15 Facebook Scaling SOPs Imperium

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Facebook Scaling SOPs

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Daily Workflow:
Update your Facebook ads tracking sheet
Look for KPIs that tell you what direction your campaign is going towards. Follow the
trends. Use your tracking sheet.
Analyze the data of your campaigns over the last 5-7 days. Make a conclusion, is your
campaign: decreasing, neutralizing or increasing.
Turn off ad sets that are way out of KPI over a 5-7 day average. Don’t make impulsive
decisions based on 1 - 2 days worth of data.
Distribute budget over ad sets that are left & make sure you are spending enough/ aren’t
going over budget
Go over your troubleshooting SOP to fix ‘’underperforming’’ ads.

Weekly Workflow:
Track overall CPM and make sure you aren’t out of KPI. If you are: refer to the
‘’troubleshooting’’ workflows.
Test/launch new creatives based upon already existing data. Use working audiences,
copy & images to launch new ads. Don’t start from scratch, use already proven/existing
variables to create new campaigns: this can be a working ad with a new audience or a
working audience with new ads, etc
Look at your highest performing ads based on: CPC, CTR, CPM & CPL & launch the
‘’exact’’ same ads but alter/change audiences.
Scale on working ads: add budget, duplicate ad sets, etc.
Check over campaign & account health.
Monthly Workflow:
Start creating LLA & custom audiences from the data that your campaigns have
generated: LLAs from customer lists & website traffic, retargeting campaigns based on
landing page views, etc
Start research & working on new campaigns & methods for longterm campaign health:
new copy, hooks, offers, & funnels.
Reach out to your Facebook support rep on insights of your campaign
Have an in depth analysis of your data & conclude on your overall campaign:
decreasing, stable, increasing. Is it time to launch new creatives & audiences or is it time
to scale what is already working.
Build a plan for what to do for the next 30 days & stick with it!

© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Imperium Labs LTD. All
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Facebook Scaling Tricks:

Update your tracking sheet religiously: this will give you insights on what is
working/not working & will allow you to make better decisions.
Be ruthless with your ad sets: if an ad is out of KPI for 7 days. Kill it & start again.
Don’t be emotional.
Does Facebook like my ads?: a great way to tell if your ads are being ‘’liked’’ by
Facebook is by checking two things:
Ad quality (above average)
Low CPM.
If Facebook doesn’t like your ads you are at risk of losing your accounts, so stay on this
& act accordingly.
Increase budgets: Sometimes your campaigns don’t need new creatives, angles,
hooks, offers, funnels, audiences. All it needs is more budget. So start scaling! Simple
Rule: don’t increase your budget by more than 20% per day. If you are allowed to
increase your budget by 100% spread that out over a week worth of scaling.
Keep looking for winning ads: if you aren’t constantly doing research on ads & offers
that are working in your niche you are being an irresponsible advertiser. Use the ‘’ad
library’’ every single week to collect data on new ads & audiences. Get inspired.
Watch the trend: Campaigns have a habit of following early trends & you want to catch
these at the start. Campaigns don’t go from 0 to 100 and then back to 0 in 3 days,
campaigns follow trends. All you need to do is look at the data & act accordingly.\
Use what's working: you don’t need to start fresh every single time, the best
campaigns are usually 50% of what is already working & 50% new stuff, so mix & match
with your testing/sandbox campaigns.
Make sure your audiences are built for the long term: Broad audiences usually do
the trick & you want to make sure that you aren’t burning through your audience.
New Images: Images play a key part in overall ad performance. If you are using the
same images every single time it will massively increase your overall ad fatigue, simply
because people are ‘’seeing the same ad’’. If you notice a theme with images that are
performing the best, then try and find new images with similar traits.
New audiences: It’s important to freshen up your audiences a lot, otherwise you’’ll
simply be running new ads to the same people. Testing out new audiences is one of the
best ways to increase your campaign performance.
Lookalikes & custom audiences: Custom audiences & LLAs are EXTREMELY
powerful when you have the data to use them. You should always try and play around
with them so you can find ‘’winner’’ audiences. My favorite strategy is by running cold
traffic campaigns & then selecting my top 3-5 ads and reusing them with custom
audiences & LLAs. This is where the best campaigns (in my experience) come from.

© Imperium Agency - All rights reserved. Do not share, copy, reproduce or sell any part of this document unless you have written permission from Imperium Labs LTD. All
infringements will be prosecuted. If you are the personal owner of the Imperium Labs LTD End User License then you may use it for your own use but not for any other

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