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Daniella S.

Basis 1a

My dear audience, Just think of a child who wakes up every morning and instead of feeling safe
and loved, he or she is filled with fear about what may happen to him or her on that day. This is
not by strangers but by those who should protect and bring them up. These are the lives for
millions of children globally.
Any act carried out intentionally to cause injury to or mistreat a child under the age of 18 years
old is referred to as child abuse. It includes physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse,
neglect that causes, or could cause significant harm. Therefore it must be treated as an issue far-
reaching in scope requiring immediate action from all of us together.
As per the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 25% adults have recollections of
experiencing physical abuses during their childhoods. Terribly enough, one in five females and
one in thirteen males report being sexually abused before their adulthood stage. The outcomes
for victims are extremely severe and may result in lifelong pathological conditions; they include
such things as depression or anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), substance
use disorders - alcoholism & drug addiction - violence & criminality etc.. For example:
Depression caused by this type of trauma can make people feel hopeless without any reason for
living other than surviving day after day through various committed suicides attempts which
leads you into believing there's no hope left at all…. And these effects carry on right through to
adulthood as well impacting upon your life chance like earning power throughout their entire
adulthood too with several consequences including poor job prospects due mainly because many
employers won't hire ex-offenders even if they have qualifications needed thereby leading them
back into criminal activities again… On average each case costs $210,012 over his lifetime in
terms medical care expenses incurred immediately after birth along with other related health
services provided subsequently until death when necessary plus penal systems cost such as
imprisonment/penal detention facilities while under age 18+ supervision etc…
Child mistreatment mostly originates from different faults of families. Instances of domestic
violence, substance abuse and economic difficulties are some of the causes. Additionally, such
individuals are more likely to repeat the cycle with their own children. The risks also increase
when caregivers suffer from mental health conditions such as depression or personality
disorders. Different cultures and societies have varying opinions on child-rearing methods and
discipline; some cultures still believe that corporal punishment is acceptable.

Prompt reporting of any suspicious cases help in saving children’s lives. There are professionals
who are required by law to report suspected child abuse including teachers and doctors. A strong
support system is important for healing and protection of abused youngsters which include
psychological counseling, medical care, legal aid among others. Community participation is also
crucial in this area. By providing information through awareness programs or/and resources for
families these will only give them a hand in preventing any abuse from occurring at all by
Education plays a role, in combating child abuse. It's essential to educate parents, family
members and children about recognizing the signs of abuse following safety measures and
Daniella S. Rangasa
Basis 1a

accessing support services. Introducing intervention initiatives like social worker home visits and
parenting workshops can help identify families at risk and provide the assistance to prevent
abuse. Implementing enforcement of child protection laws and imposing penalties on offenders
can contribute significantly to safeguarding children.
Child abuse is an issue with reaching consequences. It's a responsibility, for all of us – whether
as individuals, professionals or policymakers – to protect children. Through efforts we can break
the cycle of abuse. Ensure that every child is raised in a secure, caring and nurturing

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