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DraStic post-FX shader file format

Version: 1.0
If you want to modify any of the included shaders, please copy it and create a file
with another name,
because it might be overwritten if we update the original.
If a shader can't be compiled, you will get an error message in the app, stating
that it couldn't be loaded.
If that happens, you will find the shader error log <shader>dsd.log in the same
directory as the <shader>.dsd file.

DraStic FX file .dfx

Defines all passes, inputs and outputs.

// All file-paths are relative to the .dfx's path

name=<name, max. 31 chars>
textures=<number of textures, range=[1;16]>

// GLSL code, that will be prepended to ALL vertex shaders before global header

// GLSL code, that will be prepended to ALL pixel shaders before global header

// GLSL code, that will be prepended to ALL vertex and pixel shaders

// Content of file will be prepended to ALL vertex and pixel shaders
// (after the header).

// null: for FBO textures
// framebuffer: DS screen framebuffer
// filename.raw: for additionally needed custom textures
// width and height are only valid for textures loaded from files.
// The size of FBO-bound textures is determined by the output-scale value in the
width=<width of texture>
height=<height of texture>
// format, internalformat and type are ignored for framebuffer input
format=<OpenGL texture format>
internalformat=<OpenGL internal texture format>
type=<OpenGL data type>

// The order of <pass> tags will be the order in the render-chain

// has to be the first element in the <pass>-tag
shader=<filename of shader>
// The order of samplers will determine the texture unit (GL_TEXTURE0 etc.)
// For the 1st pass, the first sampler will always be set to GL_TEXTURE0,
// where the framebuffer texture is bound to.
sampler:<sampler2D variable>=<texture index>
// Output will be ignored for final pass, which always renders to the screen.
// For previous passes, an FBO will be created and bound to this texture.
// scale: an integer value determining the texture scale for render targets,
// compared to the input texture (DS screen framebuffer) size.
output=<texture index>:<scale>

DraStic shader definition file .dsd

Defines vertex and pixel shaders for 1 pass.
The following variables are built-in and set for each pass, IF they are declared
within the shader:

// (w,h) = size in pixels of the input texture for the pass.

// This will be the screen resolution (e.g. 512x394 for high-resolution)
// for the first pass, and be multiplied by the output scale for the pass.
uniform vec4 u_texture_size(1.0/w, 1.0/h, w, h);
// (w,h) = size in pixels of the target rectangle the screen is rendered to.
uniform vec2 u_target_size(w, h);
// time in seconds since rendering started
uniform float u_time;


// Vertex shader GLSL code

// Pixel shader GLSL code

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