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Artificial Intelligence Tools in Media and Journalism: Roles and Concerns

Conference Paper · June 2023

DOI: 10.1109/MCNA59361.2023.10185738


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4 authors, including:

Rania A. Abdallah Sawsan Taha

Al Ain University Al Ain University


Muhammad Noor Al Adwan

Al Ain University


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Artificial Intelligence Tools in Media and
Journalism: Roles and Concerns
Rahima Aissani Rania Abdel-Qader Abdallah Sawsan Taha
Mass Communication Department Mass Communication Department Mass Communication Department
Al Ain University Al Ain University Al Ain University
Abu Dhabi-United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi-United Arab Emirates Abu Dhabi-United Arab Emirates

Muhammad Noor Al Adwan

Mass Communication Department
Al Ain University
Abu Dhabi-United Arab Emirates

Abstract – This paper investigates the utilization of artificial normal language processing, machine learning. These
intelligence (AI) tools in media and journalism industry, cutting-edge technologies aid journalistic professionals in
specifically examining their roles in writing, editing, conducting research, crafting narratives, identifying
production, and distribution of diverse media content. The dependable sources, and uncovering information.
paper addresses concerns raised by media academics and
professionals about the increasing adoption of these tools.
Furthermore, AI-based utilities also facilitate the
Employing a descriptive-analytical approach, the paper assessment of news dissemination and timing. It is worth
confirms that media and journalism organizations are mentioning, however, that although certain AI
actively using a variety of AI tools in their work instruments possess the ability to autonomously generate
environment. Additionally, the paper sheds light on various content—thereby conserving significant time and
concerns identified by scholars and professionals, which resources dedicated to research and composition—they
include the creation of deepfake news and information, news nevertheless necessitate scrutiny, analysis, and validation
bias, job displacement, insufficient transparency, and ethical by journalistic professionals, editors, and publishers. [3]
Yet, the use of artificial intelligence technologies
Keywords - Artificial intelligence, media and journalism,
raises multiple issues regarding their acceptance by
information technology, challenges, and concerns.
individuals and institutions, as well as concerns about
privacy and the employment of personal data within the
I. INTRODUCTION large datasets on which artificial intelligence relies. There
are also concerns about the possibility of bias and
Experts argue that embracing AI is not a matter of inaccuracy in providing and using information and data
choice, but rather a matter of determining the appropriate correctly [4]. Additionally, academics and professionals
timeline and strategy for implementation, since AI in the fields of journalism and digital media fear the
represents a cognitively and economically efficient erosion of editorial control in the media, leading to biases
component that is growing in significance for businesses. at different levels of production (inputs, productivity,
Considering the accelerated expansion of AI compared to outputs), and deep fakes.
other technologies like computers and the internet, as well
as the transformative influence of AI tools, companies The rapid integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI)
cannot afford to adopt a passive stance or delay their tools into the field of journalism and media has brought
engagement with AI to mitigate risk. [1] significant changes to content generation and distribution
processes. While these changes have streamlined
As media technology continues to advance, it has operations and increased efficiency, they also present new
become progressively evident that the incorporation of challenges and concerns. These include the potential
artificial intelligence into various domains is not a erosion of editorial control, increased biases in news
futuristic concept, but rather a tangible reality. The production, issues of privacy and accuracy, and the ethical
integration of artificial intelligence with writing, editing, use of personal data. Moreover, the acceptance of AI
production, and directing tools is fundamentally technologies by individuals and institutions within the
transforming the approaches by which information, news, media sector is still an area of uncertainty. Despite the
and diverse content are created and conveyed to criticality of these issues, there is a lack of comprehensive
audiences. These AI-driven tools excel at generating understanding of the roles, functionalities, and capacities
content that is not only accurate and prompt, but also of AI-driven tools within journalism and media, as well as
captivating and compelling, consequently enhancing a limited exploration of the potential implications and
efficiency and productivity throughout the preparation, apprehensions articulated by scholars and practitioners.
production, direction, and publication of media and
journalistic materials. [2] This paper aims to fill this knowledge gap and provide
an in-depth examination of the use of AI in journalism and
AI-powered tools empower journalists, editors, and media, its challenges, and its potential implications. The
correspondents to enhance their productivity and efficacy, authors believe that the novelty of this paper lies in its
streamlining the writing and content generation processes comprehensive, multidimensional examination of
while harnessing the capacities of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence's (AI) role within the media and
journalism industry. The paper does not limit itself to a interviews carried out in two rounds during 2019 and
single aspect of AI's influence but instead scrutinizes its 2021, with a sample of media professionals, journalists,
impact across various sectors, including writing, editing, technology experts, and academics from Germany, Spain,
production, and content distribution. It strikes a balance the United States, and the United Kingdom. According to
by delving into both the positive and negative implications the study, interviewees viewed AI as having both positive
of AI adoption, discussing the benefits such as increased and negative effects. The study also found that AI creates
efficiency and data analysis capabilities while critically new business opportunities for media enterprises and
analyzing potential concerns like job displacement, bias, enhances job satisfaction for journalists. However, the use
and ethical challenges. This broad yet nuanced approach of AI tools can also increase skepticism and hostility
provides a holistic understanding of AI's complex towards journalists, which requires a change in media
influence on the media industry, which is not often organizations' attitudes. Consequently, this development
encountered in other studies. has resulted in an increase in ethical quandaries. [6]
Furthermore, the paper adopts a future-oriented In the research conducted by Karimi and Borhani
perspective, acknowledging the inevitable growth and (2022), the authors predict that AI will soon attain a
influence of AI, and stresses the importance of leveraging notable level of maturity within the sphere of professional
its advantages while mitigating potential risks. This content creation and direction for the film industry.
foresight, combined with a global perspective informed by Broadcasters are urged to implement the strategies
diverse studies, makes our paper not only novel but also proposed in the article to foster compatibility and optimize
highly relevant to the evolving media and journalism the application of this technology and its ancillary
landscape. products. The paper also delves into the tactical hurdles
and strategic potential of large-scale AI tools, which
The hypothesis of this paper assumes that artificial significantly bolster digital system performance while
intelligence tools provide creative opportunities in the mitigating the expenses associated with necessary
field of journalism and media production, while at the processing resources. The adoption of comprehensive
same time raising several concerns and limitations for models and self-supervision capabilities, which generate
both professionals and academics in this field.
labels by scrutinizing the interconnections among
Accordingly, the paper aims to answer three main disparate data components, is underscored within the
questions: article and endorsed by leading global technology firms
1. What are the artificial intelligence tools used by engaged in AI-driven content production across textual,
journalism and media institutions to produce various auditory, and visual dimensions. [7]
media materials? Yasin (2021) conducted a study to investigate whether
2. What are the roles and functions performed by these the use of artificial intelligence enhances the working
tools in writing, editing, producing, and publishing conditions of journalists, the role of technology in
media content? modernizing and transforming journalism, and how
3. What are the concerns expressed by academics and Pakistani and foreign journalists differ in their use of AI.
professionals in the fields of journalism and media The study employed an exploratory approach, using
regarding the use of artificial intelligence? qualitative research methods and in-depth interviews with
snowball sampling. The study population included four
II. LITERATURE REVIEW Pakistani journalists and four well-known foreign
In their study, Heesen et al. (2023) addressed the point journalists for data collection. The NVIVO methodology
that, as journalism undergoes a metamorphosis due to was used to validate the findings through statistical
digitization, artificial intelligence (AI) emerges as a analysis, and the interviews were grouped into four
critical force driving this transformation and significantly primary themes: Identity, Update, Threat, and Interest,
influencing the everyday editorial operations of numerous with further subcategories of Yes and No. The study's
newsrooms. AI frameworks bolster research endeavors, conclusions revealed that Pakistani journalists' use of AI
streamline news dissemination, and generate automated technology is rudimentary, with some not even using it at
text compositions. With recent advancements surrounding all, while foreign journalists expressed concerns about
extensive language models like ChatGPT, the application major media organizations adopting this technology.
spectrum in this domain is poised for further expansion. Nevertheless, they acknowledged the considerable
The study stated that employing these AI solutions can benefits that AI provides in the field of journalism. Prior
enhance the efficiency of editorial teams and media to this innovation, journalistic tasks were executed
organizations, elevate the caliber of contributions, and manually, consuming considerable time and effort. The
foster reliable media communication. However, such study's outcomes demonstrated that both foreign and
outcomes hinge on the responsible development, training, Pakistani journalists are utilizing AI to enhance the quality
and incorporation of AI technologies into editorial tasks, and effectiveness of their work. [8]
adhering to journalistic quality benchmarks and firmly
Nwanyanwu's study (2021) explored the impact of
established ethical principles. [5] artificial intelligence on newsrooms and how it can be
In contrast, Noain (2022) conducted a study that better adapted to the field of journalism. His research
examined how artificial intelligence affects journalism, findings indicate that AI is currently facilitating
particularly its impact on ethical principles and quality automation within newsrooms, augmenting journalistic
standards. The study was exploratory and involved an capabilities, fostering novel approaches to investigative
analysis of how artificial intelligence is utilized in reporting, aiding in fact-checking and verification
newsrooms, with a focus on its advantages and processes, crafting personalized user experiences, and
disadvantages, as well as its impact on the media and news giving rise to ethical considerations. Nonetheless, the
industry operations. The study involved 15 in-depth study discloses that Nigerian journalists have not yet fully
embraced AI. Several challenges affecting the adoption of Karnouskos's (2020) research aimed to better
AI in Newsrooms in Nigeria include the lack of electricity comprehend the nexus between digital media and artificial
to run AI applications effectively; deficiency of adequate intelligence, along with its ramifications for contemporary
substructure; lack of funding to purchase and maintain society. The study employed various methodologies,
such equipment; and the cost of connecting to the Internet including the examination of diverse documents such as
and training AI processors, among others. Further technical reports, press releases, legislative proposals, and
challenges for journalists in using AI include undermining audio-visual materials available on openly accessible
creativity, possible bias, and lack of oversight, online platforms (e.g., YouTube). To integrate findings,
transparency, fact-checking, and fairness, among others. viewpoints and examples from multiple perspectives, the
However, it is necessary for journalists, specifically in intersectionality approach was utilized. The investigation
development countries like Nigeria, to amend and accept unveiled only a few high-level elements, necessitating a
these changes that are caused about by artificial more in-depth exploration. There exists an intrinsic risk
intelligence. The study reveals that AI does not pose a that society may be unable to promptly discern between
serious risk to professional journalism. In other words, AI authentic and fabricated components, potentially
technologies have added and continue to add value to undermining trust in stakeholders, processes, and the
journalism in the digital age. [9] press, and allowing the "everything is fake" narrative to
predominate. While technical solutions for detecting,
In their research, Fernández et al. (2022) note that verifying, and eliminating such fabrications are essential,
journalism has demonstrated a remarkable capacity for addressing this issue extends beyond mere technical
adapting swiftly to technological innovations, particularly aspects, and encompasses regulatory measures and
in recent years. The integration of algorithms and artificial educational components for users. [12]
intelligence (AI) within this field has burgeoned rapidly
within a relatively short timeframe, rendering it a research
domain that warrants distinct attention despite its nascent
stage. This review article aims to map and scrutinize the III. METHODOLOGY
worldwide scholarly output on this subject, identifying the This paper adopted a descriptive approach that
countries primarily focusing on this issue, the most provides a detailed explanation of all artificial intelligence
studied areas and methodological approaches employed, tools used in the fields of media and journalism, their
the direction and location of its evolution, and the existing roles, functions, and how they are used in the design,
gaps in the research. An examination of 358 texts production, direction, and publication of media and
validates the substantial academic interest over the past journalism materials across various media and
decade, primarily between 2015 and 2020, and highlights communication platforms. The paper also offered a
the United States as the predominant contributor in terms focused analysis of the nature of concerns expressed and
of publications on this topic. Most published works being expressed by academics and professionals in media
consist of research articles primarily utilizing qualitative and communication about the increasing use of these tools
methodologies. Data journalism, robot writing, and news in the field of media content production, and the threats
verification have emerged as the most prominent areas of facing those working in this field, such as job
interest thus far. As anticipated in an evolving discipline, replacement, bias, and ethical and value concerns. In
other aspects such as reassessing the journalist's role, addition, the paper used in-depth scientific observation to
content personalization, and the incorporation of AI into catalog and study all these tools during the study period
journalism education have not been sufficiently delved only.
into, though they will likely garner increased attention.
[10] The study sample: The researchers presented a
diverse sample of AI tools, highlighting the spectrum of
The WTI Study (2020) perceives artificial intelligence possibilities in AI tools used in media and journalism and
as an expanding domain, holding significant potential for autonomous technology advancements. The sample was
media and broadcast news. AI has the capacity to expedite chosen randomly and based on the researchers’
news reporting, minimize search durations, enhance data observation of the current AL tools available until the
quality, curb the proliferation of disinformation, elevate writing of this paper.
consumer engagement, and facilitate the selection of
appropriate and successful projects. As machine learning Validity: The validity of this paper is firmly
and natural language generation technologies advance, the established through its comprehensive and critical
influence of AI on the industry is poised to escalate analysis of the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in the
further. Moreover, AI also contributes to the amelioration media and journalism sectors. By examining both the
of video editing quality and speed. As visual and voice benefits and concerns associated with AI integration, the
search becomes more widespread and accurate. Fact- study provides a balanced perspective, thereby enhancing
checking capabilities will improve and will be an its internal validity. It comprehensively covers various
invaluable tool for restoring consumer confidence in the dimensions of AI's influence, including writing, editing,
news. AI-generated content will become more complex production, and content distribution, which further
and able to create more nuanced and deeper textures. With solidifies its construct validity.
the growth of this technology, AI will provide increasing Reliability: Our paper demonstrates a descriptive-
value to industry and consumers. The study considers analytical approach including a basic systematic approach
applications of artificial intelligence that create unique in its analysis, underpinned by a robust review of literature
opportunities for new media and agencies to improve their and a thorough discussion on the topic. Moreover, the
work efficiency and, in some cases, their effectiveness. sources used in the literature review are credible and
[11] reputable, enhancing the external reliability of the
IV. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TOOLS IN initial release in 2008, serving over one million
MEDIA AND JOURNALISM, THEIR ROLES, investigations globally. Its extensive range of
AND FUNCTIONS: applications, including threat intelligence, fraud
investigations, and more, has attracted a diverse user
Several leading media and journalism organizations base, including safety professionals, criminal
including major Arab news outlets have begun to investigators, exploratory journalists, and market
incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) in their journalistic researchers. [17]
practices. For example, the Associated Press (AP) uses an 3) DocumentCloud: is a platform founded on the belief
AI tool developed by Automated Insights, called that transparency in sourcing can increase public trust
Wordsmith, to automate the generation of news stories on in journalism. The platform serves as a powerful tool
corporate earnings reports. The tool has allowed AP to for journalists to share, analyze, annotate, and
significantly increase the volume of stories it can cover. ultimately publish source documents to the open web.
Reuters also developed an AI tool called Lynx Insight to As a part of the MuckRock Foundation, a 501(c)3
assist its journalists in analyzing data, suggesting article nonprofit organization committed to promoting trust
topics, and even drafting some portions of content. While and transparency, DocumentCloud has a deep-rooted
Bloomberg uses an AI system called Cyborg, which can commitment to public service. The platform was
dissect a company's earnings reports and quickly produce established in 2009 with a grant from the Knight
a news story that covers the main points. The BBC has News Challenge, and it operated as an independent
also been exploring the use of AI in its production and nonprofit organization for two years before becoming
distribution processes. They have used machine learning a project of Investigative Reporters and Editors in
algorithms to better recommend content to viewers. [13] June 2011. In August 2017, DocumentCloud became
On other hand, Al-Jazeera, Sky News Arabi, Al- an independent nonprofit organization once again,
Arabiya have started incorporating AI technologies into before merging with the MuckRock Foundation the
their practices. They have been using AI to enhance their following year. [18]
news production and distribution, including automating 4) The TruthBuzz Program: draws inspiration from the
certain aspects of content creation, and using machine ICFJ Knight Fellowships, aiming to empower
learning for better content recommendation and journalists with effective storytelling methods that
personalization. [14] enhance the impact and reach of fact-checking. The
initiative seeks to "inoculate" audiences against false
A. AI Tools for Investigation: or misleading information by enabling reporters to
Artificial intelligence (AI) systems are increasingly communicate fact-checked information in a
utilized by media professionals to assist in the selection compelling, shareable way. Working in collaboration
and organization of journalistic content. The use of AI with First Draft News, the program offers training in
extends beyond conventional search engine applications, fact-checking and verification to its fellows and their
encompassing targeted search techniques and systematic newsroom partners. The initiative recruit’s full-time
analysis of digital archives or data sources. This fellows to work in newsrooms in four of the world's
technology plays a critical role in investigative data largest democracies, including Brazil, Indonesia,
journalism, allowing for the systematic and precise Nigeria, and the United States. Additionally, it
exploration of complex issues, satellite imagery-based partners with Proto in India to investigate the spread
research, and analysis of movement data. Additionally, AI of misinformation in that country. Originally
systems aid in identifying appropriate content to maintain launched as a global contest to identify innovative
a balance of information and counteract biased or one- approaches for spreading verified facts, the
sided reporting, including the detection of fake news. [15] TruthBuzz initiative aims to combat misinformation
and promote easily understandable fact-checking.
Artificial intelligence tools are increasingly used in The winning entries from 2017, such as caricatures of
investigative journalism to help journalists collect and politicians, time-lapse videos, and a video game app,
analyses data and information promptly and accurately. exemplify the program's commitment to novel
Here are some of the most common artificial intelligence methods for improving the dissemination of accurate
tools used in investigative journalism: information. [19]
1) Dataminr: for News is a cutting-edge platform 5) TinEye: This tool uses artificial intelligence to
designed to assist journalists in their newsgathering analyses images and search for similar images online,
efforts, regardless of their location in the current and it can be used in investigative journalism to
COVID era. The platform leverages over 150,000 identify the sources of images and verify their
public data sources to identify the earliest indications authenticity. [20]
of developing news stories. [16]
2) Maltego: is an inclusive tool that facilitates graphical B. AI Tools for Writing:
link analyses, offering real-time data removal and AI writing tools can produce high-quality, engaging,
information assembly capabilities. The tool displays and persuasive content by analyzing data and identifying
this information on a node-based graph, making it trends. AI tools in this field continually strive to improve
easy to identify patterns and multiple connections their performance by understanding the nuances of
between data points. The platform allows agents language, grammar, knowledge, concepts, contexts,
worldwide to expedite and improve the accuracy of summaries, analysis, and even code breaking to ensure
their investigations by integrating data in a single reader engagement and comprehension. This is especially
interface and using influential visualization and helpful in breaking news stories where journalists need to
collaboration features to identify relevant produce content rapidly and accurately. [21]
information. Maltego has been a reliable tool since its
This is crucial in today's era of misrepresentation and Discord. Despite its potential, drawbacks include its slow
fake news, where accuracy and objectivity are crucial [22] response time, lack of source citation, and struggles with
Despite concerns about the increased use of AI in news information post-2021.
and media reporting, many media outlets are already using 5) Edward Tian: A Princeton student, developed
AI writing tools in their workflow. The following are eight GPTZero, a tool capable of identifying if a written piece
popular AI writing tools available today: was generated using ChatGPT's AI tool. You can join the
beta testing phase of the tool by subscribing to the
6) TweetGPT: is a chrome extension that utilizes
ChatGPT to compose tweets.

D. AI Tools for Production:

The objective of these tools is to enhance productivity,
efficiency, and creative opportunities during program
production while delivering information to viewers
quickly, accurately, and automatically. With AI
applications, journalists in production can generate text,
image, and audio content automatically, connect them, or
even create new composite media. AI systems are already
being used to produce weather and sports reports by
accessing databases containing relevant information such
as weather data and match results. In addition, AI
applications are widely used to transcribe recorded audio
Source, Punya Batra, (2023), 8 Be s t A I Wr i ti n g S o f tw a r e f o r and translate articles, simplifying daily editorial work [24]
N e w s r o o m s , (Last updated on Mar 23, 2023),
E. AI Tools for Distribution:
The objective is to offer digital media users
personalized products that align with their individual
interests, while simultaneously maintaining a wide and
relevant news base. Media institutions aim to present
uniquely tailored stories to each user, leveraging the
richness and diversity of content available in the long tail.
Artificial intelligence can aid this personalization effort
and enhance the distribution of media products to specific
audiences by creating user preference profiles based on
usage data and recommending next reads. Additionally,
AI can provide more refined customization, such as based
on regional interests, or generate news content according
to users' preferred media outlets. [25]
F. AI tools for video editing:
A set of artificial intelligence tools are also used in
Source, Punya Batra, (2023), 8 Best AI Writing Software for video editing and modification that enable users to create
Newsrooms, (Last updated on Mar 23, 2023). high-level video clips quickly and easily, including [26]:
# Tools functions and tasks
C. AI Tools for Editing:
1 An AI tool for editing video footage automatically
Media uses the following tools in the process of editing or Magisto and produces a polished final product, ready for
rewriting texts and reports contents: [23] publishing once the user has selected the footage
and accompanying music.
1) DeepL Write: This resource enables users to refine
their text by pasting a selection, offering suggestions for 2 A video creation tool that converts written content
improvement. It is available in both free and premium into videos, using AI to generate video storyboards,
versions. suggest relevant media assets, match text with
appropriate visual elements, and provide a vast
2) Quillbot: Paraphraser: This tool transforms text into library of designs, music, and videos. With a
a more polished style, making it suitable for composing Lumen5
powerful algorithm, it can convert marketing or
formal emails. It also offers free and paid options. blog content into social media, marketing, and
3) WordTune: Spices: An advanced word processing product presentation videos. Even beginners can
utility, it provides users with both complimentary and create videos, and it can convert Zoom recordings
subscription-based access. into videos.
4) ChatGPT: Created by OpenAI in late 2022, this
3 This tool uses AI to transform long videos into
conversational tool allows for dynamic dialogue, enabling Pictory
short clips, perfect for social media platforms,
follow-up questions, admitting errors, challenging
incorrect assumptions, and denying improper requests. It
remains in beta, with feedback opportunities provided via
increasing use of artificial intelligence tools in the design,
This platform offers multiple AI-powered video
editing tools and products. One of the main editing, production, and publication of media content.
advantages of Runway ML is its ability to provide Dependence on AI tools and applications can potentially
multi-track audio and video editing functions, such result in job loss, discrimination and bias risks, diminished
Runaway ML as background removal, video enhancement, color quality and credibility, and a lack of transparency and
grading, object selection, and automatic noise objectivity in reporting and analysis. Moreover, the
reduction from audio tracks. It helps journalists and
content creators improve their video clips with integration of AI systems prompts ethical and normative
minimal effort. concerns surrounding the evolving nature of work, the
emerging competencies and skills required, quality
5 An AI-powered video and audio editing tool that standards in journalism and media, professional
Descript automatically transcribes video and audio files, accountability, and the responsibility to categorize
creating editable text for easy editing. automated content. Simultaneously, there exists a degree
of skepticism about AI technology and worries about the
6 A mobile platform for creating high-quality video erosion of the professional identity of journalists and
content that automates aspects of video editing, media experts. [28]
Videolioius storytelling, and branding. It helps journalists and
content creators produce professional content while According to Charlie Beckett's report which indicates
on the go, such as while traveling. that 44% of the surveyed news organizations have already
experienced the impact of artificial intelligence. The
7 An AI-powered video editor that offers a wide range report suggests that this impact could include job losses
of tools, including storyboarding and editors, to
assist users in the entire video creation process. and changes in work and production methods, as well as
Synthesys ethical and standards challenges in the use of smart
Synthes’s is useful for producing explainer videos,
instructional videos, tutorials, and marketing technologies in journalism and media. However, the
content. report also indicates that many news organizations have
adopted AI technologies to improve their operations,
8 AI comprehensive design tool that specifically increase productivity and efficiency, and provide a better
focuses on using artificial intelligence technology to media experience for the audience. [29] Accordingly,
Video Maker
improve the video editing process.
academics and professionals in various fields and
professions in journalism and media express the most
A video editing tool that is ideal for creating
effective explanatory and marketing videos.
significant concerns about the expansion of the use of
artificial intelligence tools and applications as follow:
10 An advanced video editing tool powered by A. Deep fakes:
artificial intelligence, designed for companies to
create high-quality videos on a wide scale. It enables The manipulation of personal characteristics such as
the production of multiple videos quickly, voices, facial expressions, and gestures using new text and
increasing conversions, boosting brand recognition, image content is now possible. To maintain trust in AI-
Elai and improving user experience through professional
video content. Its automatic translation capability is based composite contributions, journalists and editorial
one of its main strengths, enabling the creation of teams must play a critical role as a corrective measure,
videos in multiple languages. Additionally, Elia ensuring that machine-generated content is subjected to
offers a large collection of video templates that cater rigorous quality standards.
to diverse design preferences.
B. Bias:
11 An AI professional video enhancement tool that
HitPaw Video
uses artificial intelligence to fix old, blurry, and
Artificial intelligence systems are capable of learning
Enhancer and reproducing existing biases found in the data on
low-resolution videos.
which they are trained. If the data used to train an AI
12 AI tool allows the creation of attractive video system is biased, the output produced by the system may
Video also be biased. This can result in news stories that are
summaries automatically by summarizing long
.videos into shorter clips. inaccurate, misleading, or even harmful, particularly
when fed with fake or incorrect data. Moreover, this can
infringe upon the copyrights of traditional media outlets.
According to Olga Russakovsky, a computer science
professor at Princeton University, AI bias goes beyond
race and gender and encompasses data as well. As AI is
developed by inherently biased humans, its applications
AI technologies offer a substantial advancement in the pose significant risks, such as creating distorted content
media landscape by addressing key challenges in that deceives the public. AI systems may struggle to
journalism and media, such as combating fake news, understand the nuanced differences between news stories,
adhering to editorial policies, and tailoring content. including the context in which they were written and the
Furthermore, AI has demonstrated its effectiveness in social and cultural impacts of their content, leading to
interactive digital marketing by anticipating individuals' misunderstandings or misinterpretations of news. [30]
future behaviors in the commercial sector, as well as
C. Jobs displacement:
advancing the presentation of media messages on
television programs and social media platforms. [27] The use of artificial intelligence may lead to the
replacement of workers in the editing and media sector
Nevertheless, scholars and professionals from various
with automated systems, leading to job loss in this field.
disciplines and fields within journalism and media have
According to the results of some reports and studies, it is
expressed significant apprehension regarding the
expected that 85 million jobs will be lost due to the use of
AI in most jobs between 2020 and 2025. As AI robots F. Media censorship:
become more intelligent and skilled, the same tasks will
require fewer humans. AI systems and robots require Asian governments are also employing artificial
much less investment and operational expenses than intelligence as a means of shaping media landscapes. In
human workers; there are no lunch breaks, vacations, sick China, for instance, the authorities have established an AI-
leave, or salaries. Therefore, it is likely that investments augmented framework designed to scrutinize digital
in AI newsrooms will lead to a reduction in jobs. content and pinpoint potential sources of unrest. This
Microsoft has already laid off about 50 journalists and system additionally serves to suppress material deemed
replaced them with AI since June 2020. Although most politically delicate. In India, the government harnesses AI
media outlets strive to protect their readers from capabilities to oversee social media engagement and
falsification and deep fakes, some outlets employ fake AI detect fabricated news stories. Although the primary
technologies to produce counterfeit images and audio objective of such endeavors is to preserve societal
recordings with the intent of manipulating the public. [31] equilibrium, they concurrently evoke apprehensions
regarding censorship and the safeguarding of personal
D. Transparency: privacy. [35]
Artificial intelligence-driven news editing can give rise to
transparency issues, as readers may struggle to
comprehend how the system arrives at decisions related to VI. DISCUSSION & CONCLUSION
news editing. Furthermore, AI systems possess limited The analysis of this paper showed positive impact
capabilities to indicate the underlying "motives" for their toward the use of AI in media industry, as AI tools
decision-making and can only perceive inputs and suggested by this paper earlier, have shown potential in
outputs. AI content creation may also exhibit a significant enhancing efficiency and productivity in the media and
bias towards consumer demand in areas where it journalism sectors. By automating repetitive tasks, AI
contradicts social welfare, and the utilization of AI tools applications can free up journalists' time, allowing them
can prove to be particularly effective in persuasive and to focus on investigative work and in-depth reporting.
deceptive applications. While AI has the potential to aid These tools have the potential to increase accuracy and
consumers in navigating online content through personal uncover hidden patterns, thereby enhancing the overall
search and recommendations and identifying instances of quality of content and ensuring that relevant information
external manipulation, there is a legitimate cause for reaches the public.
concern. [32]
However, the paper raises some concerns in using AI
E. Ethical Concerns: in the media field. Despite the promising aspects,
There exist moral apprehensions surrounding the concerns about AI tools' adoption in media and journalism
implementation of artificial intelligence within the are growing. These concerns revolve around job loss, bias
domain of news editing, encompassing its effects on and discrimination, transparency, ethical implications,
aspects such as confidentiality, openness, and and the potential erosion of professional identities. It is
accountability. It is crucial to meticulously evaluate the crucial to address these concerns, develop ethical
ethical ramifications prior to integrating AI into guidelines, and establish systems to prevent misuse and
journalistic environments. AI algorithms lack the capacity negative consequences. Accordingly, the paper
for critical analysis and transparency. Ethical lapses, in highlighted some of the ethical concerns facing the media
contrast to the potential for job displacement or industry as AI systems become more capable in handling
technology misuse, are already transpiring. Introducing and processing vast amounts of data. Ethical concerns
prejudiced datasets into algorithms inevitably results in arise regarding data privacy and the protection of sources.
the reinforcement of existing biases. Artificial intelligence Journalists must ensure that the AI tools they use adhere
shall not alter the foundational principles of journalism; in to established ethical guidelines and maintain the
a newsroom context, AI can only thrive if the time- confidentiality of sensitive information. For example,
honored journalistic and editorial norms are maintained. establishing ethical guidelines and standards for AI use in
Algorithms are susceptible to biases and errors, akin to the media and journalism could be vital. These guidelines
humans who develop them. Considering newsrooms should address issues such as data privacy, content
adopting AI, the establishment of an ethics board that can manipulation, and algorithmic biases, ensuring that AI
formulate an ethical guideline for AI utilization in tools are used responsibly and ethically. On other hand,
newsrooms is highly advisable. The accelerated Regulation and Oversight: Governments and regulatory
emergence of the AI chatbot instrument ChatGPT is bodies must monitor the use of AI tools in the media sector
regarded as one of the ethical dilemmas, as numerous and develop policies that safeguard public interests. This
users have harnessed the technology to supplant writing can help prevent the misuse of AI technologies and ensure
tasks, thereby jeopardizing academic uprightness and a balance between innovation and societal well-being.
ingenuity. [33] In conclusion, as the media landscape evolves, AI
tools are likely to play an increasingly significant role.
In conclusion, a salient fact remains unambiguous –
the employment of AI solutions within the media sphere The industry must find ways to leverage AI's advantages
has the potential to significantly augment both the while mitigating potential risks.
quantity and quality of exceptional journalism. This
development will assuredly generate novel opportunities.
Nevertheless, comprehending the constraints of AI is VII. LIMITAIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS
essential. Moreover, AI applications are unlikely to Despite the comprehensive analysis presented in this
supplant human journalists and editors, thereby paper, we believe that it is not without limitations. One of
accentuating the importance of human discernment. [34]
the primary constraints is the rapidly evolving nature of [11] WTI -solutions, AI in Media and News Broadcasting. September
artificial intelligence (AI) technology itself, which makes 2020
[12] S. Karnouskos, 2020. “Artificial Intelligence in Digital Media: The
it challenging to maintain up-to-date and relevant Era of Deepfakes”, IEEE Transactions on Technology and Society, 1(3),
findings. While the paper presents a current snapshot of September 2020.
AI's use in media and journalism, future technological [13] A. Rinehart and E. Kung, 2022 "Artificial Intelligence in Local
advancements may lead to unexpected outcomes or new News: A survey of US newsrooms’ AI readiness," The Associated Press,
areas of exploration that are not covered in this research. March 2022.
[14] A. El Gody, 2021. "Using Artificial Intelligence in the Al Jazeera
Furthermore, this paper primarily focuses on the Newsroom to Combat Fake News," Al Jazeera Media Institute.
implications of AI in the media industry and less on the [15] J. Heesen et al. 2023. “Artificial Intelligence in Journalism”, Legal
technical intricacies of AI systems. This could limit the and Ethical Framework of Platform Lernende System.
understanding of specific AI capabilities and their direct
impact on journalistic tasks. Additionally, the research [16]
does not delve deeply into the regional variations of AI news-during-a-global-pandemic, (15/04/2023).
[17], (15/04/2023)
implementation in journalism, an aspect that may carry [18]
significant implications given the cultural and societal
differences across the world. [19]
Future studies on this topic could aim to overcome [21]
these limitations. In-depth exploration of the technical newsrooms
aspects of AI systems and their impact on specific [22]
journalistic tasks would provide a more granulated newsrooms
understanding. Research could also investigate the journalists/
regional variations in AI implementation in the media [24] J. Heesen et al. 2023. “Artificial Intelligence in Journalism”, Legal
industry, considering the cultural, societal, and regulatory and Ethical Framework of Platform Lernend System.
differences that may affect its usage. As AI continues to
evolve, longitudinal studies would be beneficial to track [25] Bodó, B. (2018). Means, Not an End (of the World)–The
Customization of News Personalization by European News Media.
the changes and trends over time, offering a dynamic SSRN., p. 14.
understanding of AI's role in journalism. Moreover, future [26] Lumen5 - Video Maker | Create Videos Online in Minutes,
research could focus on the creation of frameworks or Synthesia | #1 AI Video Generation Platform, Videomaker (,
guidelines that can guide the ethical and responsible use Online Video Editor - Make Videos for Free | FlexClip, - your
of AI in journalism, considering the different concerns go-to automated AI video generation platform, [OFFICIAL] HitPaw:
related to privacy, bias, and transparency. Powerful Video, Audio, and Image Solutions Provider.
[27] O. E. Abdel-Aziz, M. R. Ibrahim, 2022, “The societal impact of
employing artificial intelligence techniques in traditional and modern
media: an analytical study from the second level”, The Egyptian Journal
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