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Title: Understanding Drug Abuse and Its Consequences

AIM: Students will be able to define drug abuse and identify various harmful
substances; Students will understand the physical, psychological, and social
consequences of drug abuse; Students will recognize the importance of making
healthy choices and avoiding drug abuse.

What is Drug Abuse?

Drug abuse refers to the habitual and excessive consumption of substances that
alter one's mental state, leading to physical, psychological, and social harm. These
substances can range from legal medications to illegal drugs, including but not
limited to alcohol, prescription drugs, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and

Ways of Discouraging Drug Abuse

1. Education and awareness programs: Providing comprehensive information about

the risks and consequences of drug abuse can empower individuals to make
informed decisions.
2. Support networks: Establishing support groups and counseling services can aid
individuals struggling with addiction.
3. Legal measures: Implementing strict laws and penalties for drug possession,
trafficking, and distribution can deter potential abusers.
4. Access to treatment: Ensuring affordable and accessible treatment options for
substance abuse disorders is crucial in supporting recovery efforts.

Dangers of Drug Abuse

1. Health risks: Drug abuse can lead to various health problems, including
addiction, overdose, organ damage, mental disorders, and infectious diseases
such as HIV/AIDS.
2. Impaired judgment: Substance abuse impairs cognitive functions, leading to
poor decision-making, risky behaviors, and accidents.
3. Social consequences: Drug abuse can strain relationships, result in loss of
employment, financial instability, legal issues, and social isolation.
4. Overdose and death: The misuse of drugs increases the risk of overdose,
which can be fatal.

Countries/Continents with Prevalence of Drug Trafficking

Drug trafficking is a global issue, with significant activity occurring in regions such
as South America (especially Colombia), Central America, Southeast Asia (including
the Golden Triangle), Afghanistan, and parts of Africa. Commonly trafficked
substances include cocaine, heroin, marijuana, methamphetamine, ecstasy, and
synthetic opioids like fentanyl.

Dangers/Consequences of Drug Trafficking

1. Fueling organized crime: Drug trafficking often involves criminal

organizations engaged in violence, corruption, and other illegal activities.
2. Economic impact: Drug trafficking undermines legitimate economies, fosters
corruption, and destabilizes communities.
3. Health risks: Trafficked drugs contribute to addiction, overdose deaths, and
the spread of diseases through contaminated needles or adulterated

.Anti-Drug Agencies in Nigeria/Other Anti-Drug Agencies

Anti-drug agencies are government or non-governmental organizations tasked with

combating drug abuse and trafficking through enforcement, prevention, treatment,
and rehabilitation efforts

In Nigeria, the primary anti-drug agency is the National Drug Law Enforcement
Agency (NDLEA), responsible for enforcing drug laws, intercepting trafficked
substances, and promoting drug abuse prevention and rehabilitation programs.
Other countries have similar agencies, such as the Drug Enforcement
Administration (DEA) in the United States, the United Nations Office on Drugs
and Crime (UNODC), and INTERPOL, which collaborate internationally to address
drug-related issues.

By understanding the meaning and consequences of drug abuse and the efforts to
combat it, individuals and communities can work towards prevention, intervention,
and support for those affected by substance abuse.

Title: The Crucial Role of Extended Family in Child Development

Aim: Students will understand the concept of extended family and its significance
in child development.
Meaning of Family:

Family is the fundamental unit of society, comprising individuals connected by

blood, marriage, or adoption. It serves as a nurturing environment where individuals
learn values, behaviors, and social norms. Family provides emotional support,
security, and a sense of belonging.

Kinds of Family:

Families come in various forms, including nuclear families (parents and children),
extended families (including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins), and blended
families (formed through remarriage with stepchildren). Each type offers unique
dynamics and influences on child development.

Members of the Extended Family:

Extended family consists of relatives beyond the nuclear family. This includes
grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and sometimes even close family friends.
These members often share strong bonds and contribute significantly to the
upbringing of children.

Roles of the Extended Family Members in Child Development:

a. Emotional Support: Extended family members provide emotional stability and a

sense of security to children. They offer love, encouragement, and guidance,
fostering a positive self-esteem and mental well-being.

b. Moral and Cultural Guidance: Through storytelling, traditions, and rituals,

extended family members transmit cultural values and moral lessons to children.
They help instill a sense of identity and belonging within a cultural context.

c. Role Models: Extended family members serve as role models for children. They
demonstrate behaviors, skills, and attitudes that children emulate, shaping their
character development and aspirations.

d. Childcare and Supervision: In many cultures, extended family members play a

vital role in childcare and supervision. They assist parents in caregiving tasks,
offering practical support and easing the burden of childcare responsibilities.

e. Conflict Resolution: Extended family members often mediate conflicts and

provide solutions in family disputes. They teach children valuable lessons in
communication, negotiation, and conflict resolution, essential skills for healthy
relationships in adulthood.
f. Educational Support: Extended family members may contribute to children's
education by offering tutoring, mentorship, or financial assistance for educational
endeavors. They reinforce the importance of learning and academic achievement.

g. Socialization: Extended family gatherings provide opportunities for children to

socialize with relatives of different ages. These interactions promote social skills,
empathy, and cooperation, preparing children for diverse social environments.

h. Safety Net: In times of crisis or hardship, extended family members serve as a

safety net for children and parents alike. They offer practical assistance,
emotional comfort, and reassurance during challenging circumstances.

Advantages of Living Together in the Family:

a. Strong Support System: Living together with extended family members creates
a robust support system for all family members, particularly children.

b. Shared Responsibilities: Families sharing a household can distribute

responsibilities among members, reducing individual burdens and fostering a sense
of teamwork.

c. Cultural Preservation: Living in close proximity allows for the preservation and
continuation of cultural traditions, language, and values within the family.

d. Financial Stability: Pooling resources within the extended family can provide
financial stability and enable better access to necessities such as housing, food,
and education.

e. Intergenerational Bonding: Living together facilitates intergenerational

bonding, promoting mutual understanding, respect, and appreciation among family
members of different ages.

In essence, the extended family plays a pivotal role in shaping the holistic
development of children by providing love, support, guidance, and a strong sense of
belonging within a nurturing familial environment.


1. What is the definition of drug abuse? a) Moderate consumption

of substances for recreational purposes b) Excessive consumption
of substances leading to harm c) Controlled use of substances
under medical supervision d) Limited experimentation with
2. Which of the following is NOT considered a substance of abuse?
a) Alcohol b) Prescription drugs c) Over-the-counter vitamins d)
3. What is one way to discourage drug abuse? a) Legalizing all drugs
to reduce stigma b) Implementing strict laws and penalties c)
Encouraging unregulated substance use d) Providing free access
to all drugs
4. What are the dangers of drug abuse? a) Improved cognitive
function b) Enhanced social relationships c) Organ damage and
addiction d) Increased job opportunities
5. Which continent experiences significant drug trafficking activity
in regions like the Golden Triangle? a) Europe b) South America c)
Asia d) Africa
6. What is one consequence of drug trafficking? a) Promotion of
legitimate economies b) Economic stability c) Destabilization of
communities d) Decreased corruption
7. Which agency is primarily responsible for combating drug abuse in
Nigeria? a) National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) b)
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) c) United Nations
Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) d) International Criminal
Police Organization (INTERPOL)
8. What role do anti-drug agencies typically play? a) Promoting drug
use b) Enforcing drug laws and intercepting trafficked
substances c) Facilitating drug trafficking d) Ignoring drug-
related issues
9. What is a potential consequence of impaired judgment due to
substance abuse? a) Enhanced decision-making skills b) Safe
driving practices c) Risky behaviors and accidents d) Improved
academic performance
10. Which of the following is a health risk associated with drug
abuse? a) Increased immunity b) Lowered risk of infectious
diseases c) Organ damage d) Reduced mental disorders
11. Which region is known for trafficking substances such as cocaine
and heroin? a) South America b) Middle East c) Europe d) North
12. What impact does drug trafficking have on legitimate
economies? a) Promotion of economic growth b) Economic stability
c) Undermining legitimate economies d) Enhanced job
13. Which organization collaborates internationally to address
drug-related issues? a) World Health Organization (WHO) b)
International Monetary Fund (IMF) c) INTERPOL d) Greenpeace
14. What is one method of discouraging drug abuse? a)
Providing limited access to treatment options b) Implementing
strict laws and penalties c) Encouraging unregulated substance
use d) Minimizing education and awareness programs
15. What are some consequences of drug abuse? a) Improved
social relationships b) Financial stability c) Loss of employment
and legal issues d) Enhanced cognitive functions
16. What is the fundamental unit of society, providing emotional
support, security, and a sense of belonging? a) Community b)
School c) Family d) Workplace
17. Which type of family includes grandparents, aunts, uncles,
and cousins? a) Nuclear family b) Blended family c) Extended
family d) Single-parent family
18. What role do extended family members play in child
development? a) Provide financial stability b) Offer emotional
support and guidance c) Teach academic subjects d) Supervise
extracurricular activities
19. How do extended family members contribute to cultural
preservation? a) By discouraging cultural practices b) By
promoting assimilation c) By transmitting cultural values and
traditions d) By avoiding family gatherings
20. What is one advantage of living together with extended
family members? a) Decreased cultural understanding b) Limited
support system c) Increased financial burden d) Strong support
21. Which family type comprises parents and children only? a)
Blended family b) Nuclear family c) Extended family d) Single-
parent family
22. What is a common role of extended family members in
childcare? a) Financial management b) Emotional support c)
Cooking meals d) Tutoring
23. How do extended family gatherings benefit children? a)
They promote social isolation b) They provide opportunities for
socialization with relatives of different ages c) They discourage
communication skills d) They hinder empathy development
24. Which type of family formation involves remarriage with
stepchildren? a) Nuclear family b) Blended family c) Extended
family d) Single-parent family
25. What is one way extended family members contribute to
children's education? a) By discouraging academic achievement b)
By offering financial assistance c) By minimizing educational
support d) By avoiding involvement in educational matters
26. How do extended family members aid in conflict resolution
within the family? a) By escalating conflicts b) By avoiding
conflicts altogether c) By mediating conflicts and providing
solutions d) By encouraging confrontations
27. What is one advantage of shared responsibilities within an
extended family household? a) Increased individual burden b)
Decreased sense of teamwork c) Distributed responsibilities
among members d) Lack of accountability
28. What role do extended family members serve in
intergenerational bonding? a) They hinder mutual understanding
b) They promote age-based discrimination c) They facilitate
mutual understanding, respect, and appreciation d) They
discourage communication between generations
29. How do extended family members contribute to the safety
net within the family? a) By ignoring family crises b) By
exacerbating challenges c) By providing practical assistance and
emotional comfort d) By isolating themselves from family
30. What is the primary purpose of the extended family in child
development? a) To promote social isolation b) To discourage
cultural traditions c) To provide love, support, and guidance d) To
hinder emotional stability
31. What is one way to prevent drug trafficking in society? a)
Encouraging unemployment b) Providing educational opportunities
c) Decreasing legislation d) Limiting international cooperation
32. Which agency is primarily responsible for eliminating the
trafficking of hard drugs in Nigeria? a) Nigeria Immigration
Service b) National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and
Control (NAFDAC) c) Nigeria Customs Service d) National Drug
Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA)
33. What is the main reason for establishing anti-drug agencies
in Nigeria? a) To promote drug trafficking b) To enforce drug-
related crimes c) To encourage drug abuse d) To eradicate drug
34. What does NAFDAC stand for? a) National Authority for
Food and Drug Association and Control b) Nigerian Agency for
Food and Drug Administration and Cooperation c) National Agency
for Food and Drug Administration and Control d) Nigerian
Association for Food and Drug Coordination
35. Which organization is a global leader in the fight against
illicit drugs and international crime? a) National Drug Law
Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) b) Nigerian National Anti-Doping
Committee c) United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
(UNODC) d) National Agency for Food and Drug Administration
and Control (NAFDAC)
36. When was NDLEA established in Nigeria? a) 1990 b) 1989 c)
1996 d) 1999
37. Which agency is responsible for safeguarding the public
health by ensuring the right quality of food, drugs, and other
regulated products? a) Nigeria Customs Service b) Nigeria
Immigration Service c) National Drug Law Enforcement Agency
(NDLEA) d) National Agency for Food and Drug Administration
and Control (NAFDAC)
38. What is one way to alleviate poverty and prevent drug
trafficking? a) Providing educational opportunities b) Encouraging
unemployment c) Creating stricter legislation d) Limiting
international cooperation
39. How can the National Orientation Agency (NOA) contribute
to tackling drug abuse and trafficking? a) Through public
enlightenment b) Through threats and violence c) Through
promoting drug abuse d) Through mob action
40. Which of the following is NOT an antidrug agency in
Nigeria? a) Nigeria Immigration Service b) National Drug Law
Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) c) Nigeria Police Force d) Nigerian
National Anti-Doping Committee
41. Which of the following is NOT a component of Social
Studies content? a) Skills b) Values c) Attitude d) Curriculum
42. What does the cognitive domain of Social Studies involve?
a) Emotional expression b) Physical activities c) Mental processes
and understanding d) Voluntary muscle actions
43. What is the definition of Social Studies? a) Study of
chemical reactions b) Study of man's physical environment c)
Study of man's life in his physical and social environment d)
Study of plants and animals
44. Which of the following is NOT an environment of man
according to Social Studies? a) Trees and land b) Physical and
social c) Social and surroundings d) Plants and animals
45. Which subject is NOT related to Social Studies? a) History
b) Geography c) Biology d) Sociology
46. What term is used to describe the things around man in
Social Studies? a) Social environment b) Physical environment c)
Home d) Environment
47. What are the people and social practices around man
referred to as in Social Studies? a) Social status b) Physical
environment c) Social practices d) Social environment
48. Which method of teaching Social Studies allows students to
contribute actively to learning? a) Observation method b)
Discussion method c) Direct instruction method d) Project
49. Which domain of Social Studies involves emotional
expression? a) Cognitive domain b) Affective domain c)
Psychomotor domain d) Curricular domain
50. Which method of teaching Social Studies involves the
instructor giving instructions while students listen attentively? a)
Excursion method b) Research method c) Direct instruction
method d) Participatory method
51. What is the primary role of extended family members in
child development? a) Providing entertainment b) Sharing
folklores c) Teaching advanced mathematics d) Organizing sports
52. Which type of family consists of the nuclear family and
additional relatives like uncles, aunts, and grandparents? a)
Nuclear family b) Communal family c) Extended family d) Blended
53. What is one advantage of extended family members living
together in the same household? a) Increased privacy b) Reduced
socialization c) Enhanced emotional support d) Decreased
54. What is a common characteristic of extended families? a)
Dependency on neighbors b) Varied family structures c)
Dispersed geographical locations d) Limited emotional bonding
55. How do extended family members contribute to the
education of children? a) Providing financial support for private
tutors b) Offering formal and informal education c) Encouraging
children to skip school d) Restricting access to educational
56. Which role is NOT typically associated with mothers in the
family? a) Providing moral guidance b) Cooking for the family c)
Supervising children's homework d) Handling automotive repairs
57. In the family, who is responsible for supplying the basic
necessities of life such as food and shelter? a) Father b) Mother
c) Children d) Grandparents
58. What is the primary function of children in the family? a)
Paying bills b) Running errands c) Managing finances d) Making
important decisions
59. Which factor is NOT influenced by the success of the
family system? a) Economic prosperity b) Political stability c)
Moral upbringing d) Environmental sustainability
60. What is the significance of the family in society? a) It
serves as the largest unit of government b) It is the primary unit
for healthcare delivery c) It is the smallest unit and foundation
of society d) It is solely responsible for industrial production
61. What is group behaviour? a) Interaction of individuals in a
community b) Individual actions in isolation c) Collective action of
people with similar goals d) Random behavior of unrelated
62. Which of the following is NOT a type of group behaviour? a)
Mass action b) Communal labour c) Project group d) Individual
63. What is a characteristic of constructive group behaviour? a)
Secret operations b) Violent demonstrations c) Promotion of unity
and development d) Goal negation
64. What is the primary difference between constructive and
destructive group behaviour? a) The size of the group involved b)
The legality of the actions performed c) The impact on societal
norms and values d) The level of secrecy maintained
65. Which type of group behaviour involves making public
expressions of disapproval? a) Communal labour b) Mass action c)
Participating in a fight d) Acting patriotically
66. What benefit does positive group behaviour provide
according to the passage? a) Increased individualism b)
Decreased socialization c) Enhanced commitment d) Limited
67. How does constructive group behaviour contribute to
society? a) By promoting disunity and enmity b) By encouraging
secret operations c) By fostering harmony and peace d) By
creating division and rivalry
68. Which type of group behaviour involves members
cooperating to perform tasks for the benefit of their
community? a) Protest march b) Acting patriotically c)
Participating in a fight d) Communal labour
69. What is a characteristic of destructive group behaviour? a)
Promotion of social harmony b) Division of labor c) Violation of
societal norms d) Cooperation and teamwork
70. What is the primary purpose of mass action? a) To promote
unity and development b) To express disapproval through violent
means c) To engage in communal service d) To foster patriotism
and love for the nation
71. Hard drugs are: A. Illicit drugs B. Licit drugs C. Medical
drugs D. Over-the-counter drugs
72. Substances or drugs which do NOT cause addiction are
called: A. Stimulants B. Hard drugs C. Soft drugs D. Depressants
73. Intake of drug through the mouth is called: A. Ingestion B.
Digestion C. Inhalation D. Injection
74. Government-controlled substances do NOT include: A.
Medical drugs B. OTC drugs C. Stimulants D. Depressants
75. The method of drug abuse that is peculiar with cults is: A.
Injection B. Ingestion C. Inhalation D. Scarification
76. Chronic acidity is what makes one of these a harmful
substance: A. Stale food B. Rotten food C. Smoke D. Unripe fruit
77. When buying a new product, the following should be noted
except: A. Manufacturing date B. Instructions on usage C. Taste
D. Expiry date
78. All but one of the following is not a quality of pure water: A.
Tasteless B. Sweet C. Colourless D. Odourless
79. Food that is infested by insects is called: A. Fresh food B.
Rotten food C. Stale food D. Infected food
80. Which of these contains carcinogenic substances? A. Stale
food B. Smoked food C. Rotten food D. Unripe fruit
81. Acute sleeplessness is known as: A. Restlessness B.
Sleepiness C. Insomnia D. Dosing
82. Which of the following is a consequence of drug abuse on
the abuser’s social well-being? A. Cancer B. Diabetes C. Shame
and disgrace D. Hallucination
83. Terrorism is a consequence of substance abuse on the: A.
Community B. Individual C. Nation D. International community
84. Poor perception or mood altering is a direct effect of: A.
Vitamin C B. Paracetamol C. Marijuana D. Robb
85. The primary victim of drug abuse is: A. Individual B.
Community C. Nation D. International community


1. What is drug abuse, and what are some examples of substances

commonly associated with it?

2. What are the physical, psychological, and social consequences of

drug abuse?
3. How can education and awareness programs contribute to
discouraging drug abuse?
4. Discuss the role of support networks in aiding individuals
struggling with addiction.
5. What legal measures can be implemented to deter drug abuse?
6. What are the health risks associated with drug abuse, including
both short-term and long-term effects?
7. Identify some regions globally known for significant drug
trafficking activity, and discuss the consequences of drug
trafficking on both a local and global scale.
8. What defines an extended family, and how does it differ from a
nuclear family?
9. How do extended family members contribute to emotional
support and stability for children?
10. Explain the role of extended family members in transmitting
cultural values and traditions to children.
11. In what ways do extended family members serve as role models
for children, and how does this influence their development?
12. Discuss the significance of extended family members in
providing childcare and supervision, especially in various cultural
13. How do extended family gatherings contribute to children's
socialization and development of social skills?
14. Describe the advantages of living together with extended
family members for both children and adults, considering aspects
like support systems, shared responsibilities, and financial

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