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Human Resource Management (MGT501) Spring, 2024

Learning Objective:

· To learn the trends and challenges of the human resource management.

Learning Outcomes:

After attempting this GDB,

 Students will be able to know the organizational context affecting HRM.

 It will enhance the student’s knowledge to know the human
resource management challenges which a firm face.
 It will enhance their ability of decision making.

GDB Question:

Workforce diversity not only creates specific challenges but also makes important
contributions to the organizations. Do you agree or disagree? Please provide your opinion
with 2 solid arguments.

I agree with this statement.

1. Enhance innovation and creativity:

Workforce diversity brings together people with diverse backgrounds and skill sets. This variety fosters a
climate of innovation and creativity. By leveraging the unique contributions of different team members,
organizations can develop new solutions, improve decision-making, and stay ahead in competitive markets.

2. Improvement in problem solving and decision making:

Diversity of perspectives encourages critical thinking and open-mindedness within organizations. Team
members with diverse experiences and backgrounds bring different perspectives to problem solving and
decision making. By considering multiple perspectives, organizations can make more informed and
comprehensive decisions, reducing the potential for biases or blind spots.

My favorite:

I agree that workforce diversity not only poses specific challenges but also plays an important role for
organizations. Here are two solid arguments to support my position:

Argument 1: Diversity fosters innovation and creativity.

I believe that a diverse workforce brings together people with different backgrounds, experiences and
perspectives. This diversity encourages the exchange of ideas and fosters an environment conducive to
innovation and creativity. When people with diverse mindsets collaborate, they challenge each other's
assumptions and push the boundaries of conventional thinking. It leads to the development of new solutions
and ideas that can give organizations a competitive edge in the market.

Argument 2: Diversity enhances adaptability and resilience.

I also think that a diverse workforce increases the adaptability and flexibility of an organization

Increases In today's rapidly changing business landscape, organizations need to be agile and responsive to
stay ahead of the curve. A diverse workforce, with its different skills and adaptability, can help
organizations navigate challenges and seize new opportunities more effectively. Additionally, diverse teams
are better equipped to understand and meet the needs of a diverse customer base, which is critical to success
in global markets.

I am agree. Workforce diversity plays an important role in organizations. Here are 2 solid arguments:

Argument 1: Diverse perspectives and ideas lead to innovation, creativity and problem solving, business
growth and competitiveness.

Rationale 2: A diverse workforce provides valuable insight into diverse customer markets, allowing
organizations to develop targeted products and services, increase market share and revenue.

Rationale 1: Innovative Ideas and Perspectives:

A diverse workforce brings together people from different backgrounds, cultures and experiences, bringing
forth a wide range of innovative ideas and perspectives. This diversity of thought fosters creativity,
problem-solving, and adaptability, enabling organizations to remain competitive and responsive to changing
market conditions.

Rationale 2: Access to a wider talent pool and market insights:

Workforce diversity allows organizations to attract and retain top talent from a wider pool of candidates,
including individuals from underrepresented groups. This diversity also provides valuable insights into
diverse customer markets, helping organizations develop targeted products and services that meet the needs
of a diverse customer base, thereby increasing market share and revenue.

I agree that workforce diversity is crucial in organizations. Here are two compelling arguments:

Rationale 1:

Rationale 2:

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