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Vietnam Journal of Catalysis and Adsorption, 10 – issue 3 (2021) xxx-xxx

Vietnam Journal of Catalysis and Adsorption

Tạp chí xúc tác và hấp phụ Việt Nam

Title font Segoe UI Light 13 point, bold

Author names font Segoe UI Light 11 point, Nguyen Van A1, Trinh Van B2, Pham Thu Tra1,*

Affiliation including Department, University or Organization, City, State and Country for all authors
School of Chemical Engineering, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi, VIETNAM


Received: Abstracts should not exceed more than 150 words and should not contain
Accepted: literature references. An abstract may not be necessary for short
Keywords: communications. The symbols, abbreviations, units, and nomenclature used in
3 to 5 keywords; Font Segoe the text should be in conformity with the recommendations of IUPAC. It
UI Light; 10 point should clearly state the purpose of the work, methods used, key findings and
major conclusion drawn from the work (Font Segoe UI Light 10 point).

Introduction Table 1: Tables and figures should be numbered

consecutively in accordance with their appearance in
State the background and mention clearly the the text
objective of the present work, avoiding a detailed Reaction temperature Tetralin conversion (%)
literature survey or a summary of the results (Segoe UI (oC)
Light 10p, single line spacing, before spacing 0pt, after 400 15,1
spacing 6pt).
450 28,5

All materials and methods used should be clearly
mentioned . Give the major conclusion from the present study

Results and discussion Acknowledgments

Results obtained in the study should be subjected to This research is funded by … under grant number …
appropriate statistical methods and presented clearly


1. M. Inoue, H. Kominami, T. Inui, Appl. Catal. A 121 (1995)

2. M.V. Sargent, F.M. Dean, in: A.R. Katrizky, C.W. Rees
Fig 1: Logo of Vietnam Journal of Catalysis and (Eds.), Comprehensive Heterocyclic Chemistry, Pergamon
Adsorption Press, Oxford, 1977, p. 599.

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