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(HCM 201)

HEALTH: is a state of being free illness or injury. A

mental or physical condition of a person. It can also be
defined as physical,mental,and social wellbeing, and as
a resource for living a full life. It is referring not only to
the absence of disease, but the ability to recover and
bounce back from illness and other problems. (Factors
for good health include: genetics, the environment,
relationships, and education)


The trite saying “Health is Wealth’’ explains the

importance of health. Health is central to human
happiness and well-being. It also makes an important
contribution to economicprogress. Good health brings
about reduction in the rate of absenteeism and
increase turn over in the production settings.

HYGIENE, is a series of practice performed to

preserve also refers to condition and
practice that help to maintain health and prevent
the spread of disease, such as polio and SARS

Hygiene is any practice or activity that we do to keep

things healthy and clean. Washing hands, coughing
into elbow, andregular house cleaning are all part of
good hygiene.

Personal hygiene includes the following

1. Washing the body often

2. Clearing of the teeth at least once a day.
3. Washing the hair with soap or shampoo at least
once a week.
4. Washing hands with soap after going to the toilet.
5. Washing hands with soap and water before
preparing and for eating food.
6. Wearing clean clothes
7. Cutting of nails

All these are good personal hygiene which is

important for both health and social being. It does
not only benefit individual but also impacts in the
lives of people in the society.

SANITATION,is the effective of tools and action

that keeps our environment healthy, these include
e toilets to manage waste, foodpreparation,
effective drainage and other such mechanisms.

Sanitation refers to public health conditions related to

clean drinking water and adequate treatment and
disposal of human excreta and sewage. Preventing
human contact with fences is part of sanitation,
washing hand with soup and water, so also is cutting
of surrounding bushes and general cleaning of the

Countries of the world like United

Kingdom&Switzerland are leading countries as
regards best practices of sanitation.

Sanitation is important for all, helping to maintain

health and increase life-sperms. Sanitation at home
include: empty of dustbin regularly, kitchen
maintenance, keeping house free of dust, and tiding up
living room and bedroom etc.

WATER MISSON: is a non-profit, Christian

engineering organization based in north Charleston,
SouthCarolina, USA that design, builds and
implements safe water, sanitation and hygiene
solution for people in developing countries and
disaster areas. Since 2001, water mission claims to
have provided access to safe water for more than 3
million people in 52 countries.

Water mission has over 200 staff members working

around the world in permanent country programs
located in Africa, Asia, North, South and
CentralAmerica. Water mission was founded by
George and Molly Greene in 2001 as a non-
governmental organisation.

Education and information about global Water,

Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), including disease
related are challenging to many countries of world.

Obviously, sanitation and hygiene are critical to health,

survival and development. Throughout the world, an
estimated of 2.4 billion people lack basic sanitation.

Basic sanitation is described as having access to

facilities for the safe disposal of human waste (faeces
and urine), as well as having the ability to maintain
hygienic condition.


Water is a substance composed of the chemical

elements hydrogen and oxygen and existing in
gaseous, liquid, and solid states.

It is tasteless and odourless, liquid at room

temperature. It is one of the most plentiful and
essential of compounds, it has ability to dissolve many
other substances.

Water carries nutrients to all cells in our body and

oxygen to our brain. Water allows the body to absorb
and assimilate minerals, vitamins, amino acids,
glucose and other substances. It is also flush out toxins
and waste, and also help to regulate body
temperature. It is vital for all forms of life, even though
it provides no calories or organic nutrients.

Therefore, water is one of the most important

substance on earth. All plants and animals must have
water to survive. If there was no water, there would be
no life.

Sources of water

There are two major sources of water, which are

surface of water, which are surface water and
groundwater. Surface water is found in lakes, rivers,
and reservoirs. Groundwater lies under the surface of
the land, where it travels through and fills openings in
the rock. The rocks that store and transmit
groundwater are aquifers.

Another knowns source of water is rainfall. Rainwater

can be capture and stored for future use through
rainwater harvesting. Rainwater harvesting is a type
of harvest in which the rain drops are collected and
stored for the future use, rather than allowing them to
run off. The harvested water can also be used as
drinking water, longer storage, and for other purpose.
It is the simplest and oldest methods of self-supply of
water for households usually financed by the user.

Another known source of water is rain water.

Rainwater contain a mixed electrolyte



Waterborne disease are conditions caused by

pathogenic micro-organism that are transmitted in
water. These diseases are caused by a variety of
microorganisms, biotoxins,and toxic contaminants,
which lead to devastating illnesses such as
cholera,typhoid fever,dysentery,polio and hepatitis A.
These diseases can be spread or transmitted by
drinking unsafe water, bathing and washing
contaminated water, or by eating contaminated food.

Diarrheal and vomiting are the most common

symptoms,while other symptoms include ear,
skin,eye,and respiratory problems.

Waterborne disease is ano respect of age, that is, it

affects all categories of age in the family set up.

Small children,older children, parent and aged people

as well. However,there are some diseases that are
peculiar to different age group, for instance, small
children normally have polio, which is caused by a
virus. It can be prevented by vaccination.

These are some of most common waterborne

disease and its prevention:

1.Typhoid fever:It is spread through contaminated

food, unsafe water and poor sanitation. It is highly
contagious symptoms are: fever, muscleaches,
sweating, fatigue and diarrhoea. It is treatable and
preventable, through vaccination and use of

2.Cholera: it is commonly found in poverty stricken

and poor sanitation environment. It can be fatal with
days or hour. It caused by when exposed to the
bacteria, and vomiting. It can be prevented by
observing personal hygiene.

3.Dysentery: It is intestinal infection. Its symptoms

include: Diarrheal,fever,nausea,vomiting and

It is prevented and treatable as well.

4.Hepatitis A: IT is a liver infection caused by

consuming contaminated food and water or by coming
in close contact with someone who has the infection.
Symptom include: fatigue,jaundice,nausea,abdominal
pain and loss of appetite. The best way to prevent it is
by being vaccinated.

Communal activities that direct affect the health of

individual and groups includes” farming,soil
disposal both human and animal waste, and
commercial and industrial waste.


Fertilizer, is any materials of natural or synthetic

origin that is applied to soil or plant tissues to supply
one or more plant nutrients essential to the growth of
plants. They are natural or artificial substance
containing the chemical elements that improve growth
and productiveness of plant.

Fertilizer are strictly regulated by concerned

authorities right from production stage to consumer
level, however if the regulations are compromised it
can affect the health of individual, groups and society
at large. Contaminated water may contain high levels
of nitrates and nitrites, causing haemoglobin
disorders. Fertilizer also contains heavy metal such as
mercury, lead, cadmium and uranium which causes
disturbances in the kidneys, lungs and liver which can
cause cancer.

Apart from waterway pollution, chemical fertilizer can

also burn crops, increased air pollution, acidification
of the soil and mineral depletion of the soil. Plant
fertilizer can poison people and pets if they are
inhaled or accidentally ingested. It can also cause skin
irritation if in contact with the skin.


I. Communal activities directly affect the health of

individual and groups include: herbicides,
insecticides, human waste and animal waste,
II. What are the major processes of water cycle?
Submit to:


The water cycle, also known as hydrological or

hydrologic cycle, describes the continuous movement
of water on, above or below the surface of the earth.
The mass of water on earth remains fairly constant
over time but the partitioning of the water into major
reservoirs of ice, fresh water, saline water and
atmospheric water is variable depending on a wide
range of climatic variables. The moves from one
reservoir to another, such as from river to ocean, or
from the ocean to the atmosphere, by the physical
process of evaporation, condensation, precipitation,
surface runoff, infiltration, and subsurface flow. As a
result of these, the water goes through different forms:
liquid, solid and vapour.

The water cycle involves the exchange of energy which

leads to temperature. When water evaporates, it takes
up energy from its surrounding and cools the
environment. When it condenses, it releases energy
and warms the environment. These heat exchanges
influence climate. However, the evaporative phases of
the cycle purify water which then replenishes the land
with freshwater. It is also involved in reshaping the
geological features of the Earth, through processes
including sedimentation and erosion. The water cycle
is essential for the maintenance of most life and
ecosystem on the planet.

Water is essential for life as we all known it. It is

present throughout the solar system, and was part of
the Earth from its formation. The water cycle is the
cycle that water goes through on Earth.

1. The cycle starts when water on the surface of the

earth evaporates. Evaporation means the sun
heats the water which turns into gas.
2. Then, water collects as water vapor in the sky
makes clouds.
3. The water in the clouds gets cold. This makes it
become liquid again. This process is known as
4. The water falls from the sky as rain, snow, sleet.
This is called precipitation.
5. The water sinks into the surface and also collects
into oceans, lakes. It evaporates again and the
cycle continues.

Water cycle is important because it is how water

reaches plants, animals and human beings. Besides, it
also moves things like nutrients, pathogens and
sediment in and out of aquatic ecosystems.
Use of water

Water can be used for direct and indirect purpose.

Direct purposes include bathing, drinking, and
cooking. Indirect purpose includes water usage for
industrial processes, such as agriculture, wood, steel
for automobiles etc.

Water storage means holding water in a contained

area for a period of time. Water storage can be natural
or artificial. Natural water storage occurs in all parts of
the hydrologic cycle. Water can be stored in the
atmosphere, on the surface of the earth, or below
ground. Artificial water storage is done for a variety of
reasons and is done on small and large scales. Water
storage locations are commonly referred to as


Water may get contaminated by ‘contaminant’ these
are any physical, chemical, biological or radiological
substance in water. Drinking water may reasonably be
expected to contain at least small amounts of
contaminants. Some contaminants may be harmful if
consumed at certain levels in drinking water. The
presence of contaminants does not necessarily
indicate that the water poses a health risk. These
contaminants may be naturally occurring or man-
made (artificial) examples of chemical contaminants
include nitrogen, bleach, salt, pesticides, metals toxins
produced by bacteria. Biological contaminants are
organism in water, that is, microbiological
contaminants. Water contamination can be prevented

1. Avoid hardscaped surfaces

2. Pick up after of non-degradable products in the
toilet or sink should be discouraged.
3. Reduction in the use of pesticides
4. Planting of trees.
5. Water conservation
6. Reduce plastics consumption
7. Installation of water – efficient appliances.

Purification of water

Purification of water is the process of removing

undesirable chemicals, biological, contaminants,
suspended solids, and gases from water. The aim is to
produce water fir for specific purposes. Most water
purified and disinfected for human consumption
(cooking and drinking), but water are also purified for
other purpose such as medical pharmacological,
chemical and other industrial purpose. Visual
inspection determines if wate of appropriate quality.
Simple procedures such as boiling or the use of a
household activated carbon filter are not sufficient for
treating all possible contaminants that may present in
water. The importance of using safe water is to reduce
deaths if not totally eliminated form waterborne
disease. However, simple techniques for treating
water at home, such as chlorination, filters and solar
disinfection, and storing it in safe containers could
save a number of lives.

Water purification techniques includes

1. Boiling
2. Granular activated carbon adsorption
3. Distillation
4. Reverse osmosis
5. Direct contact membrane distillation
6. Desalination

Diseases contracted as a result of preens of parasites

in water. Parasites are organism that lives on or in a
host and gets its food from or at the expense of the
most when water becomes contaminated by parasites,
it can cause a variety of illness. Contaminated water is
a serious problem that can cause severe pain,
disability and even death. Some of the disease are:

(1) Schistosomiasis – a disease cause by infection

with fresh water parasitic worms in certain
tropical and subtropical countries. The fresh
water becomes contaminated from infected
animal or human faeces or urine. The parasites
penetrate human skin to enter the blood stream
and migrate to the liver, intestines and other
Symptoms: fever, chills, cough, stomach pain,
itchy skin, muscle aches and joint pain.
Treatment: an infected may get better by
themselves within a few weeks. Its still
important to get treated because the parasite
can remain in body and lead to long-term
It can be successfully treated with a short
course of a medication known as praziquantel. It
kills the worms.
Prevention: there is no vaccine form
schistosomiasis, it is important to be aware of
the risk and take precautions.
(2) River blindness: A parasitic tropical disease
that affects the skin and eye. The disease is
spread by reported bites from infected black
flies. Most commonly found in remote African
villages. Symptoms: Symptoms often don’t
appear for up one to two years after infection.
Skin nodules and itching may develop. Eye
infections can lead to vision changes and
Treatment: Treatments consists use of
antibiotics and anti-parasitic. A drug known as
ivermectin paralysis and kills microfilariae.
River blindness is also known as onchocerciasis.
Intestinal worms or parasitic worms are simple
organism that feed off the human body. Many
people recognize the more common varieties,
such as tapeworms and hookworms, fluke,
pinworm, Ascariasis, Trichinella.
Symptoms: Loss of appetite, Fatigue,
Abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, and weight
loss. However, symptoms may also varies
depending on the exact causative agent.
Treatment: some types of intestinal worms,
such as praziquantel, mebendazole and
Albendazole should be recommended,
depending the exact cause of infection.
Waste can be solid, liquid, or gas and each type
have different methods of disposal and
management. Waste is produced as a result of
human activities.
Waste management or waste disposal
It is the activities and actions required to
manage waste from inception to its final
disposal. This includes the collection, transport,
treatment and disposal of waste, together with
monitoring and regulation of the waste
management process.
Disposal of human faeces.
Human faeces/urine are bio-hazardous waste. If
not professionally treated, it can easily cause
disease. Safe disposal of excreta, so that it does
not contaminate the environment, water, food is
essential for ensuring a healthy environment
and for protection of personal health.
In order to safely dispose human faeces, some
technologies have to be employed:
1. Cartage – is the most basic form of excreta
disposal. Faeces are collected in a container
and disposed of daily. An example is the
bucket latrine, in which household waste are
collected in buckets under a hole in the floor
of a specific room. Each day, the bucket is
emptied into a larger container and the
contents disposed of bucket latrines should
not be promoted because they pose health
risks to both user and collectors and may
spread disease.
2. Pit latrines – in most pit latrine systems,
faecal matter in stored in a pit and left to
decompose. Unless specifically designed, pit
latrine do not require periodic emptying.
When a pit is full, it is sealed and a new pit
dug. Some pit latrines are designed to allow
faecal matter to compost and be reused in
agriculture. Some pits are designed to be
completely dry, while some use small
quantities of water. Ventilation to remove
odour and flies in incorporated into certain
designs, while others are very basic and use
traditional materials and approaches.
3. Septic tanks – a septic tank is a form of on-site
sanitation that provides the convenience of a
sewage system. It is usually linked to flush
toilets and can receive domestic waste water.
Since flush toilet tend to use large amounts of
water, septic tanks are usually appropriate
only for households with water pipped into
the home. The tank is offset from house and
linked to the toilet and domestic wastewater
by a short drain. It is designed to hold solids
and linked to soakaway to dispose of liquid

Animal waste

Animal waste may cause water, soil, and air pollution.

But, if properly and judiciously managed, they are
valuable resources. The main uses of animal waste are
resources of plant nutrients (fertilizer) and animal
nutrients (feedstuffs).

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