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Name: ……………………………………………………………… Class: ………………..

Ster Basic School Monthly Examination Time: 40 minutes

English Language second Semester Date: 11/2/2023
9th class (2022 -2023)
Q1/Chose the correct answers to complete the following space. (10)M

1-odd one out is ……………….

A- Climb. B-Drop. C-Sink. D-Fall

2-The sound / z / in ( busy) have the same sound in …………….

A- Poison. B-safe. C-simple. D-precious

3- The word which rhymes with ( break ) is ………………………………

A- Cake. B-Shoe. C-Back. D-Two

4-Have ……………………….. hang-gliding? They’ve been there ……….. along time.

A- She ever been / for. B-they never been / since

C-he just been. / since. D- they ever been / for

5 – The word ( Holiday ) is ………….

A- Adjective. B-Adverb. C-Noun. D- preposition

6-Who wanted to play Dana’s CD on his radio program?

A- Rob. B-Dave. C-Vanessa. D-Mandy

7-Where is this superstition from? ( If some one sees a black cat, They’ll be unlucky )

A- Spain. B-Britain. C-Brazil D-Poland

8-Teacher ……………………. do homework.

A- have to. B-don’t have to. C-has to. D- doesn’t have to

9-A person who caches or kills animals with our permission ………………….

A- Island. B-Factory. C-Village. D-Poacher

10-Hey, all of you can ………… quit, please .

A- Someone. B-everything. C-anyone. D-everyone

Q2/ Do as required : (5)M

1- Write the missing letter : ( Environ--------- ent )

2- Dana saw Dave and Maddy. ( make: present perfect)


3- { Take an umbrella/ get wet }. ( using: If he ………….., he’ll / he won’t……………)


4- Rob took the CD because Vanessa wasn’t there. ( make: Consequence )


5- The opposite of the word ( receive ) is ……………………..…


Q3/ Read this questions about Reading Passages and then writes the answering: (5)M

1-On 17 December1903 Orville took his seat in ………………..…… (as they called their machine)

2- Maddy started playing the violin when she was …………..…………. years old.

3--…………………………………………….…….. wrote the Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde stories.

4- Lazlo Biro was born in Hungary in ………………..……… .He invited fountain pen.

5- The modern word …………………..……….. comes form the word papyrus.


"The first secret of success: believe in yourself"

Teacher in charge: Mehvan.J.Sabri


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