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1. Which of the following is NOT a commonly used spreadsheet application?

A) Microsoft Word
B) Microsoft Excel
C) Google Sheets
D) Apple Numbers

2. In a spreadsheet application, what is a cell?

A) The entire document
B) The intersection of a row and column
C) The formula bar
D) A function

3. What is the purpose of a spreadsheet application?

A) To create presentations
B) To write documents
C) To analyze and manipulate data
D) To send emails

4. Which feature in spreadsheet applications allows you to organize data vertically?

A) Rows
B) Columns
C) Cells
D) Formulas

5. Which symbol precedes a formula in most spreadsheet applications?

A) %
B) =
C) +
D) $

6. What does a spreadsheet cell reference typically consist of?

A) Row letter followed by column number
B) Column letter followed by row number
C) A random combination of letters and numbers
D) Row number followed by column letter

7. What does the function SUM() do in a spreadsheet application?

A) Finds the average of a range of cells
B) Multiplies the values in a range of cells
C) Adds the values in a range of cells
D) Divides the values in a range of cells

8. Which function is used to find the highest value in a range of cells?

A) MAX()
B) MIN()
C) AVG()
D) SUM()

9. What is the purpose of formatting cells in a spreadsheet application?

A) To make them invisible
B) To make them easier to read and understand
C) To delete the contents of the cells
D) To move them to a different location
10. Which feature allows you to freeze rows or columns in a spreadsheet application?
A) Freeze Panes
B) Hide Rows
C) Sort
D) Filter

11. Which of the following is NOT a type of chart that can be created in a spreadsheet
A) Pie chart
B) Line graph
C) Bar chart
D) Flowchart

12. What does the function AVERAGE() do in a spreadsheet application?

A) Adds the values in a range of cells
B) Finds the median value in a range of cells
C) Finds the mode value in a range of cells
D) Finds the average value in a range of cells

13. Which function is used to combine text from different cells into one cell?

14. What does the function IF() do in a spreadsheet application?

A) Adds two numbers together
B) Subtracts one number from another
C) Checks if a condition is true and returns one value if true, and another if false
D) Multiplies two numbers together

15. Which feature allows you to automatically adjust the width of columns to fit the contents
in a spreadsheet application?
A) Autofill
B) Autoformat
C) Autowidth
D) Autocolumn

16. Which of the following is NOT a valid data type in a spreadsheet application?
A) Text
B) Number
C) Date
D) Sound

17. What does the function VLOOKUP() do in a spreadsheet application?

A) Searches for a value in the first column of a range and returns a value in the same row
from a specified column
B) Searches for a value in the last column of a range and returns a value in the same row
from a specified column
C) Searches for a value in a specified column of a range and returns a value in the same
row from the first column
D) Searches for a value in a specified column of a range and returns a value in the same
row from a specified column

18. Which function is used to count the number of cells that contain numbers within a range?
B) SUM()
D) MAX()

19. Which feature in spreadsheet applications allows you to copy the contents of a cell or
range of cells to another location?
A) Cut
B) Paste
C) Delete
D) Format

20. What does the function TODAY() do in a spreadsheet application?

A) Returns the current date
B) Returns the current time
C) Returns the current date and time
D) Returns the current day of the week

21. Which keyboard shortcut is commonly used to save a spreadsheet in most applications?
A) Ctrl + C
B) Ctrl + S
C) Ctrl + V
D) Ctrl + X

22. What does the function COUNTIF() do in a spreadsheet application?

A) Counts the number of cells that meet a specific condition
B) Adds the values in a range of cells
C) Finds the average value in a range of cells
D) Multiplies the values in a range of cells

23. Which function is used to find the smallest value in a range of cells?
A) MAX()
B) MIN()
C) AVG()
D) SUM()

24. Which feature allows you to apply a consistent look and feel to a spreadsheet application?
A) Templates
B) Themes
C) Styles
D) Formatting

25. Which function is used to round a number to a specified number of decimal places in a
spreadsheet application?

26. What does the function CONCATENATE() do in a spreadsheet application?

A) Splits text into separate cells
B) Merges text from different cells into one cell
C) Converts text to uppercase
D) Converts text to lowercase

27. Which of the following is NOT a valid method to enter data into a spreadsheet application?
A) Typing directly into cells
B) Copying and pasting from another application
C) Importing from a file
D) Drawing with a digital pen
28. Which feature allows you to create a series of data in a spreadsheet application, such as
days of the week or months of the year?
A) Autofill
B) Autocorrect
C) Autoformat
D) Autocomplete

29. Which function is used to calculate the number of days between two dates in a
spreadsheet application?

30. What does the function LEFT() do in a spreadsheet application?

A) Returns the leftmost characters from a text string
B) Returns the rightmost characters from a text string
C) Converts text to lowercase
D) Converts text to uppercase

31. Which feature allows you to sort data in a specific order in a spreadsheet application?
A) Filter

B) Freeze Panes
C) Sort
D) Autofill

32. What does the function SUBSTITUTE() do in a spreadsheet application?

A) Finds and replaces specified text in a text string
B) Deletes specified text from a text string
C) Splits text into separate cells
D) Merges text from different cells into one cell

33. Which of the following is NOT a valid option for cell alignment in a spreadsheet
A) Left
B) Right
C) Top
D) Center

34. Which function is used to calculate the future value of an investment in a spreadsheet
A) PV()
B) FV()
C) NPV()
D) IRR()

35. What does the function PROPER() do in a spreadsheet application?

A) Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places
B) Converts text to lowercase
C) Converts text to uppercase
D) Capitalizes the first letter of each word in a text string

36. Which feature allows you to protect certain cells or ranges of cells from being edited in a
spreadsheet application?
A) Lock
B) Hide
C) Freeze
D) Protect

37. What does the function RAND() do in a spreadsheet application?

A) Returns a random number between 0 and 1
B) Returns a random date
C) Returns a random text string
D) Returns a random cell reference

38. Which keyboard shortcut is commonly used to undo the last action in most spreadsheet
A) Ctrl + Z
B) Ctrl + Y
C) Ctrl + X
D) Ctrl + C

39. What does the function TEXT() do in a spreadsheet application?

A) Converts a value to text in a specified format
B) Converts text to lowercase
C) Converts text to uppercase
D) Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places

40. Which function is used to calculate the interest payment for a given period of an
investment in a spreadsheet application?
A) PMT()
D) FV()

41. Which feature allows you to create a visual representation of data in a spreadsheet
A) Formulas
B) Charts
C) Functions
D) Sort

42. What does the function MID() do in a spreadsheet application?

A) Returns the middle characters from a text string
B) Returns the leftmost characters from a text string
C) Returns the rightmost characters from a text string
D) Converts text to uppercase

43. Which function is used to calculate the number of characters in a text string in a
spreadsheet application?
B) MID()

44. Which of the following is NOT a valid type of reference in a spreadsheet application?
A) Absolute
B) Relative
C) Mixed
D) Circular

45. What does the function INDEX() do in a spreadsheet application?

A) Returns the value of a cell in a specified row and column of a range
B) Returns the address of a cell in a specified row and column of a range
C) Returns the row number of a cell in a specified range
D) Returns the column number of a cell in a specified range

46. Which feature allows you to apply mathematical operations to a range of cells in a
spreadsheet application?
A) Autofill
B) Autocorrect
C) Autoformat
D) Autocalculate

47. What does the function NETWORKDAYS() do in a spreadsheet application?

A) Returns the number of working days between two dates
B) Returns the number of weekends between two dates
C) Returns the number of holidays between two dates
D) Returns the number of total days between two dates

48. Which function is used to calculate the monthly payment for a loan in a spreadsheet
A) PMT()
D) FV()

49. What does the function LOWER() do in a spreadsheet application?

A) Converts text to lowercase
B) Converts text to uppercase
C) Capitalizes the first letter of each word in a text string
D) Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places

50. Which feature allows you to link data between different sheets or workbooks in a
spreadsheet application?
A) Hyperlinks
B) Formulas
C) References
D) Merge Cells

51. What does the function LEN() do in a spreadsheet application?

A) Returns the length of a text string
B) Returns the number of words in a text string
C) Returns the number of characters in a text string
D) Returns the number of lines in a text string

52. Which function is used to calculate the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows in
a spreadsheet application?
A) PV()
B) FV()
C) NPV()
D) IRR()

53. What does the function UPPER() do in a spreadsheet application?

A) Converts text to uppercase
B) Converts text to lowercase
C) Capitalizes the first letter of each word in a text string
D) Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places

54. Which feature allows you to apply predefined formatting to cells in a spreadsheet
A) Styles
B) Themes
C) Templates
D) Autoformat

55. What does the function ROUNDUP() do in a spreadsheet application?

A) Rounds a number up to the nearest integer
B) Rounds a number down to the nearest integer
C) Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places
D) Rounds a number to the nearest even integer

56. Which function is used to calculate the present value of an investment in a spreadsheet
A) PV()
B) FV()
C) NPV()
D) IRR()

57. What does the function TRIM() do in a spreadsheet application?

A) Removes extra spaces from a text string
B) Converts text to lowercase
C) Converts text to uppercase
D) Capitalizes the first letter of each word in a text string

58. Which feature allows you to create dropdown lists in cells in a spreadsheet application?
A) Validation
B) Autofill
C) Autocomplete
D) Autoformat

59. What does the function DATEDIF() do in a spreadsheet application?

A) Returns the difference between two dates in years
B) Returns the difference between two dates in months
C) Returns the difference between two dates in days
D) Returns the difference between two dates in hours

60. Which function is used to calculate the compound interest on an investment in a

spreadsheet application?
A) PV()
B) FV()
C) NPV()
D) IRR()


1. A) Microsoft Word
2. B) The intersection of a row and column
3. C) To analyze and manipulate data
4. A) Rows
5. B) =
6. B) Column letter followed by row number
7. C) Adds the values in a range of cells
8. A) MAX()
9. B) To make them easier to read and understand
10. A) Freeze Panes
11. D) Flowchart
12. D) Finds the average value in a range of cells
14. C) Checks if a condition is true and returns one value if true, and another if false
15. D) Autocolumn
16. D) Sound
17. A) Searches for a value in the first column of a range and returns a value in the same row from a
specified column
18. A) COUNT()
19. B) Paste
20. A) Returns the current date
21. B) Ctrl + S
22. A) Counts the number of cells that meet a specific condition
23. B) MIN()
24. B) Themes
25. A) ROUND()
26. B) Merges text from different cells into one cell
27. D) Drawing with a digital pen
28. A) Autofill
29. D) DATEDIF()
30. A) Returns the leftmost characters from a text string
31. C) Sort
32. A) Finds and replaces specified text in a text string
33. D) Center
34. B) FV()
35. D) Capitalizes the first letter of each word in a text string
36. D) Protect
37. A) Returns a random number between 0 and 1
38. A) Ctrl + Z
39. A) Converts a value to text in a specified format
40. B) IPMT()
41. B) Charts
42. A) Returns the middle characters from a text string
43. A) LENGTH()
44. D) Circular
45. A) Returns the value of a cell in a specified row and column of a range
46. D) Autocalculate
47. A) Returns the number of working days between two dates
48. A) PMT()
49. A) Converts text to lowercase
50. B) Formulas
51. C) Returns the number of characters in a text string
52. D) IRR()
53. A) Converts text to uppercase
54. D) Autoformat
55. A) Rounds a number up to the nearest integer
56. A) PV()
57. A) Removes extra spaces from a text string
58. A) Validation
59. A) Returns the difference between two dates in years
60. B) FV()

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