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Beam/load Point Udi Linearly Distributed moment

(concentrated) (uniformly varying load varying

distributed distributed as a function
load) load
Simply supported
Linier Analysis of beams
For beams supported at each end

V = P and m = px for cantilever beams (held at one end)

K = Curvature
Missing lecture 3???

Load-Deflection relationship

So can calculate by integrating equations above so v isn’t differentiated and then apply know
So can intergrate twice knowing M(x) and known flexural rigidity (EI)
This only uses the first 2 equations in the below 4

But can use same methos with bottom 2 equations depending on whats given to you

Method of superpostion:
Uses all 4 equations
“Under suitable conditions, the deflection of a beam, produced by several different loads acting
simultaneously, can be found by superposing the deflections, produced by the same loads, acting
Whole is sum of its parts basically
Deflection of beams, non prismatic, step functions
Non prismatic non constant second moment of area (moment of intertia)
Have equations for each different section (constant linier change will be 1 section)
But still 2 equatiosn per section then find area when same and solve imultaniously
Or can use superposition to split it up

Strain energy and Castigliano’s theorem

Uniform bending moment
Non uniform bending moment
Castigliano’s theorem: the partial derivative of the strain energy of a structure with respect to any load
is equal to the corresponding displacement to that load
Also, note that the strain energy must be expressed as a function of the loads (and not as a function of
the displacements)

Static Indeterminacy
Definition: An externally statically determinate structure (SDS) is the structure in which all reactions
can be found by using equations of equilibrium only (for the parts and/or for the entire structure).
Definition: An internally statically determinate structure (SDS) is the structure in which all internal
forces (N, V and M) can be found by using equations of equilibrium only
Qualitative Structural Analysis
To analyse the structure qualitatively, i.e. to determine qualitatively (i.e. without calculating numbers)
the shape of the following:
Internal forces (bending moments M, shear forces V and/or axial forces N)
Deflection and
Reaction forces
It is about understanding the structure and the relationships between the load/BM/SF/deflection, not
about using equations to solve it numerically
Plastic Analysis – Beams
My is the maximum elastic moment
When there’s multiple possible collapses find all possible one and lowest we be first occurring actual

Virtual work approach:

Can check by using moments around a

Yield conditions
Plastic Analysis – frames
Flexibility analysis
In buckling analysis:
-we assume that lateral deformations are small, and we use linear analysis, BUT
-we are writing equations of equilibrium on the deformed configuration of the structure.
The column is said to be in a stable state if the axial force is relatively small (i.e. less than the
critical force).

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