Counting 2

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TTMath School

Gauss Counting 2
1. The number 2010 has the property that the number formed by its first two digits is twice the number formed
by its last two digits. Find the number of four-digit numbers with this property.

2. In the magic square below, the sum of the numbers in each of the rows, in each of the diagonals and in each of
the columns is equal. Find x.
9 x 7
8 10 a
d c b

3. This map shows a grid of one-way streets. How many different routes are there from A to B?

4. Steve was at a party and knew that three guests were born on the same day of the week and in the same month
of the year. He also knew that all the guests were born in the first six months of the year. What is the least
number of people (including Steve) that could have been at the party?
5. Maggie rolls an ordinary six-sided die repeatedly, keeping track of each number as she rolls, and stopping as
soon as any number is rolled for the fifth time. If Maggie stops after her ninth roll, and the sum of these
numbers she has rolled is 20, then how many combinations of numbers could she have rolled?
6. A leap year has 366 consecutive days. What is the probability that a leap year has 53 Sundays in it? Enter
your answer as the sum of the numerator and denominator of the simplified answer.
7. Avril has cards: whenever an even number is on one side of the card, there must be an odd number on the
other side. Six of her cards lie on a table, and four of those show an odd number. What is the maximum
number of odd numbers we might see if we were able to look at both sides of each of those six cards?
8. There are five sticks measuring 1cm, 2cm, 3cm, 4cm and 5cm. How many different triangles can one form using
three sticks at a time?
9. 100 cards are placed face down in a line. Alice turns every second one over, starting with the second in line.
Brenda then turns over every third card that is still face down (so starts with the fifth card in the line). After
this, how many cards remain face down?
10. Twenty 1 centimetre cubes have all white sides. Forty-four 1 centimetre cubes have all blue sides. These 64
cubes are glued together to form one large cube. What is the minimum surface area that could be white?
11. After careful observation, the value and location of one number of every triangle is derived. Determine the
missing number at the apex of triangle D.

12. The digits of 20098 can be arranged in any order. For each arrangement, the ‘score’ is the sum of the positive
differences between successive digits. Find the maximum score that can be achieved.

TTMath School
13. The set of odd numbers are arranged as follows:

3 5 7
9 11 13 15 17
.. .. .. .. ..
. . . . .

What is the middle number of the 20th row?

14. In a certain game a player can score either 12 or 13 points. Vusani plays this game more than once and adds
all his scores to get a total score. Find the number of total scores less than 100 which are possible.
15. Two intersecting straight lines divide the 2-dimensional plane into 4 parts, and three straight lines (intersecting
in different points) divide the plane into 7 parts. How many lines will divide the plane into 172 parts? (Assume
that no two lines are parallel and that no three lines pass through the same point.)

16. In a certain suburb, the power supply is interrupted during peak hours on average once every 7 days, and the
power supply is interrupted during off-peak hours on average once every 17 days. On some days, the power
supply is interrupted both during peak hours and off-peak hours. Peak hours are between 6am and 9am and
again between 5pm and 9pm. What is the probability that the suburb’s power supply is interrupted on a given
day? Enter your answer as the sum of the numerator and denominator of the simplified answer.
17. 80 switches in a row operate 80 lights. The ‘on’ and ‘off’ switches operate automatically, in the following
-All lights are switched ‘on’
-Every second light is switched ‘off’
-Every third light is switched either ‘on’ or ‘off’
-Every fourth light is switched either ‘on’ or ‘off’
And so the pattern goes on until every 80th light is switched either ‘on’ or ‘off’ How many lights will be ‘off’
after the last operation?
18. Sipho purchased six identical Mandela gold coins from a nonreputable dealer. He discovered that there were
three counterfeit (false) coins, which were lighter in mass than the real coins. Using only the coins that he has
bought and a scale balance, what is the least number of weighings that Sipho must do, to identify at least one
counterfeit coin?
19. Some three-digit numbers have a special property. For each of these numbers, when its digits are reversed the
new number is bigger than the original by 297. How many different three digit numbers have this property?
20. 8 cards all show different numbers; four of those numbers are even, the others are odd. If two of the cards are
chosen at random, find the probability that the sum of their numbers is even. Enter your answer as the sum
of the numerator and denominator of the simplified answer.
21. 15 one centimetre cubes with all blue faces, 16 one centimetre cubes with all yellow faces, and 33 one centimetre
cubes with all black faces are glued together to form one large cube. What is the least number of one centimetre
squares on the surface of the larger cube that are black?

22. Nine points lie in a plane in 3 rows of 3s. All points are evenly spaced. If any 3 points are joined to form a
triangle, then find the number of all possible triangles that can be drawn are.
23. A “non-traditional” magic square totals 105. This total can be obtained by adding the 4 numbers along a
diagonal. There are other sets of 4 numbers giving the same total. Find the maximum number of other
combinations that give a total of 105.
12 19 28 35
16 23 32 39
18 25 34 41
13 20 29 36

TTMath School
24. Colleen, Jakes, Hendrik, Vishnu and Tandeka play a game of cops and robbers. The robbers’ statements are
always false while the cops’ statements are always true.

Colleen says that Jakes is a cop.

Hendrik says that Vishnu is a robber
Tandeka says that Colleen is not a robber
Jakes says that Hendrik is not a cop.
Vishnu says that Tandeka and Colleen play on different sides.

How many robbers are there?

25. Adam, Bob and Chris play different sports. Four statements are true:
(1) If Bob plays soccer, Adam plays cricket.
(2) If Bob plays rugby, Adam plays soccer.
(3) If Adam plays soccer or cricket, Chris does not play rugby.
(4) If Chris does not play rugby, Bob does not play rugby.
Which one of the following statements must be correct? Enter your answer as the statement numbers that is
(1) Bob plays soccer
(2) Bob plays rugby
(3) Adam plays rugby
(4) Chris play cricket
(5) Adam plays soccer

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