Class Test Question - CY20204

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CLASS TEST (CY20204) Time: 1hr; Total Marks = 20

Q1. Draw the d-orbital splitting diagram (with proper notations) in a cubic crystal field.
Calculate the CFSE of high spin d4 ion in such crystal field in terms of ∆o. (2+2)

Q2. Why K3[CuF6] is paramagnetic while K[AgF4] is diamagnetic? (2)

Q3. The absorption band for the electronic transition from t2g → eg of complex [VCl6]2- appears at
18,000 cm-1. Where would the band appear (in cm-1) for the [VCl4] complex? (3)

Q4. Which distortion between z-in and z-out is energetically favourable for a high-spin d7
octahedral complex ion? Explain with appropriate diagrams. (4)

Q5. Determine the ground state terms for d4, d5 and d8 free ions. (3)

Q6. The room temperature X-ray crystallography of [Mn(acac)3] complex shows no distortion;
however, at a low temperature, it shows distortion. Explain this phenomenon.
(acacH = acetylacetone) (3)

Q7. State the condition when a metal complex is expected to show spin-state isomerism. (1)

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