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Last Name/Family First Name Student Number

Sofia Nagy
Subject Type of Test
Hotel & Resort Diploma Final Examination
Entrepreneur Project
Semester Date Group
2021b 14th Diploma
Duration Test Value
2 hours 40%
Lecturer Approved by
Keith Howison Jack Iverson

Section 1 – Multiple choice – total 30 marks

Students must answer all questions in this section. Please only select one of the three
options. Highlight in yellow or underline the correct answer. All the correctly answered
questions in this section have the same grade weighting. Each question is worth 2 marks.

Section 2 – Essay questions – total 70 marks

Students are required to answer 2 questions out of the 4. Each question is worth 35

Hotel & Resort Entrepreneur Project Exam 2021b - Diploma

SECTION 1 – Multiple choice: For each question, clearly highlight in yellow or
underline one of the three possible answers. There is only one correct answer. Each
question is worth 2 marks.

Question 1: Within the three pillars of sustainability; Human health, education and
environmental justice would come under what pillar?

a. Environmental
b. Economic
c. Social

Question 2: Work practices and Equal pay are two elements that would be part of a what?

a. Human Resource Planning

b. Corporate Social Responsibility
c. Sustainability and Human Rights Policy

Question 3: Local Government, business owners, line managers are all people who:

a. Control governance
b. Make laws and regulations
c. Control sustainability practices

Question 4: When planning the building of a new resort or hotel which is correct when
discussing the aesthetic impact?
a. Give the resort a distinctive image and character that provides a contact to the
tourists home environment
b. Allow tourist interaction with local residents and encourage learning of local culture
c. Resort development may alter the view and beauty of the natural landscape

Question 5: Resorts were first designed and built to serve what purpose?
a. Fitness
b. Adventure
c. Health

Hotel & Resort Entrepreneur Project Exam 2021b - Diploma

Question 6: Entrepreneurs will research about the location for new business opportunity by
completing a thorough:

a. Competitor Analysis
c. Stakeholder Analysis

Question 7: A core attribute required to be an entrepreneur and innovator is:

a. High IQ
b. Creativity
c. Trend setter

Question 8: Tourist overcrowding, retention of full-time employees and increased pressure

on the environment are all challenges from:
a. Seasonality
b. Sustainability
c. High Season

Question 9: A stakeholder who a new business would want monitor would fit into what
a. High power and high interest
b. Low Power and low interest
c. High power and low interest

Question 10: A SWOT is split into two key sections external and internal which of the below
is correct:
a. External – Weaknesses and Threats
b. Internal - Opportunities and Strengths
c. External – Threats and Opportunities

Question 11: “an establishment providing accommodation, meals and other services for
travellers and tourists”

a. A hotel
b. A Resort
c. Both

Hotel & Resort Entrepreneur Project Exam 2021b - Diploma

Question 12: A hospitality business that has primary facilities such as spa & wellness, beach
side, sport and recreation would be regarded as:

a. A hotel
b. A resort
c. Both A and B

Question 13: What is the correct order of resort planning stages:

a. Construction / Feasibility analysis / Operations
b. Operations / Construction / Feasibility analysis
c. Feasibility analysis / Construction / Operations

Question 14: Commitment to service, payment policy, address and contact details, and
upcoming events are:

a. Corporate Social Responsibility

b. Menu supplementary information
c. Business mission statement information

Question 15: Which of the below statements is correct when discussing crisis management:

a. A crisis can occur as a result of an unpredictable event

b. Crisis management is the application of strategies to help and organisation deal with
sudden and significant negative events.
c. Both A and B

Hotel & Resort Entrepreneur Project Exam 2021b - Diploma

Section 2
In this section students are to choose 2 questions from the selection below.
• Arial font
• Size 12
• 1.5 line spacing
• At least 4 reading sources which include academic and credible online sources.
• Bibliography must be given for each answer.

Each question is worth 35 marks.

Question 1

Hotels and resorts now have many classifications and definitions. Discuss the evolution of
either hotels or resorts (pick only one) outlining new trends in classifications and definitions
along with core characteristics of either hotel or resort that remain in place in today’s modern
hospitality business world.

Question 2

A key aspect of any hospitality business is to have a strong focus on sustainability.

Describe at least three areas of sustainability and give examples of how hospitality
businesses are implementing sustainability into their business planning.

Hotel & Resort Entrepreneur Project Exam 2021b - Diploma

Question 3

Innovation is strongly linked to creativity and entrepreneurship. Summarise how a

hospitality business can use this model below to create new innovations for their business.

Science and
technology push

Creativity: Innovation:
Creation of value in the
New idea Refining an evaluating
marketplace &
production & idea for initial
exploiting opportunities
discovery prototype, patent or
for new product or
business plan

Societal & market

needs pull
(Schaper and Volery, 2004, p61)

Hotel & Resort Entrepreneur Project Exam 2021b - Diploma

Answer 1:

Question 2

A key aspect of any hospitality business is to have a strong focus on sustainability.

Describe at least three areas of sustainability and give examples of how hospitality
businesses are implementing sustainability into their business planning.

According to the United Nations Brundtland Commission (1987), sustainability is defined as

meeting present needs without sacrificing the ability of future generations to meet their
own. Conservative natural resource management, limiting the use of non-renewable
resources, reducing embodied energy and overall resource use, minimizing environmental
contamination and harm to the environment, avoiding or minimizing the use of toxins, and
minimising internal pollution and health damage are among the organization's main
objectives (Bromberek, 2009). Sustainability, on the other hand, isn't just about the
environment. Other considerations, such as social and economic, are also taken into
account. Social, environmental, and economic sustainability are the three essential pillars
of sustainability (UN, 2018). Sustainability is crucial in today's climate, and organizations
must become more proactive in monitoring and implementing sustainability projects.

Even though it is sometimes considered that only major hospitality businesses with
unlimited expenditures can achieve sustainability, normal businesses can make
considerable advances as well. In Miami, Hotel South Beach is one example of a business
that’s specialises in adopting sustainability as a wedding and events Venue. They've linked
up with a local business and a restaurant to provide their customers organic, direct-from-
the-farmer food. Local producers are encouraged in this way, and environmental effect is

Hotel & Resort Entrepreneur Project Exam 2021b - Diploma

The second example is "Wild," a restaurant and bar in Tulum, Mexico. The owner
organizes fundraisers for emergency food packages, raising more than $20,000 so far.
Other endeavors include the Wild hospitality training program for impoverished children
and DJ stream fundraisers. "Wild" has also promised to save and preserve Tulum for future

Finally, there are three types of sustainability: environmental, social, and economic. If a
business wants to be considered sustainable, it must assess all three pillars and take
necessary action. As the examples of "Hotel South Beach" and "Wild" show, sustainability
is not only for major hotel chains with a lot of money, but also for businesses. For future
generations to come every business needs to start implementing sustainability so they can
enjoy the life same way we do now.

Bromberek, Z. (2009) Eco-resorts: planning and design for the tropics. Oxford: Elsevier

tmbtp-2017_ (n.d.). This Must Be The Place | A unique wedding venue near Barcelona.
[online] This Must Be The Place. Available at:
[Accessed 14 Dec. 2021]. (2018). Sustainable Development | UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC and SOCIAL

COUNCIL. [online] Available at:
development. (2014). Sustainability | Academic Impact. [online] Available

WILD. (n.d.). WILD. [online] Available at:

Hotel & Resort Entrepreneur Project Exam 2021b - Diploma

Answer 2:

Question 1
Hotels and resorts now have many classifications and definitions. Discuss the evolution of
either hotels or resorts (pick only one) outlining new trends in classifications and definitions
along with core characteristics of either hotel or resort that remain in place in today’s modern
hospitality business world.

According to (Law Insider,2021) a definition of a hotel is any structure or space, or any

portion thereof, that is occupied or intended or designed for occupancy by transients for
dwelling, lodging, or sleeping purposes, and includes any hotel, inn, tourist camp, tourist
court, tourist cabin, motel, or any other place where transients are provided with rooms,
lodgings, or accommodations for a fee. In the old days when the first hotels were formed
the definition of a hotel was different. The definition was the name "inn" originally referred
to a rural hotel that offered lodging, food, and beverages, as well as stables for tourists'

Many areas of the hotel industry have changed in the previous 20 years to accommodate
new technologies and changing consumer behavior, affecting how hoteliers conduct
business. The lodging industry has progressed in multiple crucial areas over the last few
decades, with many of these advancements benefiting hotels in strengthening their
products, attracting more tourists, and generating opportunities for expansion.

However, these adjustments have had an impact on the bottom line, which has gotten
more difficult to achieve and has dropped with time. The availability of internet marketing
has increased competition, causing lodging rates to fall. The net effect has been negative
because costs are continuing to rise at a faster rate. Higher commissions and increases in
running expenses such as staff, as well as the enhanced facilities requested by clients,
have reduced profit margins.However, the hotel industry will continue to evolve.

Hotel & Resort Entrepreneur Project Exam 2021b - Diploma

Starting with simply providing a place to sleep, the traditional hospitality sector has evolved
into what we see today. Regardless of industry changes, the client has always been at the
center of what we do. It is always improving and progressing. In this new century, hotels
have practically reached new heights. Some of the world's highest hotels were built in the
twenty-first century. Engineering Design Services technological advances make all of this
possible. The hotel industry has always contributed largely in terms of revenue
for any healthy economy. However, the industry and its employees held their
ground and quickly regained their lost ground in the new decade.

Hotel & Resort Entrepreneur Project Exam 2021b - Diploma

Law Insider. (2021). Hotel Definition: 5k Samples | Law Insider. [online] Available at:
AwNjQMogECZW4YACAA [Accessed 14 Dec. 2021]. (2019). Hotel definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary.

[online] Available at:

Hotel & Resort Entrepreneur Project Exam 2021b - Diploma


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