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A Strategic Approach for Managing Oil and Gas Assets

Article in Natural Gas & Electricity · September 2016

DOI: 10.1002/gas.21930

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3 authors, including:

Sang-Won Kim
Sunder Deep Group Of Institutions


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A Strategic Approach for Managing Oil

and Gas Assets
Sang-Won Kim, Brad Powley, and Léonard Bertrand

T he global oil market is experiencing a struc-

tural shift. Faced with a rapid price decline, large
• Dearth of large project opportunities: Newly
discovered resources are smaller in size, more
geologically complicated to develop, and
oil-producing countries had decided to protect more difficult to access due to geopolitical
their market share, with the hopes of perma- tension and the nationalization of resources
nently removing expensive supply from the mar- by national oil companies.
ket. Meanwhile, the ability of the US shale oil • Vulnerability to “boom and bust” cycles: With
producers to respond quickly to positive price high commodity prices, companies move
signals puts downward pressure on prices. On projects rapidly through FID, driving up
the demand side, advances in renewable technol- costs and pressuring profit margins. With
ogy and the continued effort to curb consump- low prices, capital becomes scarce, and opera-
tion of fossil fuel conspire to inhibit long-run tors are forced to cut back on exploration and
growth.1 These factors suggest that the current delay FID, reducing near-term opportunities
down-cycle may continue for an extended pe- and delaying the ramp-up of new activities
riod of time or even invoke another down-cycle. once prices rebound.
For managing large projects (e.g., discovering • Uncertainty on the long-term value of an asset:
and developing new hydrocarbon resources, or Because asset values are closely tied to com-
building major pipelines), oil and gas companies modity prices, it is unclear when an oil and gas
employ a rigorous stage-gate process. The concept company should be purchasing assets, selling
of “front-end loading” is an accepted way to maxi- them, or taking a wait-and-see approach.
mize value creation by ensuring quality decision- • Emergence of unconventional and mature as-
making in the early stage of a project.2 Accord- sets: FID is only the beginning. Complicated
ingly, companies give a great level of attention to operation requires strategic decisions to be
defining and designing the right development con- made during the execution and operation
cept, before the final investment decision (FID). stages of projects (e.g., learning and cost re-
The ability to acquire and deliver large projects duction, managing large drilling programs,
is a traditional source of competitive advantage advanced recovery technologies, and water
for oil and gas companies. However, multiple and materials handling).
challenges threaten this business model.
With these companies’ traditional business
model in jeopardy, how will they create value
Sang-Won Kim ( is a senior en- for their shareholders? The answer lies in
gagement manager, and Brad Powley (bpow- the companies’ biggest possession—the very is a senior consultant at Strategic
Decisions Group International LLC (SDG). They hydrocarbon-producing assets that they already
led SDG’s oil & gas clients to adopt strategic operate. Companies need to take a strategic
approach to managing their assets. Léonard
Bertrand ( is the leader of
view in managing their producing assets. This
SDG’s North American Energy & Environmental management requires making high-quality
Practice. decisions throughout an asset’s life cycle,
regardless of the commodity-price cycle.
22 © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. / DOI 10.1002/gas.21930 NATURAL GAS & ELECTRICITY SEPTEMBER 2016
MANAGEMENT Exhibit 1. Why Should Asset Management Be Strategic?
A strategic framework is crucial when think-
ing about improvements to existing assets (e.g.,
production optimization, maintenance schedul-
ing, asset replacement, de-bottlenecking, and
other areas). Merriam-Webster defines an “asset”
as “a valuable person or thing.”3 Identifying the
full value potential requires the development of
a robust strategy. Realizing the full value poten-
tial (Exhibit 1) requires execution of the strategy
through strategic management of the assets.4 A
good framework will create significant value re-
gardless of the commodity-price environment.
Yet developing a sound asset management
strategy is in itself challenging, often because
it is difficult to clearly determine the value of
an individual asset. The key reasons behind
this lack of clarity are twofold: (1) it is unclear does not take into account how it should be
how an organization defines value and (2) executed is incomplete. Just as good execution
the interconnectedness between assets is so with a poor strategy leaves value on the table,
complicated that the value of a set of assets so does a good strategy with poor execution.
(for example, the gathering and compression We want a strategy that enables us to close the
infrastructure of a natural gas field) is difficult value gap (Exhibit 1).
to disaggregate to the asset level. A good framework for strategic asset
A good asset management strategy management (SAM) meets the following criteria
overcomes these barriers by being clear about (see also Exhibit 2):
value—the “North Star” for high-quality
decision-making—and by determining, to • It creates a “line of sight” to value that takes
the appropriate level, how assets deliver value into account all stakeholders’ perspectives
to the organization. Moreover, a strategy that and clearly weighs the trade-offs.

Exhibit 2. Value-Creation Framework for Strategic Asset Management

SEPTEMBER 2016 NATURAL GAS & ELECTRICITY DOI 10.1002/gas / © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 23
• The chosen strategy meets the six elements constructs several different well-spacing options
of decision quality5 and develops a strategic and assesses uncertainties in incremental oil
perspective at all levels of the organization— response for each spacing option. It then chooses
project team, business unit, or corporation: the optimal well-spacing option by balancing the
i. A decision frame that structures the value created through total incremental recovery
decision in the context most relevant to against total required capital.
our needs The company follows a similar process in
ii. Creative alternatives that allow us to make a determining optimal water-injection schemes,
selection among viable and distinct choices by considering multiple injection alternatives
iii. Relevant and reliable information upon and assessing uncertainties in incremental oil
which to base our decision, incorporating response. Next, the company tackles water and
the inherent uncertainty gas facilities investment decisions, considering
iv. An understanding of potential conse- multiple options in location, processing
quences of each alternative with metrics technology, and capacity to process by-products
based on our values from oil operations. The company also analyzes
v. Sound reasoning and analysis that allows less productive edges of the reservoir, which
us to draw meaningful conclusions and creates a backlog of drilling locations as a function
choose the best alternative of oil-price movement and availability of capital.
vi. An effective decision project leader to Finally, the company integrates the models
achieve alignment and commitment to it will use for each analysis. This integrated
best action model gives the company a view, at the entire
• The transition to the chosen asset management asset level, of the total capital requirement to
strategy is positioned for execution success with execute various projects as well as their impact
the appropriate people, processes, and tools. on existing water and gas facilities. It also gives
• Those who will execute the strategy make deci- insight into the prioritization of projects by
sions that are consistent and aligned with value. ranking the capital productivity of all investment
• The process has a built-in system for feed- opportunities within the asset.
back and learning by defining and monitor- The company continues to improve on the
ing performance metrics. integrated asset model. After the initial year of
implementation, the company adds any new
ASSET MANAGEMENT EXAMPLE: projects identified within the asset and updates
MAXIMIZING VALUE FROM MATURE existing project models based on lessons learned
UPSTREAM ASSET from operation. The company subjects new
An upstream company’s main producing projects to the same rigor as existing projects,
asset is one of the oldest onshore fields in its explicitly defining and evaluating each new
country. project. Before making a commitment for large
Its operation relies on enhanced oil recovery capital investment, the company designs and
technologies that require handling large volumes implements pilot programs to simulate the full-
of water for either injecting into a reservoir (light scale project development.
oil) or generating steam (heavy oil). The light The company includes these pilot programs
oil reservoir produces natural gas that is either in the integrated asset model, which forces the
sold or burned to produce steam to support the company to quantify the value of information
heavy oil operation. Facilities to separate and from the pilot program in relation to the full-scale
treat these by-products are at their maximum development. Over time, the company transforms
capacity and require capital investment to the integrated asset model into a decision support
support continuing operation. The company system that supports not only midterm capital
sees an opportunity to extract more oil from investment decisions (e.g., infill drilling, new
its light oil reservoir with the combination of recovery technologies, and facilities investment)
tighter well-spacing and advanced technologies but also short-term investment decisions (e.g.,
that target oil-bearing zones. well replacement and marginal area drilling)
The company starts out by determining the and the annual capital budgeting process. This
well-spacing strategy for its light oil field. It procedure creates a company culture where (1)
24 © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. / DOI 10.1002/gas NATURAL GAS & ELECTRICITY SEPTEMBER 2016
the true value of any project is the difference company realizes opportunities within its main
between the value of the entire asset with and asset (discovered hydrocarbon resources and
without the implementation of that project and shared facilities), and studies, implements,
(2) every asset-related decision or reporting has to and monitors countless technical programs to
go through the integrated model. dramatically improve the recovery factor of the
Using the SAM framework, the company asset. Second, strong organizational support
achieves an unprecedented level of ultimate recov- reinforces the success of the technical programs.
ery from the 100-plus-year-old asset. The company The company pursues opportunities
trains and retains staff familiar with the technical to create additional value from the asset,
and soft sides of maintaining the system, providing a works through the full cycle from analysis
critical continuity to ensure the longevity of the sys- to execution, and constantly monitors
tem. Over time, company leadership changes mul- implications at the entire asset level. The
tiple times and new projects and knowledge drive company clearly understands how the change
considerable changes to the content of the integrated in capital investment will affect the value of
model. Despite these organizational vicissitudes, the the asset and is able to adapt itself to changes
integrated decision support system actively supports in the external environment such as oil
decisions at the asset level and corporate level even prices and capital cost escalation. Finally, the
20 years after its inception. See Exhibit 3. company finds that full implementation of the
The company’s success with the SAM SAM value-creation framework is a multiyear
framework offers multiple lessons. First, the effort—progress is incremental and steady, as

Exhibit 3. Milestones—Mature Asset Base

SEPTEMBER 2016 NATURAL GAS & ELECTRICITY DOI 10.1002/gas / © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 25
each milestone accomplished requires success does not include the sources of G&C asset value
from previous steps. associated with these stakeholders.
In addition, the investment bank’s valuation
fails to consider the synergy between the G&C
Full implementation of the SAM value-creation
and upstream assets. Such interdependencies
framework is a multiyear effort.
are an important source of value created only
when joining two or more assets together. For
SAM EXAMPLE: CAPTURING THE FULL example, G&C uptime performance and control
VALUE OF MIDSTREAM ASSET of maintenance scheduling have direct effects on
An integrated oil and gas company owns a the company’s ability to generate revenue from
producing gas field, as well as the gathering and the upstream asset.
compression (G&C) infrastructure that connects When identifying the sources of value of
the field to nearby transmission pipelines. the G&C asset under the SAM framework,
Several midstream companies approach the com- the company must consider its current asset
pany, inquiring about its appetite to sell the G&C management plans. In this case, specific plans
assets and enter into a take-or-pay contract that are already in place for reducing operations and
guarantees volumes and cash flows. The company maintenance costs. Keeping the G&C assets will
engages an investment bank that sets a price for the allow the company to realize this saving. Finally,
G&C asset based on the tariffs the purchaser would through interviews with internal stakeholders,
charge back to the company. There is evidence that it becomes clear that there is a significant
there are bidders willing to accept that price. opportunity to sell excess G&C capacity to other
However, there is concern among members producers who are interested in takeaway capacity
of the company’s business unit that manages for increased production from their nearby fields.
the field about the effect the sale would have on Selling the G&C assets means giving up the
various stakeholders, including local community aforementioned sources of value; thus, the com-
relations and worker safety. The company is not pany rightly considers them when setting its hold
sure whether to offer the recommended selling value—the minimum price it is willing to accept.
price, much less how to assign a value to the The hold value of the G&C assets is the sum of
various stakeholder risks. They choose to take a all of the sources of value of the upstream and
SAM approach in valuing their G&C asset. midstream asset together minus the sum of all of
Through a structured dialogue, the company the standalone sources of value of the upstream
establishes a connection between increases in the asset (Exhibit 4). Under the SAM framework,
various stakeholder risks and is able to assign dollar the hold value increases by 30 percent over the
values to them. For example, good local stakeholder investment bank’s recommended valuation.
relations give the company its “license to operate” Accepting the investment bank’s price would
in the community. Selling the assets to a third have resulted in the loss of significant value.
party could put these good community relations
at risk. In extreme cases, it could end in litigation FINAL THOUGHTS
that shuts down the field—a small probability of a Asset portfolios that are resilient to disrup-
huge loss of value. The investment bank’s analysis tive events like broad swings in commodity
prices will become an increasingly important
competitive advantage for oil and gas compa-
Exhibit 4. Additional Value nies. This article gives an asset management
framework for gaining—and keeping—that
advantage. Ultimately, success in asset manage-
ment requires a comprehensive understanding
of value-creation opportunities of assets within
a company’s portfolio while avoiding common
pitfalls (Exhibit 5). A successful asset manage-
ment strategy will equip a company for an ex-
tended downturn by realizing the full value of
its current portfolio of assets, while readying
26 © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. / DOI 10.1002/gas NATURAL GAS & ELECTRICITY SEPTEMBER 2016
Exhibit 5. Pitfalls

Common Pitfall Consequence Elements of Possible Solution

Disconnect between strategy • Strategy recommendation is not • Establish a specific procedure to
development and asset manage- implemented at asset level as monitor implementation of strategy
ment: Strategy development and originally intended recommendation
asset management actions are kept • Value created at asset level not • Measure value created at asset
separate, without a feedback loop measured and suboptimal level
for learning • Repeat of strategy exercise for no • Reflect learnings from assets in
benefit strategy development
Bias toward big external op- • Resources diverted to search and • Spend a balanced amount of effort
portunities: Companies look for integration of external opportuni- in identifying opportunities within
material opportunities outside of its ties and outside of its assets
assets, ignoring opportunities that • Misses in-house, more cost-effi- • Use a consistent metric in comparing
already exist within its assets cient opportunities external and internal opportunities
Ignoring synergies among as- • Asset is undervalued, leading to • Evaluate the entire portfolio of as-
sets: In-house assets (or invest- premature disposition or closure sets with and without the asset—the
ment opportunities) are evaluated • Option value is ignored, as are al- difference is the asset’s true value.
on a stand-alone basis only, ignor- ternatives that leverage it • Consider uncertainties explicitly in
ing interdependencies with other • Internal stakeholders do not sup- valuation, which often leads to the
assets port decision identification of new alternatives
• Engage stakeholders in the process
of valuing the synergy between as-
sets and their shared risks.
Checking the box: Poorly un- • Meaningless analysis is gener- • Involve people with significant ex-
derstood and mandatory internal ated, not contributing to insights perience to lead the process
process exists in-house. Process is • False assurance of quality in in- • Learn to adapt process to fit for
followed without truly understanding vestment decision purpose
the objectives. Templates are filled • Complexity of analysis built in • Scale analysis complexity to meet
without being checked for quality. wrong places the needs
Lack of institutionalization: En- • Asset management becomes a • Broaden staff with exposure to the
suring quality in asset management one-time effort process and define clear roles for
is not supported by broader organi- • Success is vulnerable to the de- them (e.g., lead, analyst, participant)
zation. Asset management remains parture of a few key people • Ensure support from senior man-
as activity specific to a certain de- • Systematic asset management does agement
partment. not survive senior leadership change • Invest in training and continuous
• Reinventing wheel learning
Conflation of market value with • Selling of assets for prices lower • Evaluate the entire portfolio of as-
hold value: When valuing an than the value of retaining the sets with and without the asset—
asset—the “value” is seen as what asset within the portfolio. the difference is the asset’s true
the market will bear, rather than value.
what it is worth to the organization
Failure to value an asset’s per- • The value of the asset portfolio is • Have a clear understanding of a
formance: Decisions are made limited by a constraint that should portfolio’s value
without considering the value of a be addressed. • Understand synergies and the re-
relevant asset (regardless of who • Investments are diverted to assets lationships between the assets that
owns it) that have little bearing on portfolio make up a portfolio
value. • Prioritize portfolio investments by
bang for the buck.

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industry. Dissertation for M.Sc. degree at Delft University of
when prices rebound.
NOTES 4. Rich, J., Sudarshan, P., & Bertrand, L. (2016, May).
1. Stevens, P. (2016, May 5). International oil companies: The Strategic perspective needed in T&D asset management.
death of the old business model. London, UK: Chatham House. Natural Gas & Electricity, 32(10), 15–20.
Retrieved from 5. Spetzler, C., Winter, H., & Meyer, J. (2015). Decision quality:
international-oil-companies-death-old-business-model. Value creation from better business decisions. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

SEPTEMBER 2016 NATURAL GAS & ELECTRICITY DOI 10.1002/gas / © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 27

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