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Introduction to Poetry

Spring 2024
Poetic Analysis Guidelines (15%)
Deadline: June 3, 2024

*** Write directly into Google Docs. DO NOT WRITE YOUR ANALYSIS IN WORD. Papers
written in Word and uploaded or copied and pasted into Google Docs WILL NOT BE

What is poetic analysis?

Poetry analysis is examining the independent elements of a poem to understand the literary work
in its entirety. Analyzing a poem line by line enables the study of its structure, form, language,
metrical pattern, and theme. The purpose of poetic analysis is to interpret the meaning of a poem
and appreciate it on a deeper level.

How to begin?
1. Choose a poem from the list in the Moodle site. You cannot analyze a poem that we
studied in class.
2. Analyze the poem by completing the poetic analysis steps learned in class. There is a
document in Moodle with these steps.
3. DO NOT use any external sources for analyzing the poem. See the policy on
plagiarism below.

I. Introduction – keep it short
a. An opening sentence that includes the title, the poet and the date of
publication of the work. Make sure to include a reference to the text in a
bibliography at the end of the paper.
b. 3-5 sentences with some general details about the poet’s life
c. A sentence with a thesis statement that indicates the main theme of the
poem that you plan to discuss.
II. Body – Complete the poetic analysis steps outlined the document in Moodle.
III. Brief conclusion – reminds the reader of theme of the poem.

 Submit via Google Docs
 1 page
 Time New Roman Font
 Double spaced
 Include your name and the title of the poem in the document name.
 Write in the third person and follow the principles of writing from the Style &
Composition course. Make sure to review the academic register document in Moodle
before writing and submitting.
 Late and overlong papers will NOT be accepted.
 Papers that do not conform to the guidelines will be marked down 10%.
 Plagiarism:
All work submitted in this course must be your own and be written exclusively for this
course. Copying of paragraphs, sentences, parts of sentences or paraphrasing without
citation is plagiarism. External sources must be academic and the use of these sources
(ideas, quotations, paraphrases) must be properly documented.

Use of online literary summary and analysis websites such as Shmoop, Sparknotes,
Bookrags, Gradesaver, etc. is FORBIDDEN! Moreover, writing your paper using any
form of Artificial Intelligence (AI), such as ChatGPT is also FORBIDDEN!

There is zero tolerance for cases of academic dishonesty. When academic dishonesty is
clearly established, a failing grade will be given and you WILL be sent to the disciplinary
committee. Please see me if you have any questions about your use of sources.

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