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Genetics of Atrioventricular
Conduction Disease in Humans
Division of Cardiology, Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio

Atrioventricular (AV) conduction disease (block) describes impairment of the electrical
continuity between the atria and ventricles. Classification of AV block has utilized biophys-
ical characteristics, usually the extent (first, second, or third degree) and site of block (above
or below His bundle recording site). The genetic significance of this classification is unknown.
In young patients, AV block may result from injury or be the major cardiac manifestation of
neuromuscular disease. However, in some cases, AV block has unknown or idiopathic cause.
In such cases, familial clustering has been noted and published pedigrees show autosomal
dominant inheritance; associated heart disease is common (e.g., congenital heart malforma-
tion, cardiomyopathy). The latter finding is not surprising given the common origin of
working myocytes and specialized conduction system elements. Using genetic models incor-
porating reduced penetrance (disease absence in some individuals with disease gene), vari-
able expressivity (individuals with disease gene have different phenotypes), and genetic
heterogeneity (similar phenotypes, different genetic cause), molecular genetic causes of AV
block are being identified. Mutations identified in genes with diverse functions (transcription,
excitability, and energy homeostasis) for the first time provide the means to assess risk and
offer insight into the molecular basis of this important clinical condition previously defined
only by biophysical characteristics. © 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Key words: ion channels; transcription factors; human genetics; heart block;
pediatrics; gene mutation; congenital heart disease

The atrioventricular (AV) conduction system is com- and left bundles distributing the impulse to the right and
prised of specialized cells that permit synchronized car- left ventricles, respectively. AV conduction disease may
diac excitation resulting in contraction of the atria during manifest from conduction slowing or complete block any-
ventricular filling and rapid depolarization of the ventri- where along the path.
cles. In the postnatal heart, distinguishable anatomic An electroanatomic classification of AV conduction dis-
components of the AV conduction system include the si- ease is widely used clinically and is based on the extent
noatrial node, AV node, and His bundle and left and right (first, second, or third degree) of block and the site within
bundle branches and Purkinje ramifications. These ele- the conduction system of block (Fig. 1). In large measure,
ments are distinct from the ordinary working myocar- this AV block classification is based on characteristics of
dium, and much has been learned of the developmental,
the PR interval (time interval from onset of P-wave to
anatomic, electrophysiologic, and gene expression charac-
onset of QRS complex) on the surface electrocardiogram.
teristics of the conduction system components (Gourdie et
al., 1999; Thomas et al., 2001; Moorman and Christoffels, In some instances, AV conduction disease has been de-
DISEASE: AN ELECTROANATOMIC MODEL Grant sponsor: National Institute of Child Health & Human
Development (NICHD); Grant number: HD39946.
Much of our understanding of AV conduction disease is *Correspondence to: D. Woodrow Benson, Division of Cardiol-
the result of detailed anatomic studies correlated with ogy, ML7042, Children’s Hospital Medical Center, 3333 Burnet
comprehensive electrocardiographic and electrophysi- Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45229. Fax: 513-636-5958.
ologic characterization of the conduction system. Normal E-mail:
impulse initiation begins in the sinoatrial node, then trav- Received 15 April 2004; Accepted 20 June 2004
els through the atrium before reaching the AV node in the DOI 10.1002/ar.a.20099
lower intra-atrial septum. The impulse conducts through Published online 15 September 2004 in Wiley InterScience
the AV node to the His bundle, which divides into the right (


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second-degree AV block usually results from block in the
distal His-Purkinje system (infra-Hisian block) and is as-
sociated with risk of sudden demise. While the classifica-
tion of AV block by the extent of block, the site of block,
and progressive nature has been useful in patient man-
agement for guiding the indications for pacing therapy,
the genetic significance of this classification scheme is not


An association between AV conduction disease and myo-
cardial injury due to infarction has long been known (Ap-
lin et al., 2003). The occurrence of AV block as a surgical
complication was recognized early in the open heart sur-
gery experience, but with improved understanding of AV
conduction system anatomy the incidence of this compli-
cation for cardiac surgery has been reduced. Most surgi-
cally induced AV block is the consequence of procedures
involving valve replacement or closure of atrioventricular
or ventricular septal defects, and when noted immediately
after surgery or early in the postoperative period, block is
thought to result from trauma to the conduction system
(Ho et al., 1985; Limongelli et al., 2003). However, AV
block identified late in the postoperative period may be
Fig. 1. Electroanatomic classification of AV conduction disease. A, another phenotypic manifestation of the heart disease and
B, and C illustrate first-, second-, and third-degree heart block, respec-
thereby attributable to a gene mutation rather than a
tively. D illustrates division of the PR interval into three subintervals that
are related to conduction in specific anatomic sites; identification of the surgical complication (Benson et al., 1999).
subintervals requires simultaneous recording of the surface electrocar- AV block associated with transplacental passage of ma-
diogram and intracardiac recording of the His bundle potential. The ternal antibody is hypothesized to result from injury to the
subintervals are termed the PA interval (intra-atrial conduction), AH developing conduction system. Nearly 3 decades ago, it
interval (AV node conduction), and HV interval (distal His-Purkinje con- was noted that mothers who gave birth to children with
duction). Sites of block, relative to intracardiac recording of the His AV block often had autoimmune diseases (McCue et al.,
bundle electrogram (HBE), are depicted. AH, conduction interval from 1977; Buyon et al., 1998). It is now well established that
onset of low septal atrial depolarization to His bundle spike (H) to onset AV block detected before or at birth, in the absence of
of ventricular depolarization; HV, conduction interval from onset of His
other cardiac malformation, is strongly associated with
spike to onset of ventricular depolarization; PA, conduction interval from
onset of P-wave to low atrial septal depolarization. maternal autoantibodies to SSA/Ro and/or SSB/La ribo-
nucleoproteins, independent of whether the mother has
systemic lupus erythematosus or Sjogren’s syndrome or is
totally asymptomatic (Buyon et al., 1998; Moak et al.,
2001). Antibody-associated AV block is most often de-
scribed as progressive if the electrocardiographic charac-
tected between 16 and 24 weeks of gestation in an other-
terization of AV conduction worsens over time, e.g., block
wise normal heart and is considered a consequence of
progresses from second to third degree.
transplacental passage of autoantibodies into the fetal
First-degree AV block manifests as prolongation of the
circulation resulting in tissue injury. Maternal antibody-
PR interval, indicating mild conduction delay. In the most
associated AV block is irreversible, carries a substantial
severe form, designated third-degree or complete AV
mortality (approaching 30%) and morbidity, with ⬎ 60% of
block, no atrial impulses conduct to the ventricle; on the
affected children requiring lifelong pacemakers (Buyon et
electrocardiogram, QRS complexes occur independent of
al., 1998). The target antigens (48 kD SSB/La, 52 kD
P-waves. Second-degree AV block is an intermediate form,
SSA/Ro, and 60 kD SSA/Ro) have been extensively char-
and some atrial impulses are conducted to the ventricle;
acterized, but pathogenicity remains to be clarified.
electrocardiographic manifestation is association of some
QRS complexes with P-waves. Second-degree block is fur-
ther classified as type 1 or type 2. In type 1 block, progres-
sive prolongation of the PR interval is observed before the NEUROMUSCULAR DISORDERS
occurrence of AV block (Wenckebach periodicity). In type AV conduction disturbance is usually the major cardiac
2, the block occurs abruptly without PR interval prolon- manifestation of neuromuscular diseases, including Em-
gation. ery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy, Kearns-Sayre syn-
The PR interval can be subdivided into three subinter- drome, and myotonic dystrophy. AV block can be an im-
vals, which are related to conduction within specific ana- portant cause of mortality in such cases, and recognition
tomic sites (Fig. 1); this anatomic characterization of AV of this possibility is important since pacemaker implanta-
conduction permits determination of the anatomic site of tion can be life-saving.
block. For example, using this approach, type 1 second- Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy occurs as an X-
degree block, considered benign, usually results from linked trait, caused by emerin mutations (Bione et al.,
block in the AV node (supra-Hisian block), while type 2 1994; Nagano et al., 1996) or as an autosomal dominant
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disorder resulting from mutations in the gene encoding duction disease have a health history or family history of
lamins A and C (Bonne et al., 1999). Like emerin, lamins other forms of cardiovascular disease in the young, includ-
A and C are components of the nuclear envelope but are ing cardiomyopathy or congenital cardiac anomaly. The
located in the lamina, a multimeric structure associated genetic significance of these associations is not completely
with the nucleoplasmic surface of the inner nuclear mem- understood, but such findings are not unanticipated given
brane. Conduction system disease is caused by defects in the common origin of the specialized conduction system
the head or tail domain of the lamin gene or by emerin elements and the working myocardium (Gourdie et al.,
mutations (Fatkin et al., 1999); conduction abnormalities 1999; Takebayashi-Suzuki et al., 2001). An increasing
are progressive and occur at sites throughout the conduc- number of entries in Online Mendelian Inheritance in
tion system. The mechanism by which lamin A/C muta- Man (OMIM) are indications of the increasing frequency
tions cause Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy is un- with which single genes that cause AV conduction disease
known, but defining how these mutations alter cardiac cell are being recognized (genetic heterogeneity). Elucidation
biology should increase our understanding of the patho- of the genetic basis of AV block has required genetic mod-
genesis of AV block. els that utilize reduced penetrance (presence of disease
Kearns-Sayre syndrome is a mitochondrial disorder genotype in absence of phenotype) and variable expressiv-
characterized by progressive external ophthalmoplegia, ity (presence of a disease genotype with variable pheno-
retinal pigmentation, and cardiac conduction abnormality types).
that onsets during childhood to adolescence. The Kearns-
Sayre syndrome phenotype is usually associated with mi- AV CONDUCTION DISEASE AND
tochondrial DNA deletions (Moraes et al., 1989; Anan et CONGENITAL CARDIAC MALFORMATIONS
al., 1995). However, the genotype-phenotype correlation of
An association between AV conduction abnormalities
mitochondrial DNA mutations is complex and inexact,
and congenital cardiac abnormalities has long been ob-
and the precise relation between clinical and biochemical
served. Recently, heterozygous mutations in the cardiac-
phenotypes and deletions remains to be defined (Ashizawa
specific transcription factor, NKX2.5, were identified as a
and Subramony, 2001). Reported cases of Kearns-Sayre
cause of both AV conduction disease and varied congenital
syndrome are typically isolated with a normal family his-
cardiac malformations (Schott et al., 1998; Benson et al.,
tory in spite of predicted maternal inheritance (Anan et
1999; Goldmuntz et al., 2001; Watanabe et al., 2002;
al., 1995; DiMauro and Schon, 2001). Two possible expla-
McElhinney et al., 2003). Based on previous studies in fly
nations are usually given. First, since mtDNA is more
and mouse, these findings were unexpected. For NKX2.5
susceptible than nuclear DNA to mutations, some dele-
mutations, the spectrum of cardiac malformations in-
tions may be new mutations that occurred sporadically
cludes atrial septal defect, ventricular septal defect, te-
during development. Alternatively, mothers of affected
tralogy of Fallot, and tricuspid valve abnormalities, in-
patients may carry a subthreshold number of defective
cluding Ebstein malformation, but the AV block
mitochondria (Ashizawa and Subramony, 2001). The AV
phenotype develops even in the absence of associated mal-
block seen in Kearns-Sayre syndrome is both progressive
formation (Benson et al., 1999; Pashmfaroush et al.,
and infra-Hisian.
2004). Mutations that markedly reduce DNA binding are
Myotonic dystrophy is an autosomal dominant disorder
most likely to result in the AV conduction disease pheno-
characterized by myotonia, muscular dystrophy, and de-
type (Kasahara et al., 2000; Kasahara and Benson, 2004);
velopment of AV conduction disturbances. In 1992, a dis-
these include nonsense mutations and missense muta-
ease-causing trinucleotide (CTG) repeat was identified on
tions in the homeodomain (Fig. 2). In individuals with
chromosome 19q13 (Brook et al., 1992). The CTG repeat is
NKX2.5 mutation, AV block is due to AV node conduction
transcribed and is located in the 3⬘ untranslated region of
delay that progresses during postnatal life such that most
an mRNA that is expressed in tissues affected by myotonic
individuals have advanced second-degree or third-degree
dystrophy. This sequence is highly variable in the normal
AV block by the third decade of life (Benson et al., 1999).
population, and normal individuals have between 5 and 27
The developmental basis for the progressive AV conduc-
copies. On the other hand, myotonic dystrophy patients
tion disease, which is similar to that observed in associa-
have at least 50 repeats (mildly affected) to as many as
tion with heterozygous TBX5 (a t-box transcription factor)
2,000 or more copies (severely affected). A cardiac conduc-
mutations (Basson et al., 1997), has not been elucidated.
tion phenotype is common and there has been consider-
able interest in its relationship to genotype (extent of CTG AV CONDUCTION DISEASE, VENTRICULAR
expansion). Studies to date suggest that CTG length is
correlated with the age at onset of electrocardiographic
abnormalities (Antonini et al., 2000). The AV block seen in WHITE SYNDROME
myotonic dystrophy is both progressive and infra-Hisian; Mutations in PRKAG2, the gene for the ␥2 regulatory
conduction system histology reveals fibrosis, fatty infiltra- subunit of AMP-activated protein kinase, cause ventricu-
tion, and atrophy and electrophysiologic studies demon- lar preexcitation (Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome) and
strate diffuse conduction abnormality (Prystowsky et al., AV conduction block (Arad et al., 2002). Affected individ-
1979; Nguyen et al., 1988). uals also manifest cardiac hypertrophy, and while the
cardiac pathology caused by PRKAG2 mutations includes
IDIOPATHIC AV CONDUCTION DISEASE myocyte enlargement and minimal interstitial fibrosis,
In some cases, an obvious cause of AV conduction dis- the characteristic features of hypertrophic cardiomyopa-
ease is not identifiable. Familial clustering of AV block of thy are absent. Thus, PRKAG2 mutations appear to result
unknown or idiopathic cause has been recognized, and in a novel myocardial storage disease characterized by
published pedigrees show autosomal dominant inheri- formation of vacuoles filled with glycogen-associated gran-
tance (Brink et al., 1995). Some individuals with AV con- ules within myocytes. Detailed clinical electrophysiology
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Fig. 2. NKX2.5 mutations and AV conduction disease. The relative with AV conduction disease. Missense mutations in the amino- or car-
location of 28 NKX2.5 mutations are depicted on the cartoon. Home- boxyterminus (excluding the homeodomain), shown below the cartoon,
odomain missense mutations and nonsense mutations predicted to do not demonstrate this aspect of the phenotype.
result in a truncated protein, shown above the cartoon, are associated

studies of this phenotype have shown that accessory AV

connections are responsible for preexcitation, and the elec-
trophysiologic properties and locations of these AV con-
nections are similar to those reported in isolated cases of
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (Arad et al., 2002). The
AV block is progressive and the site of block is in the distal
His-Purkinje system (below the His bundle recording site)
(Fig. 1). Accumulation of glycogen-associated granules in
conductive tissue may lead to AV conduction disturbance,
but disruption of the annulus fibrosis by glycogen-en-
gorged myocytes is the cause of preexcitation in this gly- Fig. 3. Diagram of SCN5A mutations causing AV block. Six previ-
cogen storage cardiomyopathy (Arad et al., 2003). ously reported mutations are shown on a cartoon of SCN5A (Schott et
al., 1999; Tan et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2002; Viswanathan et al., 2003).
AV CONDUCTION DISEASE IS A The common SCN5A polymorphism (H558R), located on the I–II inter-
CHANNELOPATHY domain cytoplasmic linker and present in 20% of the population, miti-
gates the in vitro effects of a nearby mutation (T512I) on sodium channel
Two distinct inherited syndromes of cardiac arrhyth- function. T512I and H558R were both found on the same allele of a child
mia, the congenital long QT syndrome and Brugada syn- with isolated conduction disease, suggesting a direct functional associ-
drome, have been previously associated with mutations in ation between a polymorphism and a mutation in the same gene
the cardiac voltage-gated sodium channel ␣-subunit gene (Viswanathan et al., 2003).
(SCN5A). Mutations resulting in long QT syndrome cause
persistent sodium current and delay repolarization,
thereby predisposing to the distinctive polymorphic ven-
tricular tachycardia, torsades de pointes. SCN5A muta- will slow the rise time of the cardiac action potential and
tions associated with Brugada syndrome reduce sodium slow conduction velocity, resulting in conduction abnor-
current, alter transmural myocardial voltage gradients, mality rather than another arrhythmia phenotype. Based
and increase the risk for ventricular fibrillation. Recently, on the limited studies performed to date, AV block due to
heterozygous SCN5A mutations were detected in individ- SCN5A mutation is progressive and both supra-Hisian
uals with AV block, thus identifying a third cardiac so- and infra-Hisian block have been observed.
dium channelopathy (Fig. 3) (Schott et al., 1999; Tan et In the taxonomy of clinical electrophysiology, arrhyth-
al., 2001; Wang et al., 2002; Viswanathan et al., 2003). mias related to malfunction of the sinus node are usually
Biophysical characterization of AV block-causing regarded differently than those related to malfunction of
SCN5A mutation revealed distinct gating abnormalities the AV node, His bundle, and distal conduction system
not previously observed for other SCN5A alleles (Tan et elements. However, recent findings that some forms of
al., 2001; Wang et al., 2002; Viswanathan et al., 2003). In congenital sick sinus syndrome, characterized by brady-
heterologous expression studies, AV block-causing SCN5A cardia progressing to atrial inexcitability during the first
mutations demonstrate varied competing gating effects decade of life, define a recessive disorder of a human heart
that result in reduced levels of sodium current density, voltage-gated sodium channel, thereby providing a link
leading to the speculation that a similar reduction may between these seemingly disparate electrophysiological
occur in vivo. Reduced myocardial sodium current density phenotypes. SCN5A mutants associated with congenital
15524892, 2004, 2, Downloaded from by CochraneArgentina, Wiley Online Library on [08/05/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

sick sinus syndrome demonstrate loss of function or sig- alternative diagnostic methods and new therapeutic strat-
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