The - Will Play Questions.

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1-How would you characterize Robert in the first scene?

He was an immature person.

In what particular incident does he reveal himself?
It was when he was playing with the letters that he was flinging them into the open mouth of Surtees
and he missed and accidentally that letter went directly to the fire.

2-What is the senior Mr. Devizes’ attitude toward his son?

Mr. Devizes had a rational attitude toward his son because he knew that his son was immature person
and did not have experience as a lawyer.

How does he handle the error that his son made?

He just asked the reason why they come to see him since he did not see the letter.
With what consequences?
It had the consequence that Mr.Devizes had to intervene to take the case because Robert was not able
to handle the situation or find out the reason why they came to the office.

3-Why have Mr. and Mrs. Ross come to consult the law firm?
They went to make a will.
How do they differ in their attitude toward the errand which brought them to the lawyers’ office?
They were a lovely couple and they just want to be ready in case something happens in the future, but
Mr. Ross always thought that he would die first.

4-What prophetic advice does Mr. Devizes, Senior, give the young couple?
He told them not to change when they have money and not to lose the love they feel.

5-What kind of clerk is Surtees?

He is a clerk with many years at the office.
Why is he so heavy-hearted?
Because he received a horrible news from his doctor that does not have any cure.

What does he say that Mr. Devizes, Senior, remembers and quote when he is an old man?
That everyone has a black spot in their life and if we do not take care of that early by the time that we
decide to do something about it will be too late because by that that it will have destroyed our life.

6-How does the second entrance of Mr. and Mrs. Ross differ from the first?
They did not come together, they come by separate and it was not with the same love. They did not feel
the same for each other as it was at the beginning.
What kind of person has Emily become?
She became a greedy person.
What is Philip’s motive in revising his bequest?
He was afraid of his wife give up his money and their children didn't end up being people who deserve it.
Who wins in the dispute about how Emily is to be provided for in the will—she or Philip?
Emily won.

7-Under what circumstance does Mr. Devizes, Senior, return to the office?
He was really old and forgets things.

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What changes have occurred in his relation with his son since the first Ross visit?
Robert is in charge of the office and he treats his father with respect.

8-What has happened to the Ross family between the second and the third scene?
Mr. Ross’ son (Harry) was caught smoking cigarettes, his daughter (Miss Gwendolyn) married his driver,
Mr. Ross became richer and Mrs. Ross died.
What changes in the will does Sir Philip wish to make?
He wanted to give the money to those people that he made go to bankruptcy. He wanted to do
something good at the end.
What is the irony in the situation?
The irony is the Mrs. Ross died first than Mr. Ross.
What directions does he give to Robert for drawing up a new will?
That he revokes all the wills and testament that he had done before.

9-What recollections come back to Mr. Devizes, as he wakes from his nap by the fire and overhears
Robert and Ross talking about a will?
That he remembers a young coupe that came to his office to make a will.
What does he remember about Mr. and Mrs. Ross?
He remembers a couple that were in love and did not care about the money.
What words of Surtees, quoted by My Devizes, Senior, does Philip Ross apply ho himself?
He applies to himself the words “A spot not bigger than a pin’s head” because everybody has something
inside that can destroy his/her life if it is not taking care before it is late.

10-What is the thrust which Philip Ross seems to have learned?

He learned that money does not give you happiness.
How does he act upon it?
He was really sad and lonely because he had money, but he had nobody. He was rich, but alone.
What is finally done about the will?
He wanted to give the money to those people he made to go into bankruptcy.

The message is that the money is very destructive. It destroys your life, your family. You cannot give too
much important to that. Love is more important than anything. If you want to get money you do not
need to do that bad things, you can work hard for it and get a god job. Love in life is really important
because it makes you feel different in the way that you will be happy; you will think positively, you will be
around people that cares about and love you as well. So, money is not everything in life.

What’s theme of the story? What events from the story lead you to believe that? Explain in your own

From a Day’s Wait, describe the setting of the story. (Contruct your answer in complete sentence or short
The setting is at their house.

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From Young Man Axelbrod
Why do you think the story’s title is Young Man Axelbrod if the main character was not a young man?
It has this title because it refers to an old man that has a young soul. This means that even though he
was old man he wanted to keep learning despite his age. There is not age to keep learning and he was
very devoted to learn.

From Young Man

Why did the man character dropped out of college? Explain
He left college because he did not want to lose the friendship that he had with Gil. He was able to
achieve his dream in just one day with Gil. He found out that that they had a lot of things in common,
things that Knute really enjoyed like the book of poetry in France that Gil give him.

From Young Man

This story has many settings. Choose two settings and explain how the main character felt and why.
Two of the settings that I chose from this short story are the class room and at the dining room where he
ate his meal. He felt lonely and disappointed because his classmate stayed away from him even his

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