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1 NEPHI 10, 11:1-6

“That I Might See, Hear, and Know”

Read 1 Nephi 10:17–19 and 15:1–3, 8–9, comparing how Nephi, Laman,
and Lemuel responded to their father’s words. You may want to mark
Imagine that during a worldwide devotional for youth, the prophet words and phrases that stand out to you.
extended several invitations for youth to act in faith.
 What differences did you see between how Nephi and his
 What are some of the different reactions youth might have? brothers responded to the same message?
 Some youth might respond with enthusiasm, feeling  Nephi responded to his father's words with faith and a
inspired to act in faith and embrace the invitations desire to seek understanding. In 1 Nephi 10:17–18 and
wholeheartedly. They may see it as an opportunity for 15:8–9, Nephi expresses belief in God's revelations and
personal growth and spiritual development, acknowledges the importance of diligently seeking
potentially leading to a deeper sense of purpose and Him. On the other hand, Laman and Lemuel exhibited
fulfillment in their lives. skepticism and murmuring, as seen in their responses
to the same message.
 Why do you think these different responses would occur?
 Others might feel hesitant or uncertain, grappling  What did Nephi believe about God? What did Laman and
with Lemuel believe? (See 1 Nephi 10:17–18; 15:9.)
doubts or fears about stepping outside their comfort  Nephi believed in God's power to reveal truth through
zones. the Holy Ghost, emphasizing the need for diligent
Their response could be influenced by factors such as seeking (1 Nephi 10:17–18; 15:9). In contrast, Laman
past experiences, self-confidence, or a need for and Lemuel struggled with doubt and a lack of faith,
additional support and guidance. as indicated by their murmuring and unwillingness to
accept their father's teachings.
 How might these reactions influence their lives now or in the
 In the long term, the decisions made in response to  How do you think their different beliefs and reactions will
these invitations could shape the trajectory of their influence them?
lives, influencing their character, relationships, and  These different beliefs and reactions are likely to
overall well-being. The willingness to act in faith influence their future choices and outcomes. Nephi's
faith and willingness to seek God may lead him to
further spiritual insights and blessings. In contrast,
Laman and Lemuel's skepticism and murmuring
may lead to meaningful experiences and a deeper could hinder their ability to receive divine guidance
connection to their beliefs, while hesitation might and blessings, impacting their spiritual progression
result in and overall well-being
missed chances for personal and spiritual development
1 NEPHI 10, 11:1-6
“That I Might See, Hear, and Know”
One of the truths Nephi understood is that God reveals truth to us  Applying the lesson on diligently seeking truth, I
through the Holy Ghost when we diligently seek Him. recognize the importance of earnestly seeking
guidance through prayer, scripture study, and
 What are some things Nephi had already experienced that personal revelation. Just as Nephi diligently sought
helped him come to this knowledge about God? God's will, I aim to cultivate a proactive and sincere
 Nephi's understanding of God revealing truth through approach to gaining knowledge and understanding in
the Holy Ghost likely stemmed from his previous my own spiritual journey.
experiences, such as obtaining the brass plates,
receiving guidance in the wilderness, and witnessing
God's power. These firsthand
encounters with divine intervention contributed to
Nephi's knowledge and solidified his trust in God's
ability to communicate with those who diligently seek

 What have you learned about Heavenly Father and Jesus

Christ that inspires you to draw closer to Them?
Record what you have learned from this lesson in at least three  Through this lesson, I've gained insights into Heavenly
sentences in your study journal. You might choose to answer one or Father and Jesus Christ, understanding that diligently
more of the following questions as part of your reflection: seeking truth opens channels of communication with
Them. The example of Nephi reinforces the idea that
 What have you learned about why your responses to inspired drawing closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ
teachings matter? requires a genuine and persistent effort to align our
 Reflecting on this lesson, I've learned that our lives with divine teachings, fostering a stronger
responses to inspired teachings matter because they connection with our Heavenly Parents.
shape our beliefs, influence our actions, and impact
our spiritual growth.
Just as Nephi's faithful response led to blessings, our
receptiveness to inspired teachings can guide us
towards a deeper understanding of divine truths.

 How might you apply what you have learned about diligently
seeking truth?

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