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Treball fi de grau

Escriptura i edició científica
Belén Ramos

Donat el caràcter i la finalitat exclusivament docent i eminentment ilꞏlustrativa de les explicacions a classe d'aquesta presentació, l’autor s’acull a l’article 32 de la Llei de propietat intelꞏlectual vigent
respecte de l'ús parcial d'obres alienes com ara imatges, gràfics o altre material contingudes en les diferents diapositives. Totes les imatges presentades s’inclouen com a cites necessàries per
ilꞏlustrar les explicacions d’aquesta classe.
‐ Structure of the TFG Report (“Memòria”)=Scientífic
Article: ICJME Guidelines for scientific writing

‐ Other useful guideline

‐ Phases and organitzacion of scientific writting

‐ Revision of a paper (Working in groups)

Structure of the TFG Report “Memòria”

Aim of the TFG: Publicacion of the research work in a scientific journal

The TFG Report (“Memòria) should follow the guidelines for scientific publications in
Health Science (Authorships and format) ( (Accoding to the Work Plan)‐recommendations.pdf
Estructura de la Memòria Aula Virtual
Document oficial: Format de la Memòria i Dipòsit

Aspectes formals:

 Un document PDF en format de text pla sense format en columnes.

 Interlineat: 1,5.
 Marges laterals, superior, inferior: 2,5 cm
 Tipus de lletra: Arial, Calibri, Times New Roman/ Grandària de lletra: 11‐12 punts.

Portada: Indicar obligatoriament títol, autor(s), tutor(s), la seva filiació i el logo de la UVic‐
UCC. (NOTA IMPORTANT: A la filiació de l’estudiant en una possible publicació ha de constar obligatòriament la
seva adscripció a la Universitat de Vic‐Universitat Central de Catalunya).

Segona pàgina: Autorització signada pel tutor/a per presentar el TFG.

Model oficial
Estructura de la Memòria Aula Virtual
Estructura: habitual dels articles científics
 Títol
 Resum (ha d’estar en català, en castellà i en anglès). Màxim 250 paraules
 Introducció (al final ha d’incloure els objectius) ≈ 600‐800 paraules
 Material i mètode
5000 paraules

 Resultats

 Discussió
 Conclusions

Referències bibliogràfiques: Màxim 30 (No es comptabilitzen les referències de les

revisions sistemàtiques) Format:“NLM’s Sample References”
 Taules i Figures. Màxim 5 elements. Intercalades o al final del document.
 Annexos (Optatiu, figures o tables suplementaries)
Estructura de la Memòria Aula Virtual
Structure of the TFG Report “Memòria”

The TFG Report (“Memòria) should follow the

guidelines for scientific publications in Health
Science (Authorships and format)
( (Accoding to the Work Plan)‐recommendations.pdf
Structure of the TFG Report “Memòria”

1. General Principles
 Reporting original research
 Sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion

Often needed subheadings within these sections‐recommendations.pdf
Structure of the TFG Report “Memòria”

2. Reporting Guidelines

Guidelines for different study designs.

It is a recommendation of journals
‐ Describe the methods used for locating, selecting, extracting, and synthesizing data

‐ Good sources for reporting guidelines:

‐ EQUATOR Network (www.equator‐

‐ NLM's Research Reporting Guidelines and Initiatives

Structure of the TFG Report “Memòria”

2. Reporting Guidelines

Guidelines for different study designs

Randomized trials CONSORT (www. consort‐
Observational studies STROBE for (http://strobe‐
Systematic reviews and meta‐analyses PRISMA for (http://prisma‐
Studies of diagnostic accuracy STARD for (http://www.equator‐
Structure of the TFG Report “Memòria”

3. Manuscript Sections

a. Title Page
General information  Description of the complete article
 Should be specific.
 Article title  Should include study design (in randomized
trials and systematic reviews and meta‐
 List of authors analyses).

 Department name and affiliation center

 Author information
 Corresponding author mail information‐recommendations.pdf
Structure of the TFG Report “Memòria”
3. Manuscript Sections
b. Abstract
 Structured abstracts (Original research, systematic reviews,
and metaanalyses)
‐ Background: Context of the study
‐ Aim: Study's purpose
‐ Methods: Basic procedures (selection of study participants,
settings, measurements, analytical methods)
‐Results: Main findings (giving specific effect sizes and their
statistical and clinical significance, if possible)
‐ Conclusions: Principal ones.

NOTE: May differ from journal to journal requirements‐recommendations.pdf
Structure of the TFG Report “Memòria”

3. Manuscript Sections
b. Abstract
 Emphasize new and important aspects of the study
 Note important limitations
 Not overinterpret findings
 Ensure that they accurately reflect the content of the article
 For clinical trial, indicate registration number at the end
 Funding sources are listed separately after the abstract
 Public repository Data (if any): Indicate data set identifier,
repository name or number‐recommendations.pdf
Structure of the TFG Report “Memòria”

3. Manuscript Sections
c. Introduction
 Provide a context or background for the study (the nature
of the problem and its significance)
 State the specific purpose or research objective of, or
hypothesis tested by, the study
 Cite only pertinent references
 Do not include data or conclusions from cited works‐recommendations.pdf
Structure of the TFG Report “Memòria”

3. Manuscript Sections
d. Methods
 Clear indicating how and why a study was done in a particular way
 Sufficient detailed (others would be able to reproduce the results)
 Only information available in the plan or protocol*
 Information obtained during the study belongs in the Results
 Indicate if an organization was paid to help conduct the research
(examples include data collection and management)
 Statement that the research was approved by review body (e.g.,
ethics committee, institutional review board) and the research was
conducted in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration.
* No applicable a la memòria de TFG‐recommendations.pdf
Structure of the TFG Report (“Memòria”)
3. Manuscript Sections
d. Methods i. Selection and Description of Participants
 Describe the selection of observational or experimental participants
(healthy individuals or patients, including controls)
 Detail the inclusion and exclusion criteria
 Include a description of the source population
 Representative or provide relevant demographic variables.
 Comment on how representative the study sample is.
 Ensure correct use of the terms sex (when reporting biological factors)
and gender (identity, psychosocial or cultural factors)
 Report sex and/or gender of participants, the sex of animals or cells (if
applicable: describe the methods used to determine sex and gender)
 Justification if exclusive population (i.e. only one sex) was involved‐recommendations.pdf
Structure of the TFG Report “Memòria”

3. Manuscript Sections
d. Methods ii. Technical Information
 Specify the study's main and secondary objectives (primary and
secondary outcomes)
 Identify methods, equipment (manufacturer's name and address),
and procedures
 Identify precisely all drugs and chemicals used, including generic
name(s), dose(s), and route(s) of administration
 Identify appropriate scientific names and gene names
 Provide references to established methods, including statistical
methods (see below):
 Include a brief descriptions for methods that are not well‐known
 Describe, justify and evaluate limitations of new or substantially
modified methods‐recommendations.pdf
Structure of the TFG Report “Memòria”
3. Manuscript Sections
d. Methods iii. Statistics
 Describe statistical methods (enough detail to judge the
appropriateness for the study and to verify the results)
 When possible, quantify findings (include errors or confidence
 Avoid relying solely on statistical hypothesis testing, such as P
 Include effect size and precision of estimates
 Include references for the study design and statistical methods
(if possible)
 Define statistical terms, abbreviations, and most symbols
 Specify the statistical software package(s) and versions used
 Distinguish prespecified from exploratory analyses, including
subgroup analyses‐recommendations.pdf
Structure of the TFG Report “Memòria”

3. Manuscript Sections
e. Results
 Presented in logical sequence in the text, tables, and figures: Main
findings first
 Do not repeat all the data in the tables or figures in the text
 Emphasize or summarize only the most important observations.
 Provide data on all primary and secondary outcomes
 Extra or supplementary materials and technical details (appendix)
 Give numeric results (e.g., absolute numbers instead of only
Structure of the TFG Report “Memòria”

3. Manuscript Sections
e. Results
 Restrict tables and figures to those needed to explain the
argument of the paper and to assess supporting data.
 Use graphs as an alternative to tables with many entries (not
duplicate data)
 Avoid nontechnical uses of technical terms in statistics (“random”,
“normal,” “significant,” “correlations,” and “sample”
 Separate reporting of data by demographic variables (e.g. age
and sex)
 Facilitate pooling of data for subgroups across studies (if not,
justify it)‐recommendations.pdf
Structure of the TFG Report “Memòria”

3. Manuscript Sections
f. Discussion
 Begin by briefly summarizing the main findings, and explore
possible mechanisms or explanations for these findings
 Emphasize the new and important aspects of your study and put
your findings in the context of the totality of the relevant evidence
 State the limitations of your study (and data)
 Explore the implications of your findings for future research and for
clinical practice or policy
 Discuss the influence or association of variables (e.g. sex and/or
gender) on your findings‐recommendations.pdf
Structure of the TFG Report “Memòria”

3. Manuscript Sections
f. Discussion
 Do not repeat in detail data or other information given in other
parts of the manuscript (Introduction or Results)
 Link the conclusions with the goals of the study (avoid unqualified
statements and conclusions not adequately supported by the data)
 Distinguish between clinical and statistical significance
 Avoid statements on economic benefits and costs (unless includes
economic data and analyses)
 Avoid claiming priority or alluding to work not completed
 State new hypotheses when warranted, but label them clearly‐recommendations.pdf
Structure of the TFG Report “Memòria”

3. Manuscript Sections
g. References i. General Considerations
 Provide direct references to original research sources
 References should not be used by authors, editors, or peer
reviewers to promote self‐interests.
 Authors should avoid citing articles from predatory or
 When preprints are cited, the citation should clearly indicate
that the reference is a preprint
 Review articles do not always reflect original work accurately.
 Avoid extensive lists on a topic.
 Fewer references to key original papers often serve as well as
more exhaustive lists‐recommendations.pdf
Structure of the TFG Report “Memòria”
3. Manuscript Sections
g. References i. General Considerations
 References to papers accepted but not yet published should
be designated as “in press”.
 Information from manuscripts accepted should be cited in
the text as “unpublished observations” (written permission
from the source).
 Published articles should reference the unique, persistent
identifiers of the data sets employed.
 Avoid citing a “personal communication” unless it provides
essential information not available from a public source
(Provide the name of the person and date of communication
in the text and obtain written permission and accuracy
Structure of the TFG Report “Memòria”
3. Manuscript Sections
g. References i. General Considerations
 To minimize errors, references should be verified using either
an electronic bibliographic source.
 Authors are responsible for checking that none of the
references cite retracted articles except in the context of
referring to the retraction (Source for searching: MEDLINE,
see details in the Guideliness of ICJME)‐recommendations.pdf
Structure of the TFG Report “Memòria”
3. Manuscript Sections
g. References i. General Considerations
 References should be numbered consecutively in the order in
which they are first mentioned in the text
 Identify references in text, tables, and legends by Arabic
numerals in parentheses
 References cited only in tables or figure legends should be
numbered in accordance with the sequence established by
the first identification in the text of the particular table or
 The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the
style used for MEDLINE
Structure of the TFG Report “Memòria”
3. Manuscript Sections
g. References ii. Style and Format
Follow the standards summarized in the NLM's Sample
Detailed in the NLM's Citing Medicine, 2nd edition

Exem ple:
Rose M E,Huerbin M B,M elick J,M arion DW ,Palm erAM ,Schiding JK,etal.
Regulation ofinterstitialexcitatoryam ino acid concentrations aftercortical
contusion injury.Brain Res.2002;935(1-2):40-6.‐recommendations.pdf
Structure of the TFG Report “Memòria”
3. Manuscript Sections
h. Tables
i. Figures
j. Abbreviations‐recommendations.pdf
Other useful guideline

Forero DA, Lopez‐Leon S, Perry G. A brief guide to the science and art of writing manuscripts in biomedicine. J Transl Med. 2020
Nov 10;18(1):425. doi: 10.1186/s12967‐020‐02596‐2. PMID: 33167977; PMCID: PMC7653709.
Other useful guideline

Forero DA, Lopez‐Leon S, Perry G. A brief guide to the science and art of writing manuscripts in biomedicine. J Transl Med. 2020
Nov 10;18(1):425. doi: 10.1186/s12967‐020‐02596‐2. PMID: 33167977; PMCID: PMC7653709.
Phases and organitzacion of scientific writting

How should I start to write a scientific paper?

Phases and organitzacion of scientific writting
Phase I: Prepare Tables and Figures

 Organize all the data and analysis in tables and

 Order them in a logical order for reporting your
 Revised them with your mentor
 Check if any aditional analysis is needed for
complete the work
Phases and organitzacion of scientific writting
Phase II: Write the Methods

 Start with the easier part of a paper

 The methods of the protocol are a good starting
point, revised them and if changes are needed to
made from the initial protocol, write an outline
of the changes and revise them with your mentor
before you start to write
 Be sure that all the data and analyses of your
tables and figures are mirrowed in the Methods
(Description of the study, participants, inclusión
and exclusión criteria, data collection,
procedures, statistical analyses,…)
Phases and organitzacion of scientific writting
Phase III: Write the Results

 Write an outline of this section (main subsections) and

revise it with your mentor before you start to write
 Describe the results of each subsection following the
order chosen for Tables and Figures
 Remenber: Do not duplicate data of tables or figures in
the text
 Organize the information: one paragrap‐one block of
 Start with the main outcomes
 Be concise in your style, direct and keep it simple
Phases and organitzacion of scientific writting
Phase IV: Write the Introduction

 What does the reader should know to understand your

results and the novelty of your findings?
 Write an outline of this section and revise it with your
mentor before you start to write
 Remember: Organize the information in
1. What is know?
2. What is not know?
3. Research question (Objectives should be included
in this part)
 Be concise in your style, direct and keep it simple
Phases and organitzacion of scientific writting
Phase V: Write the Abstract

 Better structurated:
Background/Aim(s)/Methods/Main results/Conclusion

Phase VI: Write the title

Phases and organitzacion of scientific writting
Phase VII: Write the Discussion
 Write an outline of the discussion and revise it with your
mentor before you start to write
 Remember: First paragraph for summarize your main
findings and explore or explain possible mechanism that
explain your findings
 Each following paragraphs: start with one of your main
findings, put your findings in the context of other relevant
studies in the field to end the paragraph with an
integrative conclusion/possible explanation/implication
for future studies
 One paragraph‐one idea
 Do not forget to detail the limitations and conclusions of
your study or your data at the end of the discussion
Phases and organitzacion of scientific writting
Final Phase: Final revission
 Read the whole text to check if it flows when you read the
entire document
 Pay attention to the conclusion of the abstract and
conclusion subsection in the Discussion, they should be
very similar. If not, adapt them.
 Pay attention to the background and aim in the abstract
and the last paragraph of the introduction, they should be
similar. If not, adapt them.
 Revise the order of the cited references and the order of
the cited tables and figures (and supplementary tables
and figures, if applied) in the text.
Revision of a paper (Working in groups)

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