The Lycan King S Mate by Bridget Marie 09

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‘aa time, the way they can cover their scent... ‘Everything is pointing towards Lycan involvement. In my territory. But who? rub my chin as | look at my phone, hoping for someone to tell me more information. Could it be the Southern territory? Could they really be that angry over the past? [run my hands through my hair and inhale, breathing deeply of Ava’s scent. Her scent is all around me, it's overwhelming. | want to throw my phone away and take her here and now on her ‘small, unmade bed. I'm aking damnit. | have to control myself. | can’t let this tiny she-wolf control me, or the things | want to do to her control me... I've already lost myself in her several times today. The moment | smelled her intoxicating scent when | stepped out of the SUV, When I saw her standing there with her messy a Se meee Posie | a. Then there was that man who had vain her arms, ‘showed control there. I didnt rip him from limb to limb for © touching my mate. Nor did | say anything when | felt Alpha Caleb's disapproval when Lily whispered in his ear that Ava had mated tome. ‘There is definitely a history between the two, judging by, ‘va’s reaction in my room earlier today and his to her being mated to someone else, not to mention his staring at her cleavage in the hot pink dress. | shift my legs to adjust my pants when | think of the dress. | can feel myself getting hard again. Itwas truly a shame to destroy the dress. it had hugged Ava’s curves just right. Her big, full, bouncing breasts were beyond enticing in it. The only problem was the fact that | wasn’t the only one who was enjoying the view. 1'm going to have to keep a close eye on my new mate. Or rather, close eye on other men around my mate. = © the best central location to be while | look for answers, but maybe | should take her back home, keep her ‘safe within my entire Lycan pack. Asmall, gentle hand touches my arm and | look down to ‘see Ava looking up at me with those beautiful green eyes, a worried frown in-between her eyes. “I'm...I'm ready to go.” Her voice is small and timid. | can't quite figure her out yet. She seems unsure of herself, nervous, always embarrassed, but willing to bend over backwards to help everyone around her. Then she was so open and funny earlier, not to mention daring when she touched me, grabbed my balls, put my hard erection in her mouth, step back to switch my weight to my other leg again 2nd look at her new outfit, She had dressed in a simple Breen sundress with a modest neckline and the hem going to her knees, plain tan flats on her feet. Itwasn’t as revealing as her hot pink dress, but it somehow was just as sexy. She's watching me look at her, biting her lip nervously. an2 She lets out a small moan at my touch. I don't know how I'll ever get thing done again in my life, take a couple of steps and sit on the edge of the bed ‘and pull her towards me, in-between my legs. She moves in and grabs the front of my shirt. Her lips meet mine and all thoughts of anything but Ava leave. | push her lips open with my tongue as I run my hands under her dress, spreading her thighs a little wider, and pulling aside her panties to touch her wetness. She's always so wet for me. She moans quietly against my lips as Islip a finger in and out, finding and rubbing her c******s with my thumb. take my free hand away from her dress to pull her neckline down and free her breasts, taking one into my siete mouth while lightly pinching her other n She pulses her hips against my hand and grips my shoulders. She is quick to climax, screaming my name before she shudders, and her body goes limp against me. | hold her ‘ea ery phone vibrating beside me on the bad had discarded it. ‘can also feel someone in my pack trying to mindlink with me. Once again, I'll have to continue this later. Control man. Control! I shake my head and look down at Ava as | push her gently away from me, her eyelids heavy when she looks up atme. “| really have to go. | can walk with you back to the packhouse.” She nods and stands up straight, smoothing back her hair. 1 go to smooth back my hair and stop, the smell of Ava on my hand distracting me. I mentally shake my head again and stand up, grabbing my phone the same time as | open the mindlink to Darius. “We think that the Red Night pack must be in the area still, We haven't heard of any new attacks, but we are. ‘going fo starta search party with the Silver Streams pack within a 5/12 going ok down in hicktown? You were ‘to let me know you arrived. Ican’t deal with that right now. Hook down at Ava who has been standing quietly beside me, biting her lip. This time it was definitely from being nervous. don’t have time to really talk to her right now. | know she has questions. | have questions too. We just met, just mated, we've fooled around three times already, but haven't even had areal conversation yet. {nod towards the door and wave her to lead the way. She hesitates slightly, but then leads me out of her room and out of the house. I quickly type on my phone as we go down the stairs. Here. Talk later. Ican nearly feel Ava’s mind racing with different thoughts as we walk beside each other down the road back packhouse. I look down at her and she is chewing on 6/12 ‘She looks up at me with her big green eyes and gives measmall smile. She has no idea how happy | am to have found her. At 28 years old, I'm the oldest Lycan king to ever go unmated. | have thought for a few years now that | would never have a mate, just a string of girlfriends that leave when they find their mates or were just with me for my title and power. Like Rachel...I discard that thought immediately. I'll have to give her a call soon, | can’t let her find out from Chris. He has orders not to tell, but it is his sister, so I'm not certain he'll be able to keep quiet. But for right now, | get to enjoy and explore my beautiful new mate, Right after | deal with this damn Red Night pack, We reach the packhouse and | wave Ava in before me. She's stops in the hall, uncertain where we should be going | point to the stairs. “lam meeting with some of my men in my room. | will fill you in later, but you can go be with your sister for now, if you would like.” m2 hear faint footsteps that | already recognize as Alpha Caleb's and break the kiss, gently placing Ava back on the floor, holding her waist until she is steady on her feet. | kind ‘of like how disoriented she always is after we kiss. I give her a nod and make my way quickly to the stairs and up to my room. | don’t want to run into Alpha Caleb again until | talk to my men He seems like a fine Alpha, but he's getting on my nerves. Maybe it’s because | can sense that he and Ava have a past. A sudden image of Ava eagerly spreading her legs for Alpha Caleb comes to my mind and | let out a growl. I shake my head to rid the thought, but now it’s stuck. tm wondering if she was as wet for him as she is for me. |s. she so bold with me because of all her previous experience? These thoughts put me in a thundering mood as | open lor to my room to see my seven men already there, “| think we should leave and go back home immediately. This isn’t our fight, and ifit does turn into our fight, it’s better to do it from our protected village, versus some in the middle of nowhere small pack with weak fighters.” Eric turns to him, a look of disbelief on his face. “You heard what Alpha Caleb said, they covered their scents! The way they fought, keeping themselves from being seen... there is obviously Lycan involvement! Ifthere are Lycan’s fighting in our territory, itis our fight!” Chris glares at Eric. “Which we should take up from home. | don’t see the reason to stay here. A few werewolves dying isn’t worth slumming it...” “Enough!” All eyes turn to me. Chris looking angry. “The werewolves in our territory are just as much my fesponsibility as the Lycans, We need to take every death seriously. The Red Night is not just a threat to the werewolf packs, but to our pack, our territory.” All my men nod in agreement, except Chris. isn't used to anything other than luxury bedding and is very bitter about it. “Let's reconvene later, after Darius finishes their scout of the area.” The men nod and start to head out. Eric hangs back and waits for the door to close behind the last person before talking. “Ava? She really is your mate?” He grins at me. “Very nice.” Eric is my closest friend that I’ve known since we were three, | had wanted to make him my beta, but my father had made strict laws preventing new beta lines unless there was a good reason for the current one to be replaced. Unfortunately, me just disliking Chris immensely wasn't a good enough reason, | asked. Isigh and run my hands through my hair before giving him a weak smile back. “Are you going to keep her here or send her up home until the fighting is over?” she would prefer to stay here wth her sister for I being, but it will depend on how things play out ‘with the Red Night pack. I think she will be safest with me for now.” Eric nods and pats me on the back. “Glad you finally found her. We'll celebrate tonight.” Asudden image of Ava licking her lips while she ogles at the front of my pants comes to mind. Yes, yes we will celebrate finding each other tonight.

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