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Daddy Gets a Special Blowjob

Incest for Father's Day

DeeDee Zee
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Daddy Gets a Special Blowjob

Incest for Father's Day
Copyright © 2021 by DeeDee Zee

Published by I Luv SmutBux

All rights reserved.
First Edition: May 2021
Smashwords Edition

No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical
means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission
from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

This title is a work of FICTION. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products
of the author's imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be constructed as
real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is
entirely coincidental.

All characters depicted in this title are 18 years of age or older.

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Table of Contents


Daddy Gets a Special Blowjob


Incest for Father's Day Series

About the Author
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Dad just woke up to a blowjob, and he's not asking questions. Hey
fully enjoys the gift that his daughter is giving him and forces himself
not to care about the reasons why. What does reason have to do with the
hard-pounding father-daughter bonding he's experiencing?
intended for MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY (18+). It contains father-
daughter incest sex, oral sex, vaginal sex, and bareback creampie.
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Daddy Gets a Special Blowjob

For a bachelor like me, waking up to a blowjob was a wonderful dream
that would never come true. But it was happening.
I was awake. At least, I thought I was awake. My eyes were open, and it
didn't feel as if I were awake but inside a dream. The pink pussy raining
fragrant juices all over my face as three dainty fingers pumped in and out of
it vigorously was very vivid. Too vivid not to be real. The feeling of a hot mouth
wrapped around my hard dick, sucking energetically while bobbing quickly
it was really fucking vivid as well.
My wet dreams weren't like this. Not even close. They were good, but
never this good, this real.
Dream or not, I wasn't just going to lie here and take it.
I grabbed the wrist that belonged to those dainty fingers, pulled them
from the pussy, and sucked them clean before burying my face against the
luscious pussy. Royal Smelled. Really tasted. Squeaked real when I sucked that
quivering clit. I was fucking awake, and this pussy was very definitely on my
“Oh Daddy!”
I only let that word startle me for a moment before pushing it aside to
enjoy the feast. I gripped the thighs of whoever belonged to this delicious
snatch to hold her close, staying with her as she squirmed and written on
top of me, loving her breathy moans as I brought her to orgasm while
fucking her with my tongue.
This was heaven. I'd died in my sleep and somehow ended up in a
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heaven that allowed me to eat the most amazing pussy. Pussy is sensitive
that the owner of it came four times before she could finally suck a load out
of me. Her mouth felt too damn good to give it up easily. I made her work
for it.
And then she squirmed free.
I tried to keep ahold of her, but she was determined to get away, and she
was on top. The mystery woman waking me up with a 69 was… “Jessica?”
My eighteen-year-old daughter Jessica smiled down at me as she leaned
forward for a tongue-tangling kiss while jerking my dick in one dainty hand.
I was dreaming.
There was no way in hell my daughter would be naked in bed with me,
letting me eat her pussy while she sucked me off. None. Yeah, I'd
sometimes I imagined a scenario where I fucked my daughter. I was human,
and she was hot… in a kind of straitlaced, stern secretary kind of way. But
there was no way this was happening.
But it felt real, damn it!
I pushed Jessica back and stared into her sparkling eyes, full of lust and
mischief. I'd never seen that expression on her face before. “What are you
My daughter giggled, a sound I'd never in my life heard her make, and I
was the one who raised her. She spent a few days with her mother here and
there, but I was the primary parent since she was a toddler. Never in that
time had she ever giggled. Not once. Not while I was around, at least.
Jessica pressed forward and engaged me in another kiss while shifting so
she straddled me.
I grunted with a start when she guided my renewed erection to her slick
“Jess, what—”
She lowered her hips in a swift stroke that took my entire piece to her
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depths. Then she licked my lips with another giggle, a sultry smile on her
face. “Happy Father’s Day, Daddy.”
What was even happening right now?
Nothing made sense.
I was in some bizarre world where logic was inverted and daughters
fucked their fathers on Father's Day.
Fuck it!

Enough thinking. More fucking.

I grabbed Jessica's hips and buckled beneath her.
“Daddy! Oooh! Yes!” My daughter toppled on top of me, giggling more
and then moaning her pleasure as I hammered away at her pussy,
determined to get the most out of this—whatever this was—before it went
But Jessica was into it too. She kissed me and sucked my neck, my
earlobes, panted against my skin and danced her drained pussy on my
dick. When she came, her lustful cries filled the room.
I gripped her ass cheeks, pulling her close as I jutted my hips up, burying
deep with my tip pressed right up against her cervix as I let loose a flood of
cum into her unprotected pussy and then panting hard from the exertion. I
didn't even have the strength left to keep hold of Jessica when she pulled off
my piece.
She didn't leave. My daughter crawled up my body to straddle my head.
She spread her labia as she lowered her hips, pressing her cum-filled snatch
against my mouth and then wiggling.
I grabbed her ass again and enjoyed another pussy feast. This time that
pussy was cream-filled, and I was loving it even more. Yeah, it was mine
spunk I was slurping out of her. That only improved her taste. I couldn't get
enough of her and went after every drop.
Jessica rode my face while crying out her orgasms.
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I gave her several. I clung to her and refused to let her escape when she
tried to get away. By the time she got free of my hold, she was drunk on
orgasms and panting giggling moans while sprawled beside me.
I sat up to stare down at her body glistening with sweat, her big tits
jiggling with each breath, and her plump pink pussy quivering and winking.
“What the hell is this, Jess?”
She licked her smiling lips. “Your Father's Day gift.”
My daughter sat up and gave my lips a quick kiss. “Happy Father’s Day.”
Then she rolled off the bed and left.
I stared after her and couldn't wrap my head around any of this. What
the hell did she mean Happy Father's Day? Fucking me was my gift? it was
an amazing gift, and I loved it. But why? My daughter wasn't like that. This
wasn't some impulse that normal people would have.
Sitting on my bed brooding over it wouldn't make any of this make sense.
I snatched up my sweatpants and pulled them on as I stalked out of my
room to find my daughter.
She was in the kitchen, looking for something in the fridge. She'd put on
a loose T-shirt that stopped at her waist, and that was it. No bottoms. At the
panties. Her ass was exposed as she bent over to grab something from the
vegetable drawer. Not just her ass, but that glistening pink pussy of hers as
All confusion and reason went out the window. I crossed the room,
grabbed my little girl, and stuffed her pussy full of my dick.
“Daddy!” Jessica reared up and grabbed the fridge for support, but she
didn't pull away. She huffed and arched her ass up while pushing back to
meet my thrusts.
Dammit! Forget why. Why could go fuck itself. My daughter was letting
pound me her pussy, and I wouldn't let sense stop that.
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It was fucking cold, though.

I pulled out, yanked Jessica away from the fridge, slammed the door shut
at the same time I spun her to face me, and then backed her up against it
as I stuffed my piece inside her again.
My daughter hugged my shoulders with one knee raised to my hips.
I paused again to get my arms under her knees and lifted her against the
fridge before driving into her wet snatch and pounding away again.
“Daddy! Fuck, Daddy! Oh God! Yes!” Jessica grabbed the top of the fridge
with one hand and held onto me with the other.
The fridge rocked with each thrust, rattling the contents inside.
This was everything I wanted in life. Nothing would ever top pinning me
little girl to the fridge with my dick and filling her full of my spunk while she
smiled and giggled at me and begged me for more.
We spent the rest of the day fucking. In the living room, back in my
room, in my shower, and then in the kitchen again when we got hungry. It
it was the best Father's Day ever.
It still made no sense why Jessica would start this kind of relationship
with me. Had I made her think I was into incest. I didn't hate it, for sure.
But had I provoked this?
Even though I said I wouldn't question it, I still wanted answers.
The next morning, I was in bed and smiling, waiting for my morning
blowjob to start. And waiting and waiting. Jessica was awake. I heard the
water running from her shower. When I heard the click of her heels on the
hardwood, I got up to see what was what. My hard-on was swinging in front
of me as I went to my daughter in the kitchen, hugging her from behind and
giving her neck a few kisses while pushing my erection against her ass.
“Get off me!” Jessica shoved me away and then turned to glare at me.
“Huh?” I stepped back with my hands up. “What the hell, Jess? You were
all for it yesterday.”
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“That was yesterday.” Jessica smoothed her hands over her pencil skirt
and straightened her dress jacket with a stern expression on her face.
This was the daughter I knew. Her hair was in a tight ass, glasses
perched on her face, and a no-nonsense aura exuding off her that made me
cover my dick with my hands while feeling sheepish.
My daughter looked at me over and rolled her eyes. “I knew you would be
like this.”
“Like what? We fucked yesterday. All day. You and me. And now suddenly
I'm the asshole because I want to do it again?”
Jessica breathed out an annoyed sigh. “That was yesterday, Dad.
Yesterday was Father's Day. I told you that was your gift.”
“Fucking me was my gift?”
“But we can't fuck now because it's no longer Father's Day.”
“Exactly. I'm glad you get it now.” Jessica grabbed the milk from the
fridge and went to the table where I'd spread her wide and even her pussy.
She poured herself some cereal and sat to eat like she hadn't been
screaming for more on that exact spot just a few hours ago.
“So… uh… When can we fuck again?”
“What?! Christmas?! It’s fucking June!”
“Yeah, it is.”
“Why not sooner?”
Jessica held up her fingers and pointed to them in turn as she said,
“Father's Day, Christmas, and your birthday. That's when we can fuck. It's a
present, Dad, not a commitment. If you want more, get a girlfriend.”
“But… But… my birthday was two months ago, and we didn't fuck then.”
“I wasn't eighteen then. Incest is bad enough without adding statutory to
the mix.”
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I hated that her logic made sense. I stood by feeling stupid and horny
while my daughter finished eating her cereal, put the bowl in the
dishwasher, and then kissed my cheek before leaving for work.
Christmas, my birthday, and Father's Day. Those were the only times I
would get to enjoy the most amazing pussy I'd ever had in my life. What the
fuck kind of cock-teasing bullshit was that?!

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Incest for Father's Day Series

Daddy Gets a Special Blowjob (01)

She's giving him a very special Father's Day gift that he'll want to enjoy
everyday to eat.

Date Night and Twincest Fun for Daddy (02)

He can enjoy date night with his girlfriend and savor a naughty night in
with his daughters at the same time.

Daddy's Gullible Daughter Puts Out (03)

She's too sheltered to know her first time isn't a proper Father's Day gift,
and Dad refuses to educate her.

Being Daddy's Slut in a Fuck Box (04)

He'll pretend he doesn't know she's his daughter just so he can enjoy his
gift that much more.

Daddy Enjoys Drunk Sleep Sex (05)

Drunk and sleeping it off, their daughter has no idea Mommy is giving her
to Daddy as a Father's Day gift.

Incest for Father's Day 5-Pack Bundle

Instead of a tie, why not give Dad what he really wants for Father's Day?
Sex, sex, and more sex.
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Christmas Sex for Daddy in July

When it's Christmas everyday, she becomes the gift that keeps on giving.

Double Feature: Daddy's Special Blowjob and “Christmas” Sex

She only gave him sex because it was a special occasion, so he'll use it
hypnosis to make her think every day is special.
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Also by DeeDee Zee

Want more father-daughter incest stories?

Spoiling Her with Incest Age Play (A Smut Novella) + Extras

She has a childish secret he'll use to make her fulfill all his naughty

Daddy's Anal Princess Series

Daddy is using any and all means possible to ensure he gets all the ass he
wants when he wants, and his little princess will love giving it to him.

Daddy's Lockdown Cum Slut Series

The world is on lockdown, and these parents are taking full advantage of the
situation to get all the incest sex they want.

How about more of the same kinks?

• Father-Daughter
• Bondage
• Mind Control
• Sleep Sex

Want everything at a major discount?

Check out the All-in-One Bundles for 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.
(The all-in-one bundle for 2021 will be released in late December 2021.)
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Or maybe you just want to see what's available and coming soon?
Visit DeeDee Zee's website and browse through the 30 series (over 250
shorts) and 10+ novellas for something else you might like.
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About the Author

DeeDee Zee is a Romance author who has decided to slum it in Smut for a
while. And really the naughty side of the tracks is the place to be. She's all
about hardcore cream-filled taboo shorts that are sure to get you hot and
bothered and wanting more.

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