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what was the civil war?

The Civil War was a brutal war that left the South economically
devastated, and resulted in the criminalization of slavery in the
United States.
primary causes
Slavery States' rights Economic differences

Divided the nation: Southern states asserted their right Exacerbated sectional tensions
Southern states relying on enslaved to secede from the Union. regarding tariffs and trade policies,
labor for their agrarian economy.

Northern states viewed slavery as

morally reprehensible and
Key political figures

Abraham Lincoln Jefferson Davis Stephen Douglas

He prioritized preserving the Union, issued the He wanted to defend states' rights and preserve He was a very important American politician
Emancipation Proclamation to undermine the the institution of slavery. who sponsored the Kansas-Nebraska Act
Confederacy's economic and moral foundation.
Military leaders

Ulysses S. Grant Robert E. Lee Stonewall Jackson

Among his notable achievements included He also wanted to defend states' rights and He was a prominent Confederate general during
Grant's successful campaigns in the Western preserve the institution of slavery such as Davis. the American Civil War.
Theater General Stonewall organized some of Lee's early
victories in the Eastern Theater.
Military Strategies and Tactics

The Union The Confederacy

The Union employed a strategy of total The Confederacy focused on defensive

war, to cripple the Confederate economy tactics and supported European powers
and infrastructure through blockades, for diplomatic recognition and military aid.
raids, and targeted campaigns.
the most significant battles

Gettysburg, Antietam, and Vicksburg had profound impacts on the course of the war.
Social and Economic Impacts

social impacts economic impacts

Emancipation of enslaved people The Southern economy devastated by the loss of

Women played essential roles on the home front enslaved labor and destruction of infrastructure.
and in nursing
Immigrants faced discrimination and xenophobia The North experienced economic growth with
production and industrialization.
Emancipation and Reconstruction

emancipation proclamation reconstruction

Changed the focus of the Civil War from preserving
They integrated formerly enslaved people into society
the Union to abolishing slavery
Rebuilding the Southern economy and infrastructure
Inspired enslaved people to flee to Union lines and
Reconciling the nation
join the fight for freedom.
Faced challenges such as violence, resistance from
Southern whites, and political disputes
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