Quatre VS Heero

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Quatre VS Heero

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Quatre VS Heero

Quatre VS Heero (カトル VS ヒイロ, Katoru VS Hiiro)

Episode Data
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: #25
September 22, 1995
April 7, 2000
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The Gundam They Called Zero The Eternal Flame of the Shooting Stars
Quatre vs. Heero is the twenty-fifth episode of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. It first
aired in Japan on September 22, 1995 and North America on April 7, 2000.


Mercurius and Wing Zero battle.

The Mercurius flies towards Wing Zero and attacks. It fires at it, but Zero blocks
and counterattacks with its machine guns. The Mercurius's shields block it though,
and it attacks Wing Zero, knocking the beam saber out of its hands. Quatre wonders
why they are fighting and claims that the colonies are their enemies now. Heero
attacks him again, but Wing Zero dodges. Quatre tells Heero to leave, but Heero
refuses; he says he's going to defend the colony.

Duo and Wufei wait in their cell.

Quatre fires, trapping the Mercurius in the colony. Meanwhile, on Barge the troops
tell Lady Une that the 2 Gundams and the Mobile suits they were with have vanished.
The colony remains though, so the battle must still be going on. They have also
obtained pictures of Wing Zero, but are unable to send them to the Lunar Base;
connection has been cut off. On the Lunar Base Tubarov refuses to restore
communication, he says that the Mobile Dolls nearing completion will be OZ's new

The Vayaete is destroyed.

The engineers weaken further in the cell and regret that they couldn't get revenge
on OZ. Duo weakens too, but continues to look at projections of his upgraded
Gundam. Wufei has put himself in some kind of suspended animation. Back in space
the Mercurius attempts to crawl out of the colony, but Quatre fires at it. Trowa
blocks the attack in the Vayeate though, severely damaging the mobile suit even
further. Heero takes the opportunity to attack Zero with Vayeate's gun, knocking
its beam cannon away. The Vayeate flies off in space, while Quatre watches.
Treize resigns as head of OZ.

Heero catches Quatre off guard and they crash into the colony. Trowa tells Quatre
that their mission has now ended since the colonies have teamed up with OZ. He says
farewell and the Vayeate explodes. Quatre tries to save him, but Heero blocks him
from leaving. He attacks Wing Zero, but over heats the sword causing it to blow up;
the explosion knocks Heero out. Meanwhile, Trowa floats in the depths of space.

The new Virgo mobile dolls are revealed.

At a Romafeller Meeting Duke Dermail announces the mass production of Mobile Dolls.
They will be placed in each country on earth in order to bring order to the planet.
Treize shows up though, and says that he cannot support the Romafeller Foundation
with the path it's taking. This is because the Mobile Dolls are souless weapons
that ignore the importance of human life. We are shown various flashbacks from
previous episodes. Treize resigns as the head of OZ and Dermail confines him to the
Romafeller Headquarters.

Lady Une is shot.

In space, Barge gets in range of the Lunar Base. Suddenly Taurus Mobile Dolls start
coming from the Lunar Base to attack Barge. Tubarov makes contact with Barge, he
tells Lady Une that the production of the Mobile Dolls is finished. Une heads out
in a Leo with fellow soldiers in order to attack the Lunar Base. The Tauruses
attack though, and destroy many Leos. Lady Une makes it to the Lunar Base with 9
other Leos. She orders them to take over the Mobile Doll Production Line, and heads
to free the Gundam Pilots.

The new Gundams escape.

Suddenly, the newly produced Mobile Dolls, the Virgos, arrive and destroy the
remaining Leos. Just as the oxygen supplies are about to run out, Lady Une opens
the doors to the prisons, but Tubarov shows up and shoots her through the chest.
Her body falls to the ground. The Lunar Base sends out Virgos to dispatch the
remaining soldiers, but Duo and Wufei arrive in their upgraded Gundams, Deathscythe
Hell and Altron. They easily destroy the Virgo Mobile Dolls. In the colony Quatre
gets out of his Gundam and gives the unconscious Heero some water. On the Lunar
Base, the camera pans in on Lady Une.

Important Events
Mecha Introduced: Deathscythe Hell, Altron, Virgo
Script: Masashi Ikeda
Unit Director: Tetsuya Watanabe
Animation Director: Shinichi Sakuma, Hitoshi Waraya

Gundam Wing Episodes

The Shooting Star She Saw | The Gundam Deathscythe | Five Gundams Confirmed | The
Victoria Nightmare | Relena's Secret | Party Night | Scenario for Bloodshed | The
Treize Assassination | Portrait of a Ruined Country | Heero, Distracted by Defeat |
The Whereabouts of Happiness | Bewildered Warriors | Catherine's Tears | The Order
to Destroy 01 | To the Battleground Antarctica | The Sorrowful Battle | Betrayed by
Home, Far Away | Tallgeese Destroyed | Assault on Barge | The Lunar Base
Infiltration | Grief Stricken Quatre | The Fight for Independence | Duo, the God of
Death Once Again | The Gundam They Called Zero | Quatre VS Heero | The Eternal
Flame of the Shooting Stars | The Locus of Victory and Defeat | Passing Destinies |
The Heroine of the Battlefield | The Reunion with Relena | The Glass Kingdom | The
God of Death Meets Zero | The Lonely Battlefield | And Its Name is Epyon | The
Return of Wufei | Sanc Kingdom's Collapse | Zero VS Epyon | The Birth of Queen
Relena | Trowa's Return to the Battlefield | A New Leader | Crossfire at Barge |
Battleship Libra | Target:Earth | Go Forth, Gundam Team | Signs of the Final Battle
| Milliardo's Decision | Collision in Space | Takeoff into Confusion | The Final
After Colony / Mars Century
Anime Gundam Wing | Endless Waltz | Comprehensive Episode Listing
Events Operation Meteor | Operation Nova | Eve Wars | Operation Mythos
Topics Characters | Locations | Mobile Suits | Nations and Factions |
Technology | Warships and Spacecraft
Books Gundam Wing Manga | Gundam Wing Novel | Endless Waltz Manga | Endless Waltz
Novel | A Scythe In My Right Hand, You In My Left | Battlefield of Pacifists |
Blind Target | Episode Zero | Frozen Teardrop | G-Unit (The Last Outpost) | Ground
Zero | Perfect Album Bom-Bom Comic | Technical Guide | Glory of the Losers | Tiel's
Media Gundam Wing: Complete Remastered Edition
Timelines Advanced Generation | After Colony | After War | Anno Domini | Build
Fighters | Correct Century | Cosmic Era | Future Century | Mars Century | Post
Disaster | Regild Century | SD Gundam | Universal Century

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