second-hand smoke. ly are introduced at about four and infants. As they move effect helps to reduce stress
compared to those with low Of these, hundreds are ● Children whose parents smoke around months. As with an adult, lead their arms and legs against and anxiety, allowing infants
blood cotinine. They also known toxins and them get more ear infections. They also exposure from food can be the water, they experience a to unwind and prepare for a
found that male and non- approximately 70 are have fluid in their ears more often and have decreased with a diverse diet. gentle resistance that engages restful sleep. Additionally,
Hispanic Black participants known to be linked to more operations to put in ear tubes for Because some baby foods and tones their muscles. This hydrotherapy aids in regulat-
had higher blood lead levels cancer (carcinogenic). drainage. have higher levels of heavy resistance aids in building ing the nervous system and
than the median, while ● Chemicals such as ben- ● Second-hand smoke can trigger an asth- metals, including lead, parents muscle strength, which is promoting overall relaxation,
Hispanic participants had the zene, formaldehyde, ma attack in a child. Children with asth- should consider feeding their crucial for their overall phys- which can contribute to
lowest average blood lead lev- vinyl chloride, arsenic ma who are around second-hand smoke babies a variety of foods to ical development. Strong improved sleep patterns.
els. These findings seem to ammonia, hydrogen have more severe and frequent asthma decrease their lead exposure. muscles provide a solid foun- Thus, Hydrotherapy
align with research showing cyanide, and carbon attacks. A severe asthma attack can put a For example, rather than just dation for future milestones offers a wealth of benefits for
that non-Hispanic Black adults monoxide are released child’s life in danger. using rice cereal, which may like crawling, standing, and the physical development of
are more likely to smoke than into the air as a result of have a higher amount of lead, walking. babies and infants. As with
Hispanic adults. second-hand smoke. consider feeding a variety of any form of therapy, it is
The researchers also found While smokers inhale second-hand smoke may be a decrease lead exposure in chil- level and getting checked for grains, including oat, barley Improves Range of Motion important to consult with a
that the 6-to-10 age cohort had these poisonous sub- source of lead exposure in dren and further build on the anemia during prenatal care. and multigrains. Read the food Hydrotherapy allows qualified professional experi-
the highest percentage of par- stances directly, non- children and adolescents. successes of past lead removal Prenatal vitamins contain iron labels for information and rec- babies to experience a wider enced in hydrotherapy to
ticipants whose blood lead smokers nearby do so in “Further research will like- initiatives.” supplements. ommendations based on age range of motion than they ensure safe and effective ses-
levels were over the median, an indirect manner due ly paint a clearer picture of this The lead menance does Pregnant or breastfeeding and possible allergens. typically do on land. The sions for babies and infants.
with a decreasing trend in to the chemicals. exposure route, especially in not end here. Yet another study women also should avoid being Babies and adults have buoyancy and reduced grav- By incorporating
older groups. This could be younger children, but the find- has pointed out that lead expo- around renovations to a home less exposure to lead now itational pull in water enable hydrotherapy into their early
because of behavioral differ- adults. The researchers also ings here can inform current sure during pregnancy can be built before 1978 since dust and than 30 years ago. Lead is babies to move their limbs developmental stages, parents
ences in younger children, found that obese children and efforts to eliminate low-level lethal. Doctors say that a preg- particles from paint that is dis- measured more precisely, and more freely and with less and caregivers can provide
such as placing hands and adolescents had notably lower lead exposure in children,” nant woman, can pass her lead rupted during construction food and environmental stan- effort. This increased range of their little ones with a nurtur-
other objects in the mouth lead levels than non-obese Carrillo said. “For example, exposure to the fetus in her can pose a risk for lead expo- dards continue to increase. motion aids in joint flexibil- ing environment that pro-
more often, or in how younger participants. education of parents about womb through the placenta. sure. Pipes in homes also may Talk with your health care ity, promotes muscle relax- motes physical growth,
children tend to absorb more The findings of this study second-hand smoke as a source One can mitigate this exposure be a source of lead exposure. team if you have concerns ation, and improves overall movement exploration, and
lead than adolescents and provide evidence that of lead exposure could help by maintaining a good iron According to the doctors, about lead exposure. body coordination. a positive sensory experience.

What is OMPT? compressions and facet joint How OMPT works in
rthopaedic Manual 7867;867CB impingement), Thoracic Outlet orthopaedic conditions?

O Physiotherapy (OMPT)
is a specialty in physio-
therapy which primarily focus-
OMPT is uniquely based on scientific evidence for efficacy
and on bio-psychosocial structure of every single patient thus
Syndrome (TOS),ribcage dys-
functions, pelvic girdle pain, tail
bone pain, bone stress injuries
OMPT practitioners pro-
vide patient management on
neuromusculoskeletal condi-
es on diagnosis and manage- ensuring a tailored therapeutic treatment (BSI) and etc. Nearly 250 neuro- tions ranging from simple to
ment of neuro-musculoskeletal musculoskeletal problems from complex, and provide recom-
problems. One of the advan- DISORDERS TREATED mechanical origin can be treat- mendations and interventions in
tages of OMPT is that it is non- a) Functional spine disorders ed with OMPT. the area of health and wellness.
invasive and does not involve b) Acute and chronic low back pain Also, when someone suffers
medication, injections or c) hysical dysfunctions of peripheral nervous system What is its status in India? from a neuromusculoskeletal
surgery, thus making it a safe The OMPT practice and disorder, an exercise and move-
and effective treatment option d) Tension headache, migraine, cervicogenic headache, dizzi- practioners are in India for ment re-education program
for many patients. ness, ocular disorders, Stiff neck, cervical pain, cervico- past two decades, at the may be sufficient to restore full
:D<0A brachialgia etc
Additionally, OMPT can beginning physiotherapists pain-free movement, function,
be used in conjunction with e) Appendicular skeleton functional disorders went abroad for pursuing and return to full activity.
other forms of therapy, such as emphasized Osteopathic f) Articular hypomobility after immobility, trauma and OMPT education. But now However, in some cases, soft-tis-
exercise and electrotherapy, to Manipulative Treatment (OMT). What about diagnosis and therapy release for myofascial surgery few universities and insti- sue and joint restrictions are pre-
provide a comprehensive treat- David Palmer in 1895 found chi- treatment in OMPT? trigger points deactivation. g) Painful shoulder, shoulder instability, adhesive capsulitis tutes in India are offering full sent, resulting in these same
ment approach. ropractic which focuses on The diagnosis in OMPT is Mobilization with thrust h) Muscle lesions and contusions, bursitis, tendonitis, tenosyn- time and part time OMPT interventions being painful or,
manipulation exclusively. based on utilizing best research (manipulation) and without ovitis, overuse syndrome, osteoarthrosis, fractures and dis- educational programs. worse, aggravating to the condi-
Please share its history Orthopaedic physicians Menell evidence in clinical diagnosis thrust for spinal, jaw, upper and locations Currently, the awareness tion. In these instances, an
The practice of manual ther- and Cyriax in 19th century prac- and treatment includes skillful lower limbs joint restriction about OMPT among general OMPT therapist can provide
apy existed since ancient times, ticed and taught manual thera- application of manual physio- and mal-alignment. Neural i) Foot and ankle pathological alterations population is fairly less com- hands-on techniques to improve
Hippocrates and Galen had prac- py for physiotherapists. In 19th therapy techniques for spine, mobilization for peripheral J) Distorsive trauma due to car accidents or work accidents) pared to countries like USA, mobility, reduce pain, and
ticed it. In the middle age, the century, physiotherapists Stanley jaw, upper & lower limbs, and nerve entrapment and restric- Canada, Australia and New restore normal function of soft
traction and manipulation of V Paris, Freddy Kaltenborn , exercise prescription with clin- tion. Muscle stretching, Zealand. If the people in tissues and joints.
spine was in use. Bone setters Geoffrey Maitland, Robbin ical reasoning. The OMPT treat- strengthening and propriocep- that can be effectively treated by compressions (extra spinal), India are made aware about (Pawan Kumar is
used manual therapy in form of Mckenzie, Brian mulligan and ment includes Soft Tissue tive training. using OMPT are: Frozen shoul- TMD (jaw pain), headaches, OMPT, a lot of neuromuscu- Director, International
manipulation. Andrew Taylor, others developed their own Mobilization (STM) for dys- What orthopaedic conditions der, osteoarthritis, impinge- dizziness, neck and low back lar problems can be treated Institute of Digital Teachings
still an American physician in school of thoughts in orthopaedic functional muscles, tendon, lig- can be treated with OMPT ? ments, tendinitis, bursitis, mus- pains (due to spondylosis, disc conservatively without med- and Vice- President at
1874 found osteopathy and manual physiotherapy. aments and fascia. Trigger point The orthopaedic conditions cle strain, ligament sprain, nerve bulge/herniation , nerve root ications and surgeries. Physio Plus Tech

>Ug4U\XY1eWecd"  " "#

ven after two decades of mining, witnessed robust per cent to 52.2 per cent dur-
E rapid economic expansion,
India continues to rely heavi-
growth in formal sector
employment. Between 2004-05
ing the period 2004-05 to
2019-20. The share of informal
ly on the informal economy,
which employs more than 80
and 2019-20, formal sector
employment increased across
employment increased signif-
icantly in the formal sectors of 8]SXPWTPeX[haT[XTb
per cent of the workforce. Both
the traditional informal econ-
construction, services, and
manufacturing. Consequently,
education, health, and com-
munity services. The overall
omy and the growing infor- the percentage of workers with- rate of informal employment in TR^]^\h
mality within the formal sector in the formal sector rose from the (formal) service sector
exemplify this phenomenon. 11.6 percent in 2004-2005 to increased quickly. T\_[^hX]V^eTa'
Due to the limited job oppor- 16.3 percent in 2011-2012, fur- A big informal sector also
tunities within the formal ther increasing to 18.1 percent has an impact on the govern- _TaRT]c^UXcb
economy, many individuals are
compelled to seek employ-
in 2019-2020.
More particular, the share
ment in terms of lost revenue
because the entities operating f^aZU^aRTSTb_XcT
ment in the informal sector.
The increasing utilisation of
of informal employment
increased across practically all
in the informal sector do not
figure toward the government’s
contract labour and production industries in the formal sector, fiscal revenue net. As a result, Va^fcW8]Q^cW
outsourcing serves as the pri- where one would anticipate the informal sector hurts the
mary catalyst for the rising increasing employment to be interests of the working class, caPSXcX^]P[P]S
prevalence of informal employ-
ment within the formal sector.
linked to an improvement in
employment quality and the
the government, and finally
evens the employer. Informal U^a\P[bTRc^a
This signifies that merely
encouraging the informal sec-
formal/informal status of work.
If we consider the two termi-
markets are socially governed
rather than by the govern-
tor to transition to formalisa-
tion through a combination of
nal years for which we have the
pertinent statistics, the share of
Many business associa-
incentives and enforcement is informal employment in the tions and thousands of cham- ^__^acd]XcXTb
no longer adequate. formal manufacturing sector bers of commerce exert societal
In this regard, initiatives increased slightly. This per- corporatist control over 2^]caPRc[PQ^daP]S
such as the Unorganised
Workers Social Security Act,
centage increased also slightly apprenticeships, access to jobs,
and work sites; they formally ^dcb^daRX]VUdT[
the Contract Labour (Abolition
& Regulation) Act, Workers’
certify competences and skill;
they handle contract disputes;
Welfare Boards, and pro- they shape prices and set terms T\_[^h\T]c
grammes promoting micro, in derived markets; they organ-
small, and medium enterpris- ise collective insurance; they 5^a\P[XbX]VcWT
es represent some of India’s stand up for and defend their
efforts to combat informality. communities against threats TR^]^\hXbRadRXP[
In the year 2019-20, the
informal sector employed
from the state; and they create
laws and regulations. VXeT]WXVWX]U^a\P[
around 82 per cent of the
workforce, while the formal
The rapid informalisation
of employment in the formal
sector accounted for 17 per non-agricultural segments TSdRPcX^]P]S
cent. This reflects the govern- severely impeded the shift
ment’s endeavours to extend towards formal employment _a^SdRcXeXch
social security measures to even as the structure of
employees in the informal sec- employment in the economy
tor. Within the economy, a shifted in favour of the non-
staggering 91.3 per cent of farm and formal sector. The
workers lack written contracts, high persistence of informali-
paid time off, and other bene- ty in the economy is caused by
fits. The prevalence of out- the low levels of formal edu-
sourcing is underscored by the cation and training among
11.71 per cent of informal informal sector workers and
workers within the formal sec- low wages as well as low pro-
tor (Figure-1). The propor- ductivity prevailing in this sec-
tion of informal employment tor. Therefore, government
within the formal sector esca- needs to consider to formalize
lated from 6.64 per cent in the economy, for that a com- B0CH0<1170AC8
2004-05 to 11.71 per cent in formal sector employment. employment. Between 2004-05 11.6 per cent in 2004-2005 to workers over time, accompa- in construction. In the finan- prehensive framework is
2019-20. This shift was primarily attrib- and 2019-20, formal sector 16.3 per cent in 2011-2012, fur- nied by notable expansion in cial industry, the proportion of required.
The employment structure uted to a decrease in agricul- employment increased across ther increasing to 18.1 per formal sector employment. non-wage workers in the for-
reveals a decline in the pro- tural employment, while all construction, services, and cent in 2019-2020. This shift was primarily attrib- mal sector increased also. The (The writer is associated
portion of informal sector industry categories, except manufacturing. Consequently, The employment structure uted to a decrease in agricul- percentage of non-formal with Union Ministry of Labour
workers over time, accompa- mining, witnessed robust the percentage of workers with- reveals a decline in the pro- tural employment, while all employment in the real estate and Employment. The views
nied by notable expansion in growth in formal sector in the formal sector rose from portion of informal sector industry categories, except industry increased from 28.3 expressed here are his own)


fter three indictments of who also did so. because of the automatic 14th broader set of actions by ballot; and
A former US President
Donald Trump, the fourth one
Legal scholars William
Baude and Michael Stokes
Amendment disqualification.
Trump would certainly
Trump and his allies to subvert
the Constitution — the Georgia
6. These officials’ testimo-
ny, and related evidence, is at
in Georgia came not as a sur- Paulsen, conservatives them- challenge the move in federal vote count and fake elector the heart of the proof of the
prise but as a powerful expo- selves and members of the court. But the recent disquali- scheme included — as part of Georgia racketeering case
sition of the scope of Trump’s conservative Federalist Society, fication proceedings against a political coup d’etat. It was a against Trump.
efforts to remain in power have recently published a paper former North Carolina rebellion. In other words, the evi-
despite losing the 2020 presi- declaring that under the 14th Congressman Madison dence to convict Trump in the
dential election. Amendment, Trump’s actions Cawthorn provides a road map Georgia as a bellwether Georgia racketeering case is the
New conservative legal render him ineligible to hold and binding legal precedent So what makes the Georgia same evidence, coming from
scholarship spells out how and office. affirming the 14th scheme and indictment com- the same Georgia officials,
why those actions — which We believe the Georgia Amendment as a valid legal pelling for purposes of dis- who will be involved in deter-
were observed by the public indictment provides even more ground for disqualification of qualifying Trump from the mining whether, under the
over many months — disqual- detail than the earlier federal a candidate for federal office. 2024 Georgia ballot? 14th Amendment, Trump is
ify Trump from serving in the one about how Trump’s actions The Georgia indictment There are minimally six qualified to be on the 2024
presidency ever again. And have already disqualified him against Trump and allies aspects revealed in the latest presidential ballot — or not.
our read of the Georgia indict- from office, and shows a way to exhaustively details extensive indictment that we believe jus- Little if any additional evi-
ment, as longtime lawyers our- keep him off the ballot in acts of lying, manipulation and tify Georgia — under Section dence or proceedings are need-
selves, shows why and how that 2024. threats against Georgia offi- 3 of the post-Civil War ed. The Georgia officials
disqualification can be put into cials, as well as a fraudulent Fourteenth Amendment — already hold that evidence,
effect. Disqualification fake elector scheme to illegal- keeping Trump off the ballot: because much of it comes from
The key to all of this is the is automatic ly subvert the legitimate 2020 1. The racketeering scheme them. They don’t need a trial to
14th Amendment to the Trump’s supporters might Georgia presidential vote tally was a multifaceted attempt to establish what they already
Constitution, which states that argue that disqualifying him and resulting elector certifica- subvert Georgia’s own part of know.
“No person shall… hold any would be unfair without a trial tion. the 2020 electoral process; How could Trump avoid
office, under the United States and conviction on the January federal judge Michael Luttig — ciated with secession, rebellion the Constitution that the dis- Trump’s failure to accom- 2. The officials on the this happening? A quick trial
… who, having previously 6 indictment, and perhaps the who has characterised the and open war against the qualification be imposed by plish what is tantamount to a receiving end of the unsuc- date in Atlanta with an acquit-
taken an oath… to support the Georgia charges. events before, during and since United States. And most were any specific process — only coup in Georgia and other cessful racketeering scheme tal on all counts might do it, but
Constitution of the United But Baude and Paulsen, January 6 as Trump’s “declared pardoned by sweeping orders that it applies to people who swing states set the stage for the were elected and appointed this runs counter to his strat-
States, shall have engaged in using originalist interpretation war on American democracy” issued by President Andrew take certain actions against violent insurrection of January Georgia officials. egy to delay all the pending
insurrection or rebellion — the interpretive theory of — suggest an emerging bipar- Johnson. the Constitution. 6, 2021, that sought to achieve 3. Whose actions to reject criminal cases until after the
against the same, or given aid choice of the powerful tisan consensus supporting But even though they had the same result — Trump’s election subversion vindicated 2024 election. With no pre-
or comfort to the enemies Federalist Society and Trump’s Baude and Paulsen. no relevant convictions, former A path through the states fraudulent installation to a sec- their own oaths to uphold the election trial, there will likely be
thereof.” Trump took that oath conservative court appointees, Confederates were in fact For the US in 2023, we ond term. Constitution and laws of the no Trump on the 2024 Georgia
at his inauguration on January which gives full meaning to the Backed by history barred from office in the US. believe the most realistic In fact, the Georgia scheme United States as well as ballot, and no chance for him
20, 2017. actual, original text of the This is not a theoretical bit In December 1865, sever- avenue to enforce the 14th is included in Special Counsel Georgia’s; to win Georgia’s 2024 electoral
Both Trump’s Georgia Constitution — demonstrate of technical law. This provision al who had neither been con- Amendment’s ban on a second Jack Smith’s federal indictment 4. Most of these officials college votes.
indictment, and his federal that no legal proceeding is of the 14th Amendment was, in victed nor been pardoned tried Trump presidency is through as one of the methods and were and are Republicans — Once Georgia bars him,
indictment in Washington, required. They say disqualifi- fact, extensively used after the to claim seats in the US House state election authorities. That’s means in “aid” of the larger including Secretary of State other states may follow. That
DC, cite largely public infor- cation is automatic, or what’s Civil War to keep former of Representatives. But the where the Georgia indictment January 6 federal conspiracy Brad Raffensberger, Governor would leave Trump with no
mation — and some newly known in the legal world as Confederate leaders from serv- House clerk refused to swear comes in. against the United States. Brian Kemp and former Lt way to credibly appear on the
unearthed material — to spell “self-executing.” ing in the federal government, them in. It took an act of State election officials Baude and Paulsen Governor Geoff Duncan; ballot in all 50 states, giving
out exactly how he engaged in Recent public comments without being tried or con- Congress — the 1872 Amnesty could themselves, or in acknowledge that “insurrection 5. These officials will, in him no chance to win the
efforts to rebel against the from liberal constitutional victed of any crime. Act — to later restore their response to a petition of a cit- and rebellion” are traditional- 2024 as in 2020, collectively electoral votes required to
Constitution, and sought and scholar Laurence Tribe and A few former Confederates office-holding rights. izen of that state, refuse Trump ly associated with forced or vio- determine who is qualified to claim the White House.
gave aid and comfort to others conservative jurist and former were charged with crimes asso- There is no requirement in a place on the 2024 ballot lent opposition. But we see the be on Georgia’s presidential (The Conversation)

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